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Python textblob.tb函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中textblob.tb函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tb函数的具体用法?Python tb怎么用?Python tb使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: parse_book

def parse_book(book_file):
    # chapter titles are all caps and only one word
    title_pattern = re.compile("^[A-Z]+$")
    book    = []
    chapter = []
    i = 0
    with open(book_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.rstrip()
            if line:
                if title_pattern.match(line):
                    # if there's something in the chapter, put it in the book
                    if chapter:
                        i += 1
                        chapter = ' '.join(chapter)
                    chapter = []
                    # preprocess line and put into chapter
                    line = preprocess(line)
        # put the last chapter in the book
        i += 1
        chapter = ' '.join(chapter)

示例2: rankDocs

def rankDocs(keywordList, doclistTuples):
	scores = {}
	docList = [tb(doc[1].decode('utf-8')) for doc in doclistTuples]
	for doc in doclistTuples:
		scores[doc[0]] = scoreDoc(keywordList, tb(doc[1].decode('utf-8')), docList)

	sortedDocs = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)
	return sortedDocs[:10]

示例3: setBlob

 def setBlob(self,blob_):
     paragraph = filter(lambda x: x in printable, blob_)
     blob = tb(paragraph)
     newBlob = ""
         for word in blob.words:
             newBlob+=" "+(stem(word.lower()))
     self.blob = tb(newBlob)

示例4: main

def main():
    # Takes in commandLine args, and sorts variables if necessary. 
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Analyze Blogs.', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
    parser.add_argument('-b', '--blog', help='Manually enter the blog text here as a string. Formatted like:\n\nauthor: "authors name"\ntitle: "title"\nblog: "blog text"', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--author', help='Enter the authors name as a string', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--title', help='Enter the blogs title as a string', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('-i', '--inFile', help='Enter the path to a plain text file with the blog entry in it', default=None)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Save variables from commandline args
    newBlogFile = args.inFile
    newBlogText = args.blog
    newBlogAuthor = args.author
    newBlogTitle = args.title
    go = True
        # The below object is a dictionary of 2 dictionaries, good and bad features, and their relevant metadata. 
        # count is the number of times blogs have been passed through. This is necessary for updates.
        features = {"good":{"count": 0, "words": [], "names": 0.0, "religion": 0.0, "weaponry": 0.0, "government": 0.0}, "bad": {"count": 0, "words": [], "names": 0.0, "religion": 0.0, "weaponry": 0.0, "government": 0.0}}
        json_data = importJSON("Writings/writings.json") # get JSON data, creating a dictionary-like object 
        # Declaring lists of writings
        badBlogList = []
        goodBlogList = []
        # Analyze the current data in the JSON file. 
        for blog in json_data["writings"]["bad"]:
        for blog in json_data["writings"]["good"]:
        analysisResults = analyzeBlogs(badBlogList)
        features["bad"]["count"], features["bad"]["words"], features["bad"]["names"], features["bad"]["religion"], features["bad"]["weaponry"], features["bad"]["government"] = len(badBlogList), analysisResults.outputsWordsArray, analysisResults.namesScore, analysisResults.religionScore, analysisResults.weaponryScore, analysisResults.governmentScore
        analysisResults = analyzeBlogs(goodBlogList)
        features["good"]["count"], features["good"]["words"], features["good"]["names"], features["good"]["religion"], features["good"]["weaponry"], features["good"]["government"] = len(goodBlogList), analysisResults.outputsWordsArray, analysisResults.namesScore, analysisResults.religionScore, analysisResults.weaponryScore, analysisResults.governmentScore
        print("Current writings in database have been analyzed... \nRunning comparisons against provided writing...\n ----------------------------")
        newBlog = None
        # Analyze new file
        if newBlogFile is not None:
            newBlog = buildNewBlog(newBlogFile)
        elif newBlogText is not None:
            newBlog = buildNewBlog(None, newBlogAuthor, newBlogTitle, newBlogText)
        if newBlog is not None:
            tempFeatures = {"words": [], "names": 0.0, "religion": 0.0, "weaponry": 0.0, "government": 0.0}
            analyzeNewBlog(newBlog.post, goodBlogList, badBlogList, features)

        print ("Please enter another file for analysis. or 'quit' to quit.\n")
        newBlogFile = input('File path: ')
        if newBlogFile == "quit" or newBlogFile == "Quit" or newBlogFile == "q":
            go = False
    print("Closing program...")

示例5: readcontent

 def readcontent(self):
     self.bloblist = [self.Cs,self.Is,self.It]

示例6: extract

 def extract(text):
     bloblist = []
     with open("clean_text.csv") as f:
         reader = csv.DictReader(f)
         for row in reader:
     blob = tb(text)
     scores = {word: tfidf(word, blob, bloblist) for word in blob.words}
     sorted_words = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
     words = ''
     for word, score in sorted_words[:15]:
         words += word + ' '
     return words

示例7: analyzeNewBlog

def analyzeNewBlog(blog, goodBlogList, badBlogList, features):
    # Get word densities of the new blog
    namesCount, religionCount, weaponryCount, governmentCount, wordCount = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    for word in tb(blog):
        wordCount += 1
        if word in terms.governmentTerms(): # increment count based on content to find word densities. 
            governmentCount += 1
        if word in terms.weaponsTerms():
            weaponryCount += 1
        if word in terms.femaleNames() or word in terms.maleNames():
            namesCount += 1
        if word in terms.religiousTerms():
            religionCount += 1
    analysisOutputs = AnalysisObject(namesCount/wordCount,religionCount/wordCount,weaponryCount/wordCount,governmentCount/wordCount, None)
   # Compare to the analyzed ones.
    scores = {"good": 0.0, "bad": 0.0}
    for upperKey in features:
        print ("\nComparing this blog to " + upperKey.upper() + " blogs:\n")
        for lowerKey in features[upperKey]:
            if lowerKey == "words":
                for word in features[upperKey][lowerKey]:
                    if word[0] not in terms.stopWords():
                        if word[0] in blog:
                            print ("Word found in " + upperKey + " blog: " + word[0])
                            scores[upperKey] += word[1] * 100 # If a word is found, update the score relative to its TFIDF score. 
            elif lowerKey == "religion": # This next section is to compare the density of a term of the new blog compared to the density of that term in the analyzed blogs. 
                scores[upperKey] -= abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.religionScore)
                print ("Religion variance: " + str(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.religionScore))
            elif lowerKey == "government":
                scores[upperKey] -= abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.governmentScore)
                print ("Government variance: " + str(abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.governmentScore)))
            elif lowerKey == "weaponry":
                scores[upperKey] -= abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.weaponryScore)
                print ("Weaponry variance: " + str(abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.weaponryScore)))
            elif lowerKey == "names":
                scores[upperKey] -= abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.namesScore)
                print ("Names variance: " + str(abs(features[upperKey][lowerKey] - analysisOutputs.namesScore)))
    print ("\nFinal Scores:\n" + "Bad: " + str(scores["bad"]) + "\nGood: " + str(scores["good"]) + "\n")
    if abs(scores["good"] - scores["bad"]) < .5:
        print ("This post does not trend towards 'good; or 'bad'.")
        if scores["good"] > scores["bad"]:
            print ("This post has been marked as 'good'.")
            goodBlogList.append(tb(blog)) # Add term to the blog list. If this program were running constantly, it would be included in the next baes analysis.
            print ("This post has been flagged as 'bad'.")
    print ("\n---------------------------------------")

示例8: get_tfidf_values

    def get_tfidf_values(self, sentence):
        blob = tb(sentence)
        blob_list = self.bloblist[:]
        # blobList.append(blob)
        single_words = blob.words
        pairs = [Word(single_words[i] + ' ' + single_words[i + 1]) for i in range(len(single_words) - 1)]
        scores_pairs = {word: self.__tfidf__(word, blob, blob_list, 2) for word in pairs}
        sorted_words_pairs = sorted(scores_pairs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        scores_single = {word: self.__tfidf__(word, blob, blob_list, 1) for word in blob.words}
        sorted_words_single = sorted(scores_single.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        # sorted_words = sorted(sorted_words_pairs + sorted_words_single, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        ds = 0
        nmd = 0
        tec = 0
        for i, word in enumerate(sorted_words_single):
            ds += self.__ds_check__(word[0]) * word[1]
            nmd += self.__nmd_check__(word[0]) * word[1]
            tec += self.__tec_check__(word[0]) * word[1]
        for i, word in enumerate(sorted_words_pairs):
            ds += self.__ds_check__(word[0]) * word[1]
            nmd += self.__nmd_check__(word[0]) * word[1]
            tec += self.__tec_check__(word[0]) * word[1]

        return [ds, nmd, tec]

示例9: features_pos_tag

 def features_pos_tag(self):
   blob = tb('.'.join([self.title,self.short,self.need,self.essay]))
   counts = Counter(tag for word,tag in blob.tags)
   total = sum(counts.values())
   ratio_dict = tag_dict.copy()
   ratio_dict.update(dict((word, float(count)/total) for word,count in counts.items()))
   return tuple(map(lambda k: ratio_dict[k], tag_list))

示例10: get_tweet_info

def get_tweet_info(tweet):
    processed_tweet = {
            'tweet_id': tweet.id_str,
            'created_by_id': tweet.user.id,
            'created_at': tweet.created_at,
            'text': tweet.text,
            'coordinates': tweet.coordinates,
            # Note: only returns a non-zero favorite_count for an original
            # tweet. We'd need to look up the original tweet itself to get
            # the favorite_count, which is possible.
            'favorite_count': tweet.favorite_count,
            'retweet_count': tweet.retweet_count
# This favorited field only tells us if we, the authenticated user have
# favorited this tweet, which isn't that helpful.
#            'favorited': tweet.favorited,
    if 'hashtags' in tweet.entities:
        processed_tweet['hashtags'] = tweet.entities['hashtags']
        processed_tweet['hashtags'] = None
    if 'media' in tweet.entities:
        processed_tweet['media'] = tweet.entities['media']
    else: processed_tweet['media'] = None

    # Get Sentiment
    blob = tb(tweet.text)
    sentiment = {'polarity': blob.sentiment.polarity, 
            'subjectivity': blob.sentiment.subjectivity
    processed_tweet['sentiment'] = sentiment

    return processed_tweet

示例11: stemming

def stemming(doc):

    d = toker.tokenize(doc)
    d = [k for k in d if k not in cachedStopWords]
    for i in range(0,len(d)):
    return tb(" ".join(d))    

示例12: __init__

 def __init__(self,graph):
   self.bloblist = []
   for node in graph.nodes():
       print "No abstract for node ",node

示例13: buildTestData

 def buildTestData(self):
     self.testBloblist = {}
     for key, value in self.dev.iteritems():
         content = '. '.join(self.dev[key]['content'])
         self.testBloblist[key] = (tb(content))
     self.testBloblistLength = len(self.testBloblist)

示例14: extract

def extract(storyString):
    storyText = tb(storyString)
    results = []
    for sentence in storyText.sentences: # split text into sentences

    return results

示例15: main

def main():
    #print 'Hello there'
    # Command line args are in sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] ...
    # sys.argv[0] is the script name itself and can be ignored

    dataList = []

    for f in os.listdir('documents'):
        filePath = 'documents\\' + f
        #print filePath
        fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filePath)
        #print fileExtension
        if fileExtension.lower() == '.docx':
            print '' #'its a {0} {1}{2}'.format('word document', fileName, fileExtension)
            doc = docxDocument(filePath)
            for p in doc.paragraphs:
                dataList.append(p.text)     #print p.text
            #print "-------------------------------"
        elif fileExtension.lower() == '.pdf':
            print '' #'its a {0} {1}{2}'.format('pdf document', fileName, fileExtension)
            # with open(filePath) as f:
            #     doc = slate.PDF(f)
            #     print doc[1]
            #     exit()

        elif ((fileExtension.lower() == '.html') or (fileExtension.lower() == '.htm')):
            print '' #'its a {0} {1}{2}'.format('html file', fileName, fileExtension)
            with codecs.open (filePath, errors='ignore') as myfile:
                source = myfile.read()
                article = Document(source).summary()
                title = Document(source).title()
                soup = BeautifulSoup(article, 'lxml')
                final = replaceTwoOrMore((title.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '') + '.' + soup.text.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '')))
                #print '*** TITLE *** \n\"' + title + '\"\n'
                #print '*** CONTENT *** \n\"' + soup.text + '[...]\"'
            print '' # 'undectected document type'
            print '' #"-------------------------------"

    #print dataList
    #for i in dataList:
    #    print i
    cachedStopWords = stopwords.words("english")
    combined = ' '.join(dataList)

    #print combined
    bloblist = [tb(combined)]

    for i, blob in enumerate(bloblist):
        print("Top words in document {}".format(i + 1))
        scores = {word: tfidf(word, blob, bloblist) for word in blob.words if word not in nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')}
        #print scores
        sorted_words = sorted(scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        #print sorted_words
        for word, score in sorted_words:
            print("\tWord: {}, TF-IDF: {}".format(word, round(score, 5)))
