本文整理汇总了Python中termio.get_or_update_metadata函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get_or_update_metadata函数的具体用法?Python get_or_update_metadata怎么用?Python get_or_update_metadata使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _enumerate_logs
def _enumerate_logs(queue, user, users_dir, limit=None):
Enumerates all of the user's logs and sends the client a "logging_logs"
message with the result.
If *limit* is given, only return the specified logs. Works just like
`MySQL <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MySQL>`_: limit="5,10" will retrieve
logs 5-10.
logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
log_files = os.listdir(logs_dir)
log_files = [a for a in log_files if a.endswith('.golog')] # Only gologs
log_files.sort() # Should put them in order by date
log_files.reverse() # Make the newest ones first
out_dict = {}
for log in log_files:
log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log)
logfile = gzip.open(log_path)
logging.debug("Getting metadata from: %s" % log_path)
metadata = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
if not metadata:
# Broken log file -- may be being written to
continue # Just skip it
metadata['size'] = os.stat(log_path).st_size
out_dict['log'] = metadata
message = {'terminal:logging_log': out_dict}
# If we go too quick sometimes the IOLoop will miss a message
示例2: _retrieve_log_flat
def _retrieve_log_flat(queue, settings):
Writes the given *log_filename* to *queue* in a flat format equivalent to::
./logviewer.py --flat log_filename
*settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors_css*, and
*theme_css* to use when generating the HTML output.
out_dict = {
'result': "",
'log': "",
'metadata': {},
# Local variables
out = []
spanstrip = re.compile(r'\s+\<\/span\>$')
user = settings['user']
users_dir = settings['users_dir']
log_filename = settings['log_filename']
logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
if os.path.exists(log_path):
out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
out_dict['result'] = "Success"
from io import BytesIO
# Use the terminal emulator to create nice HTML-formatted output
from terminal import Terminal
term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300, em_dimensions=0)
io_obj = BytesIO()
flatten_log(log_path, io_obj)
# Needed to emulate an actual term
flattened_log = io_obj.read().replace(b'\n', b'\r\n')
# NOTE: Using chunking below to emulate how a stream might actually be
# written to the terminal emulator. This is to prevent the emulator
# from thinking that any embedded files (like PDFs) are never going to
# end.
def chunker(s, n):
"""Produce `n`-character chunks from `s`."""
for start in range(0, len(s), n):
yield s[start:start+n]
for chunk in chunker(flattened_log, 499):
scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
# Join them together
log_lines = scrollback + screen
# rstrip the lines
log_lines = [a.rstrip() for a in log_lines]
# Fix things like "<span>whatever [lots of whitespace] </span>"
for i, line in enumerate(log_lines):
out.append(spanstrip.sub("</span>", line))
out_dict['log'] = out
term.clear_screen() # Ensure the function below works...
term.close_captured_fds() # Force clean up open file descriptors
out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
message = {'terminal:logging_log_flat': out_dict}
示例3: _retrieve_log_flat
def _retrieve_log_flat(queue, settings):
Writes the given *log_filename* to *queue* in a flat format equivalent to::
./logviewer.py --flat log_filename
*settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors*, and *theme* to
use when generating the HTML output.
out_dict = {
'result': "",
'log': "",
'metadata': {},
# Local variables
out = []
spanstrip = re.compile(r'\s+\<\/span\>$')
gateone_dir = settings['gateone_dir']
user = settings['user']
users_dir = settings['users_dir']
container = settings['container']
prefix = settings['prefix']
log_filename = settings['log_filename']
theme = "%s.css" % settings['theme']
colors = "%s.css" % settings['colors']
logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
if os.path.exists(log_path):
out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
out_dict['result'] = "Success"
import StringIO
# Use the terminal emulator to create nice HTML-formatted output
from terminal import Terminal
term = Terminal(rows=100, cols=300)
io_obj = StringIO.StringIO()
flatten_log(log_path, io_obj)
# Needed to emulate an actual term
flattened_log = io_obj.read().replace('\n', '\r\n')
scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
# Join them together
log_lines = scrollback + screen
# rstrip the lines
log_lines = [a.rstrip() for a in log_lines]
# Fix things like "<span>whatever [lots of whitespace] </span>"
for i, line in enumerate(log_lines):
out.append(spanstrip.sub("</span>", line))
out_dict['log'] = out
out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
message = {'logging_log_flat': out_dict}
示例4: _retrieve_log_flat
def _retrieve_log_flat(queue, settings):
Writes the given *log_filename* to *queue* in a flat format equivalent to::
./logviewer.py --flat log_filename
*settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors*, and *theme* to
use when generating the HTML output.
out_dict = {
'result': "",
'log': "",
'metadata': {},
# Local variables
gateone_dir = settings['gateone_dir']
user = settings['user']
users_dir = settings['users_dir']
container = settings['container']
prefix = settings['prefix']
log_filename = settings['log_filename']
theme = "%s.css" % settings['theme']
colors = "%s.css" % settings['colors']
logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
if os.path.exists(log_path):
out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
out_dict['result'] = "Success"
# Use the terminal emulator to create nice HTML-formatted output
from terminal import Terminal
terminal_emulator = Terminal
term = terminal_emulator(rows=100, cols=300)
flattened_log = flatten_log(log_path)
flattened_log.replace('\n', '\r\n') # Needed to emulate an actual term
scrollback, screen = term.dump_html()
# Join them together
log_lines = scrollback + screen
out_dict['log'] = log_lines
out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
message = {'logging_log_flat': out_dict}
示例5: _save_log_playback
def _save_log_playback(queue, settings):
Writes a JSON-encoded message to the client containing the log in a
self-contained HTML format similar to::
./logviewer.py log_filename
The difference between this function and :py:meth:`_retrieve_log_playback`
is that this one instructs the client to save the file to disk instead of
opening it in a new window.
:arg settings['log_filename']: The name of the log to display.
:arg settings['colors']: The CSS color scheme to use when generating output.
:arg settings['theme']: The CSS theme to use when generating output.
:arg settings['where']: Whether or not the result should go into a new window or an iframe.
The output will look like this::
'result': "Success",
'data': <HTML rendered output>,
'mimetype': 'text/html'
'filename': <filename of the log recording>
It is expected that the client will create a new window with the result of
this method.
#print("Running retrieve_log_playback(%s)" % settings);
out_dict = {
'result': "Success",
'mimetype': 'text/html',
'data': "", # Will be replace with the rendered template
# Local variables
gateone_dir = settings['gateone_dir']
user = settings['user']
users_dir = settings['users_dir']
container = settings['container']
prefix = settings['prefix']
url_prefix = settings['url_prefix']
log_filename = settings['log_filename']
short_logname = log_filename.split('.golog')[0]
colors_256 = settings['256_colors']
out_dict['filename'] = "%s.html" % short_logname
#theme = "%s.css" % settings['theme']
#colors = "%s.css" % settings['colors']
# Important paths
logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
#templates_path = os.path.join(gateone_dir, 'templates')
#colors_path = os.path.join(templates_path, 'term_colors')
#themes_path = os.path.join(templates_path, 'themes')
template_path = os.path.join(PLUGIN_PATH, 'templates')
# recording format:
# {"screen": [log lines], "time":"2011-12-20T18:00:01.033Z"}
# Actual method logic
if os.path.exists(log_path):
# Next we render the theme and color templates so we can pass them to
# our final template
out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
rows = out_dict['metadata']['rows']
cols = out_dict['metadata']['cols']
except KeyError:
# Log was created before rows/cols metadata was included via termio.py
# Use some large values to ensure nothing wraps and hope for the best:
rows = 40
cols = 500
# NOTE: 'colors' are customizable but colors_256 is universal. That's
# why they're separate.
# Lastly we render the actual HTML template file
# NOTE: Using Loader() directly here because I was getting strange EOF
# errors trying to do it the other way :)
loader = tornado.template.Loader(template_path)
playback_template = loader.load('playback_log.html')
recording = retrieve_log_frames(log_path, rows, cols)
preview = 'false'
playback_html = playback_template.generate(
out_dict['data'] = playback_html
out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
message = {'go:save_file': out_dict}
示例6: _retrieve_log_playback
def _retrieve_log_playback(queue, settings):
Writes a JSON-encoded message to the client containing the log in a
self-contained HTML format similar to::
./logviewer.py log_filename
*settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors*, and *theme* to
use when generating the HTML output.
:arg settings['log_filename']: The name of the log to display.
:arg settings['colors_css']: The CSS color scheme to use when generating output.
:arg settings['theme_css']: The entire CSS theme <style> to use when generating output.
:arg settings['where']: Whether or not the result should go into a new window or an iframe.
The output will look like this::
'result': "Success",
'log': <HTML rendered output>,
'metadata': {<metadata of the log>}
It is expected that the client will create a new window with the result of
this method.
#print("Running retrieve_log_playback(%s)" % settings);
if 'where' not in settings: # Avoids a KeyError if it is missing
settings['where'] = None
out_dict = {
'result': "",
'html': "", # Will be replace with the rendered template
'metadata': {},
'where': settings['where'] # Just gets passed as-is back to the client
# Local variables
gateone_dir = settings['gateone_dir']
user = settings['user']
users_dir = settings['users_dir']
container = settings['container']
prefix = settings['prefix']
url_prefix = settings['url_prefix']
log_filename = settings['log_filename']
# Important paths
# NOTE: Using os.path.join() in case Gate One can actually run on Windows
# some day.
logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
templates_path = os.path.join(gateone_dir, 'templates')
colors_path = os.path.join(templates_path, 'term_colors')
themes_path = os.path.join(templates_path, 'themes')
template_path = os.path.join(PLUGIN_PATH, 'templates')
# recording format:
# {"screen": [log lines], "time":"2011-12-20T18:00:01.033Z"}
# Actual method logic
if os.path.exists(log_path):
# First we setup the basics
out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
rows = out_dict['metadata']['rows']
cols = out_dict['metadata']['cols']
except KeyError:
# Log was created before rows/cols metadata was included via termio.py
# Use some large values to ensure nothing wraps and hope for the best:
rows = 40
cols = 500
out_dict['result'] = "Success" # TODO: Add more error checking
# NOTE: Using Loader() directly here because I was getting strange EOF
# errors trying to do it the other way :)
loader = tornado.template.Loader(template_path)
playback_template = loader.load('playback_log.html')
preview = 'false'
if settings['where']:
preview = 'true'
recording = retrieve_log_frames(log_path, rows, cols, limit=50)
recording = retrieve_log_frames(log_path, rows, cols)
playback_html = playback_template.generate(
out_dict['html'] = playback_html
out_dict['result'] = _("ERROR: Log not found")
message = {'terminal:logging_log_playback': out_dict}
示例7: _retrieve_log_playback
def _retrieve_log_playback(queue, settings):
Writes a JSON-encoded message to the client containing the log in a
self-contained HTML format similar to::
./logviewer.py log_filename
*settings* - A dict containing the *log_filename*, *colors*, and *theme* to
use when generating the HTML output.
:arg settings['log_filename']: The name of the log to display.
:arg settings['colors']: The CSS color scheme to use when generating output.
:arg settings['theme']: The CSS theme to use when generating output.
:arg settings['where']: Whether or not the result should go into a new window or an iframe.
The output will look like this::
'result': "Success",
'log': <HTML rendered output>,
'metadata': {<metadata of the log>}
It is expected that the client will create a new window with the result of
this method.
#print("Running retrieve_log_playback(%s)" % settings);
if 'where' not in settings: # Avoids a KeyError if it is missing
settings['where'] = None
out_dict = {
'result': "",
'html': "", # Will be replace with the rendered template
'metadata': {},
'where': settings['where'] # Just gets passed as-is back to the client
# Local variables
gateone_dir = settings['gateone_dir']
user = settings['user']
users_dir = settings['users_dir']
container = settings['container']
prefix = settings['prefix']
url_prefix = settings['url_prefix']
log_filename = settings['log_filename']
theme = "%s.css" % settings['theme']
colors = "%s.css" % settings['colors']
# Important paths
# NOTE: Using os.path.join() in case Gate One can actually run on Windows
# some day.
logs_dir = os.path.join(users_dir, "logs")
log_path = os.path.join(logs_dir, log_filename)
templates_path = os.path.join(gateone_dir, 'templates')
colors_path = os.path.join(templates_path, 'term_colors')
themes_path = os.path.join(templates_path, 'themes')
plugins_path = os.path.join(gateone_dir, 'plugins')
logging_plugin_path = os.path.join(plugins_path, 'logging')
template_path = os.path.join(logging_plugin_path, 'templates')
# recording format:
# {"screen": [log lines], "time":"2011-12-20T18:00:01.033Z"}
# Actual method logic
if os.path.exists(log_path):
# First we setup the basics
out_dict['metadata'] = get_or_update_metadata(log_path, user)
out_dict['metadata']['filename'] = log_filename
rows = out_dict['metadata']['rows']
cols = out_dict['metadata']['cols']
except KeyError:
# Log was created before rows/cols metadata was included via termio.py
# Use some large values to ensure nothing wraps and hope for the best:
rows = 40
cols = 500
out_dict['result'] = "Success" # TODO: Add more error checking
# Next we render the theme and color templates so we can pass them to
# our final template
with open(os.path.join(colors_path, colors)) as f:
colors_file = f.read()
colors_template = tornado.template.Template(colors_file)
rendered_colors = colors_template.generate(
with open(os.path.join(themes_path, theme)) as f:
theme_file = f.read()
theme_template = tornado.template.Template(theme_file)
# Setup our 256-color support CSS:
colors_256 = ""
from gateone import COLORS_256
for i in xrange(256):
fg = "#%s span.fx%s {color: #%s;}" % (
container, i, COLORS_256[i])
bg = "#%s span.bx%s {background-color: #%s;} " % (
container, i, COLORS_256[i])
fg_rev = "#%s span.reverse.fx%s {background-color: #%s; color: inherit;}" % (
container, i, COLORS_256[i])
bg_rev = "#%s span.reverse.bx%s {color: #%s; background-color: inherit;} " % (
container, i, COLORS_256[i])
colors_256 += "%s %s %s %s\n" % (fg, bg, fg_rev, bg_rev)
colors_256 += "\n"
rendered_theme = theme_template.generate(