本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.python.util.tf_inspect.isclass函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python isclass函数的具体用法?Python isclass怎么用?Python isclass使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _traverse_internal
def _traverse_internal(root, visit, stack, path):
"""Internal helper for traverse."""
# Only traverse modules and classes
if not tf_inspect.isclass(root) and not tf_inspect.ismodule(root):
children = tf_inspect.getmembers(root)
# Add labels for duplicate values in Enum.
if tf_inspect.isclass(root) and issubclass(root, enum.Enum):
for enum_member in root.__members__.items():
if enum_member not in children:
children = sorted(children)
except ImportError:
# On some Python installations, some modules do not support enumerating
# members (six in particular), leading to import errors.
children = []
new_stack = stack + [root]
visit(path, root, children)
for name, child in children:
# Do not descend into built-in modules
if tf_inspect.ismodule(
child) and child.__name__ in sys.builtin_module_names:
# Break cycles
if any(child is item for item in new_stack): # `in`, but using `is`
child_path = path + '.' + name if path else name
_traverse_internal(child, visit, new_stack, child_path)
示例2: _process_variable_assignment
def _process_variable_assignment(self, source, targets):
# Special case: constructors.
if isinstance(source, gast.Call):
func = source.func
if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
anno.setanno(source, 'is_constructor', True)
anno.setanno(source, 'type', func_obj)
anno.setanno(source, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
# TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
# We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
# We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.
# Multiple targets mean multiple assignment.
for target in targets:
# Tuple target means unpacking.
if isinstance(target, gast.Tuple):
for i, target_item in enumerate(target.elts):
# Two cases here:
# 1. Static unpacking, e.g. a, b = c, d
# 2. Dynamic unpacking, e.g. a, b = c
# The former case is optimized away.
if isinstance(source, (gast.Tuple, gast.List)):
source_item = source.elts[i]
source_item = gast.Subscript(source, gast.Index(i), ctx=None)
self._process_variable_assignment(source_item, (target_item,))
elif isinstance(target, (gast.Name, gast.Attribute)):
target_symbol = anno.getanno(target, anno.Basic.QN)
self.scope.setval(target_symbol, source)
raise ValueError(
'assignment target has unknown type: %s' % target_item)
示例3: __call__
def __call__(self, parent_name, parent, children):
"""Visitor interface, see `tensorflow/tools/common:traverse` for details.
This method is called for each symbol found in a traversal using
`tensorflow/tools/common:traverse`. It should not be called directly in
user code.
parent_name: The fully qualified name of a symbol found during traversal.
parent: The Python object referenced by `parent_name`.
children: A list of `(name, py_object)` pairs enumerating, in alphabetical
order, the children (as determined by `tf_inspect.getmembers`) of
`parent`. `name` is the local name of `py_object` in `parent`.
RuntimeError: If this visitor is called with a `parent` that is not a
class or module.
parent_name = self._add_prefix(parent_name)
self._index[parent_name] = parent
self._tree[parent_name] = []
if not (tf_inspect.ismodule(parent) or tf_inspect.isclass(parent)):
raise RuntimeError('Unexpected type in visitor -- %s: %r' % (parent_name,
for i, (name, child) in enumerate(list(children)):
# Don't document __metaclass__
if name in ['__metaclass__']:
del children[i]
full_name = '.'.join([parent_name, name]) if parent_name else name
self._index[full_name] = child
示例4: from_visitor
def from_visitor(cls, visitor, doc_index, **kwargs):
"""A factory function for building a ReferenceResolver from a visitor.
visitor: an instance of `DocGeneratorVisitor`
doc_index: a dictionary mapping document names to references objects with
"title" and "url" fields
**kwargs: all remaining args are passed to the constructor
an instance of `ReferenceResolver` ()
is_class = {
name: tf_inspect.isclass(visitor.index[name])
for name, obj in visitor.index.items()
is_module = {
name: tf_inspect.ismodule(visitor.index[name])
for name, obj in visitor.index.items()
return cls(
示例5: compiled_function_name
def compiled_function_name(self,
"""See call_trees.FunctionNamer.compiled_function_name."""
if live_object is not None and live_object in self.renamed_calls:
return self.renamed_calls[live_object]
if not self.recursive:
new_name = original_name
elif owner_type is None or owner_type in self.partial_types:
# Top level functions: rename
new_name_root = 'tf__%s' % original_name
new_name = new_name_root
n = 0
while new_name in self.global_namespace:
n += 1
new_name = '%s_%d' % (new_name_root, n)
if tf_inspect.isclass(owner_type):
# Class members: do not rename (the entire class will be renamed)
new_name = original_name
raise NotImplementedError('Member function "%s" of non-class type: %s' %
(original_name, owner_type))
if live_object is not None:
self.renamed_calls[live_object] = new_name
return new_name
示例6: _process_variable_assignment
def _process_variable_assignment(self, source, targets):
if isinstance(source, gast.Call):
func = source.func
if anno.hasanno(func, 'live_val'):
func_obj = anno.getanno(func, 'live_val')
if tf_inspect.isclass(func_obj):
anno.setanno(source, 'is_constructor', True)
anno.setanno(source, 'type', func_obj)
anno.setanno(source, 'type_fqn', anno.getanno(func, 'fqn'))
# TODO(mdan): Raise an error if constructor has side effects.
# We can have a whitelist of no-side-effects constructors.
# We can also step inside the constructor and further analyze.
for t in targets:
if isinstance(t, gast.Tuple):
for i, e in enumerate(t.elts):
source, gast.Index(i), ctx=gast.Store()))
elif isinstance(t, gast.Name):
self.scope.setval(t.id, source)
elif isinstance(t, gast.Attribute):
if not (isinstance(t.value, gast.Name) and t.value.id == 'self'):
raise ValueError(
'Dont know how to handle assignment to attributes of objects'
' other than "self": [%s].%s' % (t.value, t.attr))
raise ValueError('Dont know how to handle assignment to %s' % t)
示例7: is_supported_type_for_deprecation
def is_supported_type_for_deprecation(symbol):
# Exclude Exception subclasses since users should be able to
# "except" the same type of exception that was "raised" (i.e. we
# shouldn't wrap it with deprecation alias).
# Also, exclude subclasses of namedtuples for now.
return tf_inspect.isfunction(symbol) or (
tf_inspect.isclass(symbol) and not issubclass(symbol, Exception)
and tuple not in tf_inspect.getmro(symbol))
示例8: __call__
def __call__(self, path, parent, children):
# The path to the object.
lib_path = 'tensorflow.%s' % path if path else 'tensorflow'
# A small helper method to construct members(children) protos.
def _AddMember(member_name, member_obj, proto):
"""Add the child object to the object being constructed."""
_, member_obj = tf_decorator.unwrap(member_obj)
if member_name == '__init__' or not member_name.startswith('_'):
if tf_inspect.isroutine(member_obj):
new_method = proto.member_method.add()
new_method.name = member_name
# If member_obj is a python builtin, there is no way to get its
# argspec, because it is implemented on the C side. It also has no
# func_code.
if getattr(member_obj, 'func_code', None):
new_method.argspec = _SanitizedArgSpec(member_obj)
new_member = proto.member.add()
new_member.name = member_name
new_member.mtype = str(type(member_obj))
parent_corner_cases = _CORNER_CASES.get(path, {})
if path not in _CORNER_CASES or parent_corner_cases:
# Decide if we have a module or a class.
if tf_inspect.ismodule(parent):
# Create a module object.
module_obj = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIModule()
for name, child in children:
if name in parent_corner_cases:
# If we have an empty entry, skip this object.
if parent_corner_cases[name]:
_AddMember(name, child, module_obj)
# Store the constructed module object.
self._protos[lib_path] = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIObject(
path=lib_path, tf_module=module_obj)
elif tf_inspect.isclass(parent):
# Construct a class.
class_obj = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIClass()
for name, child in children:
if name in parent_corner_cases:
# If we have an empty entry, skip this object.
if parent_corner_cases[name]:
_AddMember(name, child, class_obj)
# Store the constructed class object.
self._protos[lib_path] = api_objects_pb2.TFAPIObject(
path=lib_path, tf_class=class_obj)
logging.error('Illegal call to ApiProtoDump::_py_obj_to_proto.'
'Object is neither a module nor a class: %s', path)
示例9: entity_to_graph
def entity_to_graph(o, conversion_map, arg_values, arg_types):
"""Compile a Python entity into equivalent TensorFlow.
The function will also recursively compile all the entities that `o`
references, updating `dependency_cache`.
This function is reentrant, and relies on dependency_cache to avoid
generating duplicate code.
o: A Python entity.
conversion_map: A ConversionMap object.
arg_values: A dict containing value hints for symbols like function
arg_types: A dict containing type hints for symbols like function
A tuple (ast, new_name, namespace):
* ast: An AST representing an entity with interface equivalent to `o`,
but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
* new_name: The symbol name under which the new entity can be found.
* namespace: A dict mapping all symbols visible to the converted entity,
keyed by their symbol name.
ValueError: if the entity type is not supported.
if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
node, name, ns = class_to_graph(o, conversion_map)
elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, conversion_map, arg_values, arg_types)
elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
node, name, ns = function_to_graph(o, conversion_map, arg_values, arg_types)
raise ValueError(
'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))
conversion_map.add_to_cache(o, node)
if conversion_map.recursive:
while True:
candidate = None
for obj in conversion_map.name_map.keys():
if obj not in conversion_map.dependency_cache:
candidate = obj
if candidate is None:
if (hasattr(candidate, 'im_class') and
getattr(candidate, 'im_class') not in conversion_map.partial_types):
# Class members are converted with their objects, unless they're
# only converted partially.
entity_to_graph(candidate, conversion_map, {}, {})
return node, name, ns
示例10: isnamedtuple
def isnamedtuple(f):
"""Returns True if the argument is a namedtuple-like."""
if not (tf_inspect.isclass(f) and issubclass(f, tuple)):
return False
if not hasattr(f, '_fields'):
return False
fields = getattr(f, '_fields')
if not isinstance(fields, tuple):
return False
if not all(isinstance(f, str) for f in fields):
return False
return True
示例11: convert_entity_to_ast
def convert_entity_to_ast(o, program_ctx):
"""Compile a Python entity into equivalent TensorFlow.
o: A Python entity.
program_ctx: A ProgramContext object.
A tuple (ast, new_name, namespace):
* ast: An AST representing an entity with interface equivalent to `o`,
but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
* new_name: The symbol name under which the new entity can be found.
* namespace: A dict mapping all symbols visible to the converted entity,
keyed by their symbol name.
ValueError: if the entity type is not supported.
logging.log(1, 'Converting %s', o)
if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
nodes, name, entity_info = convert_class_to_ast(o, program_ctx)
elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
nodes, name, entity_info = convert_func_to_ast(o, program_ctx)
elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
nodes, name, entity_info = convert_func_to_ast(o, program_ctx)
# TODO(mdan,yashkatariya): Remove when object conversion is implemented.
elif hasattr(o, '__class__'):
raise NotImplementedError(
'Object conversion is not yet supported. If you are '
'trying to convert code that uses an existing object, '
'try including the creation of that object in the '
'conversion. For example, instead of converting the method '
'of a class, try converting the entire class instead. '
'See https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/'
'python/autograph/README.md#using-the-functional-api '
'for more information.')
raise ValueError(
'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))
if logging.has_verbosity(2):
logging.log(2, 'Compiled output of %s:\n\n%s\n', o,
if logging.has_verbosity(4):
for n in nodes:
logging.log(4, 'Compiled AST of %s:\n\n%s\n\n', o,
pretty_printer.fmt(n, color=False))
return nodes, name, entity_info
示例12: object_to_graph
def object_to_graph(o, conversion_map, value_hints):
"""Compile a Python object into equivalent TensorFlow.
The function will also recursively compile all the objects that `o`
references, updating `dependency_cache`.
This function is reentrant, and relies on dependency_cache to avoid
generating duplicate code.
o: A Python object.
conversion_map: A ConversionMap object.
value_hints: A dict containing value hints for symbols like function
A tuple (ast, new_name):
* ast: An AST representing an object with interface equivalent to `o`,
but which when executed it creates TF a graph.
* new_name: The symbol name under which the new object can be found.
ValueError: if the object is not supported.
if value_hints is None:
value_hints = {}
if tf_inspect.isclass(o):
node, new_name = class_to_graph(o, conversion_map, value_hints)
elif tf_inspect.isfunction(o):
node, new_name = function_to_graph(o, conversion_map, value_hints)
elif tf_inspect.ismethod(o):
node, new_name = function_to_graph(o, conversion_map, value_hints)
raise ValueError(
'Entity "%s" has unsupported type "%s". Only functions and classes are '
'supported for now.' % (o, type(o)))
conversion_map.add_to_cache(o, node)
if conversion_map.recursive:
for obj in conversion_map.name_map.keys():
if obj not in conversion_map.dependency_cache:
if (hasattr(obj, 'im_class') and
getattr(obj, 'im_class') not in conversion_map.partial_types):
# Class members are converted with their objects, unless they're
# only converted partially.
object_to_graph(obj, conversion_map, None)
return node, new_name
示例13: deserialize_keras_object
def deserialize_keras_object(identifier,
if identifier is None:
return None
if isinstance(identifier, dict):
# In this case we are dealing with a Keras config dictionary.
config = identifier
(cls, cls_config) = class_and_config_for_serialized_keras_object(
config, module_objects, custom_objects, printable_module_name)
if hasattr(cls, 'from_config'):
arg_spec = tf_inspect.getfullargspec(cls.from_config)
custom_objects = custom_objects or {}
if 'custom_objects' in arg_spec.args:
return cls.from_config(
list(_GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS.items()) +
with CustomObjectScope(custom_objects):
return cls.from_config(cls_config)
# Then `cls` may be a function returning a class.
# in this case by convention `config` holds
# the kwargs of the function.
custom_objects = custom_objects or {}
with CustomObjectScope(custom_objects):
return cls(**cls_config)
elif isinstance(identifier, six.string_types):
object_name = identifier
if custom_objects and object_name in custom_objects:
obj = custom_objects.get(object_name)
elif object_name in _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS:
obj = _GLOBAL_CUSTOM_OBJECTS[object_name]
obj = module_objects.get(object_name)
if obj is None:
raise ValueError('Unknown ' + printable_module_name + ':' + object_name)
# Classes passed by name are instantiated with no args, functions are
# returned as-is.
if tf_inspect.isclass(obj):
return obj()
return obj
raise ValueError('Could not interpret serialized ' + printable_module_name +
': ' + identifier)
示例14: generate_global_index
def generate_global_index(library_name, index, reference_resolver):
"""Given a dict of full names to python objects, generate an index page.
The index page generated contains a list of links for all symbols in `index`
that have their own documentation page.
library_name: The name for the documented library to use in the title.
index: A dict mapping full names to python objects.
reference_resolver: An instance of ReferenceResolver.
A string containing an index page as Markdown.
symbol_links = []
for full_name, py_object in six.iteritems(index):
if (tf_inspect.ismodule(py_object) or tf_inspect.isfunction(py_object) or
# In Python 3, unbound methods are functions, so eliminate those.
if tf_inspect.isfunction(py_object):
if full_name.count('.') == 0:
parent_name = ''
parent_name = full_name[:full_name.rfind('.')]
if parent_name in index and tf_inspect.isclass(index[parent_name]):
# Skip methods (=functions with class parents).
full_name, reference_resolver.python_link(full_name, full_name, '.')))
lines = ['# All symbols in %s' % library_name, '']
for _, link in sorted(symbol_links, key=lambda x: x[0]):
lines.append('* %s' % link)
# TODO(markdaoust): use a _ModulePageInfo -> prety_docs.build_md_page()
return '\n'.join(lines)
示例15: _is_free_function
def _is_free_function(py_object, full_name, index):
"""Check if input is a free function (and not a class- or static method)."""
if not tf_inspect.isfunction(py_object):
return False
# Static methods are functions to tf_inspect (in 2.7), so check if the parent
# is a class. If there is no parent, it's not a function.
if '.' not in full_name:
return False
parent_name = full_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
if tf_inspect.isclass(index[parent_name]):
return False
return True