本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.python.ops.rnn_cell.linear函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python linear函数的具体用法?Python linear怎么用?Python linear使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __call__
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
gru_out, gru_state = super(GRUCellAttn, self).__call__(inputs, state, scope)
with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
with vs.variable_scope("Attn2"):
gamma_h = tanh(rnn_cell.linear(gru_out, self._num_units, True, 1.0))
weights = tf.reduce_sum(self.phi_hs * gamma_h, reduction_indices=2, keep_dims=True)
weights = tf.exp(weights - tf.reduce_max(weights, reduction_indices=0, keep_dims=True))
weights = weights / (1e-6 + tf.reduce_sum(weights, reduction_indices=0, keep_dims=True))
context = tf.reduce_sum(self.hs * weights, reduction_indices=0)
with vs.variable_scope("AttnConcat"):
out = tf.nn.relu(rnn_cell.linear([context, gru_out], self._num_units, True, 1.0))
self.attn_map = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(weights, [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 1]))
return (out, out)
示例2: __call__
def __call__(self, inputs, state, episodic_gate, scope=None):
"""Gated recurrent unit (GRU) with nunits cells."""
with vs.variable_scope("MGRUCell"): # "GRUCell"
with vs.variable_scope("Gates"): # Reset gate and update gate.
# We start with bias of 1.0 to not reset and not update.
r = rnn_cell.linear([inputs, state], self._num_units, True, 1.0, scope=scope)
r = sigmoid(r)
with vs.variable_scope("Candidate"):
c = tanh(rnn_cell.linear([inputs, r * state], self._num_units, True))
new_h = tf.mul(episodic_gate, c) + tf.mul((1 - episodic_gate), state)
return new_h, new_h
示例3: downscale
def downscale(self, inp):
with vs.variable_scope("Downscale"):
inp2d = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(inp, perm=[1, 0, 2]), [-1, 2 * self.size])
out2d = rnn_cell.linear(inp2d, self.size, True, 1.0)
out3d = tf.reshape(out2d, [self.batch_size, -1, self.size])
out3d = tf.transpose(out3d, perm=[1, 0, 2])
out = tanh(out3d)
return out
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self, num_units, encoder_output, scope=None):
self.hs = encoder_output
with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
with vs.variable_scope("Attn1"):
hs2d = tf.reshape(self.hs, [-1, num_units])
phi_hs2d = tanh(rnn_cell.linear(hs2d, num_units, True, 1.0))
self.phi_hs = tf.reshape(phi_hs2d, tf.shape(self.hs))
super(GRUCellAttn, self).__init__(num_units)
示例5: attention
def attention(query):
"""Point on hidden using hidden_features and query."""
with vs.variable_scope("Attention"):
y = rnn_cell.linear(query, attention_vec_size, True)
y = array_ops.reshape(y, [-1, 1, 1, attention_vec_size])
# Attention mask is a softmax of v^T * tanh(...).
s = math_ops.reduce_sum(
v * math_ops.tanh(hidden_features + y), [2, 3])
return s
示例6: testLinear
def testLinear(self):
with self.test_session() as sess:
with tf.variable_scope("root", initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.0)):
x = tf.zeros([1, 2])
l = linear([x], 2, False)
res = sess.run([l], {x.name: np.array([[1., 2.]])})
self.assertAllClose(res[0], [[3.0, 3.0]])
# Checks prevent you from accidentally creating a shared function.
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
l1 = linear([x], 2, False)
# But you can create a new one in a new scope and share the variables.
with tf.variable_scope("l1") as new_scope:
l1 = linear([x], 2, False)
with tf.variable_scope(new_scope, reuse=True):
linear([l1], 2, False)
self.assertEqual(len(tf.trainable_variables()), 2)
示例7: build_encoder
def build_encoder(self):
"""Inference Network. q(h|X)"""
with tf.variable_scope("encoder"):
self.l1_lin = linear(tf.expand_dims(self.x, 0), self.embed_dim, bias=True, scope="l1")
self.l1 = tf.nn.relu(self.l1_lin)
self.l2_lin = linear(self.l1, self.embed_dim, bias=True, scope="l2")
self.l2 = tf.nn.relu(self.l2_lin)
self.mu = linear(self.l2, self.h_dim, bias=True, scope="mu")
self.log_sigma_sq = linear(self.l2, self.h_dim, bias=True, scope="log_sigma_sq")
self.eps = tf.random_normal((1, self.h_dim), 0, 1, dtype=tf.float32)
self.sigma = tf.sqrt(tf.exp(self.log_sigma_sq))
self.h = tf.add(self.mu, tf.mul(self.sigma, self.eps))
_ = tf.histogram_summary("mu", self.mu)
_ = tf.histogram_summary("sigma", self.sigma)
_ = tf.histogram_summary("h", self.h)
_ = tf.histogram_summary("mu + sigma", self.mu + self.sigma)
示例8: attention
def attention(query):
"""Put attention masks on hidden using hidden_features and query."""
with vs.variable_scope("Attention"):
# Attention mask is a softmax of h_in^T*decoder_hidden.
dec_hid = array_ops.tile(query, [1, attn_length]) # replicate query for element-wise multiplication
dec_hid = array_ops.reshape(dec_hid, [-1, attn_length, attention_vec_size])
attn_weight = nn_ops.softmax(math_ops.reduce_sum(attention_states*dec_hid, [2])) # attn weights for every hidden states in encoder
# Now calculate the attention-weighted vector (context vector) cc.
cc = math_ops.reduce_sum(array_ops.reshape(attn_weight, [-1, attn_length, 1, 1])*hidden, [1,2])
# attented hidden state
with vs.variable_scope("AttnW1"):
term1 = rnn_cell.linear(query, attn_size, False)
with vs.variable_scope("AttnW2"):
term2 = rnn_cell.linear(cc, attn_size, False)
# environment representation
if env: # 2D Tensor of shape [batch_size, env_size]
with vs.variable_scope("Environment"):
term3 = rnn_cell.linear(math_ops.to_float(env), attn_size, False)
h_attn = math_ops.tanh(term1 + term2 + term3)
h_attn = math_ops.tanh(term1 + term2)
return h_attn, attn_weight
示例9: attention
def attention(query):
"""Put attention masks on hidden using hidden_features and query."""
ds = [] # Results of attention reads will be stored here.
for a in xrange(num_heads):
with variable_scope.variable_scope("Attention_%d" % a):
y = rnn_cell.linear(query, attention_vec_size, True)
y = array_ops.reshape(y, [-1, 1, 1, attention_vec_size])
# Attention mask is a softmax of v^T * tanh(...).
s = math_ops.reduce_sum(v[a] * math_ops.tanh(hidden_features[a] + y), [2, 3])
a = nn_ops.softmax(s)
# Now calculate the attention-weighted vector d.
d = math_ops.reduce_sum(array_ops.reshape(a, [-1, attn_length, 1, 1]) * hidden, [1, 2])
ds.append(array_ops.reshape(d, [-1, attn_size]))
return ds
示例10: setup_label_loss
def setup_label_loss(self):
with vs.variable_scope("LabelLogistic"):
doshape = tf.shape(self.decoder_output)
T, batch_size = doshape[0], doshape[1]
# [batch_size, cell.state_size]
# decoder_output: [batch_size, time_step, cell.state_size]
last_state = self.decoder_output[:, -1, :]
# projecting to label space
# [batch_size, label_size]
logits = rnn_cell.linear(last_state, self.label_size, True, 1.0)
self.losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, self.label_placeholder)
self.predictions = logits
示例11: setup_loss
def setup_loss(self):
with vs.variable_scope("Logistic"):
do2d = tf.reshape(self.decoder_output, [-1, self.size])
logits2d = rnn_cell.linear(do2d, self.vocab_size, True, 1.0)
outputs2d = tf.nn.softmax(logits2d)
self.outputs = tf.reshape(outputs2d, [-1, self.batch_size, self.vocab_size])
targets_no_GO = tf.slice(self.target_tokens, [1, 0], [-1, -1])
masks_no_GO = tf.slice(self.target_mask, [1, 0], [-1, -1])
# easier to pad target/mask than to split decoder input since tensorflow does not support negative indexing
labels1d = tf.reshape(tf.pad(targets_no_GO, [[0, 1], [0, 0]]), [-1])
mask1d = tf.reshape(tf.pad(masks_no_GO, [[0, 1], [0, 0]]), [-1])
losses1d = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits2d, labels1d) * tf.to_float(mask1d)
losses2d = tf.reshape(losses1d, [-1, self.batch_size])
self.losses = tf.reduce_sum(losses2d) / self.batch_size
示例12: downscale
def downscale(self, inp, mask):
with vs.variable_scope("Downscale"):
inp2d = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(inp, perm=[1, 0, 2]), [-1, 2 * self.size])
out2d = rnn_cell.linear(inp2d, self.size, True, 1.0)
out3d = tf.reshape(out2d, [self.batch_size, -1, self.size])
out3d = tf.transpose(out3d, perm=[1, 0, 2])
out = tanh(out3d)
mask = tf.transpose(mask)
mask = tf.reshape(mask, [-1, 2])
mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.bool)
mask = tf.reduce_any(mask, reduction_indices=1)
mask = tf.to_int32(mask)
mask = tf.reshape(mask, [self.batch_size, -1])
mask = tf.transpose(mask)
return out, mask
示例13: basic_rnn_cell
def basic_rnn_cell(inputs, state, num_units, scope=None):
if state is None:
if inputs is not None:
batch_size = inputs.get_shape()[0]
dtype = inputs.dtype
batch_size = 0
dtype = tf.float32
init_output = tf.zeros(tf.pack([batch_size, num_units]), dtype=dtype)
init_state = tf.zeros(tf.pack([batch_size, num_units]), dtype=dtype)
init_output.set_shape([batch_size, num_units])
init_state.set_shape([batch_size, num_units])
return init_output, init_state
with tf.variable_op_scope([inputs, state], scope, "BasicRNNCell"):
output = tf.tanh(linear([inputs, state], num_units, True))
return output, output
示例14: downscale
def downscale(self, inp, mask):
with vs.variable_scope("Downscale"):
inshape = tf.shape(inp)
T, batch_size, dim = inshape[0], inshape[1], inshape[2]
inp2d = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(inp, perm=[1, 0, 2]), [-1, 2 * self.size])
out2d = rnn_cell.linear(inp2d, self.size, True, 1.0)
out3d = tf.reshape(out2d, tf.pack((batch_size, tf.to_int32(T/2), dim)))
out3d = tf.transpose(out3d, perm=[1, 0, 2])
out3d.set_shape([None, None, self.size])
out = tanh(out3d)
mask = tf.transpose(mask)
mask = tf.reshape(mask, [-1, 2])
mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.bool)
mask = tf.reduce_any(mask, reduction_indices=1)
mask = tf.to_int32(mask)
mask = tf.reshape(mask, tf.pack([batch_size, -1]))
mask = tf.transpose(mask)
return out, mask
示例15: dnn
def dnn(tensor_in, hidden_units, activation=nn.relu, dropout=None):
"""Creates fully connected deep neural network subgraph.
tensor_in: tensor or placeholder for input features.
hidden_units: list of counts of hidden units in each layer.
activation: activation function between layers. Can be None.
dropout: if not None, will add a dropout layer with given probability.
A tensor which would be a deep neural network.
with vs.variable_scope('dnn'):
for i, n_units in enumerate(hidden_units):
with vs.variable_scope('layer%d' % i):
tensor_in = rnn_cell.linear(tensor_in, n_units, True)
if activation is not None:
tensor_in = activation(tensor_in)
if dropout is not None:
tensor_in = dropout_ops.dropout(tensor_in, prob=(1.0 - dropout))
return tensor_in