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Python control_flow_ops.pfor函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.python.ops.parallel_for.control_flow_ops.pfor函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python pfor函数的具体用法?Python pfor怎么用?Python pfor使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_stack_outside_push

  def test_stack_outside_push(self):
    s = data_flow_ops.stack_v2(max_size=4, elem_type=dtypes.int32)

    def loop_fn(_):
      return data_flow_ops.stack_push_v2(s, 7)

    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "StackPushV2 not allowed.*"):
      pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, iters=2)

示例2: test_tile_loop_dependent

  def test_tile_loop_dependent(self):
    x = random_ops.random_uniform([3, 2, 3])

    def loop_fn(i):
      x1 = array_ops.gather(x, i)
      return array_ops.tile(x1, [i, 1])

    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "expected to be loop invariant"):
      pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, 2)

示例3: test_parallel_iterations

  def test_parallel_iterations(self):
    x = random_ops.random_uniform([8, 3])

    def loop_fn(i, pfor_config):
      x_i = array_ops.gather(x, i)
      return pfor_config.reduce_sum(x_i)

    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(
        ValueError, "parallel_iterations currently unsupported"):
      pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, 8, parallel_iterations=2)

示例4: test_tensor_array_grad

  def test_tensor_array_grad(self):
    inp = constant_op.constant(np.random.rand(3, 4, 2), dtype=dtypes.float32)
    ta = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtypes.float32, size=3)
    ta = ta.unstack(inp)

    def loop_fn(i):

      def body(j, x):
        value = ta.gather([j])
        value = array_ops.gather(array_ops.reshape(value, [4, 2]), i)
        return j + 1, x + value

      _, out = control_flow_ops.while_loop(lambda j, _: j < 3, body,
                                           (0, array_ops.zeros([2])))
      out = math_ops.reduce_prod(out)
      return out, gradient_ops.gradients(out, inp)[0]

    pfor_out, pfor_out_grad = pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, 4)
    # Note that tf.while_loop does not work in the setup above. So we manually
    # construct the equivalent computation of the above loops here.
    real_out = math_ops.reduce_sum(inp, axis=[0])
    real_out = math_ops.reduce_prod(real_out, axis=[1])
    # Note that gradients of real_out will accumulate the gradients across the
    # output value. Hence we do the same aggregation on pfor_out_grad.
    real_out_grad = gradient_ops.gradients(real_out, inp)[0]
    sum_pfor_out_grad = math_ops.reduce_sum(pfor_out_grad, axis=[0])

    with session.Session() as sess:
      v1, v2, v1_grad, v2_grad = sess.run(
          [pfor_out, real_out, sum_pfor_out_grad, real_out_grad])
      self.assertAllClose(v1, v2)
      self.assertAllClose(v1_grad, v2_grad)

示例5: create_lstm_per_eg_grad

def create_lstm_per_eg_grad(batch_size, state_size, steps):
  inputs = [
      random_ops.random_normal([batch_size, state_size]) for _ in range(steps)
  cell = rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(state_size)
  init_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtypes.float32)

  def model_fn(inps, init_state):
    state = init_state
    for inp in inps:
      _, state = cell(inp, state)
    output = nn.l2_loss(state.c)
    return gradient_ops.gradients(output, variables.trainable_variables())

  def loop_fn(i):
    loop_inputs = [
        array_ops.expand_dims(array_ops.gather(x, i), 0) for x in inputs
    loop_init_state = rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(
        *[array_ops.expand_dims(array_ops.gather(x, i), 0) for x in init_state])
    return model_fn(loop_inputs, loop_init_state)

  pfor_outputs = control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, batch_size)
  loop_fn_dtypes = [x.dtype for x in variables.trainable_variables()]
  while_outputs = control_flow_ops.for_loop(loop_fn, loop_fn_dtypes, batch_size)
  return pfor_outputs, while_outputs

示例6: test_while_jacobian

  def test_while_jacobian(self):
    x = random_ops.random_uniform([1, 3])
    y = random_ops.random_uniform([3, 3])

    # out = x @ y @ y @ y @ y, where @ is matmul operator.
    _, out = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
        lambda i, _: i < 4, lambda i, out: (i + 1, math_ops.matmul(out, y)),
        [0, x])

    def loop_fn(i):
      out_i = array_ops.gather(out, i, axis=1)
      return array_ops.reshape(gradient_ops.gradients(out_i, x)[0], [-1])

    out = pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, iters=3)

    # The above code does not work with tf.while_loop instead of pfor. So we
    # manually compute the expected output here.
    # Note that gradient of output w.r.t is (y @ y @ y @ y)^T.
    expected_output = y
    for _ in range(3):
      expected_output = math_ops.matmul(expected_output, y)
    expected_output = array_ops.transpose(expected_output, [1, 0])

    with session.Session() as sess:
      out, expected = sess.run([out, expected_output])
      self.assertAllClose(expected, out)

示例7: test_assert

  def test_assert(self):

    def loop_fn(i):
      return control_flow_ops.Assert(i < 10, [i, [10], [i + 1]])

    # TODO(agarwal): make this work with for_loop.
    with session.Session() as sess:
      sess.run(pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, 3))

示例8: batch_jacobian

def batch_jacobian(output, inp, use_pfor=True):
  """Computes and stacks jacobians of `output[i,...]` w.r.t. `input[i,...]`.

  x = tf.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=tf.float32)
  y = x * x
  jacobian = batch_jacobian(y, x)
  # => [[[2,  0], [0,  4]], [[6,  0], [0,  8]]]

    output: A tensor with shape [b, y1, ..., y_n]. `output[i,...]` should
      only depend on `inp[i,...]`.
    inp: A tensor with shape [b, x1, ..., x_m]
    use_pfor: If true, uses pfor for computing the Jacobian. Else uses a

    A tensor `t` with shape [b, y_1, ..., y_n, x1, ..., x_m] where `t[i, ...]`
    is the jacobian of `output[i, ...]` w.r.t. `inp[i, ...]`, i.e. stacked
    per-example jacobians.

    ValueError: if first dimension of `output` and `inp` do not match.
  output_shape = output.shape
  if not output_shape[0].is_compatible_with(inp.shape[0]):
    raise ValueError("Need first dimension of output shape (%s) and inp shape "
                     "(%s) to match." % (output.shape, inp.shape))
  if output_shape.is_fully_defined():
    batch_size = int(output_shape[0])
    output_row_size = output_shape.num_elements() // batch_size
    output_shape = array_ops.shape(output)
    batch_size = output_shape[0]
    output_row_size = array_ops.size(output) // batch_size
  inp_shape = array_ops.shape(inp)
  # Flatten output to 2-D.
  with ops.control_dependencies(
      [check_ops.assert_equal(batch_size, inp_shape[0])]):
    output = array_ops.reshape(output, [batch_size, output_row_size])

  def loop_fn(i):
    y = array_ops.gather(output, i, axis=1)
    return gradient_ops.gradients(y, inp)[0]

  if use_pfor:
    pfor_output = control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, output_row_size)
    pfor_output = control_flow_ops.for_loop(loop_fn, output.dtype,
  if pfor_output is None:
    return None
  pfor_output = array_ops.reshape(pfor_output,
                                  [output_row_size, batch_size, -1])
  output = array_ops.transpose(pfor_output, [1, 0, 2])
  new_shape = array_ops.concat([output_shape, inp_shape[1:]], axis=0)
  return array_ops.reshape(output, new_shape)

示例9: test_var_loop_len

  def test_var_loop_len(self):
    num_iters = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32)

    def loop_fn(_):
      return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor([[0], [1], [2]], [4, 5, 6],
                                        [3])  # [0, 2, 0]

    pfor = pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, num_iters)
    with self.cached_session() as sess:
      sess.run(pfor, feed_dict={num_iters: 3})

示例10: test_reduce_sum

  def test_reduce_sum(self):
    x = random_ops.random_uniform([8, 3])

    def loop_fn(i, pfor_config):
      x_i = array_ops.gather(x, i)
      return x_i - pfor_config.reduce_sum(x_i)

    output = pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, 8)
    ans = x - math_ops.reduce_sum(x, axis=0)
    output_val, ans_val = self.evaluate([output, ans])
    self.assertAllClose(ans_val, output_val)

示例11: test_sparse_result_shapes_stacked

  def test_sparse_result_shapes_stacked(self):
    num_iters = 10

    def loop_fn(i):
      i = array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.cast(i, dtypes.int64), 0)
      return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor([[0]], [1], i + 1)  # [1, 0, ..., 0]

    # Expected result: [[1, 0, 0, ...], [1, 0, 0, ...], ...]
    pfor = pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, num_iters)
    manual = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor([[i, 0] for i in range(num_iters)],
                                        [1] * num_iters, (num_iters, num_iters))
    self.run_and_assert_equal(pfor, manual)

示例12: test_reduce_concat

  def test_reduce_concat(self):
    x = random_ops.random_uniform([8, 3])

    def loop_fn(i, pfor_config):
      x_i = array_ops.gather(x, i)
      vectorized_value = pfor_config.reduce_concat(x_i)
      mean_value = math_ops.reduce_mean(vectorized_value, axis=0)
      return x_i - mean_value

    output = pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, 8)
    ans = x - math_ops.reduce_mean(x, axis=0)
    output_val, ans_val = self.evaluate([output, ans])
    self.assertAllClose(ans_val, output_val)

示例13: test_sparse_result_indices_stacked

  def test_sparse_result_indices_stacked(self):
    num_iters = 10

    def loop_fn(i):
      i = array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.cast(i, dtypes.int64), 0)
      indices = array_ops.expand_dims(i, 0)
      return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(indices, [1], [num_iters])

    # Expected result: identity matrix size num_iters * num_iters
    pfor = pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, num_iters)
    manual = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor([[i, i] for i in range(num_iters)],
                                        [1] * num_iters, (num_iters, num_iters))
    self.run_and_assert_equal(pfor, manual)

示例14: test_reduce_functools_partial

  def test_reduce_functools_partial(self):
    x = random_ops.random_uniform([8, 3])

    def fn(i, pfor_config, dummy=None):
      del dummy
      x_i = array_ops.gather(x, i)
      return x_i - pfor_config.reduce_mean(x_i)

    loop_fn = functools.partial(fn, dummy=1)
    output = pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, 8)
    ans = x - math_ops.reduce_mean(x, axis=0)
    output_val, ans_val = self.evaluate([output, ans])
    self.assertAllClose(ans_val, output_val)

示例15: create_dynamic_lstm

def create_dynamic_lstm(cell_fn, batch_size, state_size, max_steps):
  cell = cell_fn(state_size)
  inputs, sequence_length = dynamic_lstm_input_fn(batch_size,
  inputs_ta = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(
      dtypes.float32, size=max_steps, element_shape=[batch_size, state_size])
  inputs_time_major = array_ops.transpose(inputs, [1, 0, 2])
  inputs_ta = inputs_ta.unstack(inputs_time_major)
  zeros = array_ops.zeros([state_size])

  def loop_fn(i):
    sequence_length_i = array_ops.gather(sequence_length, i)

    def body_fn(t, state, ta):
      inputs_t = array_ops.expand_dims(
          array_ops.gather(inputs_ta.read(t), i), 0)
      output, new_state = cell(inputs_t, state)
      output = array_ops.reshape(output, [-1])
      # TODO(agarwal): one optimization that dynamic_rnn uses is to avoid the
      # array_ops.where when t < min(sequence_length). Doing that requires
      # supporting tf.cond pfor conversion.
      done = t >= sequence_length_i
      output = array_ops.where(done, zeros, output)
      ta = ta.write(t, output)
      new_state = [array_ops.where(done, s, ns) for s, ns in
                   zip(nest.flatten(state), nest.flatten(new_state))]
      new_state = nest.pack_sequence_as(state, new_state)
      return t + 1, new_state, ta

    def condition_fn(t, _, unused):
      del unused
      return t < max_steps

    initial_state = cell.zero_state(1, dtypes.float32)
    _, state, ta = control_flow_ops.while_loop(condition_fn, body_fn, [
        0, initial_state,
        tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtypes.float32, max_steps)

    new_state = [array_ops.reshape(x, [-1]) for x in nest.flatten(state)]
    new_state = nest.pack_sequence_as(initial_state, new_state)
    return ta.stack(), new_state

  pfor_output = pfor_control_flow_ops.pfor(loop_fn, batch_size)
  tf_output = rnn.dynamic_rnn(
      initial_state=cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtypes.float32))
  return pfor_output, tf_output
