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Python math_ops.trace函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops.trace函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python trace函数的具体用法?Python trace怎么用?Python trace使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: run_test

  def run_test(self, axes, expanded_axes=None):
    expanded_axes = expanded_axes if expanded_axes is not None else axes
    all_axes = {ax: np.random.randint(4, 12)
                for ax in expanded_axes if ax.isalpha()}

    input_vals = []
    input_axes, _, _ = axes.partition('->')

    for idx in input_axes.split(','):
      shape = [all_axes[ax] for ax in idx if ax.isalpha()]

    input_tensors = [constant_op.constant(val) for val in input_vals]
    output_tensor = special_math_ops.einsum(axes, *input_tensors)

    with self.session(use_gpu=True):
      output_value = self.evaluate(output_tensor)

    correct_value = 0
    if axes == 'ijji':
      output = math_ops.trace(*input_tensors)
      correct_value = self.evaluate(output)
      correct_value = np.einsum(axes, *input_vals)
    err = np.abs(correct_value - output_value).max()
    self.assertLess(err, 1e-8)

示例2: compute_kid_block

  def compute_kid_block(i):
    """Computes the ith block of the KID estimate."""
    r_s = inds_r[i]
    r_e = inds_r[i + 1]
    r = real_activations[r_s:r_e]
    m = math_ops.cast(r_e - r_s, dtype)

    g_s = inds_g[i]
    g_e = inds_g[i + 1]
    g = generated_activations[g_s:g_e]
    n = math_ops.cast(g_e - g_s, dtype)

    k_rr = (math_ops.matmul(r, r, transpose_b=True) / dim + 1)**3
    k_rg = (math_ops.matmul(r, g, transpose_b=True) / dim + 1)**3
    k_gg = (math_ops.matmul(g, g, transpose_b=True) / dim + 1)**3
    return (-2 * math_ops.reduce_mean(k_rg) +
            (math_ops.reduce_sum(k_rr) - math_ops.trace(k_rr)) / (m * (m - 1)) +
            (math_ops.reduce_sum(k_gg) - math_ops.trace(k_gg)) / (n * (n - 1)))

示例3: _compute_pi_tracenorm

def _compute_pi_tracenorm(left_cov, right_cov):
  """Computes the scalar constant pi for Tikhonov regularization/damping.

  pi = sqrt( (trace(A) / dim(A)) / (trace(B) / dim(B)) )
  See section 6.3 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.05671.pdf for details.

    left_cov: The left Kronecker factor "covariance".
    right_cov: The right Kronecker factor "covariance".

    The computed scalar constant pi for these Kronecker Factors (as a Tensor).
  # Instead of dividing by the dim of the norm, we multiply by the dim of the
  # other norm. This works out the same in the ratio.
  left_norm = math_ops.trace(left_cov) * right_cov.shape.as_list()[0]
  right_norm = math_ops.trace(right_cov) * left_cov.shape.as_list()[0]
  return math_ops.sqrt(left_norm / right_norm)

示例4: _trace

 def _trace(cov):
   if len(cov.shape) == 1:
     # Diagonal matrix.
     return math_ops.reduce_sum(cov)
   elif len(cov.shape) == 2:
     # Full matrix.
     return math_ops.trace(cov)
     raise ValueError(
         "What's the trace of a Tensor of rank %d?" % len(cov.shape))

示例5: test_trace

 def test_trace(self):
   with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
     sess.graph.seed = random_seed.DEFAULT_GRAPH_SEED
     operator, mat = self.operator_and_matrix(
         shapes_info, dtype, use_placeholder=use_placeholder)
     op_trace = operator.trace()
     mat_trace = math_ops.trace(mat)
     if not use_placeholder:
       self.assertAllEqual(op_trace.get_shape(), mat_trace.get_shape())
     op_trace_v, mat_trace_v = sess.run([op_trace, mat_trace])
     self.assertAC(op_trace_v, mat_trace_v)

示例6: _get_weights

 def _get_weights(self, hessian_shape, hessians):
   """Derives weights to be used based on hessians and multiclass strategy."""
   if hessian_shape == tensor_shape.scalar():
     # This is tree per class.
     weights = hessians
   elif len(hessian_shape.dims) == 1:
     # This is diagonal hessian.
     weights = math_ops.reduce_sum(hessians, axis=1)
     # This is full hessian.
     weights = math_ops.trace(hessians)
   return weights

示例7: test_trace

 def test_trace(self):
   for use_placeholder in self._use_placeholder_options:
     for build_info in self._operator_build_infos:
       for dtype in self._dtypes_to_test:
         with self.session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
           sess.graph.seed = random_seed.DEFAULT_GRAPH_SEED
           operator, mat = self._operator_and_matrix(
               build_info, dtype, use_placeholder=use_placeholder)
           op_trace = operator.trace()
           mat_trace = math_ops.trace(mat)
           if not use_placeholder:
             self.assertAllEqual(op_trace.get_shape(), mat_trace.get_shape())
           op_trace_v, mat_trace_v = sess.run([op_trace, mat_trace])
           self.assertAC(op_trace_v, mat_trace_v)

示例8: test_trace

 def test_trace(self):
   for use_placeholder in False, True:
     for shape in self._shapes_to_test:
       for dtype in self._dtypes_to_test:
         with self.test_session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
           sess.graph.seed = random_seed.DEFAULT_GRAPH_SEED
           operator, mat, feed_dict = self._operator_and_mat_and_feed_dict(
               shape, dtype, use_placeholder=use_placeholder)
           op_trace = operator.trace()
           mat_trace = math_ops.trace(mat)
           if not use_placeholder:
             self.assertAllEqual(op_trace.get_shape(), mat_trace.get_shape())
           op_trace_v, mat_trace_v = sess.run([op_trace, mat_trace],
           self.assertAC(op_trace_v, mat_trace_v)

示例9: trace_sqrt_product

def trace_sqrt_product(sigma, sigma_v):
  """Find the trace of the positive sqrt of product of covariance matrices.

  '_symmetric_matrix_square_root' only works for symmetric matrices, so we
  cannot just take _symmetric_matrix_square_root(sigma * sigma_v).
  ('sigma' and 'sigma_v' are symmetric, but their product is not necessarily).

  Let sigma = A A so A = sqrt(sigma), and sigma_v = B B.
  We want to find trace(sqrt(sigma sigma_v)) = trace(sqrt(A A B B))
  Note the following properties:
  (i) forall M1, M2: eigenvalues(M1 M2) = eigenvalues(M2 M1)
     => eigenvalues(A A B B) = eigenvalues (A B B A)
  (ii) if M1 = sqrt(M2), then eigenvalues(M1) = sqrt(eigenvalues(M2))
     => eigenvalues(sqrt(sigma sigma_v)) = sqrt(eigenvalues(A B B A))
  (iii) forall M: trace(M) = sum(eigenvalues(M))
     => trace(sqrt(sigma sigma_v)) = sum(eigenvalues(sqrt(sigma sigma_v)))
                                   = sum(sqrt(eigenvalues(A B B A)))
                                   = sum(eigenvalues(sqrt(A B B A)))
                                   = trace(sqrt(A B B A))
                                   = trace(sqrt(A sigma_v A))
  A = sqrt(sigma). Both sigma and A sigma_v A are symmetric, so we **can**
  use the _symmetric_matrix_square_root function to find the roots of these

    sigma: a square, symmetric, real, positive semi-definite covariance matrix
    sigma_v: same as sigma

    The trace of the positive square root of sigma*sigma_v

  # Note sqrt_sigma is called "A" in the proof above
  sqrt_sigma = _symmetric_matrix_square_root(sigma)

  # This is sqrt(A sigma_v A) above
  sqrt_a_sigmav_a = math_ops.matmul(
      sqrt_sigma, math_ops.matmul(sigma_v, sqrt_sigma))

  return math_ops.trace(_symmetric_matrix_square_root(sqrt_a_sigmav_a))

示例10: frechet_classifier_distance_from_activations

def frechet_classifier_distance_from_activations(
    real_activations, generated_activations):
  """Classifier distance for evaluating a generative model from activations.

  This methods computes the Frechet classifier distance from activations of
  real images and generated images. This can be used independently of the
  frechet_classifier_distance() method, especially in the case of using large
  batches during evaluation where we would like precompute all of the
  activations before computing the classifier distance.

  This technique is described in detail in https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.08500.
  Given two Gaussian distribution with means m and m_w and covariance matrices
  C and C_w, this function calcuates

  |m - m_w|^2 + Tr(C + C_w - 2(C * C_w)^(1/2))

  which captures how different the distributions of real images and generated
  images (or more accurately, their visual features) are. Note that unlike the
  Inception score, this is a true distance and utilizes information about real
  world images.

    real_activations: 2D Tensor containing activations of real data. Shape is
      [batch_size, activation_size].
    generated_activations: 2D Tensor containing activations of generated data.
      Shape is [batch_size, activation_size].

   The Frechet Inception distance. A floating-point scalar of the same type
   as the output of the activations.


  activations_dtype = real_activations.dtype
  if activations_dtype != dtypes.float64:
    real_activations = math_ops.to_double(real_activations)
    generated_activations = math_ops.to_double(generated_activations)

  # Compute mean and covariance matrices of activations.
  m = math_ops.reduce_mean(real_activations, 0)
  m_v = math_ops.reduce_mean(generated_activations, 0)
  num_examples = math_ops.to_double(array_ops.shape(real_activations)[0])

  # sigma = (1 / (n - 1)) * (X - mu) (X - mu)^T
  real_centered = real_activations - m
  sigma = math_ops.matmul(
      real_centered, real_centered, transpose_a=True) / (num_examples - 1)

  gen_centered = generated_activations - m_v
  sigma_v = math_ops.matmul(
      gen_centered, gen_centered, transpose_a=True) / (num_examples - 1)

  # Find the Tr(sqrt(sigma sigma_v)) component of FID
  sqrt_trace_component = trace_sqrt_product(sigma, sigma_v)

  # Compute the two components of FID.

  # First the covariance component.
  # Here, note that trace(A + B) = trace(A) + trace(B)
  trace = math_ops.trace(sigma + sigma_v) - 2.0 * sqrt_trace_component

  # Next the distance between means.
  mean = math_ops.square(linalg_ops.norm(m - m_v))  # This uses the L2 norm.
  fid = trace + mean
  if activations_dtype != dtypes.float64:
    fid = math_ops.cast(fid, activations_dtype)

  return fid

示例11: einsum

def einsum(equation, *inputs, **kwargs):
  """A generalized contraction between tensors of arbitrary dimension.

  This function returns a tensor whose elements are defined by `equation`,
  which is written in a shorthand form inspired by the Einstein summation
  convention.  As an example, consider multiplying two matrices
  A and B to form a matrix C.  The elements of C are given by:

    C[i,k] = sum_j A[i,j] * B[j,k]

  The corresponding `equation` is:


  In general, the `equation` is obtained from the more familiar element-wise
  equation by
    1. removing variable names, brackets, and commas,
    2. replacing "*" with ",",
    3. dropping summation signs, and
    4. moving the output to the right, and replacing "=" with "->".

  Many common operations can be expressed in this way.  For example:

  # Matrix multiplication
  >>> einsum('ij,jk->ik', m0, m1)  # output[i,k] = sum_j m0[i,j] * m1[j, k]

  # Dot product
  >>> einsum('i,i->', u, v)  # output = sum_i u[i]*v[i]

  # Outer product
  >>> einsum('i,j->ij', u, v)  # output[i,j] = u[i]*v[j]

  # Transpose
  >>> einsum('ij->ji', m)  # output[j,i] = m[i,j]

  # Trace
  >>> einsum('ii', m)  # output[j,i] = trace(m) = sum_i m[i, i]

  # Batch matrix multiplication
  >>> einsum('aij,ajk->aik', s, t)  # out[a,i,k] = sum_j s[a,i,j] * t[a, j, k]

  To enable and control broadcasting, use an ellipsis.  For example, to do
  batch matrix multiplication, you could use:

  >>> einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', u, v)

  This function behaves like `numpy.einsum`, but does not support:

  * Subscripts where an axis appears more than once for a single input
    (e.g. `ijj,k->ik`) unless it is a trace (e.g. `ijji`).

    equation: a `str` describing the contraction, in the same format as
    *inputs: the inputs to contract (each one a `Tensor`), whose shapes should
      be consistent with `equation`.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).

    The contracted `Tensor`, with shape determined by `equation`.

    ValueError: If
      - the format of `equation` is incorrect,
      - the number of inputs implied by `equation` does not match `len(inputs)`,
      - an axis appears in the output subscripts but not in any of the inputs,
      - the number of dimensions of an input differs from the number of
        indices in its subscript, or
      - the input shapes are inconsistent along a particular axis.
  name = kwargs.pop('name', None)
  if kwargs:
    raise TypeError('invalid keyword arguments for this function: ' + ', '.join(
        [format(key) for key in sorted(list(kwargs.keys()))]))
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'einsum', [equation, inputs]) as name:
    inputs = list(inputs)
    input_shapes = [x.get_shape() for x in inputs]
    input_axis_labels, output_axis_labels = _einsum_parse_and_resolve_equation(
        equation, input_shapes)

    axis_labels = set(''.join(input_axis_labels) + output_axis_labels)

    for a in axis_labels:
      for input_labels in input_axis_labels:
        if (len(input_axis_labels) == 1 and input_labels.count(a) == 2 and
            input_labels == input_labels[::-1] and '->' not in equation):
          return math_ops.trace(inputs[0])
        if input_labels.count(a) > 1:
          raise ValueError(
              'Subscript not supported: an axis appears more than once: %s' %
    for a in axis_labels:

示例12: frechet_classifier_distance

def frechet_classifier_distance(real_images,
  """Classifier distance for evaluating a generative model.

  This is based on the Frechet Inception distance, but for an arbitrary

  This technique is described in detail in https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.08500.
  Given two Gaussian distribution with means m and m_w and covariance matrices
  C and C_w, this function calcuates

  |m - m_w|^2 + Tr(C + C_w - 2(C * C_w)^(1/2))

  which captures how different the distributions of real images and generated
  images (or more accurately, their visual features) are. Note that unlike the
  Inception score, this is a true distance and utilizes information about real
  world images.

  Note that when computed using sample means and sample covariance matrices,
  Frechet distance is biased. It is more biased for small sample sizes. (e.g.
  even if the two distributions are the same, for a small sample size, the
  expected Frechet distance is large). It is important to use the same
  sample size to compute frechet classifier distance when comparing two
  generative models.

    real_images: Real images to use to compute Frechet Inception distance.
    generated_images: Generated images to use to compute Frechet Inception
    classifier_fn: A function that takes images and produces activations
      based on a classifier.
    num_batches: Number of batches to split images in to in order to
      efficiently run them through the classifier network.

    The Frechet Inception distance. A floating-point scalar.

  real_images_list = array_ops.split(
      real_images, num_or_size_splits=num_batches)
  generated_images_list = array_ops.split(
      generated_images, num_or_size_splits=num_batches)

  imgs = array_ops.stack(real_images_list + generated_images_list)

  # Compute the activations using the memory-efficient `map_fn`.
  activations = functional_ops.map_fn(

  # Split the activations by the real and generated images.
  real_a, gen_a = array_ops.split(activations, [num_batches, num_batches], 0)

  # Ensure the activations have the right shapes.
  real_a = array_ops.concat(array_ops.unstack(real_a), 0)
  gen_a = array_ops.concat(array_ops.unstack(gen_a), 0)

  # Compute mean and covariance matrices of activations.
  m = math_ops.reduce_mean(real_a, 0)
  m_v = math_ops.reduce_mean(gen_a, 0)
  num_examples = math_ops.to_float(array_ops.shape(real_a)[0])

  # sigma = (1 / (n - 1)) * (X - mu) (X - mu)^T
  sigma = math_ops.matmul(
      real_a - m, real_a - m, transpose_a=True) / (num_examples - 1)

  sigma_v = math_ops.matmul(
      gen_a - m_v, gen_a - m_v, transpose_a=True) / (num_examples - 1)

  # Find the Tr(sqrt(sigma sigma_v)) component of FID
  sqrt_trace_component = trace_sqrt_product(sigma, sigma_v)

  # Compute the two components of FID.

  # First the covariance component.
  # Here, note that trace(A + B) = trace(A) + trace(B)
  trace = math_ops.trace(sigma + sigma_v) - 2.0 * sqrt_trace_component

  # Next the distance between means.
  mean = math_ops.square(linalg_ops.norm(m - m_v))  # This uses the L2 norm.
  fid = trace + mean

  return fid

示例13: frechet_classifier_distance

def frechet_classifier_distance(real_images,
  """Classifier distance for evaluating a conditional generative model.

  This is based on the Frechet Inception distance, but for an arbitrary

  This technique is described in detail in https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.08500.
  Given two Gaussian distribution with means m and m_w and covariance matrices
  C and C_w, this function calcuates

  |m - m_w|^2 + Tr(C + C_w - 2(C * C_w)^(1/2))

  which captures how different the distributions of real images and generated
  images (or more accurately, their visual features) are. Note that unlike the
  Inception score, this is a true distance and utilizes information about real
  world images.

    real_images: Real images to use to compute Frechet Inception distance.
    generated_images: Generated images to use to compute Frechet Inception
    classifier_fn: A function that takes images and produces activations
      based on a classifier.
    num_batches: Number of batches to split images in to in order to
      efficiently run them through the classifier network.

    The Frechet Inception distance. A floating-point scalar.

  real_images_list = array_ops.split(
      real_images, num_or_size_splits=num_batches)
  generated_images_list = array_ops.split(
      generated_images, num_or_size_splits=num_batches)

  imgs = array_ops.stack(real_images_list + generated_images_list)

  # Compute the activations using the memory-efficient `map_fn`.
  activations = functional_ops.map_fn(

  # Split the activations by the real and generated images.
  real_a, gen_a = array_ops.split(activations, [num_batches, num_batches], 0)

  # Ensure the activations have the right shapes.
  real_a = array_ops.concat(array_ops.unstack(real_a), 0)
  gen_a = array_ops.concat(array_ops.unstack(gen_a), 0)

  # Compute mean and covariance matrices of activations.
  m = math_ops.reduce_mean(real_a, 0)
  m_v = math_ops.reduce_mean(gen_a, 0)
  dim = math_ops.to_float(array_ops.shape(m)[0])
  sigma = math_ops.matmul(real_a - m, real_a - m, transpose_b=True) / dim
  sigma_v = math_ops.matmul(gen_a - m, gen_a - m, transpose_b=True) / dim

  # Take matrix square root of the product of covariance matrices.
  sqcc = _matrix_square_root(math_ops.matmul(sigma, sigma_v))

  # Compute the two components of FID.
  trace = math_ops.trace(sigma + sigma_v - 2.0 * sqcc)
  mean = math_ops.square(linalg_ops.norm(m - m_v))  # This uses the L2 norm.
  fid = trace + mean

  return fid

示例14: _process_input_helper

      # TODO(rmlarsen): multi-thread tf.matrix_solve.
      new_left_values = array_ops.transpose(
          linalg_ops.matrix_solve(total_lhs, array_ops.transpose(total_rhs)))
      if row_weights is None:
        # TODO(yifanchen): Add special handling for single shard without using
        # embedding_lookup and perform benchmarks for those cases. Same for
        # col_weights lookup below.
        row_weights_slice = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(
            row_wt, update_indices, partition_strategy="div")
        num_indices = array_ops.shape(update_indices)[0]
        with ops.control_dependencies(
            [check_ops.assert_less_equal(array_ops.rank(row_weights), 1)]):
          row_weights_slice = control_flow_ops.cond(
              math_ops.equal(array_ops.rank(row_weights), 0),
              lambda: (array_ops.ones([num_indices]) * row_weights),
              lambda: math_ops.cast(row_weights, dtypes.float32))

      col_weights = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(
          col_wt, gather_indices, partition_strategy="div")
      partial_lhs, total_rhs = (
      total_lhs = array_ops.expand_dims(total_lhs, 0) + partial_lhs
      total_rhs = array_ops.expand_dims(total_rhs, -1)
      new_left_values = array_ops.squeeze(
          linalg_ops.matrix_solve(total_lhs, total_rhs), [2])

    update_op_name = "row_update" if update_row_factors else "col_update"
    update_op = self.scatter_update(

    # Create the loss subgraph
    loss_sp_input = (sparse_ops.sparse_transpose(new_sp_input)
                     if transpose_input else new_sp_input)
    # sp_approx is the low rank estimate of the input matrix, formed by
    # computing the product <u_i, v_j> for (i, j) in loss_sp_input.indices.
    sp_approx_vals = gen_factorization_ops.masked_matmul(
    sp_approx = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
        loss_sp_input.indices, sp_approx_vals, loss_sp_input.dense_shape)
    sp_approx_sq = math_ops.square(sp_approx)
    sp_residual = sparse_ops.sparse_add(loss_sp_input, sp_approx * (-1))
    sp_residual_sq = math_ops.square(sp_residual)
    row_wt_mat = (constant_op.constant(0.)
                  if self._row_weights is None else array_ops.expand_dims(
                      row_weights_slice, 1))
    col_wt_mat = (constant_op.constant(0.)
                  if self._col_weights is None else array_ops.expand_dims(
                      col_weights, 0))

    # We return the normalized loss
    partial_row_gramian = math_ops.matmul(
        new_left_values, new_left_values, transpose_a=True)
    normalization_factor = total_rows / math_ops.cast(num_rows, dtypes.float32)

    unregularized_loss = (
        self._unobserved_weight * (  # pyformat line break
            sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(sp_residual_sq) -  # pyformat break
            sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(sp_approx_sq) +  # pyformat break
            math_ops.trace(math_ops.matmul(partial_row_gramian, gramian))) +
        sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(row_wt_mat * (sp_residual_sq * col_wt_mat))
    ) * normalization_factor

    if self._regularization is not None:
      regularization = self._regularization * (
          math_ops.trace(partial_row_gramian) * normalization_factor +
      regularization = constant_op.constant(0.)

    sum_weights = self._unobserved_weight * math_ops.cast(
        total_rows * total_cols, dtypes.float32)
    if self._row_weights is not None and self._col_weights is not None:
      ones = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
      sum_weights += sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(row_wt_mat * (
          ones * col_wt_mat)) * normalization_factor

    return (new_left_values, update_op, unregularized_loss, regularization,

示例15: frechet_classifier_distance_from_activations

def frechet_classifier_distance_from_activations(
    real_activations, generated_activations):
  """Classifier distance for evaluating a generative model.

  This is based on the Frechet Inception distance, but for an arbitrary

  This technique is described in detail in https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.08500.
  Given two Gaussian distribution with means m and m_w and covariance matrices
  C and C_w, this function calcuates

  |m - m_w|^2 + Tr(C + C_w - 2(C * C_w)^(1/2))

  which captures how different the distributions of real images and generated
  images (or more accurately, their visual features) are. Note that unlike the
  Inception score, this is a true distance and utilizes information about real
  world images.

  Note that when computed using sample means and sample covariance matrices,
  Frechet distance is biased. It is more biased for small sample sizes. (e.g.
  even if the two distributions are the same, for a small sample size, the
  expected Frechet distance is large). It is important to use the same
  sample size to compute frechet classifier distance when comparing two
  generative models.

    real_activations: Real images to use to compute Frechet Inception distance.
    generated_activations: Generated images to use to compute Frechet Inception

    The Frechet Inception distance. A floating-point scalar of the same type
    as the output of the activations.

  activations_dtype = real_activations.dtype
  if activations_dtype != dtypes.float64:
    real_activations = math_ops.to_double(real_activations)
    generated_activations = math_ops.to_double(generated_activations)

  # Compute mean and covariance matrices of activations.
  m = math_ops.reduce_mean(real_activations, 0)
  m_v = math_ops.reduce_mean(generated_activations, 0)
  num_examples = math_ops.to_double(array_ops.shape(real_activations)[0])

  # sigma = (1 / (n - 1)) * (X - mu) (X - mu)^T
  real_centered = real_activations - m
  sigma = math_ops.matmul(
      real_centered, real_centered, transpose_a=True) / (num_examples - 1)

  gen_centered = generated_activations - m_v
  sigma_v = math_ops.matmul(
      gen_centered, gen_centered, transpose_a=True) / (num_examples - 1)

  # Find the Tr(sqrt(sigma sigma_v)) component of FID
  sqrt_trace_component = trace_sqrt_product(sigma, sigma_v)

  # Compute the two components of FID.

  # First the covariance component.
  # Here, note that trace(A + B) = trace(A) + trace(B)
  trace = math_ops.trace(sigma + sigma_v) - 2.0 * sqrt_trace_component

  # Next the distance between means.
  mean = math_ops.square(linalg_ops.norm(m - m_v))  # This uses the L2 norm.
  fid = trace + mean
  if activations_dtype != dtypes.float64:
    fid = math_ops.cast(fid, activations_dtype)

  return fid
