本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.python.ops.linalg_ops.cholesky_solve函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cholesky_solve函数的具体用法?Python cholesky_solve怎么用?Python cholesky_solve使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _Underdetermined
def _Underdetermined(op, grad):
"""Gradients for the underdetermined case of MatrixSolveLs.
This is the backprop for the solution to the normal equations of the second
X = F(A, B) = A * (A*A^T + lambda*I)^{-1} * B
that (for lambda=0) solve the least squares problem
min ||X||_F subject to A*X = B.
a = op.inputs[0]
b = op.inputs[1]
l2_regularizer = math_ops.cast(op.inputs[2], a.dtype.base_dtype)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
chol = linalg_ops._RegularizedGramianCholesky(
a, l2_regularizer=l2_regularizer, first_kind=False)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
grad_b = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol, math_ops.matmul(a, grad))
# Temporary tmp = (A * A^T + lambda * I)^{-1} * B.
tmp = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol, b)
a1 = math_ops.matmul(tmp, a, adjoint_a=True)
a1 = -math_ops.matmul(grad_b, a1)
a2 = grad - math_ops.matmul(a, grad_b, adjoint_a=True)
a2 = math_ops.matmul(tmp, a2, adjoint_b=True)
grad_a = a1 + a2
return (grad_a, grad_b, None)
示例2: _underdetermined
def _underdetermined(op, grad):
"""Gradients for the underdetermined case of MatrixSolveLs.
This is the backprop for the solution to the normal equations of the second
X = F(A, B) = A * (A*A^T + lambda*I)^{-1} * B
that (for lambda=0) solve the least squares problem
min ||X||_F subject to A*X = B.
a = op.inputs[0]
b = op.inputs[1]
l2_regularizer = math_ops.cast(op.inputs[2], a.dtype.base_dtype)
a_shape = array_ops.shape(a)
batch_shape = a_shape[:-2]
m = a_shape[-2]
identity = linalg_ops.eye(m, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=a.dtype)
gramian = math_ops.matmul(a, a, adjoint_b=True) + l2_regularizer * identity
chol = linalg_ops.cholesky(gramian)
grad_b = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol, math_ops.matmul(a, grad))
# Temporary tmp = (A * A^T + lambda * I)^{-1} * B.
tmp = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol, b)
a1 = math_ops.matmul(tmp, a, adjoint_a=True)
a1 = -math_ops.matmul(grad_b, a1)
a2 = grad - math_ops.matmul(a, grad_b, adjoint_a=True)
a2 = math_ops.matmul(tmp, a2, adjoint_b=True)
grad_a = a1 + a2
return (grad_a, grad_b, None)
示例3: _batch_sqrt_solve
def _batch_sqrt_solve(self, rhs):
# Recall the square root of this operator is M + VDV^T.
# The Woodbury formula gives:
# (M + VDV^T)^{-1}
# = M^{-1} - M^{-1} V (D^{-1} + V^T M^{-1} V)^{-1} V^T M^{-1}
# = M^{-1} - M^{-1} V C^{-1} V^T M^{-1}
# where C is the capacitance matrix.
m = self._operator
v = self._v
cchol = self._chol_capacitance(batch_mode=True)
# The operators will use batch/singleton mode automatically. We don't
# override.
# M^{-1} rhs
minv_rhs = m.solve(rhs)
# V^T M^{-1} rhs
vt_minv_rhs = math_ops.batch_matmul(v, minv_rhs, adj_x=True)
# C^{-1} V^T M^{-1} rhs
cinv_vt_minv_rhs = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(cchol, vt_minv_rhs)
# V C^{-1} V^T M^{-1} rhs
v_cinv_vt_minv_rhs = math_ops.batch_matmul(v, cinv_vt_minv_rhs)
# M^{-1} V C^{-1} V^T M^{-1} rhs
minv_v_cinv_vt_minv_rhs = m.solve(v_cinv_vt_minv_rhs)
# M^{-1} - M^{-1} V C^{-1} V^T M^{-1}
return minv_rhs - minv_v_cinv_vt_minv_rhs
示例4: _sqrt_solve
def _sqrt_solve(self, rhs):
# Recall the square root of this operator is M + VDV^T.
# The Woodbury formula gives:
# (M + VDV^T)^{-1}
# = M^{-1} - M^{-1} V (D^{-1} + V^T M^{-1} V)^{-1} V^T M^{-1}
# = M^{-1} - M^{-1} V C^{-1} V^T M^{-1}
# where C is the capacitance matrix.
# TODO(jvdillon) Determine if recursively applying rank-1 updates is more
# efficient. May not be possible because a general n x n matrix can be
# represeneted as n rank-1 updates, and solving with this matrix is always
# done in O(n^3) time.
m = self._operator
v = self._v
cchol = self._chol_capacitance(batch_mode=False)
# The operators will use batch/singleton mode automatically. We don't
# override.
# M^{-1} rhs
minv_rhs = m.solve(rhs)
# V^T M^{-1} rhs
vt_minv_rhs = math_ops.matmul(v, minv_rhs, transpose_a=True)
# C^{-1} V^T M^{-1} rhs
cinv_vt_minv_rhs = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(cchol, vt_minv_rhs)
# V C^{-1} V^T M^{-1} rhs
v_cinv_vt_minv_rhs = math_ops.matmul(v, cinv_vt_minv_rhs)
# M^{-1} V C^{-1} V^T M^{-1} rhs
minv_v_cinv_vt_minv_rhs = m.solve(v_cinv_vt_minv_rhs)
# M^{-1} - M^{-1} V C^{-1} V^T M^{-1}
return minv_rhs - minv_v_cinv_vt_minv_rhs
示例5: _overdetermined
def _overdetermined(op, grad):
"""Gradients for the overdetermined case of MatrixSolveLs.
This is the backprop for the solution to the normal equations of the first
X = F(A, B) = (A^T * A + lambda * I)^{-1} * A^T * B
which solve the least squares problem
min ||A * X - B||_F^2 + lambda ||X||_F^2.
a = op.inputs[0]
b = op.inputs[1]
l2_regularizer = math_ops.cast(op.inputs[2], a.dtype.base_dtype)
x = op.outputs[0]
a_shape = array_ops.shape(a)
batch_shape = a_shape[:-2]
n = a_shape[-1]
identity = linalg_ops.eye(n, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=a.dtype)
gramian = math_ops.matmul(a, a, adjoint_a=True) + l2_regularizer * identity
chol = linalg_ops.cholesky(gramian)
# Temporary z = (A^T * A + lambda * I)^{-1} * grad.
z = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol, grad)
xzt = math_ops.matmul(x, z, adjoint_b=True)
zx_sym = xzt + array_ops.matrix_transpose(xzt)
grad_a = -math_ops.matmul(a, zx_sym) + math_ops.matmul(b, z, adjoint_b=True)
grad_b = math_ops.matmul(a, z)
return (grad_a, grad_b, None)
示例6: _solve
def _solve(self, rhs, adjoint=False, adjoint_arg=False):
if self.is_square is False:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Solve is not yet implemented for non-square operators.")
rhs = linear_operator_util.matrix_adjoint(rhs) if adjoint_arg else rhs
if self._can_use_cholesky():
return linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(self._get_cached_chol(), rhs)
return linalg_ops.matrix_solve(
self._get_cached_dense_matrix(), rhs, adjoint=adjoint)
示例7: test_static_dims_broadcast
def test_static_dims_broadcast(self):
# batch_shape = [2]
chol = rng.rand(3, 3)
rhs = rng.rand(2, 3, 7)
chol_broadcast = chol + np.zeros((2, 1, 1))
with self.cached_session():
result = linear_operator_util.cholesky_solve_with_broadcast(chol, rhs)
self.assertAllEqual((2, 3, 7), result.get_shape())
expected = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol_broadcast, rhs)
self.assertAllEqual(expected.eval(), result.eval())
示例8: _solve
def _solve(self, rhs, adjoint=False, adjoint_arg=False):
"""Default implementation of _solve."""
if self.is_square is False:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Solve is not yet implemented for non-square operators.")
"Using (possibly slow) default implementation of solve."
" Requires conversion to a dense matrix and O(N^3) operations.")
rhs = linear_operator_util.matrix_adjoint(rhs) if adjoint_arg else rhs
if self._can_use_cholesky():
return linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(self._get_cached_chol(), rhs)
return linalg_ops.matrix_solve(
self._get_cached_dense_matrix(), rhs, adjoint=adjoint)
示例9: test_works_with_five_different_random_pos_def_matrices
def test_works_with_five_different_random_pos_def_matrices(self):
for n in range(1, 6):
for np_type, atol in [(np.float32, 0.05), (np.float64, 1e-5)]:
with self.session(use_gpu=True):
# Create 2 x n x n matrix
array = np.array(
[_RandomPDMatrix(n, self.rng),
_RandomPDMatrix(n, self.rng)]).astype(np_type)
chol = linalg_ops.cholesky(array)
for k in range(1, 3):
rhs = self.rng.randn(2, n, k).astype(np_type)
x = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol, rhs)
rhs, math_ops.matmul(array, x).eval(), atol=atol)
示例10: _solve
def _solve(self, rhs, adjoint=False):
if self.base_operator.is_non_singular is False:
raise ValueError(
"Solve not implemented unless this is a perturbation of a "
"non-singular LinearOperator.")
# The Woodbury formula gives:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodbury_matrix_identity
# (L + UDV^H)^{-1}
# = L^{-1} - L^{-1} U (D^{-1} + V^H L^{-1} U)^{-1} V^H L^{-1}
# = L^{-1} - L^{-1} U C^{-1} V^H L^{-1}
# where C is the capacitance matrix, C := D^{-1} + V^H L^{-1} U
# Note also that, with ^{-H} being the inverse of the adjoint,
# (L + UDV^H)^{-H}
# = L^{-H} - L^{-H} V C^{-H} U^H L^{-H}
l = self.base_operator
if adjoint:
v = self.u
u = self.v
v = self.v
u = self.u
# L^{-1} rhs
linv_rhs = l.solve(rhs, adjoint=adjoint)
# V^H L^{-1} rhs
vh_linv_rhs = math_ops.matmul(v, linv_rhs, adjoint_a=True)
# C^{-1} V^H L^{-1} rhs
if self._use_cholesky:
capinv_vh_linv_rhs = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(
self._chol_capacitance, vh_linv_rhs)
capinv_vh_linv_rhs = linalg_ops.matrix_solve(
self._capacitance, vh_linv_rhs, adjoint=adjoint)
# U C^{-1} V^H M^{-1} rhs
u_capinv_vh_linv_rhs = math_ops.matmul(u, capinv_vh_linv_rhs)
# L^{-1} U C^{-1} V^H L^{-1} rhs
linv_u_capinv_vh_linv_rhs = l.solve(u_capinv_vh_linv_rhs, adjoint=adjoint)
# L^{-1} - L^{-1} U C^{-1} V^H L^{-1}
return linv_rhs - linv_u_capinv_vh_linv_rhs
示例11: test_dynamic_dims_broadcast_64bit
def test_dynamic_dims_broadcast_64bit(self):
# batch_shape = [2, 2]
chol = rng.rand(2, 3, 3)
rhs = rng.rand(2, 1, 3, 7)
chol_broadcast = chol + np.zeros((2, 2, 1, 1))
rhs_broadcast = rhs + np.zeros((2, 2, 1, 1))
chol_ph = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float64)
rhs_ph = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float64)
with self.cached_session() as sess:
result, expected = sess.run(
chol_ph, rhs_ph),
linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol_broadcast, rhs_broadcast)
chol_ph: chol,
rhs_ph: rhs,
self.assertAllEqual(expected, result)
示例12: _Overdetermined
def _Overdetermined(op, grad):
"""Gradients for the overdetermined case of MatrixSolveLs.
This is the backprop for the solution to the normal equations of the first
X = F(A, B) = (A^T * A + lambda * I)^{-1} * A^T * B
which solve the least squares problem
min ||A * X - B||_F^2 + lambda ||X||_F^2.
a = op.inputs[0]
b = op.inputs[1]
x = op.outputs[0]
l2_regularizer = math_ops.cast(op.inputs[2], a.dtype.base_dtype)
# pylint: disable=protected-access
chol = linalg_ops._RegularizedGramianCholesky(
a, l2_regularizer=l2_regularizer, first_kind=True)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
# Temporary z = (A^T * A + lambda * I)^{-1} * grad.
z = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol, grad)
xzt = math_ops.matmul(x, z, adjoint_b=True)
zx_sym = xzt + array_ops.matrix_transpose(xzt)
grad_a = -math_ops.matmul(a, zx_sym) + math_ops.matmul(b, z, adjoint_b=True)
grad_b = math_ops.matmul(a, z)
return (grad_a, grad_b, None)
示例13: _solve
def _solve(self, rhs, adjoint=False, adjoint_arg=False):
rhs = linear_operator_util.matrix_adjoint(rhs) if adjoint_arg else rhs
if self._is_spd:
return linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(self._chol, rhs)
return linalg_ops.matrix_solve(self._matrix, rhs, adjoint=adjoint)
示例14: _batch_solve
def _batch_solve(self, rhs):
return linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(self._chol, rhs)
示例15: posdef_inv_cholesky
def posdef_inv_cholesky(tensor, identity, damping):
"""Computes inverse(tensor + damping * identity) with Cholesky."""
chol = linalg_ops.cholesky(tensor + damping * identity)
return linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol, identity)