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Python array_ops.matrix_transpose函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops.matrix_transpose函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python matrix_transpose函数的具体用法?Python matrix_transpose怎么用?Python matrix_transpose使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_defining_spd_operator_by_taking_real_part

  def test_defining_spd_operator_by_taking_real_part(self):
    with self.cached_session() as sess:
      # S is real and positive.
      s = linear_operator_test_util.random_uniform(
          shape=(10, 2, 3, 4), dtype=dtypes.float32, minval=1., maxval=2.)

      # Let S = S1 + S2, the Hermitian and anti-hermitian parts.
      # S1 = 0.5 * (S + S^H), S2 = 0.5 * (S - S^H),
      # where ^H is the Hermitian transpose of the function:
      #    f(n0, n1, n2)^H := ComplexConjugate[f(N0-n0, N1-n1, N2-n2)].
      # We want to isolate S1, since
      #   S1 is Hermitian by construction
      #   S1 is real since S is
      #   S1 is positive since it is the sum of two positive kernels

      # IDFT[S] = IDFT[S1] + IDFT[S2]
      #         =      H1  +      H2
      # where H1 is real since it is Hermitian,
      # and H2 is imaginary since it is anti-Hermitian.
      ifft_s = fft_ops.ifft3d(math_ops.cast(s, dtypes.complex64))

      # Throw away H2, keep H1.
      real_ifft_s = math_ops.real(ifft_s)

      # This is the perfect spectrum!
      # spectrum = DFT[H1]
      #          = S1,
      fft_real_ifft_s = fft_ops.fft3d(
          math_ops.cast(real_ifft_s, dtypes.complex64))

      # S1 is Hermitian ==> operator is real.
      # S1 is real ==> operator is self-adjoint.
      # S1 is positive ==> operator is positive-definite.
      operator = linalg.LinearOperatorCirculant3D(fft_real_ifft_s)

      # Allow for complex output so we can check operator has zero imag part.
      self.assertEqual(operator.dtype, dtypes.complex64)
      matrix, matrix_t = sess.run([
      operator.assert_positive_definite().run()  # Should not fail.
      np.testing.assert_allclose(0, np.imag(matrix), atol=1e-6)
      self.assertAllClose(matrix, matrix_t)

      # Just to test the theory, get S2 as well.
      # This should create an imaginary operator.
      # S2 is anti-Hermitian ==> operator is imaginary.
      # S2 is real ==> operator is self-adjoint.
      imag_ifft_s = math_ops.imag(ifft_s)
      fft_imag_ifft_s = fft_ops.fft3d(
          1j * math_ops.cast(imag_ifft_s, dtypes.complex64))
      operator_imag = linalg.LinearOperatorCirculant3D(fft_imag_ifft_s)

      matrix, matrix_h = sess.run([
      self.assertAllClose(matrix, matrix_h)
      np.testing.assert_allclose(0, np.real(matrix), atol=1e-7)

示例2: __call__

  def __call__(self, shape, dtype=dtypes.float32):
    """Returns a tensor object initialized as specified by the initializer.

      shape: Shape of the tensor.
      dtype: Optional dtype of the tensor. Only floating point types are

      ValueError: If the dtype is not floating point or the input shape is not
    dtype = _assert_float_dtype(dtype)
    # Check the shape
    if len(shape) < 2:
      raise ValueError("The tensor to initialize must be "
                       "at least two-dimensional")
    # Flatten the input shape with the last dimension remaining
    # its original shape so it works for conv2d
    num_rows = 1
    for dim in shape[:-1]:
      num_rows *= dim
    num_cols = shape[-1]
    flat_shape = (max(num_cols, num_rows), min(num_cols, num_rows))

    # Generate a random matrix
    a = random_ops.random_normal(flat_shape, dtype=dtype, seed=self.seed)
    # Compute the qr factorization
    q, r = gen_linalg_ops.qr(a, full_matrices=False)
    # Make Q uniform
    d = array_ops.diag_part(r)
    q *= math_ops.sign(d)
    if num_rows < num_cols:
      q = array_ops.matrix_transpose(q)
    return self.gain * array_ops.reshape(q, shape)

示例3: testNonBatchMatrix

 def testNonBatchMatrix(self):
   matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]  # Shape (2, 3)
   expected_transposed = [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]  # Shape (3, 2)
   with self.test_session():
     transposed = array_ops.matrix_transpose(matrix)
     self.assertEqual((3, 2), transposed.get_shape())
     self.assertAllEqual(expected_transposed, transposed.eval())

示例4: adjoint

def adjoint(matrix, name=None):
  """Transposes the last two dimensions of and conjugates tensor `matrix`.

  For example:

  x = tf.constant([[1 + 1j, 2 + 2j, 3 + 3j],
                   [4 + 4j, 5 + 5j, 6 + 6j]])
  tf.linalg.adjoint(x)  # [[1 - 1j, 4 - 4j],
                        #  [2 - 2j, 5 - 5j],
                        #  [3 - 3j, 6 - 6j]]

    matrix:  A `Tensor`. Must be `float16`, `float32`, `float64`, `complex64`,
      or `complex128` with shape `[..., M, M]`.
    name:  A name to give this `Op` (optional).

    The adjoint (a.k.a. Hermitian transpose a.k.a. conjugate transpose) of
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'adjoint', [matrix]):
    matrix = ops.convert_to_tensor(matrix, name='matrix')
    return array_ops.matrix_transpose(matrix, conjugate=True)

示例5: __call__

  def __call__(self, shape, dtype=None, partition_info=None):
    if dtype is None:
      dtype = self.dtype
    # Check the shape
    if len(shape) < 2:
      raise ValueError("The tensor to initialize must be "
                       "at least two-dimensional")
    # Flatten the input shape with the last dimension remaining
    # its original shape so it works for conv2d
    num_rows = 1
    for dim in shape[:-1]:
      num_rows *= dim
    num_cols = shape[-1]
    flat_shape = (num_cols, num_rows) if num_rows < num_cols else (num_rows,

    # Generate a random matrix
    a = random_ops.random_normal(flat_shape, dtype=dtype, seed=self.seed)
    # Compute the qr factorization
    q, r = linalg_ops.qr(a, full_matrices=False)
    # Make Q uniform
    d = array_ops.diag_part(r)
    q *= math_ops.sign(d)
    if num_rows < num_cols:
      q = array_ops.matrix_transpose(q)
    return self.gain * array_ops.reshape(q, shape)

示例6: _overdetermined

  def _overdetermined(op, grad):
    """Gradients for the overdetermined case of MatrixSolveLs.

    This is the backprop for the solution to the normal equations of the first
       X = F(A, B) = (A^T * A + lambda * I)^{-1} * A^T * B
    which solve the least squares problem
       min ||A * X - B||_F^2 + lambda ||X||_F^2.
    a = op.inputs[0]
    b = op.inputs[1]
    l2_regularizer = math_ops.cast(op.inputs[2], a.dtype.base_dtype)
    x = op.outputs[0]
    a_shape = array_ops.shape(a)
    batch_shape = a_shape[:-2]
    n = a_shape[-1]

    identity = linalg_ops.eye(n, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=a.dtype)
    gramian = math_ops.matmul(a, a, adjoint_a=True) + l2_regularizer * identity
    chol = linalg_ops.cholesky(gramian)
    # Temporary z = (A^T * A + lambda * I)^{-1} * grad.
    z = linalg_ops.cholesky_solve(chol, grad)
    xzt = math_ops.matmul(x, z, adjoint_b=True)
    zx_sym = xzt + array_ops.matrix_transpose(xzt)
    grad_a = -math_ops.matmul(a, zx_sym) + math_ops.matmul(b, z, adjoint_b=True)
    grad_b = math_ops.matmul(a, z)
    return (grad_a, grad_b, None)

示例7: _unvec_by

def _unvec_by(y, num_col):
  """Unstack vector to form a matrix, with a specified amount of columns."""
  return array_ops.matrix_transpose(
              [array_ops.shape(y)[:-1], [num_col, -1]], axis=0)))

示例8: _covariance

 def _covariance(self):
   if (isinstance(self.scale, linalg.LinearOperatorIdentity) or
       isinstance(self.scale, linalg.LinearOperatorScaledIdentity) or
       isinstance(self.scale, linalg.LinearOperatorDiag)):
     return array_ops.matrix_diag(math_ops.square(self.scale.diag_part()))
     # TODO(b/35040238): Remove transpose once LinOp supports `transpose`.
     return self.scale.apply(array_ops.matrix_transpose(self.scale.to_dense()))

示例9: testConjugate

 def testConjugate(self):
   m = [[1 + 1j, 2 + 2j, 3 + 3j], [4 + 4j, 5 + 5j, 6 + 6j]]
   expected_transposed = [[1 - 1j, 4 - 4j], [2 - 2j, 5 - 5j], [3 - 3j, 6 - 6j]]
   with self.test_session():
     matrix = ops.convert_to_tensor(m)
     transposed = array_ops.matrix_transpose(matrix, conjugate=True)
     self.assertEqual((3, 2), transposed.get_shape())
     self.assertAllEqual(expected_transposed, transposed.eval())

示例10: testNonBatchMatrixDynamicallyDefined

 def testNonBatchMatrixDynamicallyDefined(self):
   matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]  # Shape (2, 3)
   expected_transposed = [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]  # Shape (3, 2)
   with self.test_session():
     matrix_ph = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.int32)
     transposed = array_ops.matrix_transpose(matrix_ph)
         expected_transposed, transposed.eval(feed_dict={matrix_ph: matrix}))

示例11: sign_magnitude_positive_definite

def sign_magnitude_positive_definite(
    raw, off_diagonal_scale=0., overall_scale=0.):
  """Constructs a positive definite matrix from an unconstrained input matrix.

  We want to keep the whole matrix on a log scale, but also allow off-diagonal
  elements to be negative, so the sign of off-diagonal elements is modeled
  separately from their magnitude (using the lower and upper triangles
  respectively). Specifically:

  for i < j, we have:
    output_cholesky[i, j] = raw[j, i] / (abs(raw[j, i]) + 1) *
        exp((off_diagonal_scale + overall_scale + raw[i, j]) / 2)

  output_cholesky[i, i] = exp((raw[i, i] + overall_scale) / 2)

  output = output_cholesky^T * output_cholesky

  where raw, off_diagonal_scale, and overall_scale are
  un-constrained real-valued variables. The resulting values are stable
  around zero due to the exponential (and the softsign keeps the function

    raw: A [..., M, M] Tensor.
    off_diagonal_scale: A scalar or [...] shaped Tensor controlling the relative
        scale of off-diagonal values in the output matrix.
    overall_scale: A scalar or [...] shaped Tensor controlling the overall scale
        of the output matrix.
    The `output` matrix described above, a [..., M, M] positive definite matrix.

  raw = ops.convert_to_tensor(raw)
  diagonal = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(raw)
  def _right_pad_with_ones(tensor, target_rank):
    # Allow broadcasting even if overall_scale and off_diagonal_scale have batch
    # dimensions
    tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(tensor, dtype=raw.dtype.base_dtype)
    return array_ops.reshape(tensor,
                                     array_ops.shape(tensor), array_ops.ones(
                                         [target_rank - array_ops.rank(tensor)],
  # We divide the log values by 2 to compensate for the squaring that happens
  # when transforming Cholesky factors into positive definite matrices.
  sign_magnitude = (gen_math_ops.exp(
      (raw + _right_pad_with_ones(off_diagonal_scale, array_ops.rank(raw)) +
       _right_pad_with_ones(overall_scale, array_ops.rank(raw))) / 2.) *
  cholesky_factor = array_ops.matrix_set_diag(
      input=array_ops.matrix_band_part(sign_magnitude, 0, -1),
      diagonal=gen_math_ops.exp((diagonal + _right_pad_with_ones(
          overall_scale, array_ops.rank(diagonal))) / 2.))
  return math_ops.matmul(cholesky_factor, cholesky_factor, transpose_a=True)

示例12: _GradWithInverseL

def _GradWithInverseL(l, l_inverse, grad):
  middle = math_ops.matmul(l, grad, adjoint_a=True)
  middle = array_ops.matrix_set_diag(middle,
                                     0.5 * array_ops.matrix_diag_part(middle))
  middle = array_ops.matrix_band_part(middle, -1, 0)
  grad_a = math_ops.matmul(
      math_ops.matmul(l_inverse, middle, adjoint_a=True), l_inverse)
  grad_a += math_ops.conj(array_ops.matrix_transpose(grad_a))
  return grad_a * 0.5

示例13: test_cholesky

  def test_cholesky(self):
    z = random_ops.random_normal([2, 3, 3])
    x = (math_ops.matmul(z, array_ops.matrix_transpose(z))  # Ensure pos. def.
         + linalg_ops.eye(3))  # Ensure well-conditioned.

    def loop_fn(i):
      return linalg_ops.cholesky(array_ops.gather(x, i))

    self._test_loop_fn(loop_fn, 2)

示例14: TriAngSolveCompositeGrad

def TriAngSolveCompositeGrad(l, grad):
  # Gradient is l^{-H} @ ((l^{H} @ grad) * (tril(ones)-1/2*eye)) @ l^{-1}

  # Compute ((l^{H} @ grad) * (tril(ones)-1/2*eye)) = middle
  middle = math_ops.matmul(l, grad, adjoint_a=True)
  middle = array_ops.matrix_set_diag(middle,
                                     0.5 * array_ops.matrix_diag_part(middle))
  middle = array_ops.matrix_band_part(middle, -1, 0)

  # Compute l^{-H} @ middle = z
  l_inverse_middle = linalg_ops.matrix_triangular_solve(l, middle, adjoint=True)

  # We need to compute z @ l^{-1}. With matrix_triangular_solve we
  # actually compute l^{-H} @ z^{H} = grad. Since we later add grad^{H}
  # we can ommit the conjugate transpose here.
  z_h = math_ops.conj(array_ops.matrix_transpose(l_inverse_middle))
  grad_a = linalg_ops.matrix_triangular_solve(l, z_h, adjoint=True)
  grad_a += math_ops.conj(array_ops.matrix_transpose(grad_a))
  return grad_a * 0.5

示例15: _tridiagonal_solve_compact_format

def _tridiagonal_solve_compact_format(diagonals,
  """Helper function used after the input has been cast to compact form."""
  diags_rank, rhs_rank = len(diagonals.shape), len(rhs.shape)

  if diags_rank < 2:
    raise ValueError(
        'Expected diagonals to have rank at least 2, got {}'.format(diags_rank))
  if rhs_rank != diags_rank and rhs_rank != diags_rank - 1:
    raise ValueError('Expected the rank of rhs to be {} or {}, got {}'.format(
        diags_rank - 1, diags_rank, rhs_rank))
  if diagonals.shape[-2] != 3:
    raise ValueError('Expected 3 diagonals got {}'.format(diagonals.shape[-2]))
  if not diagonals.shape[:-2].is_compatible_with(rhs.shape[:diags_rank - 2]):
    raise ValueError('Batch shapes {} and {} are incompatible'.format(
        diagonals.shape[:-2], rhs.shape[:diags_rank - 2]))

  def check_num_lhs_matches_num_rhs():
    if diagonals.shape[-1] != rhs.shape[-2]:
      raise ValueError('Expected number of left-hand sided and right-hand '
                       'sides to be equal, got {} and {}'.format(
                           diagonals.shape[-1], rhs.shape[-2]))

  if rhs_rank == diags_rank - 1:
    # Rhs provided as a vector, ignoring transpose_rhs
    if conjugate_rhs:
      rhs = math_ops.conj(rhs)
    rhs = array_ops.expand_dims(rhs, -1)
    return array_ops.squeeze(
        linalg_ops.tridiagonal_solve(diagonals, rhs, name), -1)

  if transpose_rhs:
    rhs = array_ops.matrix_transpose(rhs, conjugate=conjugate_rhs)
  elif conjugate_rhs:
    rhs = math_ops.conj(rhs)

  result = linalg_ops.tridiagonal_solve(diagonals, rhs, name)
  return array_ops.matrix_transpose(result) if transpose_rhs else result
