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Python Template.process方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中template.Template.process方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Template.process方法的具体用法?Python Template.process怎么用?Python Template.process使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在template.Template的用法示例。


示例1: testError

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
 def testError(self):
   tmpl = Template({ 'BLOCKS': { 'badinc': '[% INCLUDE nosuchfile %]' } })
     self.fail("Failed to raise exception")
   except TemplateException, e:
     self.assertEquals('file', e.type())
     self.assertEquals('nosuchfile: not found', e.info())

示例2: testTemplate

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
 def testTemplate(self):
     out = StringBuffer()
     tt = Template({"INCLUDE_PATH": "test/src:test/lib", "OUTPUT": out})
         self.fail("exception not raised")
     except TemplateException, e:
         self.assertEquals("file", e.type())
         self.assertEquals("this_file_does_not_exist: not found", e.info())

示例3: testInclude

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
  def testInclude(self):
    callsign = self._callsign()
    replace = { "a": callsign["a"],
                "b": callsign["b"],
                "c": { "d": callsign["d"],
                       "e": callsign["e"],
                       "f": { "g": callsign["g"],
                              "h": callsign["h"] } },
                "r": callsign["r"],
                "s": callsign["s"],
                "t": callsign["t"] }
    tproc = Template({ "INTERPOLATE": True,
                       "INCLUDE_PATH": "test/src:test/lib",
                       "TRIM": True,
                       "AUTO_RESET": False,
                       "DEFAULT": "default" })
    incpath = [ "test/src", "/nowhere" ]
    tt_reset = Template({ "INTERPOLATE": True,
                          "INCLUDE_PATH": incpath,
                          "TRIM": True,
                          "RECURSION": True,
                          "DEFAULT": "bad_default" })
    incpath[1] = "test/lib"

    replace["metaout"] = tproc.process("metadata", replace)
    replace["metamod"] = os.stat("test/src/metadata").st_mtime

    self.Expect(DATA, (('default', tproc), ('reset', tt_reset)), replace)

示例4: render_template

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
def render_template(content, basename):
    """Render the template."""
        name = 'pan.tt'
        template = Template({'INCLUDE_PATH': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tt')})
        output = template.process(name, {'content': content, 'basename': basename})
    except TemplateException as e:
        msg = "Failed to render template %s with data %s: %s." % (name, content, e)
        raise TemplateException('render', msg)
    return output

示例5: testOutput

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
  def testOutput(self):
    f1 = "foo.bar"
    f2 = "foo.baz"
    file1 = os.path.join("test", "tmp", f1)
    file2 = os.path.join("test", "tmp", f2)
    if os.path.exists(file1):
    if os.path.exists(file2):
    tt = Template({ "INCLUDE_PATH": "test/src:test/lib",
                    "OUTPUT_PATH": "test/tmp",
                    "OUTPUT": f2 })
    tt.process("foo", self._callsign())
    out = open(file2).read()
    self.assertEquals("This is the foo file, a is alpha", out)

    intercept = InterceptDebug()
    Template.DEBUG = True
    util.Debug = intercept
    tt.process("foo", self._callsign(), { "binmode": 1 })
    self.assertEquals("set binmode\n", intercept.message)
    MyTemplate.MESSAGE = "reset"
    intercept.message = "reset"
    tt.process("foo", self._callsign(), { "binmode": 1 })
    self.assertEquals("set binmode\n", intercept.message)

示例6: process_template

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
    def process_template(self, template_file, vars):
        config = {
            'ABSOLUTE'      : 1,
            'INTERPOLATE'   : 1,
            'POST_CHOMP'    : 1,
            'EVAL_PYTHON'   : 1,
            #'PRE_PROCESS'   : 'header'

        template = Template(config)

        return template.process(template_file, vars)

示例7: write_toc

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
def write_toc(toc, location):
    """Write the toc to disk."""
        name = 'toc.tt'
        template = Template({'INCLUDE_PATH': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tt')})
        tocfile = template.process(name, {'toc': toc})
    except TemplateException as e:
        msg = "Failed to render template %s with data %s: %s." % (name, toc, e)
        raise TemplateException('render', msg)

    with open(os.path.join(location, "mkdocs.yml"), 'w') as fih:

示例8: process

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
 def process(self, template, model, options=None):
     renderer = Template(self.config)
     data = renderer.process(template, model, options)
     return data

示例9: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
class Indexer:

  def __init__(self, suite, sections, suites, flags, splitChapter=False, templatePathList=None,
               extraData=None, overviewTmplNames=None, overviewCopyExts=('.css', 'htaccess')):
    """Initialize indexer with TestSuite `suite` toc data file
       `tocDataPath` and additional template paths in list `templatePathList`.

       The toc data file should be list of tab-separated records, one
       per line, of each spec section's uri, number/letter, and title.
       `splitChapter` selects a single page index if False, chapter 
       indicies if True.
       `extraData` can be a dictionary whose data gets passed to the templates.
       `overviewCopyExts` lists file extensions that should be found
       and copied from the template path into the main build directory.
       The default value is ['.css', 'htaccess'].
       `overviewTemplateNames` lists template names that should be
       processed from the template path into the main build directory.
       The '.tmpl' extension, if any, is stripped from the output filename.
       The default value is ['index.htm.tmpl', 'index.xht.tmpl', 'testinfo.data.tmpl']
    self.suite        = suite
    self.splitChapter = splitChapter
    self.extraData    = extraData
    self.overviewCopyExtPat = re.compile('.*(%s)$' % '|'.join(overviewCopyExts))
    self.overviewTmplNames = overviewTmplNames if overviewTmplNames is not None \
      else ['index.htm.tmpl', 'index.xht.tmpl', 'testinfo.data.tmpl',

    # Initialize template engine
    self.templatePath = [join(w3ctestlib.__path__[0], 'templates')]
    if templatePathList:
    self.templatePath = [abspath(path) for path in self.templatePath]
    self.tt = Template({
       'INCLUDE_PATH': self.templatePath,
       'ENCODING'    : 'utf-8',
       'PRE_CHOMP'   : 1,
       'POST_CHOMP'  : 0,

    # Load toc data
    self.sections = {}
    for uri, numstr, title in sections:
      uri = intern(uri.encode('utf-8'))
      uriKey = intern(self._normalizeScheme(uri))
      numstr = escapeToNamedASCII(numstr)
      title = escapeToNamedASCII(title) if title else None
      self.sections[uriKey] = Section(uri, title, numstr)
    self.suites = suites
    self.flags = flags

    # Initialize storage
    self.errors = {}
    self.contributors = {}
    self.alltests = []

  def _normalizeScheme(self, uri):
    if (uri and uri.startswith('http:')):
      return 'https:' + uri[5:]
    return uri

  def indexGroup(self, group):
    for test in group.iterTests():
      data = test.getMetadata()
      if data: # Shallow copy for template output
        data = dict(data)
        data['file'] = '/'.join((group.name, test.relpath)) \
                       if group.name else test.relpath
        if (data['scripttest']):
        for uri in data['links']:
          uri = self._normalizeScheme(uri)
          uri = uri.replace(self._normalizeScheme(self.suite.draftroot), self._normalizeScheme(self.suite.specroot))
          if self.sections.has_key(uri):
            testlist = self.sections[uri].tests.append(data)
        for credit in data['credits']:
          self.contributors[credit[0]] = credit[1]
        self.errors[test.sourcepath] = test.errors

  def __writeTemplate(self, template, data, outfile):
    o = self.tt.process(template, data)
    with open(outfile, 'w') as f:

  def writeOverview(self, destDir, errorOut=sys.stderr, addTests=[]):
    """Write format-agnostic pages such as test suite overview pages,
       test data files, and error reports.

       Indexed errors are reported to errorOut, which must be either
       an output handle such as sys.stderr, a tuple of
       (template filename string, output filename string)
       or None to suppress error output.

       `addTests` is a list of additional test paths, relative to the
       overview root; it is intended for indexing raw tests


示例10: type

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
             vars["protocol"] = self.app().protocol
         except AttributeError:
             vars["domain"] = self.app().canonical_domain
         except AttributeError:
             vars["domain"] = self.app().domain
     except AttributeError:
     self.call("web.universal_variables", vars)
 if type(filename) == unicode:
     filename = filename.encode("utf-8")
     content = tpl_engine.process(filename, vars)
 except TypeError as e:
     raise TemplateException("security", unicode(e))
 except ValueError as e:
     raise TemplateException("security", unicode(e))
 except ImportError as e:
     raise TemplateException("security", unicode(e))
 except MemoryError:
     raise TemplateException("security", self._("Memory overflow during template processing"))
 except TooManyLoops:
     raise TemplateException("security", self._("Too many template loop iterations"))
 except ZeroDivisionError:
     raise TemplateException("security", self._("Zero division in the template"))
 if req:
     req.templates_len = req.templates_len + len(content)
 m = re_content.match(content)

示例11: testProvider

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
  def testProvider(self):
    dir = "test/src"
    lib = "test/lib"
    file = "foo"
    relfile = os.path.join(".", dir, file)
    absfile = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dir), file)
    newfile = os.path.join(dir, "foobar")

    def update_file(*args):
      time.sleep(2)  # ensure file time stamps are different
      f = open(newfile, "w")
      for arg in args:

    vars = { "file": file,
             "relfile": relfile,
             "absfile": absfile,
             "fixfile": update_file }

    update_file("This is the old content")

    # instantiate a bunch of providers, using various different techniques,
    # with different load options but sharing the same parser;  then set them
    # to work fetching some files and check they respond as expected

    parser = Config.parser({"POST_CHOMP": 1})
    provinc = Config.provider({ "INCLUDE_PATH": dir,
                                "PARSER": parser,
                                "TOLERANT": 1 })
    provabs = Config.provider({ "ABSOLUTE": 1, "PARSER": parser })
    provrel = Config.provider({ "RELATIVE": 1, "PARSER": parser })
    self.assert_(provinc.parser() is provabs.parser())
    self.assert_(provabs.parser() is provrel.parser())

    self.assert_(delivered(provinc, file))
    self.assert_(declined(provinc, absfile))
    self.assert_(declined(provinc, relfile))
    self.assert_(declined(provabs, file))
    self.assert_(delivered(provabs, absfile))
    self.assert_(denied(provabs, relfile))
    self.assert_(declined(provrel, file))
    self.assert_(denied(provrel, absfile))
    self.assert_(delivered(provrel, relfile))

    # Test if can fetch from a file handle.
    ttfile = Template()
    path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(dir), "baz")
    file = open(path)
    outstr = ttfile.process(file, { "a": "filetest" })
    self.assertEquals("This is the baz file, a: filetest\n", outstr)

    # now we'll fold those providers up into some Template objects that
    # we can pass to text_expect() to do some template driven testing

    ttinc = Template({ "LOAD_TEMPLATES": [provinc] })
    ttabs = Template({ "LOAD_TEMPLATES": [provabs] })
    ttrel = Template({ "LOAD_TEMPLATES": [provrel] })

    def dpaths():
      return [os.path.join(lib, x) for x in "one", "two"]

    def badpaths():
      return [badpaths]

    ttd1 = Template({ "INCLUDE_PATH": [dpaths, dir], "PARSER": parser })
    ttd2 = Template(
      { "INCLUDE_PATH": [DynamicPaths(os.path.join(lib, "two"),
                                      os.path.join(lib, "one")), dir],
        "PARSER": parser })
    ttd3 = Template({ "INCLUDE_PATH": [ badpaths ], "PARSER": parser })
    uselist = (("ttinc", ttinc),
               ("ttabs", ttabs),
               ("ttrel", ttrel),
               ("ttd1", ttd1),
               ("ttd2", ttd2),
               ("ttdbad", ttd3))
    self.Expect(DATA, uselist, vars)

示例12: Template

# 需要导入模块: from template import Template [as 别名]
# 或者: from template.Template import process [as 别名]
from template import Template
from template.util import Literal

template = Template()
source   = Literal("Hello [% name or 'World' %]!")

print template.process(source);
print template.process(source, {'name':'Badger'});

