本文整理汇总了Python中tabulator.topen函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python topen函数的具体用法?Python topen怎么用?Python topen使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_native_iterator
def test_native_iterator():
# Get table
def generator():
yield ['id', 'name']
yield ['1', 'english']
yield ['2', '中国人']
with pytest.raises(exceptions.ParsingError) as excinfo:
iterator = generator()
assert 'callable' in str(excinfo.value)
示例2: test_storage
def test_storage():
# Get resources
articles_schema = json.load(io.open('data/articles.json', encoding='utf-8'))
comments_schema = json.load(io.open('data/comments.json', encoding='utf-8'))
articles_data = topen('data/articles.csv', with_headers=True).read()
comments_data = topen('data/comments.csv', with_headers=True).read()
# Engine
engine = create_engine(os.environ['DATABASE_URL'])
# Storage
storage = Storage(engine=engine, prefix='prefix_')
# Delete tables
for table in reversed(storage.tables):
# Create tables
storage.create(['articles', 'comments'], [articles_schema, comments_schema])
# Write data to tables
storage.write('articles', articles_data)
storage.write('comments', comments_data)
# Create new storage to use reflection only
storage = Storage(engine=engine, prefix='prefix_')
# Create existent table
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
storage.create('articles', articles_schema)
# Get table representation
assert repr(storage).startswith('Storage')
# Get tables list
assert storage.tables == ['articles', 'comments']
# Get table schemas
assert storage.describe('articles') == convert_schema(articles_schema)
assert storage.describe('comments') == convert_schema(comments_schema)
# Get table data
assert list(storage.read('articles')) == convert_data(articles_schema, articles_data)
assert list(storage.read('comments')) == convert_data(comments_schema, comments_data)
# Delete tables
for table in reversed(storage.tables):
# Delete non existent table
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
示例3: test_native_iterator
def test_native_iterator():
# Get table
def generator():
yield ["id", "name"]
yield ["1", "english"]
yield ["2", "中国人"]
with pytest.raises(exceptions.SourceError) as excinfo:
iterator = generator()
assert "callable" in str(excinfo.value)
示例4: test_save_csv
def test_save_csv(tmpdir):
# Save table
path = str(tmpdir.join("table.csv"))
table = topen("data/table.csv", headers=1)
# Open saved table
table = topen(path, headers=1)
# Make assertions
assert table.headers == ["id", "name"]
assert table.read(extended=True) == [(2, ["id", "name"], ["1", "english"]), (3, ["id", "name"], ["2", "中国人"])]
示例5: test_file_csv_with_bom
def test_file_csv_with_bom():
# Get table
table = topen('data/special/bom.csv', encoding='utf-8')
# Make assertions
assert table.headers is None
assert table.read() == [['id', 'name'], ['1', 'english'], ['2', '中国人']]
# Get table
table = topen('data/special/bom.csv')
# Make assertions
assert table.headers is None
assert table.read() == [['id', 'name'], ['1', 'english'], ['2', '中国人']]
示例6: test_save_csv
def test_save_csv(tmpdir):
# Save table
path = str(tmpdir.join('table.csv'))
table = topen('data/table.csv', headers=1)
# Open saved table
table = topen(path, headers=1)
# Make assertions
assert table.headers == ['id', 'name']
assert table.read(extended=True) == [
(2, ['id', 'name'], ['1', 'english']),
(3, ['id', 'name'], ['2', '中国人'])]
示例7: test_processors_chain
def test_processors_chain():
# Processors
def skip_commented_rows(extended_rows):
for number, headers, row in extended_rows:
if row and hasattr(row[0], "startswith") and row[0].startswith("#"):
yield (number, headers, row)
def skip_blank_rows(extended_rows):
for number, headers, row in extended_rows:
if not row:
yield (number, headers, row)
def cast_rows(extended_rows):
for number, headers, row in extended_rows:
crow = []
for value in row:
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
value = ast.literal_eval(value)
except Exception:
yield (number, headers, crow)
# Get table
source = [["id", "name"], ["#1", "english"], [], ["2", "中国人"]]
table = topen(source, headers="row1", post_parse=[skip_commented_rows, skip_blank_rows, cast_rows])
# Make assertions
assert table.headers == ["id", "name"]
示例8: test_reset_and_sample_size
def test_reset_and_sample_size():
# Get table
table = topen("data/special/long.csv", headers=1, sample_size=3)
# Make assertions
assert table.read(extended=True) == [
(2, ["id", "name"], ["1", "a"]),
(3, ["id", "name"], ["2", "b"]),
(4, ["id", "name"], ["3", "c"]),
(5, ["id", "name"], ["4", "d"]),
(6, ["id", "name"], ["5", "e"]),
(7, ["id", "name"], ["6", "f"]),
assert table.sample == [["1", "a"], ["2", "b"]]
assert table.read() == []
# Reset table
# Make assertions
assert table.read(extended=True, limit=3) == [
(2, ["id", "name"], ["1", "a"]),
(3, ["id", "name"], ["2", "b"]),
(4, ["id", "name"], ["3", "c"]),
assert table.sample == [["1", "a"], ["2", "b"]]
assert table.read(extended=True) == [
(5, ["id", "name"], ["4", "d"]),
(6, ["id", "name"], ["5", "e"]),
(7, ["id", "name"], ["6", "f"]),
示例9: test_html_content
def test_html_content():
# Check raises
source = "https://github.com/frictionlessdata/tabulator-py/blob/master/data/table.csv"
with pytest.raises(exceptions.FormatError) as excinfo:
table = topen(source, headers="row1")
assert "HTML" in str(excinfo.value)
示例10: test_web_csv_non_ascii_url
def test_web_csv_non_ascii_url():
# Get table
table = topen("http://data.defra.gov.uk/ops/government_procurement_card/over_£500_GPC_apr_2013.csv")
# Make assertions
assert table.sample[0] == ["Entity", "Transaction Posting Date", "Merchant Name", "Amount", "Description"]
示例11: test_reset_and_sample_size
def test_reset_and_sample_size():
# Get table
table = topen('data/special/long.csv', headers=1, sample_size=3)
# Make assertions
assert table.read(extended=True) == [
(2, ['id', 'name'], ['1', 'a']),
(3, ['id', 'name'], ['2', 'b']),
(4, ['id', 'name'], ['3', 'c']),
(5, ['id', 'name'], ['4', 'd']),
(6, ['id', 'name'], ['5', 'e']),
(7, ['id', 'name'], ['6', 'f'])]
assert table.sample == [['1', 'a'], ['2', 'b']]
assert table.read() == []
# Reset table
# Make assertions
assert table.read(extended=True, limit=3) == [
(2, ['id', 'name'], ['1', 'a']),
(3, ['id', 'name'], ['2', 'b']),
(4, ['id', 'name'], ['3', 'c'])]
assert table.sample == [['1', 'a'], ['2', 'b']]
assert table.read(extended=True) == [
(5, ['id', 'name'], ['4', 'd']),
(6, ['id', 'name'], ['5', 'e']),
(7, ['id', 'name'], ['6', 'f'])]
示例12: import_resource
def import_resource(storage, table, schema, data):
"""Import JSONTableSchema resource to storage's table.
storage: object
Storage object.
table: str
Table name.
schema: str
Path to schema file.
data: str
Path to data file.
# Create table
model = SchemaModel(schema)
schema = model.as_python
if storage.check(table):
storage.create(table, schema)
# Write data
with topen(data, with_headers=True) as data:
storage.write(table, data)
示例13: test_html_content
def test_html_content():
# Check raises
source = 'https://github.com/frictionlessdata/tabulator-py/blob/master/data/table.csv'
with pytest.raises(exceptions.TabulatorException) as excinfo:
table = topen(source, headers='row1')
assert 'HTML' in str(excinfo.value)
示例14: test_processors_chain
def test_processors_chain():
# Processors
def skip_commented_rows(extended_rows):
for number, headers, row in extended_rows:
if (row and hasattr(row[0], 'startswith') and
yield (number, headers, row)
def skip_blank_rows(extended_rows):
for number, headers, row in extended_rows:
if not row:
yield (number, headers, row)
def cast_rows(extended_rows):
for number, headers, row in extended_rows:
crow = []
for value in row:
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
value = ast.literal_eval(value)
except Exception:
yield (number, headers, crow)
# Get table
source = [['id', 'name'], ['#1', 'english'], [], ['2', '中国人']]
table = topen(source, headers='row1', post_parse=[
# Make assertions
assert table.headers == ['id', 'name']
示例15: test_headers_with_headers_argument
def test_headers_with_headers_argument():
# Get table
table = topen("data/table.csv", with_headers=True)
# Make assertions
assert table.headers == ["id", "name"]
assert list(table.iter(keyed=True)) == [{"id": "1", "name": "english"}, {"id": "2", "name": "中国人"}]