本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.utilities.lambdify.lambdify函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python lambdify函数的具体用法?Python lambdify怎么用?Python lambdify使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_nsolve
def test_nsolve():
# onedimensional
from sympy import Symbol, sin, pi
x = Symbol('x')
assert nsolve(sin(x), 2) - pi.evalf() < 1e-16
assert nsolve(Eq(2*x, 2), x, -10) == nsolve(2*x - 2, -10)
# multidimensional
x1 = Symbol('x1')
x2 = Symbol('x2')
f1 = 3 * x1**2 - 2 * x2**2 - 1
f2 = x1**2 - 2 * x1 + x2**2 + 2 * x2 - 8
f = Matrix((f1, f2)).T
F = lambdify((x1, x2), f.T, modules='mpmath')
for x0 in [(-1, 1), (1, -2), (4, 4), (-4, -4)]:
x = nsolve(f, (x1, x2), x0, tol=1.e-8)
assert mnorm(F(*x),1) <= 1.e-10
# The Chinese mathematician Zhu Shijie was the very first to solve this
# nonlinear system 700 years ago (z was added to make it 3-dimensional)
x = Symbol('x')
y = Symbol('y')
z = Symbol('z')
f1 = -x + 2*y
f2 = (x**2 + x*(y**2 - 2) - 4*y) / (x + 4)
f3 = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)*z
f = Matrix((f1, f2, f3)).T
F = lambdify((x, y, z), f.T, modules='mpmath')
def getroot(x0):
root = nsolve((f1, f2, f3), (x, y, z), x0)
assert mnorm(F(*root),1) <= 1.e-8
return root
assert map(round, getroot((1, 1, 1))) == [2.0, 1.0, 0.0]
示例2: velocity_field
def velocity_field(psi): #takes a symbolic function and returns two lambda functions
#to evaluate the derivatives in both x and y.
global w
if velocity_components:
u = lambdify((x,y), eval(x_velocity), modules='numpy')
v = lambdify((x,y), eval(y_velocity), modules='numpy')
if is_complex_potential:
print "Complex potential, w(z) given"
#define u, v symbolically as the imaginary part of the derivatives
u = lambdify((x, y), sympy.im(psi.diff(y)), modules='numpy')
v = lambdify((x, y), -sympy.im(psi.diff(x)), modules='numpy')
#define u,v as the derivatives
print "Stream function, psi given"
u = sympy.lambdify((x, y), psi.diff(y), 'numpy')
v = sympy.lambdify((x, y), -psi.diff(x), 'numpy')
if (branch_cuts): # If it's indicated that there are branch cuts in the mapping,
# then we need to return vectorized numpy functions to evaluate
# everything numerically, instead of symbolically
# This of course results in a SIGNIFICANT time increase
# (I don't know how to handle more than the primitive root
# (symbolically in Sympy
return np.vectorize(u),np.vectorize(v)
# If there are no branch cuts, then return the symbolic lambda functions (MUCH faster)
return u,v
示例3: test_msolve
def test_msolve():
x1 = Symbol('x1')
x2 = Symbol('x2')
f1 = 3 * x1**2 - 2 * x2**2 - 1
f2 = x1**2 - 2 * x1 + x2**2 + 2 * x2 - 8
f = Matrix((f1, f2)).T
F = lambdify((x1, x2), f.T)
# numeric.newton is tested in this example too
for x0 in [(-1., 1.), (1., -2.), (4., 4.), (-4., -4.)]:
x = msolve((x1, x2), f, x0, tol=1.e-8)
assert maxnorm(F(*x)) <= 1.e-11
# The Chinese mathematician Zhu Shijie was the very first to solve this
# nonlinear system 700 years ago (z was added to make it 3-dimensional)
x = Symbol('x')
y = Symbol('y')
z = Symbol('z')
f1 = -x + 2*y
f2 = (x**2 + x*(y**2 - 2) - 4*y) / (x + 4)
f3 = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)*z
f = Matrix((f1, f2, f3)).T
F = lambdify((x, y, z), f.T)
def getroot(x0):
root = msolve((x, y, z), (f1, f2, f3), x0)
assert maxnorm(F(*root)) <= 1.e-8
return root
assert map(round, getroot((1., 1., 1.))) == [2.0, 1.0, 0.0]
示例4: compile_function
def compile_function(self, module="numpy"):
import sympy
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify
expr = sympy.sympify(self._str_expression)
rvars = sympy.symbols([s.name for s in expr.free_symbols], real=True)
real_expr = expr.subs({orig: real_ for (orig, real_) in zip(expr.free_symbols, rvars)})
# just replace with the assumption that all our variables are real
expr = real_expr
eval_expr = expr.evalf()
# Extract parameters
parameters = [symbol for symbol in expr.free_symbols if symbol.name != "x"]
parameters.sort(key=lambda x: x.name) # to have a reliable order
# Extract x
x, = [symbol for symbol in expr.free_symbols if symbol.name == "x"]
# Create compiled function
self._f = lambdify([x] + parameters, eval_expr, modules=module, dummify=False)
parnames = [symbol.name for symbol in parameters]
self._parameter_strings = parnames
for parameter in parameters:
grad_expr = sympy.diff(eval_expr, parameter)
"_f_grad_%s" % parameter.name,
lambdify([x] + parameters, grad_expr.evalf(), modules=module, dummify=False),
"grad_%s" % parameter.name,
_fill_function_args(getattr(self, "_f_grad_%s" % parameter.name)).__get__(self, Expression),
示例5: twin_function_expr
def twin_function_expr(self, value):
if not value:
self.twin_function = None
self.twin_inverse_function = None
self._twin_function_expr = ""
self._twin_inverse_sympy = None
expr = sympy.sympify(value)
if len(expr.free_symbols) > 1:
raise ValueError("The expression must contain only one variable.")
elif len(expr.free_symbols) == 0:
raise ValueError("The expression must contain one variable, "
"it contains none.")
x = tuple(expr.free_symbols)[0]
self.twin_function = lambdify(x, expr.evalf())
self._twin_function_expr = value
if not self.twin_inverse_function:
y = sympy.Symbol(x.name + "2")
inv = sympy.solveset(sympy.Eq(y, expr), x)
self._twin_inverse_sympy = lambdify(y, inv)
self._twin_inverse_function = None
except BaseException:
# Not all may have a suitable solution.
self._twin_inverse_function = None
self._twin_inverse_sympy = None
"The function {} is not invertible. Setting the value of "
"{} will raise an AttributeError unless you set manually "
"``twin_inverse_function_expr``. Otherwise, set the "
"value of its twin parameter instead.".format(value, self))
示例6: find_CI
def find_CI(quartile, variable, critical, search = "left", grid_left = None, grid_right = None, precision = 0.001):
We take {regions} points in our domain and test every point for its likelihood value,
then we look at points where values of ll ratio criteria cross critical value of chi^2 distribution
It means, we should choose {regions} in such way that at least one point lays in the confidence interval
at the first step.
regions = 20
solution = solutions[quartile]
ll_hat = -0.5 * commons.chi2(solution)
critical_val = chi2.ppf(critical, df=1)
other1 = variable_to_others[variable][0]
other2 = variable_to_others[variable][1]
variable_bounds = (grid_left if not grid_left is None else commons.bounds[quartile][variable_index[variable]][0],
grid_right if not grid_right is None else commons.bounds[quartile][variable_index[variable]][1])
grid = np.linspace(start = variable_bounds[0], stop = variable_bounds[1], num = regions)
other_bounds = (commons.bounds[quartile][variable_index[other1]], commons.bounds[quartile][variable_index[other2]])
ll_prev_criteria = None
#print("Critical value is {}".format(critical_val))
for i, v in enumerate(grid):
#print("Check {} = {}".format(variable, v))
ys = sp.Matrix([variable_ref[other1], variable_ref[other2]])
pll_func_sym = commons.chi2_sym.subs(variable_ref[variable], v)
pll_func = lambda args: lambdify(ys, pll_func_sym, 'numpy')(*args)[0, 0]
pll_func_jacob = lambda args: lambdify(ys, pll_func_sym.jacobian(ys), 'numpy')(*args)
result = opt.minimize(pll_func, [solution[variable_index[other1]], solution[variable_index[other2]]],
pll_val = -.5 * result.fun
ll_criteria = 2 * (ll_hat - pll_val)
#print("\tProfile LL ratio value = {}".format(ll_criteria))
if not ll_prev_criteria is None:
l = grid[i - 1]
r = grid[i]
if ll_prev_criteria > critical_val and ll_criteria < critical_val and search == "left":
#print("Critical point lays between {} and {}\n".format(l, r))
if (r - l) < precision:
return l, r
return find_CI(quartile, variable, critical,
search = search,
grid_left = l,
grid_right = r,
precision = precision)
elif ll_prev_criteria < critical and ll_criteria > critical and search == "right":
#print("Critical point lays between {} and {}\n".format(l, r))
if (r - l) < precision:
return l, r
return find_CI(quartile, variable, critical,
search = search,
grid_left = l,
grid_right = r,
precision = precision)
ll_prev_criteria = ll_criteria
示例7: msolve
def msolve(args, f, x0, tol=None, maxsteps=None, verbose=False, norm=None,
modules=['mpmath', 'sympy']):
Solves a nonlinear equation system numerically.
f is a vector function of symbolic expressions representing the system.
args are the variables.
x0 is a starting vector close to a solution.
Be careful with x0, not using floats might give unexpected results.
Use modules to specify which modules should be used to evaluate the
function and the Jacobian matrix. Make sure to use a module that supports
matrices. For more information on the syntax, please see the docstring
of lambdify.
Currently only fully determined systems are supported.
>>> from sympy import Symbol, Matrix
>>> x1 = Symbol('x1')
>>> x2 = Symbol('x2')
>>> f1 = 3 * x1**2 - 2 * x2**2 - 1
>>> f2 = x1**2 - 2 * x1 + x2**2 + 2 * x2 - 8
>>> msolve((x1, x2), (f1, f2), (-1., 1.))
[ 1.27844411169911]
if isinstance(f, (list, tuple)):
f = Matrix(f).T
if len(args) != f.cols:
raise NotImplementedError('need exactly as many variables as equations')
if verbose:
print 'f(x):'
print f
# derive Jacobian
J = f.jacobian(args)
if verbose:
print 'J(x):'
print J
# create functions
f = lambdify(args, f.T, modules)
J = lambdify(args, J, modules)
# solve system using Newton's method
kwargs = {}
if tol:
kwargs['tol'] = tol
if maxsteps:
kwargs['maxsteps'] = maxsteps
kwargs['verbose'] = verbose
if norm:
kwargs['norm'] = norm
x = newton(f, x0, J, **kwargs)
return x
示例8: __init__
def __init__(self, state_vector, next_state_func, observation_vector, observation_func,
x0, initial_cov, process_noise_cov, measurement_noise_cov):
"""Create the filter
:param state_vector: sympy matrix `x`, the full state of the filter
:param next_state_func: sympy matrix, `x_next` as a function of `x`
- The dynamics jacobian will be generated internally
dynamics_jacobian = self.form_dynamics_jacobian(state_vector, next_state_func)
observation_jacobian = self.form_observation_jacobian(state_vector, observation_vector, observation_func)
self.x_dim = dynamics_jacobian.shape[0]
self.observation_dim = observation_vector.shape[0]
# Input validation
# Before the arguments even get off the ship, we validate them
# observation jacobian asserts
assert observation_jacobian.shape[1] == self.x_dim, "Observation jacobian has the wrong dimension to map to state"
assert observation_jacobian.shape[0] == self.observation_dim, "Observation jacobian is not the right shape"
# measurement covariance asserts
assert measurement_noise_cov.shape[0] == measurement_noise_cov.shape[1], \
"Measurement noise is not the same shape as symbolic measurement"
assert measurement_noise_cov.shape[0] == observation_vector.shape[0], "Measurement noise is not square"
# process covariance asserts
assert process_noise_cov.shape[0] == process_noise_cov.shape[1], "Process noise is not square"
assert process_noise_cov.shape[0] == state_vector.shape[0], "Process noise is not the same shape as symbolic state"
# initial state asserts
assert x0.shape[0] == state_vector.shape[0], "Supplied initial state is not the same shape as symbolic state"
self.make_A = lambdify(
self.make_H = lambdify(
# State/Covariance initialization
self.x = x0
self.P = initial_cov
self.Q = process_noise_cov
self.R = measurement_noise_cov
示例9: test_1d
def test_1d():
B = gen_BrownianMotion()
Bs = implemented_function("B", B)
t = sympy.Symbol('t')
expr = 3*sympy.exp(Bs(t)) + 4
expected = 3*np.exp(B.y)+4
ee_vec = lambdify(t, expr, "numpy")
assert_almost_equal(ee_vec(B.x), expected)
# with any arbitrary symbol
b = sympy.Symbol('b')
expr = 3*sympy.exp(Bs(b)) + 4
ee_vec = lambdify(b, expr, "numpy")
assert_almost_equal(ee_vec(B.x), expected)
示例10: make_callable
def make_callable(model, variables, mode=None):
Take a SymPy object and create a callable function.
model, SymPy object
Abstract representation of function
variables, list
Input variables, ordered in the way the return function will expect
mode, ['numpy', 'numexpr', 'sympy'], optional
Method to use when 'compiling' the function. SymPy mode is
slow and should only be used for debugging. If Numexpr is installed,
it can offer speed-ups when calling the energy function many
times on multi-core CPUs.
Function that takes arguments in the same order as 'variables'
and returns the energy according to 'model'.
None yet.
energy = None
if mode is None:
# no mode specified; use numexpr if available, otherwise numpy
# Note: numexpr support appears to break in multi-component situations
# See numexpr#167 on GitHub for details
# For now, default to numpy until a solution/workaround is available
# mode = 'numexpr'
# mode = 'numpy'
mode = 'numpy'
if mode == 'sympy':
energy = lambda *vs: model.subs(zip(variables, vs)).evalf()
elif mode == 'numpy':
logical_np = [{'And': np.logical_and, 'Or': np.logical_or}, 'numpy']
energy = lambdify(tuple(variables), model, dummify=True,
modules=logical_np, printer=NumPyPrinter)
elif mode == 'numexpr':
energy = lambdify(tuple(variables), model, dummify=True,
modules='numexpr', printer=SpecialNumExprPrinter)
energy = lambdify(tuple(variables), model, dummify=True,
return energy
示例11: make_callable
def make_callable(model, variables, mode=None):
Take a SymPy object and create a callable function.
model, SymPy object
Abstract representation of function
variables, list
Input variables, ordered in the way the return function will expect
mode, ['numpy', 'numba', 'sympy'], optional
Method to use when 'compiling' the function. SymPy mode is
slow and should only be used for debugging. If Numba is installed,
it can offer speed-ups when calling the energy function many
times on multi-core CPUs.
Function that takes arguments in the same order as 'variables'
and returns the energy according to 'model'.
None yet.
energy = None
if mode is None:
# no mode specified; use numba if available, otherwise numpy
if _NUMBA:
mode = 'numba'
mode = 'numpy'
if mode == 'sympy':
energy = lambda *vs: model.subs(zip(variables, vs)).evalf()
elif mode == 'numpy':
energy = lambdify(tuple(variables), model, dummify=True,
modules=[{'where': np.where}, 'numpy'], printer=NumPyPrinter)
elif mode == 'numba':
variables = tuple(variables)
varsig = 'float64({})'.format(','.join(['float64'] * len(variables)))
energy = lambdify(variables, model, dummify=True,
modules=[{'where': nbwhere}, 'numpy'], printer=NumPyPrinter)
# target=parallel seems to incur too much overhead on small arrays
energy = _NUMBA.vectorize([varsig], nopython=True, target='cpu')(energy)
energy = lambdify(tuple(variables), model, dummify=True,
return energy
示例12: num_eval
def num_eval(self, symbol=None, values=None, uncertainties=None):
if symbol == None:
return self.value(), self.uncertainty()
valfunc = lambdify(symbol, self.value(), 'numpy')
if uncertainties == None:
uncertaintyfunc = lambdify(symbol, self.uncertainty(), 'numpy')
return valfunc(values), uncertaintyfunc(values)
u_sym = sympy.symbols('u_sym')
usquared = self.uncertainty_squared() + \
(self.formula.diff(symbol).subs(self.values) * u_sym)**2
u = sympy.sqrt(usquared)
uncertaintyfunc = lambdify((symbol, u_sym), u, 'numpy')
return valfunc(values), uncertaintyfunc(values, uncertainties)
示例13: test_step_function
def test_step_function():
# test step function
# step function is a function of t
s = step_function([0,4,5],[2,4,6])
tval = np.array([-0.1,0,3.9,4,4.1,5.1])
lam = lambdify(t, s)
assert_array_equal(lam(tval), [0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6])
s = step_function([0,4,5],[4,2,1])
lam = lambdify(t, s)
assert_array_equal(lam(tval), [0, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1])
# Name default
assert_false(re.match(r'step\d+\(t\)$', str(s)) is None)
# Name reloaded
s = step_function([0,4,5],[4,2,1], name='goodie_goodie_yum_yum')
assert_equal(str(s), 'goodie_goodie_yum_yum(t)')
示例14: test_implemented_function
def test_implemented_function():
# Here we check if the default returned functions are anonymous - in
# the sense that we can have more than one function with the same name
f = implemented_function('f', lambda x: 2*x)
g = implemented_function('f', lambda x: np.sqrt(x))
l1 = lambdify(x, f(x))
l2 = lambdify(x, g(x))
assert_equal(str(f(x)), str(g(x)))
assert_equal(l1(3), 6)
assert_equal(l2(3), np.sqrt(3))
# check that we can pass in a sympy function as input
func = sympy.Function('myfunc')
assert_false(hasattr(func, '_imp_'))
f = implemented_function(func, lambda x: 2*x)
assert_true(hasattr(func, '_imp_'))
示例15: test_blocks
def test_blocks():
on_off = [[1,2],[3,4]]
tval = np.array([0.4,1.4,2.4,3.4])
b = blocks(on_off)
lam = lambdify(t, b)
assert_array_equal(lam(tval), [0, 1, 0, 1])
b = blocks(on_off, amplitudes=[3,5])
lam = lambdify(t, b)
assert_array_equal(lam(tval), [0, 3, 0, 5])
# Check what happens with names
# Default is from step function
assert_false(re.match(r'step\d+\(t\)$', str(b)) is None)
# Can pass in another
b = blocks(on_off, name='funky_chicken')
assert_equal(str(b), 'funky_chicken(t)')