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Python utilities.flatten函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.utilities.flatten函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python flatten函数的具体用法?Python flatten怎么用?Python flatten使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _eval_expand_basic

 def _eval_expand_basic(self, deep=True, **hints):
     from sympy import flatten
     if not deep:
         return self
         return Integral(self.function.expand(deep=deep, **hints),\

示例2: _process_limits

def _process_limits(*symbols):
    """Process the list of symbols and convert them to canonical limits,
    storing them as Tuple(symbol, lower, upper). The orientation of
    the function is also returned when the upper limit is missing
    so (x, 1, None) becomes (x, None, 1) and the orientation is changed.
    limits = []
    orientation = 1
    for V in symbols:
        if isinstance(V, (Relational, BooleanFunction)):
            variable = V.atoms(Symbol).pop()
            V = (variable, V.as_set())

        if isinstance(V, Symbol) or getattr(V, '_diff_wrt', False):
            if isinstance(V, Idx):
                if V.lower is None or V.upper is None:
                    limits.append(Tuple(V, V.lower, V.upper))
        elif is_sequence(V, Tuple):
            V = sympify(flatten(V))
            if isinstance(V[0], (Symbol, Idx)) or getattr(V[0], '_diff_wrt', False):
                newsymbol = V[0]
                if len(V) == 2 and isinstance(V[1], Interval):
                    V[1:] = [V[1].start, V[1].end]

                if len(V) == 3:
                    if V[1] is None and V[2] is not None:
                        nlim = [V[2]]
                    elif V[1] is not None and V[2] is None:
                        orientation *= -1
                        nlim = [V[1]]
                    elif V[1] is None and V[2] is None:
                        nlim = []
                        nlim = V[1:]
                    limits.append(Tuple(newsymbol, *nlim))
                    if isinstance(V[0], Idx):
                        if V[0].lower is not None and not bool(nlim[0] >= V[0].lower):
                            raise ValueError("Summation exceeds Idx lower range.")
                        if V[0].upper is not None and not bool(nlim[1] <= V[0].upper):
                            raise ValueError("Summation exceeds Idx upper range.")
                elif len(V) == 1 or (len(V) == 2 and V[1] is None):
                elif len(V) == 2:
                    limits.append(Tuple(newsymbol, V[1]))

        raise ValueError('Invalid limits given: %s' % str(symbols))

    return limits, orientation

示例3: __new__

    def __new__(cls, function, *symbols, **assumptions):
        # Any embedded piecewise functions need to be brought out to the
        # top level so that integration can go into piecewise mode at the
        # earliest possible moment.
        function = piecewise_fold(sympify(function))

        if function is S.NaN:
            return S.NaN

        symbols = list(symbols)
        if not symbols:
            # no symbols provided -- let's compute full anti-derivative
            symbols = sorted(function.free_symbols, Basic.compare)
            if not symbols:
                raise ValueError('An integration variable is required.')

        while isinstance(function, Integral):
            # denest the integrand
            symbols = list(function.limits) + symbols
            function = function.function

        limits = []
        for V in symbols:
            if isinstance(V, Symbol):
            elif isinstance(V, (tuple, list, Tuple)):
                V = sympify(flatten(V))
                if V[0].is_Symbol:
                    newsymbol = V[0]
                    if len(V) == 3:
                        if V[1] is None and V[2] is not None:
                            nlim = [V[2]]
                        elif V[1] is not None and V[2] is None:
                            function = -function
                            nlim = [V[1]]
                        elif V[1] is None and V[2] is None:
                            nlim = []
                            nlim = V[1:]
                        limits.append(Tuple(newsymbol, *nlim ))
                    elif len(V) == 1 or (len(V) == 2 and V[1] is None):
                    elif len(V) == 2:
                        limits.append(Tuple(newsymbol, V[1]))
            raise ValueError("Invalid integration variable or limits: %s" % str(symbols))

        obj = Expr.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
        obj._args = tuple([function] + limits)
        obj.is_commutative = all(s.is_commutative for s in obj.free_symbols)

        return obj

示例4: eval

 def eval(cls, *args):
     out_args = []
     for arg in args: # we iterate over a copy or args
         if isinstance(arg, bool):
             if arg: return True
             else: continue
     if len(out_args) == 0: return False
     if len(out_args) == 1: return out_args[0]
     sargs = sorted(flatten(out_args, cls=cls))
     return Basic.__new__(cls, *sargs)

示例5: get_symbols

    def get_symbols(self):
        """Returns a set of all symbols related to this argument.

        Scalar arguments return themselves in a set, while array arguments return
        the array variable as well as all symbols the specifiy dimensions.
        if self.dimensions:
            symbs = set(flatten(self.dimensions))
            return symbs
            return set([self.name])

示例6: _getlogargs

 def _getlogargs(expr):
     Returns the arguments of the logarithm in an expression.
     if isinstance(expr, log):
         return [expr.args[0]]
         args = []
         for i in expr.args:
             if isinstance(i, log):
         return flatten(args)
     return None

示例7: _process_limits

def _process_limits(*symbols):
    """Convert the symbols-related limits into proper limits,
    storing them as Tuple(symbol, lower, upper). The sign of
    the function is also returned when the upper limit is missing
    so (x, 1, None) becomes (x, None, 1) and the sign is changed.
    limits = []
    sign = 1
    for V in symbols:
        if isinstance(V, Symbol):
        elif is_sequence(V, Tuple):
            V = sympify(flatten(V))
            if V[0].is_Symbol:
                newsymbol = V[0]
                if len(V) == 2 and isinstance(V[1], Interval):
                    V[1:] = [V[1].start, V[1].end]

                if len(V) == 3:
                    if V[1] is None and V[2] is not None:
                        nlim = [V[2]]
                    elif V[1] is not None and V[2] is None:
                        sign *= -1
                        nlim = [V[1]]
                    elif V[1] is None and V[2] is None:
                        nlim = []
                        nlim = V[1:]
                    limits.append(Tuple(newsymbol, *nlim ))
                elif len(V) == 1 or (len(V) == 2 and V[1] is None):
                elif len(V) == 2:
                    limits.append(Tuple(newsymbol, V[1]))

        raise ValueError('Invalid limits given: %s' % str(symbols))

    return limits, sign

示例8: _separatevars

def _separatevars(expr):
    # First try other expansion methods
    expr = expr.expand(mul=False, multinomial=False)
        expr = factor(expr)
    except PolynomialError:

    _coeff = Symbol('_coeff', dummy=True)

    if expr.is_Add:

        nonsepar = sympify(0)
        # Find any common coeficients to pull out
        commoncsetlist = []
        for i in expr.args:
            if i.is_Mul:
        commoncset = set(flatten(commoncsetlist))
        commonc = sympify(1)

        for i in commoncsetlist:
            commoncset = commoncset.intersection(i)
        commonc = Mul(*commoncset)

        for i in expr.args:
            coe = i.extract_multiplicatively(commonc)
            if coe == None:
                nonsepar += sympify(1)
                nonsepar += coe
        if nonsepar == 0:
            return commonc
            return commonc*nonsepar

        return expr

示例9: _eval_transpose

 def _eval_transpose(self):
     if all([x.is_real for x in flatten(self.limits)]):
         return self.func(self.function.transpose(), *self.limits)
     return None

示例10: _eval_conjugate

 def _eval_conjugate(self):
     if all([x.is_real for x in flatten(self.limits)]):
         return self.func(self.function.conjugate(), *self.limits)
     return None

示例11: _eval_adjoint

 def _eval_adjoint(self):
     if all([x.is_real for x in flatten(self.limits)]):
         return self.func(self.function.adjoint(), *self.limits)
     return None

示例12: smoothness_p

def smoothness_p(n, m=-1, power=0, visual=None):
    Return a list of [m, (p, (M, sm(p + m), psm(p + m)))...]

    1. p**M is the base-p divisor of n
    2. sm(p + m) is the smoothness of p + m (m = -1 by default)
    3. psm(p + n) is the power smoothness of p + m

    The list is sorted according to smoothness (default) or by power smoothness
    if power=1.

    The smoothness of the numbers to the left (m = -1) or right (m = 1) of a
    factor govern the results that are obtained from the p +/- 1 type factoring

        >>> from sympy.ntheory.factor_ import smoothness_p, factorint
        >>> smoothness_p(10431, m=1)
        (1, [(3, (2, 2, 4)), (19, (1, 5, 5)), (61, (1, 31, 31))])
        >>> smoothness_p(10431)
        (-1, [(3, (2, 2, 2)), (19, (1, 3, 9)), (61, (1, 5, 5))])
        >>> smoothness_p(10431, power=1)
        (-1, [(3, (2, 2, 2)), (61, (1, 5, 5)), (19, (1, 3, 9))])

    If visual=True then an annotated string will be returned:

        >>> print smoothness_p(21477639576571, visual=1)
        p**i=4410317**1 has p-1 B=1787, B-pow=1787
        p**i=4869863**1 has p-1 B=2434931, B-pow=2434931

    This string can also be generated directly from a factorization dictionary
    and vice versa:

        >>> factorint(17*9)
        {3: 2, 17: 1}
        >>> smoothness_p(_)
        'p**i=3**2 has p-1 B=2, B-pow=2\\np**i=17**1 has p-1 B=2, B-pow=16'
        >>> smoothness_p(_)
        {3: 2, 17: 1}

    The table of the output logic is:

        ====== ====== ======= =======
        |              Visual
        ------ ----------------------
        Input  True   False   other
        ====== ====== ======= =======
        dict    str    tuple   str
        str     str    tuple   dict
        tuple   str    tuple   str
        n       str    tuple   tuple
        mul     str    tuple   tuple
        ====== ====== ======= =======

    See Also

    factorint, smoothness
    from sympy.utilities import flatten

    # visual must be True, False or other (stored as None)
    if visual in (1, 0):
        visual = bool(visual)
    elif visual not in (True, False):
        visual = None

    if type(n) is str:
        if visual:
            return n
        d = {}
        for li in n.splitlines():
            k, v = [int(i) for i in
            d[k] = v
        if visual is not True and visual is not False:
            return d
        return smoothness_p(d, visual=False)
    elif type(n) is not tuple:
        facs = factorint(n, visual=False)

    if power:
        k = -1
        k = 1
    if type(n) is not tuple:
        rv = (m, sorted([(f,
                          tuple([M] + list(smoothness(f + m))))
                         for f, M in [i for i in facs.items()]],
                        key=lambda x: (x[1][k], x[0])))
        rv = n

    if visual is False or (visual is not True) and (type(n) in [int, Mul]):
        return rv
    lines = []
    for dat in rv[1]:
        dat = flatten(dat)
        dat.insert(2, m)
        lines.append('p**i=%i**%i has p%+i B=%i, B-pow=%i' % tuple(dat))

示例13: smoothness_p

def smoothness_p(n, m=-1, power=0, visual=None):
    """Return a list of [m, (p, (M, sm(p + m), psm(p + m)))...]
        o p**M is the base-p divisor of n
        o sm(p + m) is the smoothness of p + m (m = -1 by default)
        o psm(p + n) is the power smoothness of p + m

    The list is sorted according to smoothness (default) or by power smoothness
    if power=1.

    The smoothness of the numbers to the left (m = -1) or right (m = 1) of a
    factor govern the results that are obtained from the p +/- 1 type factoring

        >>> from sympy.ntheory.factor_ import smoothness_p, factorint
        >>> smoothness_p(10431, m=1)
        (1, [(3, (2, 2, 4)), (19, (1, 5, 5)), (61, (1, 31, 31))])
        >>> smoothness_p(10431)
        (-1, [(3, (2, 2, 2)), (19, (1, 3, 9)), (61, (1, 5, 5))])
        >>> smoothness_p(10431, power=1)
        (-1, [(3, (2, 2, 2)), (61, (1, 5, 5)), (19, (1, 3, 9))])

    If visual=True then an annotated string will be returned:

        >>> print smoothness_p(21477639576571, visual=1)
        p**i=4410317**1 has p-1 B=1787, B-pow=1787
        p**i=4869863**1 has p-1 B=2434931, B-pow=2434931

    This string can also be generated directly from a factorization dictionary
    and vice versa:

        >>> factorint(17*9)
        {3: 2, 17: 1}
        >>> smoothness_p(_)
        'p**i=3**2 has p-1 B=2, B-pow=2\\np**i=17**1 has p-1 B=2, B-pow=16'
        >>> smoothness_p(_)
        {3: 2, 17: 1}

    The table of the output logic is:

        |       |        visual=        |
        | input + -----+--------+-------+
        |       | True | False  | other |
        | dict  | str  |  tuple | str   |
        | str   | str  |  tuple | dict  |
        | tuple | str  |  tuple | str   |
        | n     | str  |  tuple | tuple |
        | mul   | str  |  tuple | tuple |

        Note: recalculation of the input is done only for a Mul or dict, so
        smoothness_p({4: 2}, visual=False) == smoothness_p(16).

    from sympy.utilities import flatten

    if type(n) is str:
        if visual:
            return n
        d = {}
        for li in n.splitlines():
            k, v = [int(i) for i in li.split("has")[0].split("=")[1].split("**")]
            d[k] = v
        if visual is not True and visual is not False:
            return d
        return smoothness_p(d, visual=False)
    elif type(n) is not tuple:
        facs = factorint(n, visual=False)

    if power:
        k = -1
        k = 1
    if type(n) is not tuple:
        rv = (
                [(f, tuple([M] + list(smoothness(f + m)))) for f, M in [i for i in facs.items()]],
                key=lambda x: (x[1][k], x[0]),
        rv = n

    if visual is False or (visual != True) and (type(n) in [int, Mul]):
        return rv
    lines = []
    for dat in rv[1]:
        dat = flatten(dat)
        dat.insert(2, m)
        lines.append("p**i=%i**%i has p%+i B=%i, B-pow=%i" % tuple(dat))
    return "\n".join(lines)

示例14: _process_limits

def _process_limits(*symbols):
    """Process the list of symbols and convert them to canonical limits,
    storing them as Tuple(symbol, lower, upper). The orientation of
    the function is also returned when the upper limit is missing
    so (x, 1, None) becomes (x, None, 1) and the orientation is changed.
    limits = []
    orientation = 1
    for V in symbols:
        if isinstance(V, (Relational, BooleanFunction)):
            variable = V.atoms(Symbol).pop()
            V = (variable, V.as_set())

        if isinstance(V, Symbol) or getattr(V, '_diff_wrt', False):
            if isinstance(V, Idx):
                if V.lower is None or V.upper is None:
                    limits.append(Tuple(V, V.lower, V.upper))
        elif is_sequence(V, Tuple):
            if len(V) == 2 and isinstance(V[1], Range):
                lo = V[1].inf
                hi = V[1].sup
                dx = abs(V[1].step)
                V = [V[0]] + [0, (hi - lo)//dx, dx*V[0] + lo]
            V = sympify(flatten(V))  # a list of sympified elements
            if isinstance(V[0], (Symbol, Idx)) or getattr(V[0], '_diff_wrt', False):
                newsymbol = V[0]
                if len(V) == 2 and isinstance(V[1], Interval):  # 2 -> 3
                    # Interval
                    V[1:] = [V[1].start, V[1].end]
                elif len(V) == 3:
                    # general case
                    if V[2] is None and not V[1] is None:
                        orientation *= -1
                    V = [newsymbol] + [i for i in V[1:] if i is not None]

                if not isinstance(newsymbol, Idx) or len(V) == 3:
                    if len(V) == 4:
                    if len(V) == 3:
                        if isinstance(newsymbol, Idx):
                            # Idx represents an integer which may have
                            # specified values it can take on; if it is
                            # given such a value, an error is raised here
                            # if the summation would try to give it a larger
                            # or smaller value than permitted. None and Symbolic
                            # values will not raise an error.
                            lo, hi = newsymbol.lower, newsymbol.upper
                                if lo is not None and not bool(V[1] >= lo):
                                    raise ValueError("Summation will set Idx value too low.")
                            except TypeError:
                                if hi is not None and not bool(V[2] <= hi):
                                    raise ValueError("Summation will set Idx value too high.")
                            except TypeError:
                    if len(V) == 1 or (len(V) == 2 and V[1] is None):
                    elif len(V) == 2:
                        limits.append(Tuple(newsymbol, V[1]))

        raise ValueError('Invalid limits given: %s' % str(symbols))

    return limits, orientation
