本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.solvers.solvers.solve函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python solve函数的具体用法?Python solve怎么用?Python solve使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_idiff
def test_idiff():
# the use of idiff in ellipse also provides coverage
circ = x**2 + y**2 - 4
ans = -3*x*(x**2 + y**2)/y**5
assert ans == idiff(circ, y, x, 3).simplify()
assert ans == idiff(circ, [y], x, 3).simplify()
assert idiff(circ, y, x, 3).simplify() == ans
explicit = 12*x/sqrt(-x**2 + 4)**5
assert ans.subs(y, solve(circ, y)[0]).equals(explicit)
assert True in [sol.diff(x, 3).equals(explicit) for sol in solve(circ, y)]
assert idiff(x + t + y, [y, t], x) == -Derivative(t, x) - 1
示例2: parameter_value
def parameter_value(self, other, t):
"""Return the parameter corresponding to the given point.
Evaluating an arbitrary point of the entity at this parameter
value will return the given point.
>>> from sympy import Line, Point
>>> from sympy.abc import t
>>> a = Point(0, 0)
>>> b = Point(2, 2)
>>> Line(a, b).parameter_value((1, 1), t)
{t: 1/2}
>>> Line(a, b).arbitrary_point(t).subs(_)
Point2D(1, 1)
from sympy.geometry.point import Point
from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy
from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve
if not isinstance(other, GeometryEntity):
other = Point(other, dim=self.ambient_dimension)
if not isinstance(other, Point):
raise ValueError("other must be a point")
T = Dummy('t', real=True)
sol = solve(self.arbitrary_point(T) - other, T, dict=True)
if not sol:
raise ValueError("Given point is not on %s" % func_name(self))
return {t: sol[0][T]}
示例3: test_issue_8235
def test_issue_8235():
assert reduce_inequalities(x**2 - 1 < 0) == \
And(S(-1) < x, x < S(1))
assert reduce_inequalities(x**2 - 1 <= 0) == \
And(S(-1) <= x, x <= 1)
assert reduce_inequalities(x**2 - 1 > 0) == \
Or(And(-oo < x, x < -1), And(x < oo, S(1) < x))
assert reduce_inequalities(x**2 - 1 >= 0) == \
Or(And(-oo < x, x <= S(-1)), And(S(1) <= x, x < oo))
eq = x**8 + x - 9 # we want CRootOf solns here
sol = solve(eq >= 0)
tru = Or(And(rootof(eq, 1) <= x, x < oo), And(-oo < x, x <= rootof(eq, 0)))
assert sol == tru
# recast vanilla as real
assert solve(sqrt((-x + 1)**2) < 1) == And(S(0) < x, x < 2)
示例4: test_idiff
def test_idiff():
x = Symbol('x', real=True)
y = Symbol('y', real=True)
t = Symbol('t', real=True)
f = Function('f')
g = Function('g')
# the use of idiff in ellipse also provides coverage
circ = x**2 + y**2 - 4
ans = -3*x*(x**2 + y**2)/y**5
assert ans == idiff(circ, y, x, 3).simplify()
assert ans == idiff(circ, [y], x, 3).simplify()
assert idiff(circ, y, x, 3).simplify() == ans
explicit = 12*x/sqrt(-x**2 + 4)**5
assert ans.subs(y, solve(circ, y)[0]).equals(explicit)
assert True in [sol.diff(x, 3).equals(explicit) for sol in solve(circ, y)]
assert idiff(x + t + y, [y, t], x) == -Derivative(t, x) - 1
assert idiff(f(x) * exp(f(x)) - x * exp(x), f(x), x) == (x + 1) * exp(x - f(x))/(f(x) + 1)
assert idiff(f(x) - y * exp(x), [f(x), y], x) == (y + Derivative(y, x)) * exp(x)
assert idiff(f(x) - y * exp(x), [y, f(x)], x) == -y + exp(-x) * Derivative(f(x), x)
assert idiff(f(x) - g(x), [f(x), g(x)], x) == Derivative(g(x), x)
示例5: analyticalButtonClicked
def analyticalButtonClicked(self):
expr = parse_expr(self.fEdit.text())
f = lambdify(x, expr, 'numpy')
diff = expr.diff(x)
diffroots = solve(diff, x)
diffroots.insert(0, float("-inf"))
colPosition = self.derTableWidget.columnCount()
self.derTableWidget.setItem(0, colPosition, QTableWidgetItem("DerInterval"))
self.derTableWidget.setItem(1, colPosition, QTableWidgetItem("Sign f(x)"))
for i in range(len(diffroots)):
colPosition = self.derTableWidget.columnCount()
self.derTableWidget.setItem(0, colPosition, QTableWidgetItem(("%f"%(diffroots[i]))))
self.derTableWidget.setItem(1, colPosition, QTableWidgetItem(str(sign(f(diffroots[i])))))
xspace = np.linspace(int(diffroots[1]-100), int(diffroots[len(diffroots)-2]+100), int(diffroots[len(diffroots)-2]-diffroots[1]+201))
#TODO: to end work with long table and algorithm with step
dct = {}
for i in xspace:
dct[i] = sign(f(i))
rowCount = self.tableWidget.rowCount()
self.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 0, QTableWidgetItem("x"))
self.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 1, QTableWidgetItem("Sign f(x)"))
keylist = []
keylist = dct.keys()
for key in sorted(keylist):
rowCount = self.tableWidget.rowCount()
self.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 0, QTableWidgetItem("%f" %key))
self.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 1, QTableWidgetItem(dct[key]))
intervals = ''
keylist = sorted(keylist)
for i in range(len(keylist)-1):
if (dct[keylist[i]] == '-' and dct[keylist[i+1]] == '+') or (dct[keylist[i]] == '+' and dct[keylist[i+1]] == '-'):
intervals =( "%s%s" %(intervals, makeinterval(keylist[i], keylist[i+1], f)))
elif (dct[keylist[i]] == '0'):
intervals = ('%s{%f} and' % (intervals, keylist[i]))
示例6: test_issue_8235
def test_issue_8235():
x = Symbol('x', real=True)
assert reduce_inequalities(x**2 - 1 < 0) == \
And(S(-1) < x, x < S(1))
assert reduce_inequalities(x**2 - 1 <= 0) == \
And(S(-1) <= x, x <= 1)
assert reduce_inequalities(x**2 - 1 > 0) == \
Or(And(-oo < x, x < -1), And(x < oo, S(1) < x))
assert reduce_inequalities(x**2 - 1 >= 0) == \
Or(And(-oo < x, x <= S(-1)), And(S(1) <= x, x < oo))
eq = x**8 + x**2 - 9
sol = solve(eq >= 0)
known_sol = Or(And(-oo < x, RootOf(x**8 + x**2 - 9, 1) <= x, x < oo), \
And(-oo < x, x < oo, x <= RootOf(x**8 + x**2 - 9, 0)))
assert sol == known_sol
示例7: _lambert
def _lambert(eq, x):
Given an expression assumed to be in the form
``F(X, a..f) = a*log(b*X + c) + d*X + f = 0``
where X = g(x) and x = g^-1(X), return the Lambert solution if possible:
``x = g^-1(-c/b + (a/d)*W(d/(a*b)*exp(c*d/a/b)*exp(-f/a)))``.
eq = _mexpand(expand_log(eq))
mainlog = _mostfunc(eq, log, x)
if not mainlog:
return [] # violated assumptions
other = eq.subs(mainlog, 0)
if (-other).func is log:
eq = (eq - other).subs(mainlog, mainlog.args[0])
mainlog = mainlog.args[0]
if mainlog.func is not log:
return [] # violated assumptions
other = -(-other).args[0]
eq += other
if not x in other.free_symbols:
return [] # violated assumptions
d, f, X2 = _linab(other, x)
logterm = collect(eq - other, mainlog)
a = logterm.as_coefficient(mainlog)
if a is None or x in a.free_symbols:
return [] # violated assumptions
logarg = mainlog.args[0]
b, c, X1 = _linab(logarg, x)
if X1 != X2:
return [] # violated assumptions
u = Dummy('rhs')
sol = []
# check only real solutions:
for k in [-1, 0]:
l = LambertW(d/(a*b)*exp(c*d/a/b)*exp(-f/a), k)
# if W's arg is between -1/e and 0 there is
# a -1 branch real solution, too.
if k and not l.is_real:
rhs = -c/b + (a/d)*l
solns = solve(X1 - u, x)
for i, tmp in enumerate(solns):
solns[i] = tmp.subs(u, rhs)
return sol
示例8: solve_univariate_inequality
def solve_univariate_inequality(expr, gen, assume=True, relational=True):
"""Solves a real univariate inequality.
>>> from sympy.solvers.inequalities import solve_univariate_inequality
>>> from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
>>> x = Symbol('x', real=True)
>>> solve_univariate_inequality(x**2 >= 4, x)
Or(And(-oo < x, x <= -2), And(2 <= x, x < oo))
>>> solve_univariate_inequality(x**2 >= 4, x, relational=False)
(-oo, -2] U [2, oo)
# Implementation for continous functions
from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve
solns = solve(expr.lhs - expr.rhs, gen, assume=assume)
oo = S.Infinity
start = -oo
sol_sets = [S.EmptySet]
for x in sorted(s for s in solns if s.is_real):
end = x
if simplify(expr.subs(gen, (start + end)/2 if start != -oo else end - 1)):
sol_sets.append(Interval(start, end, True, True))
if simplify(expr.subs(gen, x)):
start = end
end = oo
if simplify(expr.subs(gen, start + 1)):
sol_sets.append(Interval(start, end, True, True))
rv = Union(*sol_sets)
return rv if not relational else rv.as_relational(gen)
示例9: _integrate
def _integrate(field=None):
irreducibles = set()
for poly in reducibles:
for z in poly.atoms(Symbol):
if z in V:
irreducibles |= set(root_factors(poly, z, filter=field))
log_coeffs, log_part = [], []
B = _symbols('B', len(irreducibles))
for i, poly in enumerate(irreducibles):
if poly.has(*V):
log_part.append(log_coeffs[-1] * log(poly))
coeffs = poly_coeffs + log_coeffs
candidate = poly_part/poly_denom + Add(*log_part)
h = F - _derivation(candidate) / denom
numer = h.as_numer_denom()[0].expand(force=True)
equations = defaultdict(lambda: S.Zero)
for term in Add.make_args(numer):
coeff, dependent = term.as_independent(*V)
equations[dependent] += coeff
solution = solve(equations.values(), *coeffs)
return (solution, candidate, coeffs) if solution else None
示例10: test_slow_general_univariate
def test_slow_general_univariate():
r = rootof(x**5 - x**2 + 1, 0)
assert solve(sqrt(x) + 1/root(x, 3) > 1) == \
Or(And(S(0) < x, x < r**6), And(r**6 < x, x < oo))
示例11: test_issue_10047
def test_issue_10047():
assert solve(sin(x) < 2) == And(-oo < x, x < oo)
示例12: pde_1st_linear_variable_coeff
def pde_1st_linear_variable_coeff(eq, func, order, match, solvefun):
Solves a first order linear partial differential equation
with variable coefficients. The general form of this partial differential equation is
.. math:: a(x, y) \frac{df(x, y)}{dx} + a(x, y) \frac{df(x, y)}{dy}
+ c(x, y) f(x, y) - G(x, y)
where `a(x, y)`, `b(x, y)`, `c(x, y)` and `G(x, y)` are arbitrary functions
in `x` and `y`. This PDE is converted into an ODE by making the following transformation.
1] `\xi` as `x`
2] `\eta` as the constant in the solution to the differential equation
`\frac{dy}{dx} = -\frac{b}{a}`
Making the following substitutions reduces it to the linear ODE
.. math:: a(\xi, \eta)\frac{du}{d\xi} + c(\xi, \eta)u - d(\xi, \eta) = 0
which can be solved using dsolve.
The general form of this PDE is::
>>> from sympy.solvers.pde import pdsolve
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> from sympy import Function, pprint
>>> a, b, c, G, f= [Function(i) for i in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'G', 'f']]
>>> u = f(x,y)
>>> ux = u.diff(x)
>>> uy = u.diff(y)
>>> genform = a(x, y)*u + b(x, y)*ux + c(x, y)*uy - G(x,y)
>>> pprint(genform)
d d
-G(x, y) + a(x, y)*f(x, y) + b(x, y)*--(f(x, y)) + c(x, y)*--(f(x, y))
dx dy
>>> from sympy.solvers.pde import pdsolve
>>> from sympy import Function, diff, pprint, exp
>>> from sympy.abc import x,y
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> eq = x*(u.diff(x)) - y*(u.diff(y)) + y**2*u - y**2
>>> pdsolve(eq)
f(x, y) == F(x*y)*exp(y**2/2) + 1
- Viktor Grigoryan, "Partial Differential Equations"
Math 124A - Fall 2010, pp.7
from sympy.integrals.integrals import integrate
from sympy.solvers.ode import dsolve
xi, eta = symbols("xi eta")
f = func.func
x = func.args[0]
y = func.args[1]
b = match[match['b']]
c = match[match['c']]
d = match[match['d']]
e = -match[match['e']]
if not d:
# To deal with cases like b*ux = e or c*uy = e
if not (b and c):
if c:
tsol = integrate(e/c, y)
except NotImplementedError:
raise NotImplementedError("Unable to find a solution"
" due to inability of integrate")
return Eq(f(x,y), solvefun(x) + tsol)
if b:
tsol = integrate(e/b, x)
except NotImplementedError:
raise NotImplementedError("Unable to find a solution"
" due to inability of integrate")
return Eq(f(x,y), solvefun(y) + tsol)
if not c:
# To deal with cases when c is 0, a simpler method is used.
# The PDE reduces to b*(u.diff(x)) + d*u = e, which is a linear ODE in x
plode = f(x).diff(x)*b + d*f(x) - e
sol = dsolve(plode, f(x))
syms = sol.free_symbols - plode.free_symbols - set([x, y])
rhs = _simplify_variable_coeff(sol.rhs, syms, solvefun, y)
return Eq(f(x, y), rhs)
if not b:
# To deal with cases when b is 0, a simpler method is used.
# The PDE reduces to c*(u.diff(y)) + d*u = e, which is a linear ODE in y
示例13: infer
p,op,e = subeq
p = objs[p][1]
e = objs[e][1]
op = op.strip()
pute = compute(p,op,e,target,problem)
if pute == -1:
score,c = pute
if target[1][1].entity != c.entity:
m = np.argmax(scores)
srt = sorted([(x,i) for i,x in enumerate(scores)],reverse=True)
print('\n Top scoring 3 equations: ')
for x,i in srt[:3]:
if target.ent=='dozen':
guess = solve('('+numlist[0].num+'/12)'+"-"+target.num,'x')[0]
guess = solve(numlist[0].num+"-"+target.num,'x')[0]
eqidxs = [y[0] for y in sorted(enumerate(scores),key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)]
eqnidsx = [x[1] for x in srt]
seen = []
tright = 0
for i in eqidxs:
if len(seen)>=1:break
eq = ST.equations[i].toString()
#eq = eq.replace("=",'-')
splitEquation = eq.split('=')
eq = splitEquation[0] + '- (' + splitEquation[1] + ')'
#print(scores[i], eq)
guess = solve(eq,'x')[0]
except: guess = -1
# This is the non-negative constraint
# wrapped in a "check for complex number" try statement :/
if guess < 0:
#this is a constraint agianst fractional answers when the problem is integers
if not guess.is_integer:
if integerproblem:
示例14: checkpdesol
def checkpdesol(pde, sol, func=None, solve_for_func=True):
Checks if the given solution satisfies the partial differential
pde is the partial differential equation which can be given in the
form of an equation or an expression. sol is the solution for which
the pde is to be checked. This can also be given in an equation or
an expression form. If the function is not provided, the helper
function _preprocess from deutils is used to identify the function.
If a sequence of solutions is passed, the same sort of container will be
used to return the result for each solution.
The following methods are currently being implemented to check if the
solution satisfies the PDE:
1. Directly substitute the solution in the PDE and check. If the
solution hasn't been solved for f, then it will solve for f
provided solve_for_func hasn't been set to False.
If the solution satisfies the PDE, then a tuple (True, 0) is returned.
Otherwise a tuple (False, expr) where expr is the value obtained
after substituting the solution in the PDE. However if a known solution
returns False, it may be due to the inability of doit() to simplify it to zero.
>>> from sympy import Function, symbols, diff
>>> from sympy.solvers.pde import checkpdesol, pdsolve
>>> x, y = symbols('x y')
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> eq = 2*f(x,y) + 3*f(x,y).diff(x) + 4*f(x,y).diff(y)
>>> sol = pdsolve(eq)
>>> assert checkpdesol(eq, sol)[0]
>>> eq = x*f(x,y) + f(x,y).diff(x)
>>> checkpdesol(eq, sol)
(False, (x*F(4*x - 3*y) - 6*F(4*x - 3*y)/25 + 4*Subs(Derivative(F(_xi_1), _xi_1), (_xi_1,), (4*x - 3*y,)))*exp(-6*x/25 - 8*y/25))
# Converting the pde into an equation
if not isinstance(pde, Equality):
pde = Eq(pde, 0)
# If no function is given, try finding the function present.
if func is None:
_, func = _preprocess(pde.lhs)
except ValueError:
funcs = [s.atoms(AppliedUndef) for s in (
sol if is_sequence(sol, set) else [sol])]
funcs = reduce(set.union, funcs, set())
if len(funcs) != 1:
raise ValueError(
'must pass func arg to checkpdesol for this case.')
func = funcs.pop()
# If the given solution is in the form of a list or a set
# then return a list or set of tuples.
if is_sequence(sol, set):
return type(sol)(map(lambda i: checkpdesol(pde, i,
solve_for_func=solve_for_func), sol))
# Convert solution into an equation
if not isinstance(sol, Equality):
sol = Eq(func, sol)
# Try solving for the function
if solve_for_func and not (sol.lhs == func and not sol.rhs.has(func)) and not \
(sol.rhs == func and not sol.lhs.has(func)):
solved = solve(sol, func)
if not solved:
raise NotImplementedError
except NotImplementedError:
if len(solved) == 1:
result = checkpdesol(pde, Eq(func, solved[0]),
order=order, solve_for_func=False)
result = checkpdesol(pde, [Eq(func, t) for t in solved],
order=order, solve_for_func=False)
# The first method includes direct substitution of the solution in
# the PDE and simplifying.
pde = pde.lhs - pde.rhs
if sol.lhs == func:
s = pde.subs(func, sol.rhs).doit()
elif sol.rhs == func:
s = pde.subs(func, sol.lhs).doit()
if s:
ss = simplify(s)
if ss:
return False, ss
return True, 0
return True, 0
示例15: pde_1st_linear_constant_coeff
def pde_1st_linear_constant_coeff(eq, func, order, match, solvefun):
Solves a first order linear partial differential equation
with constant coefficients.
The general form of this partial differential equation is
.. math:: a \frac{df(x,y)}{dx} + b \frac{df(x,y)}{dy} + c f(x,y) = G(x,y)
where `a`, `b` and `c` are constants and `G(x, y)` can be an arbitrary
function in `x` and `y`.
The general solution of the PDE is::
>>> from sympy.solvers import pdsolve
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y, a, b, c
>>> from sympy import Function, pprint
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> G = Function('G')
>>> u = f(x,y)
>>> ux = u.diff(x)
>>> uy = u.diff(y)
>>> genform = a*u + b*ux + c*uy - G(x,y)
>>> pprint(genform)
d d
a*f(x, y) + b*--(f(x, y)) + c*--(f(x, y)) - G(x, y)
dx dy
>>> pprint(pdsolve(genform, hint='1st_linear_constant_coeff_Integral'))
// b*x + c*y \
|| / |
|| | |
|| | a*xi |
|| | ------- |
|| | 2 2 |
|| | /b*xi + c*eta -b*eta + c*xi\ b + c |
|| | G|------------, -------------|*e d(xi)|
|| | | 2 2 2 2 | |
|| | \ b + c b + c / |
|| | |
|| / |
|| |
f(x, y) = ||F(eta) + -------------------------------------------------------|*
|| 2 2 |
\\ b + c /
-a*xi ||
2 2||
b + c ||
e ||
/|eta=-b*y + c*x, xi=b*x + c*y
>>> from sympy.solvers.pde import pdsolve
>>> from sympy import Function, diff, pprint, exp
>>> from sympy.abc import x,y
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> eq = -2*f(x,y).diff(x) + 4*f(x,y).diff(y) + 5*f(x,y) - exp(x + 3*y)
>>> pdsolve(eq)
f(x, y) == (F(4*x + 2*y) + exp(x/2 + 4*y)/15)*exp(x/2 - y)
- Viktor Grigoryan, "Partial Differential Equations"
Math 124A - Fall 2010, pp.7
# TODO : For now homogeneous first order linear PDE's having
# two variables are implemented. Once there is support for
# solving systems of ODE's, this can be extended to n variables.
xi, eta = symbols("xi eta")
f = func.func
x = func.args[0]
y = func.args[1]
b = match[match['b']]
c = match[match['c']]
d = match[match['d']]
e = -match[match['e']]
expterm = exp(-S(d)/(b**2 + c**2)*xi)
functerm = solvefun(eta)
solvedict = solve((b*x + c*y - xi, c*x - b*y - eta), x, y)
# Integral should remain as it is in terms of xi,
# doit() should be done in _handle_Integral.
genterm = (1/S(b**2 + c**2))*C.Integral(