本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.printing.ccode.ccode函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ccode函数的具体用法?Python ccode怎么用?Python ccode使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: render_and_write_code
def render_and_write_code(
user_functions = {},
chunk_size = 100):
helperlines = (
check_code( ccode( helper[1], helper[0], user_functions=user_functions ) ) + "\n"
for helper in helpers
codelines = (
check_code( ccode ( expression, user_functions=user_functions ) ) + ";\n"
for expression in expressions
with \
open( path.join(folder,name+".c" ), "w" ) as mainfile, \
open( path.join(folder,name+"_definitions.c"), "w" ) as deffile:
if chunk_size < 1:
for line in chain(helperlines, codelines):
write_in_chunks(helperlines, mainfile, deffile, name+"helpers", chunk_size)
write_in_chunks(codelines , mainfile, deffile, name+"code" , chunk_size)
示例2: _call_printer
def _call_printer(self, routine):
code_lines = []
for result in routine.result_variables:
if isinstance(result, Result):
assign_to = None
elif isinstance(result, (OutputArgument, InOutArgument)):
assign_to = result.result_var
constants, not_c, c_expr = ccode(
result.expr, assign_to=assign_to, human=False)
except AssignmentError:
assign_to = result.result_var
"%s %s;\n" % (result.get_datatype('c'), str(assign_to)))
constants, not_c, c_expr = ccode(
result.expr, assign_to=assign_to, human=False)
for name, value in sorted(constants, key=str):
code_lines.append("double const %s = %s;\n" % (name, value))
if assign_to:
code_lines.append("%s\n" % c_expr)
code_lines.append(" return %s;\n" % c_expr)
return code_lines
示例3: test_goto_Label
def test_goto_Label():
s = 'early_exit'
g = goto(s)
assert g.func(*g.args) == g
assert g != goto('foobar')
assert ccode(g) == 'goto early_exit'
l = Label(s)
assert l.is_Atom
assert ccode(l) == 'early_exit:'
assert g.label == l
assert l == Label(s)
assert l != Label('foobar')
示例4: test_create_expand_pow_optimization
def test_create_expand_pow_optimization():
my_opt = create_expand_pow_optimization(4)
x = Symbol('x')
assert ccode(optimize(x**4, [my_opt])) == 'x*x*x*x'
x5x4 = x**5 + x**4
assert ccode(optimize(x5x4, [my_opt])) == 'pow(x, 5) + x*x*x*x'
sin4x = sin(x)**4
assert ccode(optimize(sin4x, [my_opt])) == 'pow(sin(x), 4)'
assert ccode(optimize((x**(-4)), [my_opt])) == 'pow(x, -4)'
示例5: dump_c
def dump_c(self, routines, f, prefix, header=True, empty=True):
"""Write the C code file.
This file contains all the definitions of the routines in c code and
refers to the header file.
routines -- a list of Routine instances
f -- a file-like object to write the file to
prefix -- the filename prefix, used to refer to the proper header
file. Only the basename of the prefix is used.
Optional arguments:
header -- When True, a header comment is included on top of each
source file. [DEFAULT=True]
empty -- When True, empty lines are included to structure the
source files. [DEFAULT=True]
if header:
if empty: print >> f
print >> f, "#include \"%s.h\"" % os.path.basename(prefix)
print >> f, "#include <math.h>"
if empty: print >> f
for routine in routines:
# function definitions.
prototype, result = self.get_prototype_result(routine)
print >> f, "%s {" % prototype
# return value
if result is not None:
print >> f, " return %s;" % ccode(result.expr)
# curly closing brackets
print >> f, "}"
if empty: print >> f
if empty: print >> f
示例6: get_prototype
def get_prototype(self, routine):
"""Returns a string for the function prototype for the given routine.
If the routine has multiple result objects, an CodeGenError is
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_prototype
if len(routine.results) > 1:
raise CodeGenError("C only supports a single or no return value.")
elif len(routine.results) == 1:
ctype = routine.results[0].get_datatype('C')
ctype = "void"
type_args = []
for arg in routine.arguments:
name = ccode(arg.name)
if arg.dimensions:
type_args.append((arg.get_datatype('C'), "*%s" % name))
elif isinstance(arg, ResultBase):
type_args.append((arg.get_datatype('C'), "&%s" % name))
type_args.append((arg.get_datatype('C'), name))
arguments = ", ".join([ "%s %s" % t for t in type_args])
return "%s %s(%s)" % (ctype, routine.name, arguments)
示例7: test_sizeof
def test_sizeof():
typename = 'unsigned int'
sz = sizeof(typename)
assert ccode(sz) == 'sizeof(%s)' % typename
assert sz.func(*sz.args) == sz
assert not sz.is_Atom
assert all(atom == typename for atom in sz.atoms())
示例8: _render_compile_import
def _render_compile_import(funcdef, build_dir):
code_str = render_as_source_file(funcdef, settings=dict(contract=False))
declar = ccode(FunctionPrototype.from_FunctionDefinition(funcdef))
return compile_link_import_strings([
('our_test_func.c', code_str),
('_our_test_func.pyx', ("cdef extern {declar}\n"
"def _{fname}({typ}[:] inp, {typ}[:] out):\n"
" {fname}(inp.size, &inp[0], &out[0])").format(
declar=declar, fname=funcdef.name, typ='double'
], build_dir=build_dir)
示例9: test_union
def test_union():
vx, vy = Variable(x, type=float64), Variable(y, type=int64)
u = union('dualuse', [vx, vy])
assert u.func(*u.args) == u
assert u == union('dualuse', (vx, vy))
assert str(u.name) == 'dualuse'
assert len(u.declarations) == 2
assert all(isinstance(arg, Declaration) for arg in u.declarations)
assert ccode(u) == (
"union dualuse {\n"
" double x;\n"
" int64_t y;\n"
示例10: _call_printer
def _call_printer(self, routine):
code_lines = []
# Compose a list of symbols to be dereferenced in the function
# body. These are the arguments that were passed by a reference
# pointer, excluding arrays.
dereference = []
for arg in routine.arguments:
if isinstance(arg, ResultBase) and not arg.dimensions:
return_val = None
for result in routine.result_variables:
if isinstance(result, Result):
assign_to = routine.name + "_result"
t = result.get_datatype('c')
code_lines.append("{0} {1};\n".format(t, str(assign_to)))
return_val = assign_to
assign_to = result.result_var
constants, not_c, c_expr = ccode(result.expr, human=False,
assign_to=assign_to, dereference=dereference)
except AssignmentError:
assign_to = result.result_var
"%s %s;\n" % (result.get_datatype('c'), str(assign_to)))
constants, not_c, c_expr = ccode(result.expr, human=False,
assign_to=assign_to, dereference=dereference)
for name, value in sorted(constants, key=str):
code_lines.append("double const %s = %s;\n" % (name, value))
code_lines.append("%s\n" % c_expr)
if return_val:
code_lines.append(" return %s;\n" % return_val)
return code_lines
示例11: test_struct
def test_struct():
vx, vy = Variable(x, type=float64), Variable(y, type=float64)
s = struct('vec2', [vx, vy])
assert s.func(*s.args) == s
assert s == struct('vec2', (vx, vy))
assert s != struct('vec2', (vy, vx))
assert str(s.name) == 'vec2'
assert len(s.declarations) == 2
assert all(isinstance(arg, Declaration) for arg in s.declarations)
assert ccode(s) == (
"struct vec2 {\n"
" double x;\n"
" double y;\n"
示例12: test_newtons_method_function__ccode
def test_newtons_method_function__ccode():
x = sp.Symbol('x', real=True)
expr = sp.cos(x) - x**3
func = newtons_method_function(expr, x)
if not cython:
skip("cython not installed.")
if not has_c():
skip("No C compiler found.")
compile_kw = dict(std='c99')
with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
mod, info = compile_link_import_strings([
('newton.c', ('#include <math.h>\n'
'#include <stdio.h>\n') + ccode(func)),
('_newton.pyx', ("cdef extern double newton(double)\n"
"def py_newton(x):\n"
" return newton(x)\n"))
], build_dir=folder, compile_kwargs=compile_kw)
assert abs(mod.py_newton(0.5) - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12
示例13: test_newtons_method_function__ccode_parameters
def test_newtons_method_function__ccode_parameters():
args = x, A, k, p = sp.symbols('x A k p')
expr = A*sp.cos(k*x) - p*x**3
raises(ValueError, lambda: newtons_method_function(expr, x))
use_wurlitzer = wurlitzer
func = newtons_method_function(expr, x, args, debug=use_wurlitzer)
if not has_c():
skip("No C compiler found.")
if not cython:
skip("cython not installed.")
compile_kw = dict(std='c99')
with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
mod, info = compile_link_import_strings([
('newton_par.c', ('#include <math.h>\n'
'#include <stdio.h>\n') + ccode(func)),
('_newton_par.pyx', ("cdef extern double newton(double, double, double, double)\n"
"def py_newton(x, A=1, k=1, p=1):\n"
" return newton(x, A, k, p)\n"))
], compile_kwargs=compile_kw, build_dir=folder)
if use_wurlitzer:
with wurlitzer.pipes() as (out, err):
result = mod.py_newton(0.5)
result = mod.py_newton(0.5)
assert abs(result - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12
if not use_wurlitzer:
skip("C-level output only tested when package 'wurlitzer' is available.")
out, err = out.read(), err.read()
assert err == ''
assert out == """\
示例14: get_prototype
def get_prototype(self, routine):
"""Returns a string for the function prototype of the routine.
If the routine has multiple result objects, an CodeGenError is
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_prototype
if len(routine.results) == 1:
ctype = routine.results[0].get_datatype('C')
ctype = "void"
type_args = []
for arg in routine.arguments:
name = ccode(arg.name)
# Hack to make all double-valued arguments into pointers
if arg.dimensions or isinstance(arg, ResultBase) or arg.get_datatype('C') == 'double':
type_args.append((arg.get_datatype('C'), "*%s" % name))
type_args.append((arg.get_datatype('C'), name))
arguments = ", ".join([ "%s %s" % t for t in type_args])
return "%s %s(%s)" % (ctype, routine.name, arguments)
示例15: get_c_function
def get_c_function(scalar, couplings):
args_replace = dict(zip([str(el) for el in couplings],
['args['+str(i)+']' for i in range(len(couplings))]))
return multiple_replace(ccode(scalar), args_replace)