本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.physics.quantum.matrixutils.matrix_tensor_product函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python matrix_tensor_product函数的具体用法?Python matrix_tensor_product怎么用?Python matrix_tensor_product使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_matrix_tensor_product
def test_matrix_tensor_product():
l1 = zeros(4)
for i in range(16):
l1[i] = 2**i
l2 = zeros(4)
for i in range(16):
l2[i] = i
l3 = zeros(2)
for i in range(4):
l3[i] = i
vec = Matrix([1,2,3])
#test for Matrix known 4x4 matricies
numpyl1 = np.matrix(l1.tolist())
numpyl2 = np.matrix(l2.tolist())
numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl1,numpyl2)
args = [l1, l2]
sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl2,numpyl1)
args = [l2, l1]
sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
#test for other known matrix of different dimensions
numpyl2 = np.matrix(l3.tolist())
numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl1,numpyl2)
args = [l1, l3]
sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl2,numpyl1)
args = [l3, l1]
sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
#test for non square matrix
numpyl2 = np.matrix(vec.tolist())
numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl1,numpyl2)
args = [l1, vec]
sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl2,numpyl1)
args = [vec, l1]
sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
#test for random matrix with random values that are floats
random_matrix1 = np.random.rand(np.random.rand()*5+1,np.random.rand()*5+1)
random_matrix2 = np.random.rand(np.random.rand()*5+1,np.random.rand()*5+1)
numpy_product = np.kron(random_matrix1,random_matrix2)
args = [Matrix(random_matrix1.tolist()),Matrix(random_matrix2.tolist())]
sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
assert not (sympy_product - Matrix(numpy_product.tolist())).tolist() > \
#test for three matrix kronecker
sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(l1,vec,l2)
numpy_product = np.kron(l1,np.kron(vec,l2))
assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
示例2: _represent_ZGate
def _represent_ZGate(self, basis, **options):
"""Represent the SWAP gate in the computational basis.
The following representation is used to compute this:
SWAP = |1><1|x|1><1| + |0><0|x|0><0| + |1><0|x|0><1| + |0><1|x|1><0|
format = options.get('format', 'sympy')
targets = [int(t) for t in self.targets]
min_target = min(targets)
max_target = max(targets)
nqubits = options.get('nqubits',self.min_qubits)
op01 = matrix_cache.get_matrix('op01', format)
op10 = matrix_cache.get_matrix('op10', format)
op11 = matrix_cache.get_matrix('op11', format)
op00 = matrix_cache.get_matrix('op00', format)
eye2 = matrix_cache.get_matrix('eye2', format)
result = None
for i, j in ((op01,op10),(op10,op01),(op00,op00),(op11,op11)):
product = nqubits*[eye2]
product[nqubits-min_target-1] = i
product[nqubits-max_target-1] = j
new_result = matrix_tensor_product(*product)
if result is None:
result = new_result
result = result + new_result
return result
示例3: __new__
def __new__(cls, *args, **assumptions):
if isinstance(args[0], (Matrix, numpy_ndarray, scipy_sparse_matrix)):
return matrix_tensor_product(*args)
c_part, new_args = cls.flatten(sympify(args))
c_part = Mul(*c_part)
if len(new_args) == 0:
return c_part
elif len(new_args) == 1:
return c_part*new_args[0]
tp = Expr.__new__(cls, *new_args, **{'commutative': False})
return c_part*tp
示例4: represent_zbasis
def represent_zbasis(controls, targets, target_matrix, nqubits, format='sympy'):
"""Represent a gate with controls, targets and target_matrix.
This function does the low-level work of representing gates as matrices
in the standard computational basis (ZGate). Currently, we support two
main cases:
1. One target qubit and no control qubits.
2. One target qubits and multiple control qubits.
For the base of multiple controls, we use the following expression [1]:
1_{2**n} + (|1><1|)^{(n-1)} x (target-matrix - 1_{2})
controls : list, tuple
A sequence of control qubits.
targets : list, tuple
A sequence of target qubits.
target_matrix : sympy.Matrix, numpy.matrix, scipy.sparse
The matrix form of the transformation to be performed on the target
qubits. The format of this matrix must match that passed into
the `format` argument.
nqubits : int
The total number of qubits used for the representation.
format : str
The format of the final matrix ('sympy', 'numpy', 'scipy.sparse').
[1] http://www.johnlapeyre.com/qinf/qinf_html/node6.html.
controls = [int(x) for x in controls]
targets = [int(x) for x in targets]
nqubits = int(nqubits)
# This checks for the format as well.
op11 = matrix_cache.get_matrix('op11', format)
eye2 = matrix_cache.get_matrix('eye2', format)
# Plain single qubit case
if len(controls) == 0 and len(targets) == 1:
product = []
bit = targets[0]
# Fill product with [I1,Gate,I2] such that the unitaries,
# I, cause the gate to be applied to the correct Qubit
if bit != nqubits-1:
product.append(matrix_eye(2**(nqubits-bit-1), format=format))
if bit != 0:
product.append(matrix_eye(2**bit, format=format))
return matrix_tensor_product(*product)
# Single target, multiple controls.
elif len(targets) == 1 and len(controls) >= 1:
target = targets[0]
# Build the non-trivial part.
product2 = []
for i in range(nqubits):
product2.append(matrix_eye(2, format=format))
for control in controls:
product2[nqubits-1-control] = op11
product2[nqubits-1-target] = target_matrix - eye2
return matrix_eye(2**nqubits, format=format) +\
# Multi-target, multi-control is not yet implemented.
raise NotImplementedError(
'The representation of multi-target, multi-control gates '
'is not implemented.'