本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.mpmath.libmp.from_int函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python from_int函数的具体用法?Python from_int怎么用?Python from_int使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _to_mpmath
def _to_mpmath(self, prec, allow_ints=True):
# mpmath functions accept ints as input
errmsg = "cannot convert to mpmath number"
if allow_ints and self.is_Integer:
return self.p
re, im, _, _ = evalf(self, prec, {})
if im:
return make_mpc((re, im))
return make_mpf(re)
except NotImplementedError:
v = self._eval_evalf(prec)
if v is None:
raise ValueError(errmsg)
if v.is_Float:
return make_mpf(v._mpf_)
# Number + Number*I is also fine
re, im = v.as_real_imag()
if allow_ints and re.is_Integer:
re = from_int(re.p)
elif re.is_Float:
re = re._mpf_
raise ValueError(errmsg)
if allow_ints and im.is_Integer:
im = from_int(im.p)
elif im.is_Float:
im = im._mpf_
raise ValueError(errmsg)
return make_mpc((re, im))
示例2: _d
def _d(n, j, prec, sq23pi, sqrt8):
Compute the sinh term in the outer sum of the HRR formula.
The constants sqrt(2/3*pi) and sqrt(8) must be precomputed.
j = from_int(j)
pi = mpf_pi(prec)
a = mpf_div(sq23pi, j, prec)
b = mpf_sub(from_int(n), from_rational(1, 24, prec), prec)
c = mpf_sqrt(b, prec)
ch, sh = mpf_cosh_sinh(mpf_mul(a, c), prec)
D = mpf_div(mpf_sqrt(j, prec), mpf_mul(mpf_mul(sqrt8, b), pi), prec)
E = mpf_sub(mpf_mul(a, ch), mpf_div(sh, c, prec), prec)
return mpf_mul(D, E)
示例3: _create_evalf_table
def _create_evalf_table():
global evalf_table
evalf_table = {
C.Symbol: evalf_symbol,
C.Dummy: evalf_symbol,
C.Float: lambda x, prec, options: (x._mpf_, None, prec, None),
C.Rational: lambda x, prec, options: (from_rational(x.p, x.q, prec), None, prec, None),
C.Integer: lambda x, prec, options: (from_int(x.p, prec), None, prec, None),
C.Zero: lambda x, prec, options: (None, None, prec, None),
C.One: lambda x, prec, options: (fone, None, prec, None),
C.Half: lambda x, prec, options: (fhalf, None, prec, None),
C.Pi: lambda x, prec, options: (mpf_pi(prec), None, prec, None),
C.Exp1: lambda x, prec, options: (mpf_e(prec), None, prec, None),
C.ImaginaryUnit: lambda x, prec, options: (None, fone, None, prec),
C.NegativeOne: lambda x, prec, options: (fnone, None, prec, None),
C.NaN: lambda x, prec, options: (fnan, None, prec, None),
C.exp: lambda x, prec, options: evalf_pow(C.Pow(S.Exp1, x.args[0], evaluate=False), prec, options),
C.cos: evalf_trig,
C.sin: evalf_trig,
C.Add: evalf_add,
C.Mul: evalf_mul,
C.Pow: evalf_pow,
C.log: evalf_log,
C.atan: evalf_atan,
C.Abs: evalf_abs,
C.re: evalf_re,
C.im: evalf_im,
C.floor: evalf_floor,
C.ceiling: evalf_ceiling,
C.Integral: evalf_integral,
C.Sum: evalf_sum,
C.Piecewise: evalf_piecewise,
C.bernoulli: evalf_bernoulli,
示例4: npartitions
def npartitions(n, verbose=False):
Calculate the partition function P(n), i.e. the number of ways that
n can be written as a sum of positive integers.
P(n) is computed using the Hardy-Ramanujan-Rademacher formula,
described e.g. at http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PartitionFunctionP.html
The correctness of this implementation has been tested for 10**n
up to n = 8.
n = int(n)
if n < 0: return 0
if n <= 5: return [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7][n]
# Estimate number of bits in p(n). This formula could be tidied
pbits = int((math.pi*(2*n/3.)**0.5-math.log(4*n))/math.log(10)+1)*\
prec = p = int(pbits*1.1 + 100)
s = fzero
M = max(6, int(0.24*n**0.5+4))
sq23pi = mpf_mul(mpf_sqrt(from_rational(2,3,p), p), mpf_pi(p), p)
sqrt8 = mpf_sqrt(from_int(8), p)
for q in xrange(1, M):
a = A(n,q,p)
d = D(n,q,p, sq23pi, sqrt8)
s = mpf_add(s, mpf_mul(a, d), prec)
if verbose:
print "step", q, "of", M, to_str(a, 10), to_str(d, 10)
# On average, the terms decrease rapidly in magnitude. Dynamically
# reducing the precision greatly improves performance.
p = bitcount(abs(to_int(d))) + 50
np = to_int(mpf_add(s, fhalf, prec))
return int(np)
示例5: calc_part
def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
nint = int(to_int(nexpr, round_nearest))
expr = C.Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
nint += int(no*(mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
nint = from_int(nint)
return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10
示例6: _convert_tol
def _convert_tol(ctx, tol):
if isinstance(tol, int_types):
return from_int(tol)
if isinstance(tol, float):
return from_float(tol)
if hasattr(tol, "_mpf_"):
return tol._mpf_
prec, rounding = ctx._prec_rounding
if isinstance(tol, basestring):
return from_str(tol, prec, rounding)
raise ValueError("expected a real number, got %s" % tol)
示例7: calc_part
def calc_part(expr, nexpr):
nint = int(to_int(nexpr, rnd))
expr = C.Add(expr, -nint, evaluate=False)
x, _, x_acc, _ = evalf(expr, 10, options)
check_target(expr, (x, None, x_acc, None), 3)
except PrecisionExhausted:
if not expr.equals(0):
raise PrecisionExhausted
x = fzero
nint += int(no * (mpf_cmp(x or fzero, fzero) == no))
nint = from_int(nint)
return nint, fastlog(nint) + 10
示例8: _as_mpf_val
def _as_mpf_val(self, prec):
return mlib.from_int(self.p)