本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.mpmath.mpf函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python mpf函数的具体用法?Python mpf怎么用?Python mpf使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_mpmath_lambda
def test_mpmath_lambda():
mpmath.mp.dps = 50
sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.19866933079506121545941262711838975037020672954020")
f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "mpmath")
prec = 1e-49 # mpmath precision is around 50 decimal places
assert -prec < f(mpmath.mpf("0.2")) - sin02 < prec
raises(TypeError, lambda: f(x))
示例2: _optimize_single
def _optimize_single(opt_params):
'''mapped function for optimization of a single function in a single domain
opt_params is a tuple (expression, subs, bound, use_basinhopping, use_corners)
returns the interval
(e, subs, bound, use_basinhopping, use_corners) = opt_params
assert not (use_basinhopping and use_corners)
rv = None
e = _simplify_eq(e)
if bound is None:
rv = _eval_eq_direct(e, subs)
under_approx = None
if use_corners:
under_approx = _eval_at_corners(e, subs)
elif use_basinhopping:
under_approx = _basinhopping(e, subs)
under_approx = _eval_at_middle(e, subs)
# under_approx param should be an array of size 1, since it gets updated
rv = _eval_eq_bounded(e, subs, bound, [under_approx])
# convert rv from interval to tuple (for pickling)
return [float(mpf(rv.a)), float(mpf(rv.b))]
示例3: daubechis
def daubechis(N):
# make polynomial
q_y = [sm.binomial(N-1+k,k) for k in reversed(range(N))]
# get polynomial roots y[k]
y = sm.mp.polyroots(q_y, maxsteps=200, extraprec=64)
z = []
for yk in y:
# subustitute y = -1/4z + 1/2 - 1/4/z to factor f(y) = y - y[k]
f = [sm.mpf('-1/4'), sm.mpf('1/2') - yk, sm.mpf('-1/4')]
# get polynomial roots z[k]
z += sm.mp.polyroots(f)
# make polynomial using the roots within unit circle
h0z = sm.sqrt('2')
for zk in z:
if sm.fabs(zk) < 1:
h0z *= sympy.sympify('(z-zk)/(1-zk)').subs('zk',zk)
# adapt vanising moments
hz = (sympy.sympify('(1+z)/2')**N*h0z).expand()
# get scaling coefficients
return [sympy.re(hz.coeff('z',k)) for k in reversed(range(N*2))]
示例4: uniform_nodes
def uniform_nodes(n):
"""Return uniform nodes."""
r = set()
for i in range(n):
r.add(mpmath.mpf('-1.0') + i * mpmath.mpf('2.0')/(n-1))
return map_to_zero_one(r)
示例5: mp_real
def mp_real(x):
if type(x) == mpc:
if x.imag == mpf(0):
return mpf(x.real)
raise ValueError
return mpf(x)
示例6: gauss_lobatto
def gauss_lobatto(n):
"""Return Gauss-Lobatto nodes.
Gauss-Lobatto nodes are roots of P'_{n-1}(x) and -1, 1.
x = sympy.var('x')
p = legendre_poly(n-1).diff(x)
r = find_roots(p)
r = [mpmath.mpf('-1.0'), mpmath.mpf('1.0')] + r
return sorted(r)
示例7: test_mod
def test_mod():
assert mpf(234) % 1 == 0
assert mpf(-3) % 256 == 253
assert mpf(0.25) % 23490.5 == 0.25
assert mpf(0.25) % -23490.5 == -23490.25
assert mpf(-0.25) % 23490.5 == 23490.25
assert mpf(-0.25) % -23490.5 == -0.25
# Check that these cases are handled efficiently
assert mpf('1e10000000000') % 1 == 0
assert mpf('1.23e-1000000000') % 1 == mpf('1.23e-1000000000')
# test __rmod__
assert 3 % mpf('1.75') == 1.25
示例8: gauss_lobatto_nodes
def gauss_lobatto_nodes(n):
"""Return Gauss-Lobatto nodes.
Before mapping to [0,1], the nodes are: roots of :math:`P'_{n-1}(x)`
and -1, 1.
x = sympy.var('x')
p = legendre_poly(n-1).diff(x)
r = find_roots(p)
r = [mpmath.mpf('-1.0'), mpmath.mpf('1.0')] + r
return map_to_zero_one(r)
示例9: as_mpmath
def as_mpmath(x, prec, options):
x = sympify(x)
if isinstance(x, C.Zero):
return mpf(0)
if isinstance(x, C.Infinity):
return mpf("inf")
if isinstance(x, C.NegativeInfinity):
return mpf("-inf")
re, im, _, _ = evalf(x, prec, options)
if im:
return mpc(re or fzero, im)
return mpf(re)
示例10: mc_compute_stationary
def mc_compute_stationary(P, precision=None, tol=None):
n = P.shape[0]
if precision is None:
# Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors
eigvals, eigvecs = la.eig(P, left=True, right=False)
# Find the index for unit eigenvalues
index = np.where(abs(eigvals - 1.) < 1e-12)[0]
# Pull out the eigenvectors that correspond to unit eig-vals
uniteigvecs = eigvecs[:, index]
stationary_dists = uniteigvecs/np.sum(uniteigvecs, axis=0)
# Create a list to store eigvals
stationary_dists_list = []
if tol is None:
# If tolerance isn't specified then use 2*precision
tol = mp.mpf(2 * 10**(-precision + 1))
with mp.workdps(precision):
eigvals, eigvecs = mp.eig(mp.matrix(P), left=True, right=False)
for ind, el in enumerate(eigvals):
if el>=(mp.mpf(1)-mp.mpf(tol)) and el<=(mp.mpf(1)+mp.mpf(tol)):
stationary_dists_list.append(eigvecs[ind, :])
stationary_dists = np.asarray(stationary_dists_list).T
stationary_dists = (stationary_dists/sum(stationary_dists)).astype(np.float)
# Check to make sure all of the elements of invar_dist are positive
if np.any(stationary_dists < -1e-16):
warn("Elements of your invariant distribution were negative; " +
"Re-trying with additional precision")
if precision is None:
stationary_dists = mc_compute_stationary(P, precision=18, tol=tol)
elif precision is not None:
raise ValueError("Elements of your stationary distribution were" +
"negative. Try computing with higher precision")
# Since we will be accessing the columns of this matrix, we
# might consider adding .astype(np.float, order='F') to make it
# column major at beginning
return stationary_dists.squeeze()
示例11: test_mpmath_lambda
def test_mpmath_lambda():
dps = mpmath.mp.dps
mpmath.mp.dps = 50
sin02 = mpmath.mpf("0.19866933079506121545941262711838975037020672954020")
f = lambdify(x, sin(x), "mpmath")
prec = 1e-49 # mpmath precision is around 50 decimal places
assert -prec < f(mpmath.mpf("0.2")) - sin02 < prec
f(x) # if this succeeds, it can't be a mpmath function
assert False
except TypeError:
mpmath.mp.dps = dps
示例12: f
def f(i, j):
gamDict = self.__genGammaDict(j, gDict)
gamDict[-1] = mpf('0')
def g(n):
return gamDict[n]
_g = vectorize(g)
return _g(i)
示例13: test_3250
def test_3250():
from sympy.mpmath import mpf
assert str(Float(mpf((1,22,2,22)), '')) == '-88.000'
assert Float('23.e3', '')._prec == 10
assert Float('23e3', '')._prec == 20
assert Float('23000', '')._prec == 20
assert Float('-23000', '')._prec == 20
示例14: log
def log(self):
Logaritmo de un intervalo: 'self.log()'
NOTA: Si el intervalo contiene al 0, pero no es estrictamente negativo,
se calcula el logaritmo de la intersecci\'on del intervalo con el dominio
natural del logaritmo, i.e., [0,+inf].
if 0 in self:
domainNatural = Intervalo( 0, mpf('inf') )
intervalRestricted = self.intersection( domainNatural )
txt_warning = "\nWARNING: Interval {} contains 0 or negative numbers.\n".format(self)
print txt_warning
txt_warning = "Restricting to the intersection "\
"with the natural domain of log(x), i.e. {}\n".format(intervalRestricted)
print txt_warning
return Intervalo( mp.log(intervalRestricted.lo), mp.log(intervalRestricted.hi) )
elif 0 > self.hi:
txt_error = 'Interval {} < 0\nlog(x) cannot be computed '\
'for negative numbers.'.format(self)
raise ValueError( txt_error )
return Intervalo( mp.log(self.lo), mp.log(self.hi) )
示例15: __genGammaDict
def __genGammaDict(self, j, gDict):
if self.isZeroT:
return dict((k, self.scaledVolt[j]**k /gDict[k]) for k in self.wijnTerms)
fg = fgamma(self.scaledVolt[j])
return dict((k, fgamma(self.scaledVolt[j] + mpf(str(k))) / \
(fg*gDict[k])) for k in self.wijnTerms)