本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.matrices.eye函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python eye函数的具体用法?Python eye怎么用?Python eye使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_inverse
def test_inverse():
n, m, l = symbols("n m l", integer=True)
A = MatrixSymbol("A", n, m)
C = MatrixSymbol("C", n, n)
D = MatrixSymbol("D", n, n)
E = MatrixSymbol("E", m, n)
raises(ShapeError, lambda: Inverse(A))
assert Inverse(Inverse(C)) == C
assert Inverse(C) * C == Identity(C.rows)
assert Inverse(eye(3)) == eye(3)
assert Inverse(S(3)) == S(1) / 3
assert Inverse(Identity(n)) == Identity(n)
# Simplifies Muls if possible (i.e. submatrices are square)
assert Inverse(C * D) == D.I * C.I
# But still works when not possible
assert Inverse(A * E).is_Inverse
# We play nice with traditional explicit matrices
assert Inverse(Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) == Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).inv()
示例2: _represent_ZGate
def _represent_ZGate(self, basis, **options):
Represents the (I)QFT In the Z Basis
nqubits = options.get('nqubits', 0)
if nqubits == 0:
raise QuantumError(
'The number of qubits must be given as nqubits.')
if nqubits < self.min_qubits:
raise QuantumError(
'The number of qubits %r is too small for the gate.' % nqubits
size = self.size
omega = self.omega
#Make a matrix that has the basic Fourier Transform Matrix
arrayFT = [[omega**(
i*j % size)/sqrt(size) for i in range(size)] for j in range(size)]
matrixFT = Matrix(arrayFT)
#Embed the FT Matrix in a higher space, if necessary
if self.label[0] != 0:
matrixFT = matrix_tensor_product(eye(2**self.label[0]), matrixFT)
if self.min_qubits < nqubits:
matrixFT = matrix_tensor_product(
matrixFT, eye(2**(nqubits - self.min_qubits)))
return matrixFT
示例3: test_inverse
def test_inverse():
raises(ShapeError, lambda: Inverse(A))
raises(ShapeError, lambda: Inverse(A*B))
assert Inverse(C).args == (C, S(-1))
assert Inverse(C).shape == (n, n)
assert Inverse(A*E).shape == (n, n)
assert Inverse(E*A).shape == (m, m)
assert Inverse(C).inverse() == C
assert isinstance(Inverse(Inverse(C)), Inverse)
assert Inverse(*Inverse(E*A).args) == Inverse(E*A)
assert C.inverse().inverse() == C
assert C.inverse()*C == Identity(C.rows)
assert Identity(n).inverse() == Identity(n)
assert (3*Identity(n)).inverse() == Identity(n)/3
# Simplifies Muls if possible (i.e. submatrices are square)
assert (C*D).inverse() == D.I*C.I
# But still works when not possible
assert isinstance((A*E).inverse(), Inverse)
assert Inverse(C*D).doit(inv_expand=False) == Inverse(C*D)
assert Inverse(eye(3)).doit() == eye(3)
assert Inverse(eye(3)).doit(deep=False) == eye(3)
示例4: test
def test(As,Bs,Cs,Ds,Us,sI_A,Js,Ys,B0,C0,C,Psi,Lamda):
return expand(simplify(D1*D2))==expand(D3*D4)
示例5: test_inverse
def test_inverse():
n, m, l = symbols('n m l', integer=True)
A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
B = MatrixSymbol('B', m, l)
C = MatrixSymbol('C', n, n)
D = MatrixSymbol('D', n, n)
E = MatrixSymbol('E', m, n)
raises(ShapeError, "Inverse(A)")
assert Inverse(Inverse(C)) == C
assert Inverse(C)*C == Identity(C.n)
assert Inverse(eye(3)) == eye(3)
assert Inverse(S(3)) == S(1)/3
assert Inverse(Identity(n)) == Identity(n)
# Simplifies Muls if possible (i.e. submatrices are square)
assert Inverse(C*D) == D.I*C.I
# But still works when not possible
assert Inverse(A*E).is_Inverse
# We play nice with traditional explicit matrices
assert Inverse(Matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])) == Matrix([[1,2],[3,4]]).inv()
示例6: test
def test(B0,Ts,E,A,B,C,U,V,Rc,Rs,Ss,p,m,rt):
return simplify(D1*D2)==simplify(D3*D4)
示例7: test
def test(rE, r, p, m, PE, PA, PC, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, E, A, B, C, D):
D1Block2 = simplify(PC * s * (PE - s * PA).inv())
D1Block3 = BlockMatrix([[Bs], [Ds]]).as_mutable()
D1Block4 = BlockMatrix([[zeros(r, p)], [eye(p)]]).as_mutable()
D1 = BlockMatrix([[eye(r + p), D1Block2, D1Block3, D1Block4]]).as_mutable()
D2 = BlockMatrix(2, 2, [s * E - A, B, -C, D]).as_mutable()
D3 = BlockMatrix(2, 2, [As, Bs, -Cs, Ds]).as_mutable()
D4 = BlockMatrix(
[[eye(r), zeros(r, rE + 2 * p), zeros(r, m)], [zeros(m, r), zeros(m, rE + 2 * p), eye(m)]]
return simplify(D1 * D2) == simplify(D3 * D4)
示例8: test
def test(B0,Ts,E,E0,A0,A,B,C,U,V,Rc,Rs,Qs,Ss,p,m,rt,n):
D1=BlockMatrix([[zeros(n,rt+p)],[eye(rt +p)]]).as_mutable()
return simplify(D1*D2) == simplify(D3*D4)
示例9: test_det
def test_det():
assert isinstance(Determinant(A), Determinant)
assert not isinstance(Determinant(A), MatrixExpr)
raises(ShapeError, lambda: Determinant(C))
print det(eye(3))
assert det(eye(3)) == 1
assert det(Matrix(3, 3, [1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5, 2])) == 17
A / det(A) # Make sure this is possible
raises(TypeError, lambda: Determinant(S.One))
assert Determinant(A).arg is A
示例10: make_collision
def make_collision(choice):
model_switcher = {
# Relax 2nd moments for hydro, SOI
'hydro': (eye(q) - S_Relax) * temp_populations
+ S_Relax * hardcoded_cm_eq
+ (eye(q) - S_Relax / 2) * hardcoded_F_cm,
# Relax 1st moments for ADE, SOI without force
'ade': None # TODO: write the collision for advection-diffusion equation
# Get the function from switcher dictionary
cm_after_collision = model_switcher.get(choice, lambda: "Invalid argument")
print_as_vector(cm_after_collision, print_symbol=pop_in_str)
示例11: test_transpose
def test_transpose():
Sq = MatrixSymbol('Sq', n, n)
assert Transpose(A).shape == (m, n)
assert Transpose(A*B).shape == (l, n)
assert Transpose(Transpose(A)) == A
assert Transpose(eye(3)) == eye(3)
assert Transpose(S(5)) == S(5)
assert Transpose(Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])) == Matrix([[1, 3], [2, 4]])
assert Transpose(Trace(Sq)) == Trace(Sq)
示例12: test_transpose
def test_transpose():
n, m, l = symbols('n m l', integer=True)
A = MatrixSymbol('A', n, m)
B = MatrixSymbol('B', m, l)
assert Transpose(A).shape == (m,n)
assert Transpose(A*B).shape == (l,n)
assert Transpose(Transpose(A)) == A
assert Transpose(eye(3)) == eye(3)
assert Transpose(S(5)) == S(5)
assert Transpose(Matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])) == Matrix([[1,3],[2,4]])
示例13: test_sparse_solve
def test_sparse_solve():
from sympy.matrices import SparseMatrix
A = SparseMatrix(((25, 15, -5), (15, 18, 0), (-5, 0, 11)))
assert A.cholesky() == Matrix([
[ 5, 0, 0],
[ 3, 3, 0],
[-1, 1, 3]])
assert A.cholesky() * A.cholesky().T == Matrix([
[25, 15, -5],
[15, 18, 0],
[-5, 0, 11]])
A = SparseMatrix(((25, 15, -5), (15, 18, 0), (-5, 0, 11)))
L, D = A.LDLdecomposition()
assert 15*L == Matrix([
[15, 0, 0],
[ 9, 15, 0],
[-3, 5, 15]])
assert D == Matrix([
[25, 0, 0],
[ 0, 9, 0],
[ 0, 0, 9]])
assert L * D * L.T == A
A = SparseMatrix(((3, 0, 2), (0, 0, 1), (1, 2, 0)))
assert A.inv() * A == SparseMatrix(eye(3))
A = SparseMatrix([
[ 2, -1, 0],
[-1, 2, -1],
[ 0, 0, 2]])
ans = SparseMatrix([
[S(2)/3, S(1)/3, S(1)/6],
[S(1)/3, S(2)/3, S(1)/3],
[ 0, 0, S(1)/2]])
assert A.inv(method='CH') == ans
assert A.inv(method='LDL') == ans
assert A * ans == SparseMatrix(eye(3))
s = A.solve(A[:, 0], 'LDL')
assert A*s == A[:, 0]
s = A.solve(A[:, 0], 'CH')
assert A*s == A[:, 0]
A = A.col_join(A)
s = A.solve_least_squares(A[:, 0], 'CH')
assert A*s == A[:, 0]
s = A.solve_least_squares(A[:, 0], 'LDL')
assert A*s == A[:, 0]
示例14: _syzygies
def _syzygies(self):
"""Compute syzygies. See [SCA, algorithm 2.5.4]."""
# NOTE if self.gens is a standard basis, this can be done more
# efficiently using Schreyer's theorem
from sympy.matrices import eye
# First bullet point
k = len(self.gens)
r = self.rank
im = eye(k)
Rkr = self.ring.free_module(r + k)
newgens = []
for j, f in enumerate(self.gens):
m = [0]*(r + k)
for i, v in enumerate(f):
m[i] = f[i]
for i in range(k):
m[r + i] = im[j, i]
# Note: we need *descending* order on module index, and TOP=False to
# get an eliminetaion order
F = Rkr.submodule(*newgens, order='ilex', TOP=False)
# Second bullet point: standard basis of F
G = F._groebner_vec()
# Third bullet point: G0 = G intersect the new k components
G0 = [x[r:] for x in G if all(y == self.ring.convert(0)
for y in x[:r])]
# Fourth and fifth bullet points: we are done
return G0
示例15: test_singular_values
def test_singular_values():
x = Symbol('x', real=True)
A = EigenOnlyMatrix([[0, 1*I], [2, 0]])
# if singular values can be sorted, they should be in decreasing order
assert A.singular_values() == [2, 1]
A = eye(3)
A[1, 1] = x
A[2, 2] = 5
vals = A.singular_values()
# since Abs(x) cannot be sorted, test set equality
assert set(vals) == set([5, 1, Abs(x)])
A = EigenOnlyMatrix([[sin(x), cos(x)], [-cos(x), sin(x)]])
vals = [sv.trigsimp() for sv in A.singular_values()]
assert vals == [S(1), S(1)]
A = EigenOnlyMatrix([
[2, 4],
[1, 3],
[0, 0],
[0, 0]
assert A.singular_values() == \
[sqrt(sqrt(221) + 15), sqrt(15 - sqrt(221))]
assert A.T.singular_values() == \
[sqrt(sqrt(221) + 15), sqrt(15 - sqrt(221)), 0, 0]