本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.functions.elementary.exponential.log函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python log函数的具体用法?Python log怎么用?Python log使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _eval_expand_func
def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
from sympy import Sum
n = self.args[0]
m = self.args[1] if len(self.args) == 2 else 1
if m == S.One:
if n.is_Add:
off = n.args[0]
nnew = n - off
if off.is_Integer and off.is_positive:
result = [S.One/(nnew + i) for i in range(off, 0, -1)] + [harmonic(nnew)]
return Add(*result)
elif off.is_Integer and off.is_negative:
result = [-S.One/(nnew + i) for i in range(0, off, -1)] + [harmonic(nnew)]
return Add(*result)
if n.is_Rational:
# Expansions for harmonic numbers at general rational arguments (u + p/q)
# Split n as u + p/q with p < q
p, q = n.as_numer_denom()
u = p // q
p = p - u * q
if u.is_nonnegative and p.is_positive and q.is_positive and p < q:
k = Dummy("k")
t1 = q * Sum(1 / (q * k + p), (k, 0, u))
t2 = 2 * Sum(cos((2 * pi * p * k) / S(q)) *
log(sin((pi * k) / S(q))),
(k, 1, floor((q - 1) / S(2))))
t3 = (pi / 2) * cot((pi * p) / q) + log(2 * q)
return t1 + t2 - t3
return self
示例2: eval
def eval(cls, arg):
if arg.is_Rational:
return log(arg + S.One)
elif not arg.is_Float: # not safe to add 1 to Float
return log.eval(arg + S.One)
elif arg.is_number:
return log(Rational(arg) + S.One)
示例3: test_power_rewrite_exp
def test_power_rewrite_exp():
assert (I**I).rewrite(exp) == exp(-pi/2)
expr = (2 + 3*I)**(4 + 5*I)
assert expr.rewrite(exp) == exp((4 + 5*I)*(log(sqrt(13)) + I*atan(S(3)/2)))
assert expr.rewrite(exp).expand() == \
assert ((6 + 7*I)**5).rewrite(exp) == 7225*sqrt(85)*exp(5*I*atan(S(7)/6))
expr = 5**(6 + 7*I)
assert expr.rewrite(exp) == exp((6 + 7*I)*log(5))
assert expr.rewrite(exp).expand() == 15625*exp(7*I*log(5))
assert Pow(123, 789, evaluate=False).rewrite(exp) == 123**789
assert (1**I).rewrite(exp) == 1**I
assert (0**I).rewrite(exp) == 0**I
expr = (-2)**(2 + 5*I)
assert expr.rewrite(exp) == exp((2 + 5*I)*(log(2) + I*pi))
assert expr.rewrite(exp).expand() == 4*exp(-5*pi)*exp(5*I*log(2))
assert ((-2)**S(-5)).rewrite(exp) == (-2)**S(-5)
x, y = symbols('x y')
assert (x**y).rewrite(exp) == exp(y*log(x))
assert (7**x).rewrite(exp) == exp(x*log(7), evaluate=False)
assert ((2 + 3*I)**x).rewrite(exp) == exp(x*(log(sqrt(13)) + I*atan(S(3)/2)))
assert (y**(5 + 6*I)).rewrite(exp) == exp(log(y)*(5 + 6*I))
assert all((1/func(x)).rewrite(exp) == 1/(func(x).rewrite(exp)) for func in
(sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, sinh, cosh, tanh))
示例4: eval
def eval(cls, arg):
from sympy import asin
arg = sympify(arg)
if arg.is_Number:
if arg is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
elif arg is S.Infinity:
return S.Infinity
elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
return S.NegativeInfinity
elif arg is S.Zero:
return S.Zero
elif arg is S.One:
return log(sqrt(2) + 1)
elif arg is S.NegativeOne:
return log(sqrt(2) - 1)
elif arg.is_negative:
return -cls(-arg)
if arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
return S.ComplexInfinity
i_coeff = arg.as_coefficient(S.ImaginaryUnit)
if i_coeff is not None:
return S.ImaginaryUnit * asin(i_coeff)
if _coeff_isneg(arg):
return -cls(-arg)
示例5: get_math_macros
def get_math_macros():
""" Returns a dictionary with math-related macros from math.h/cmath
Note that these macros are not strictly required by the C/C++-standard.
For MSVC they are enabled by defining "_USE_MATH_DEFINES" (preferably
via a compilation flag).
Dictionary mapping sympy expressions to strings (macro names)
from sympy.codegen.cfunctions import log2, Sqrt
from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import log
from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt
return {
S.Exp1: 'M_E',
log2(S.Exp1): 'M_LOG2E',
1/log(2): 'M_LOG2E',
log(2): 'M_LN2',
log(10): 'M_LN10',
S.Pi: 'M_PI',
S.Pi/2: 'M_PI_2',
S.Pi/4: 'M_PI_4',
1/S.Pi: 'M_1_PI',
2/S.Pi: 'M_2_PI',
2/sqrt(S.Pi): 'M_2_SQRTPI',
2/Sqrt(S.Pi): 'M_2_SQRTPI',
sqrt(2): 'M_SQRT2',
Sqrt(2): 'M_SQRT2',
1/sqrt(2): 'M_SQRT1_2',
1/Sqrt(2): 'M_SQRT1_2'
示例6: eval
def eval(cls, arg):
from sympy import acos
arg = sympify(arg)
if arg.is_Number:
if arg is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
elif arg is S.Infinity:
return S.Infinity
elif arg is S.NegativeInfinity:
return S.Infinity
elif arg is S.Zero:
return S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit / 2
elif arg is S.One:
return S.Zero
elif arg is S.NegativeOne:
return S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit
if arg.is_number:
cst_table = {
S.ImaginaryUnit: log(S.ImaginaryUnit*(1 + sqrt(2))),
-S.ImaginaryUnit: log(-S.ImaginaryUnit*(1 + sqrt(2))),
S.Half: S.Pi/3,
-S.Half: 2*S.Pi/3,
sqrt(2)/2: S.Pi/4,
-sqrt(2)/2: 3*S.Pi/4,
1/sqrt(2): S.Pi/4,
-1/sqrt(2): 3*S.Pi/4,
sqrt(3)/2: S.Pi/6,
-sqrt(3)/2: 5*S.Pi/6,
(sqrt(3) - 1)/sqrt(2**3): 5*S.Pi/12,
-(sqrt(3) - 1)/sqrt(2**3): 7*S.Pi/12,
sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))/2: S.Pi/8,
-sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))/2: 7*S.Pi/8,
sqrt(2 - sqrt(2))/2: 3*S.Pi/8,
-sqrt(2 - sqrt(2))/2: 5*S.Pi/8,
(1 + sqrt(3))/(2*sqrt(2)): S.Pi/12,
-(1 + sqrt(3))/(2*sqrt(2)): 11*S.Pi/12,
(sqrt(5) + 1)/4: S.Pi/5,
-(sqrt(5) + 1)/4: 4*S.Pi/5
if arg in cst_table:
if arg.is_real:
return cst_table[arg]*S.ImaginaryUnit
return cst_table[arg]
if arg is S.ComplexInfinity:
return S.Infinity
i_coeff = arg.as_coefficient(S.ImaginaryUnit)
if i_coeff is not None:
if _coeff_isneg(i_coeff):
return S.ImaginaryUnit * acos(i_coeff)
return S.ImaginaryUnit * acos(-i_coeff)
if _coeff_isneg(arg):
return -cls(-arg)
示例7: eval
def eval(cls, n, z):
n, z = list(map(sympify, (n, z)))
from sympy import unpolarify
if n.is_integer:
if n.is_nonnegative:
nz = unpolarify(z)
if z != nz:
return polygamma(n, nz)
if n == -1:
return loggamma(z)
if z.is_Number:
if z is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
elif z is S.Infinity:
if n.is_Number:
if n is S.Zero:
return S.Infinity
return S.Zero
elif z.is_Integer:
if z.is_nonpositive:
return S.ComplexInfinity
if n is S.Zero:
return -S.EulerGamma + C.harmonic(z - 1, 1)
elif n.is_odd:
return (-1) ** (n + 1) * C.factorial(n) * zeta(n + 1, z)
if n == 0:
if z is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
elif z.is_Rational:
# TODO actually *any* n/m can be done, but that is messy
lookup = {
S(1) / 2: -2 * log(2) - S.EulerGamma,
S(1) / 3: -S.Pi / 2 / sqrt(3) - 3 * log(3) / 2 - S.EulerGamma,
S(1) / 4: -S.Pi / 2 - 3 * log(2) - S.EulerGamma,
S(3) / 4: -3 * log(2) - S.EulerGamma + S.Pi / 2,
S(2) / 3: -3 * log(3) / 2 + S.Pi / 2 / sqrt(3) - S.EulerGamma,
if z > 0:
n = floor(z)
z0 = z - n
if z0 in lookup:
return lookup[z0] + Add(*[1 / (z0 + k) for k in range(n)])
elif z < 0:
n = floor(1 - z)
z0 = z + n
if z0 in lookup:
return lookup[z0] - Add(*[1 / (z0 - 1 - k) for k in range(n)])
elif z in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
return S.Infinity
t = z.extract_multiplicatively(S.ImaginaryUnit)
if t in (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity):
return S.Infinity
示例8: test_trigintegrate_mixed
def test_trigintegrate_mixed():
assert trigintegrate(sin(x)*sec(x), x) == -log(sin(x)**2 - 1)/2
assert trigintegrate(sin(x)*csc(x), x) == x
assert trigintegrate(sin(x)*cot(x), x) == sin(x)
assert trigintegrate(cos(x)*sec(x), x) == x
assert trigintegrate(cos(x)*csc(x), x) == log(cos(x)**2 - 1)/2
assert trigintegrate(cos(x)*tan(x), x) == -cos(x)
assert trigintegrate(cos(x)*cot(x), x) == log(cos(x) - 1)/2 \
- log(cos(x) + 1)/2 + cos(x)
示例9: composite
def composite(nth):
""" Return the nth composite number, with the composite numbers indexed as
composite(1) = 4, composite(2) = 6, etc....
>>> from sympy import composite
>>> composite(36)
>>> composite(1)
>>> composite(17737)
See Also
sympy.ntheory.primetest.isprime : Test if n is prime
primerange : Generate all primes in a given range
primepi : Return the number of primes less than or equal to n
prime : Return the nth prime
compositepi : Return the number of positive composite numbers less than or equal to n
n = as_int(nth)
if n < 1:
raise ValueError("nth must be a positive integer; composite(1) == 4")
composite_arr = [4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18]
if n <= 10:
return composite_arr[n - 1]
from sympy.functions.special.error_functions import li
from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import log
a = 4 # Lower bound for binary search
b = int(n*(log(n) + log(log(n)))) # Upper bound for the search.
while a < b:
mid = (a + b) >> 1
if mid - li(mid) - 1 > n:
b = mid
a = mid + 1
n_composites = a - primepi(a) - 1
while n_composites > n:
if not isprime(a):
n_composites -= 1
a -= 1
if isprime(a):
a -= 1
return a
示例10: _eval_aseries
def _eval_aseries(self, n, args0, x, logx):
if args0[0] != oo:
return super(loggamma, self)._eval_aseries(n, args0, x, logx)
z = self.args[0]
m = min(n, C.ceiling((n + S(1)) / 2))
r = log(z) * (z - S(1) / 2) - z + log(2 * pi) / 2
l = [bernoulli(2 * k) / (2 * k * (2 * k - 1) * z ** (2 * k - 1)) for k in range(1, m)]
o = None
if m == 0:
o = C.Order(1, x)
o = C.Order(1 / z ** (2 * m - 1), x)
# It is very inefficient to first add the order and then do the nseries
return (r + Add(*l))._eval_nseries(x, n, logx) + o
示例11: _eval_expand_func
def _eval_expand_func(self, deep=True, **hints):
if deep:
hints['func'] = False
n = self.args[0].expand(deep, **hints)
z = self.args[1].expand(deep, **hints)
n, z = self.args[0], self.args[1].expand(deep, func=True)
if n.is_Integer and n.is_nonnegative:
if z.is_Add:
coeff, factors = z.as_coeff_factors()
if coeff.is_Integer:
tail = Add(*[ z + i for i in xrange(0, int(coeff)) ])
return polygamma(n, z-coeff) + (-1)**n*C.Factorial(n)*tail
elif z.is_Mul:
coeff, terms = z.as_coeff_terms()
if coeff.is_Integer and coeff.is_positive:
tail = [ polygamma(n, z + i//coeff) for i in xrange(0, int(coeff)) ]
if n is S.Zero:
return log(coeff) + Add(*tail)/coeff**(n+1)
return Add(*tail)/coeff**(n+1)
return polygamma(n, z)
示例12: _eval_expand_func
def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
n, z = self.args
if n.is_Integer and n.is_nonnegative:
if z.is_Add:
coeff = z.args[0]
if coeff.is_Integer:
e = -(n + 1)
if coeff > 0:
tail = Add(*[C.Pow(z - i, e) for i in xrange(1, int(coeff) + 1)])
tail = -Add(*[C.Pow(z + i, e) for i in xrange(0, int(-coeff))])
return polygamma(n, z - coeff) + (-1) ** n * C.factorial(n) * tail
elif z.is_Mul:
coeff, z = z.as_two_terms()
if coeff.is_Integer and coeff.is_positive:
tail = [polygamma(n, z + C.Rational(i, coeff)) for i in xrange(0, int(coeff))]
if n == 0:
return Add(*tail) / coeff + log(coeff)
return Add(*tail) / coeff ** (n + 1)
z *= coeff
return polygamma(n, z)
示例13: _eval_as_leading_term
def _eval_as_leading_term(self, x):
n, z = [a.as_leading_term(x) for a in self.args]
o = C.Order(z, x)
if n == 0 and o.contains(1 / x):
return o.getn() * log(x)
return self.func(n, z)
示例14: test_issue_7638
def test_issue_7638():
f = pi/log(sqrt(2))
assert ((1 + I)**(I*f/2))**0.3 == (1 + I)**(0.15*I*f)
# if 1/3 -> 1.0/3 this should fail since it cannot be shown that the
# sign will be +/-1; for the previous "small arg" case, it didn't matter
# that this could not be proved
assert (1 + I)**(4*I*f) == ((1 + I)**(12*I*f))**(S(1)/3)
assert (((1 + I)**(I*(1 + 7*f)))**(S(1)/3)).exp == S(1)/3
r = symbols('r', real=True)
assert sqrt(r**2) == abs(r)
assert cbrt(r**3) != r
assert sqrt(Pow(2*I, 5*S.Half)) != (2*I)**(5/S(4))
p = symbols('p', positive=True)
assert cbrt(p**2) == p**(2/S(3))
assert NS(((0.2 + 0.7*I)**(0.7 + 1.0*I))**(0.5 - 0.1*I), 1) == '0.4 + 0.2*I'
assert sqrt(1/(1 + I)) == sqrt(1 - I)/sqrt(2) # or 1/sqrt(1 + I)
e = 1/(1 - sqrt(2))
assert sqrt(e) == I/sqrt(-1 + sqrt(2))
assert e**-S.Half == -I*sqrt(-1 + sqrt(2))
assert sqrt((cos(1)**2 + sin(1)**2 - 1)**(3 + I)).exp == S.Half
assert sqrt(r**(4/S(3))) != r**(2/S(3))
assert sqrt((p + I)**(4/S(3))) == (p + I)**(2/S(3))
assert sqrt((p - p**2*I)**2) == p - p**2*I
assert sqrt((p + r*I)**2) != p + r*I
e = (1 + I/5)
assert sqrt(e**5) == e**(5*S.Half)
assert sqrt(e**6) == e**3
assert sqrt((1 + I*r)**6) != (1 + I*r)**3
示例15: fdiff
def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
Returns the first derivative of this function.
if argindex == 1:
return S.One/(log(_Ten)*self.args[0])
raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)