本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.functions.combinatorial.factorials.factorial函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python factorial函数的具体用法?Python factorial怎么用?Python factorial使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _eval_rewrite_as_polynomial
def _eval_rewrite_as_polynomial(self, n, a, b, x):
from sympy import Sum
# TODO: Make sure n \in N
k = Dummy("k")
kern = (RisingFactorial(-n, k) * RisingFactorial(a + b + n + 1, k) * RisingFactorial(a + k + 1, n - k) /
factorial(k) * ((1 - x)/2)**k)
return 1 / factorial(n) * Sum(kern, (k, 0, n))
示例2: taylor_term
def taylor_term(n, x, *previous_terms):
if n < 0:
return S.Zero
x = sympify(x)
if len(previous_terms) > 1:
p = previous_terms[-1]
return (
(3 ** (S(1) / 3) * x) ** (-n)
* (3 ** (S(1) / 3) * x) ** (n + 1)
* sin(pi * (2 * n / 3 + S(4) / 3))
* factorial(n)
* gamma(n / 3 + S(2) / 3)
/ (sin(pi * (2 * n / 3 + S(2) / 3)) * factorial(n + 1) * gamma(n / 3 + S(1) / 3))
* p
return (
/ (3 ** (S(2) / 3) * pi)
* gamma((n + S.One) / S(3))
* sin(2 * pi * (n + S.One) / S(3))
/ factorial(n)
* (root(3, 3) * x) ** n
示例3: wedge
def wedge(first_tensor, second_tensor):
Finds outer product (wedge) of two tensor arguments.
The algoritm is too find the asymmetric form of tensor product of
two arguments. The resulted array is multiplied on coefficient which is
coeff = factorial(p+s)/factorial(p)*factorial(s)
from tensor_analysis.arraypy import Arraypy, Tensor
from tensor_analysis.tensor_methods import wedge
>>> a = Arraypy((3,), 'A').to_tensor((-1))
>>> b = Arraypy((3,), 'B').to_tensor((1,))
>>> c = wedge(a, b)
>>> print(c)
0 10*A[0]*B[1] - 10*A[1]*B[0] 10*A[0]*B[2] - 10*A[2]*B[0]
-10*A[0]*B[1] + 10*A[1]*B[0] 0 10*A[1]*B[2] - 10*A[2]*B[1]
-10*A[0]*B[2] + 10*A[2]*B[0] -10*A[1]*B[2] + 10*A[2]*B[1] 0
if not isinstance(first_tensor, TensorArray):
raise TypeError('Input must be of TensorArray type')
if not isinstance(second_tensor, TensorArray):
raise TypeError('Input must be of TensorArray type')
p = len(first_tensor)
s = len(second_tensor)
coeff = factorial(p + s) / (factorial(p) * factorial(s))
return coeff * asymmetric(tensor_product(first_tensor, second_tensor))
示例4: calc2
def calc2(n,m):
if m >= 0:
return assoc_legendre._calc2(n,m)
factorial = C.Factorial
m = -m
return (-1)**m *factorial(n-m)/factorial(n+m) * assoc_legendre._calc2(n, m)
示例5: asymmetric
def asymmetric(in_arr):
Creates the asymmetric form of input tensor.
Input: Arraypy or TensorArray with equal axes (array shapes).
Output: asymmetric array. Output type - Arraypy or TensorArray, depends of input
>>> from sympy.tensor.arraypy import list2arraypy
>>> from sympy.tensor.tensor_methods import asymmetric
>>> a = list2arraypy(list(range(9)), (3,3))
>>> b = asymmetric(a)
>>> print (b)
0 -1.00000000000000 -2.00000000000000
1.00000000000000 0 -1.00000000000000
2.00000000000000 1.00000000000000 0
if not isinstance(in_arr, Arraypy):
raise TypeError('Input must be Arraypy or TensorArray type')
flag = 0
for j in range(in_arr.rank):
if (in_arr.shape[0] != in_arr.shape[j]):
raise ValueError('Different size of arrays axes')
# forming list of tuples for Arraypy constructor of type a = Arraypy( [(a,
# b), (c, d), ... , (y, z)] )
arg = [(in_arr.start_index[i], in_arr.end_index[i])
for i in range(in_arr.rank)]
# if in_arr TensorArray, then res_arr will be TensorArray, else it will be
# Arraypy
if isinstance(in_arr, TensorArray):
res_arr = TensorArray(Arraypy(arg), in_arr.ind_char)
res_arr = Arraypy(arg)
signs = [0 for i in range(factorial(in_arr.rank))]
temp_i = 0
for p in permutations(range(in_arr.rank)):
signs[temp_i] = perm_parity(list(p))
temp_i += 1
index = [in_arr.start_index[i] for i in range(in_arr.rank)]
for i in range(len(in_arr)):
perm = list(permutations(index))
perm_number = 0
for temp_index in perm:
res_arr[tuple(index)] += signs[perm_number] * \
perm_number += 1
if isinstance(res_arr[tuple(index)], int):
res_arr[tuple(index)] = float(res_arr[tuple(index)])
res_arr[tuple(index)] /= factorial(in_arr.rank)
index = in_arr.next_index(index)
return res_arr
示例6: as_real_imag
def as_real_imag(self, deep=True, **hints):
# TODO: Handle deep and hints
n, m, theta, phi = self.args
re = (sqrt((2*n + 1)/(4*pi) * factorial(n - m)/factorial(n + m)) *
cos(m*phi) * assoc_legendre(n, m, cos(theta)))
im = (sqrt((2*n + 1)/(4*pi) * factorial(n - m)/factorial(n + m)) *
sin(m*phi) * assoc_legendre(n, m, cos(theta)))
return (re, im)
示例7: _eval_rewrite_as_polynomial
def _eval_rewrite_as_polynomial(self, n, x):
from sympy import Sum
# Make sure n \in N_0
if n.is_negative or n.is_integer is False:
raise ValueError("Error: n should be a non-negative integer.")
k = Dummy("k")
kern = RisingFactorial(
-n, k) / (gamma(k + alpha + 1) * factorial(k)) * x**k
return gamma(n + alpha + 1) / factorial(n) * Sum(kern, (k, 0, n))
示例8: interpolate
def interpolate(data, x):
Construct an interpolating polynomial for the data points.
>>> from sympy.polys.polyfuncs import interpolate
>>> from sympy.abc import x
A list is interpreted as though it were paired with a range starting
from 1:
>>> interpolate([1, 4, 9, 16], x)
This can be made explicit by giving a list of coordinates:
>>> interpolate([(1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)], x)
The (x, y) coordinates can also be given as keys and values of a
dictionary (and the points need not be equispaced):
>>> interpolate([(-1, 2), (1, 2), (2, 5)], x)
x**2 + 1
>>> interpolate({-1: 2, 1: 2, 2: 5}, x)
x**2 + 1
n = len(data)
poly = None
if isinstance(data, dict):
X, Y = list(zip(*data.items()))
poly = interpolating_poly(n, x, X, Y)
if isinstance(data[0], tuple):
X, Y = list(zip(*data))
poly = interpolating_poly(n, x, X, Y)
Y = list(data)
numert = Mul(*[(x - i) for i in range(1, n + 1)])
denom = -factorial(n - 1) if n%2 == 0 else factorial(n - 1)
coeffs = []
for i in range(1, n + 1):
coeffs.append(numert/(x - i)/denom)
denom = denom/(i - n)*i
poly = Add(*[coeff*y for coeff, y in zip(coeffs, Y)])
return poly.expand()
示例9: taylor_term
def taylor_term(n, x, *previous_terms):
if n < 0:
return S.Zero
x = sympify(x)
if len(previous_terms) > 1:
p = previous_terms[-1]
return (3**(S(1)/3)*x * Abs(sin(2*pi*(n + S.One)/S(3))) * factorial((n - S.One)/S(3)) /
((n + S.One) * Abs(cos(2*pi*(n + S.Half)/S(3))) * factorial((n - 2)/S(3))) * p)
return (S.One/(root(3, 6)*pi) * gamma((n + S.One)/S(3)) * Abs(sin(2*pi*(n + S.One)/S(3))) /
factorial(n) * (root(3, 3)*x)**n)
示例10: _nP
def _nP(n, k=None, replacement=False):
from sympy.functions.combinatorial.factorials import factorial
from sympy.core.mul import prod
if k == 0:
return 1
if isinstance(n, SYMPY_INTS): # n different items
# assert n >= 0
if k is None:
return sum(_nP(n, i, replacement) for i in range(n + 1))
elif replacement:
return n**k
elif k > n:
return 0
elif k == n:
return factorial(k)
elif k == 1:
return n
# assert k >= 0
return _product(n - k + 1, n)
elif isinstance(n, _MultisetHistogram):
if k is None:
return sum(_nP(n, i, replacement) for i in range(n[_N] + 1))
elif replacement:
return n[_ITEMS]**k
elif k == n[_N]:
return factorial(k)/prod([factorial(i) for i in n[_M] if i > 1])
elif k > n[_N]:
return 0
elif k == 1:
return n[_ITEMS]
# assert k >= 0
tot = 0
n = list(n)
for i in range(len(n[_M])):
if not n[i]:
n[_N] -= 1
if n[i] == 1:
n[i] = 0
n[_ITEMS] -= 1
tot += _nP(_MultisetHistogram(n), k - 1)
n[_ITEMS] += 1
n[i] = 1
n[i] -= 1
tot += _nP(_MultisetHistogram(n), k - 1)
n[i] += 1
n[_N] += 1
return tot
示例11: eval
def eval(cls, n, m, x):
if m.could_extract_minus_sign():
# P^{-m}_n ---> F * P^m_n
return S.NegativeOne**(-m) * (factorial(m + n)/factorial(n - m)) * assoc_legendre(n, -m, x)
if m == 0:
# P^0_n ---> L_n
return legendre(n, x)
if x == 0:
return 2**m*sqrt(S.Pi) / (gamma((1 - m - n)/2)*gamma(1 - (m - n)/2))
if n.is_Number and m.is_Number and n.is_integer and m.is_integer:
if n.is_negative:
raise ValueError("%s : 1st index must be nonnegative integer (got %r)" % (cls, n))
if abs(m) > n:
raise ValueError("%s : abs('2nd index') must be <= '1st index' (got %r, %r)" % (cls, n, m))
return cls._eval_at_order(int(n), abs(int(m))).subs(_x, x)
示例12: _eval_expand_func
def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
n, z = self.args
if n.is_Integer and n.is_nonnegative:
if z.is_Add:
coeff = z.args[0]
if coeff.is_Integer:
e = -(n + 1)
if coeff > 0:
tail = Add(*[Pow(
z - i, e) for i in range(1, int(coeff) + 1)])
tail = -Add(*[Pow(
z + i, e) for i in range(0, int(-coeff))])
return polygamma(n, z - coeff) + (-1)**n*factorial(n)*tail
elif z.is_Mul:
coeff, z = z.as_two_terms()
if coeff.is_Integer and coeff.is_positive:
tail = [ polygamma(n, z + Rational(
i, coeff)) for i in range(0, int(coeff)) ]
if n == 0:
return Add(*tail)/coeff + log(coeff)
return Add(*tail)/coeff**(n + 1)
z *= coeff
return polygamma(n, z)
示例13: _compute_formula
def _compute_formula(f, x, P, Q, k, m, k_max):
"""Computes the formula for f."""
from sympy.polys import roots
sol = []
for i in range(k_max + 1, k_max + m + 1):
r = f.diff(x, i).limit(x, 0) / factorial(i)
if r is S.Zero:
kterm = m*k + i
res = r
p = P.subs(k, kterm)
q = Q.subs(k, kterm)
c1 = p.subs(k, 1/k).leadterm(k)[0]
c2 = q.subs(k, 1/k).leadterm(k)[0]
res *= (-c1 / c2)**k
for r, mul in roots(p, k).items():
res *= rf(-r, k)**mul
for r, mul in roots(q, k).items():
res /= rf(-r, k)**mul
sol.append((res, kterm))
return sol
示例14: eval
def eval(cls, arg):
if arg.is_Number:
if arg is S.NaN:
return S.NaN
elif arg is S.Infinity:
return S.Infinity
elif arg.is_Integer:
if arg.is_positive:
return factorial(arg - 1)
return S.ComplexInfinity
elif arg.is_Rational:
if arg.q == 2:
n = abs(arg.p) // arg.q
if arg.is_positive:
k, coeff = n, S.One
n = k = n + 1
if n & 1 == 0:
coeff = S.One
coeff = S.NegativeOne
for i in range(3, 2*k, 2):
coeff *= i
if arg.is_positive:
return coeff*sqrt(S.Pi) / 2**n
return 2**n*sqrt(S.Pi) / coeff
if arg.is_integer and arg.is_nonpositive:
return S.ComplexInfinity
示例15: taylor_term
def taylor_term(n, x, *previous_terms):
from sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers import euler
if n < 0 or n % 2 == 1:
return S.Zero
x = sympify(x)
return euler(n) / factorial(n) * x**(n)