本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.functions.factorial函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python factorial函数的具体用法?Python factorial怎么用?Python factorial使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_sympy_parser
def test_sympy_parser():
x = Symbol('x')
inputs = {
'2*x': 2 * x,
'3.00': Float(3),
'22/7': Rational(22, 7),
'2+3j': 2 + 3*I,
'exp(x)': exp(x),
'x!': factorial(x),
'x!!': factorial2(x),
'(x + 1)! - 1': factorial(x + 1) - 1,
'3.[3]': Rational(10, 3),
'.0[3]': Rational(1, 30),
'3.2[3]': Rational(97, 30),
'1.3[12]': Rational(433, 330),
'1 + 3.[3]': Rational(13, 3),
'1 + .0[3]': Rational(31, 30),
'1 + 3.2[3]': Rational(127, 30),
'.[0011]': Rational(1, 909),
'0.1[00102] + 1': Rational(366697, 333330),
'1.[0191]': Rational(10190, 9999),
'10!': 3628800,
'-(2)': -Integer(2),
'[-1, -2, 3]': [Integer(-1), Integer(-2), Integer(3)],
'Symbol("x").free_symbols': x.free_symbols,
"S('S(3).n(n=3)')": 3.00,
'factorint(12, visual=True)': Mul(
Pow(2, 2, evaluate=False),
Pow(3, 1, evaluate=False),
'Limit(sin(x), x, 0, dir="-")': Limit(sin(x), x, 0, dir='-'),
for text, result in inputs.items():
assert parse_expr(text) == result
示例2: test_catalan
def test_catalan():
n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
m = Symbol('n', integer=True, positive=True)
catalans = [1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786]
for i, c in enumerate(catalans):
assert catalan(i) == c
assert catalan(n).rewrite(factorial).subs(n, i) == c
assert catalan(n).rewrite(Product).subs(n, i).doit() == c
assert catalan(x) == catalan(x)
assert catalan(2*x).rewrite(binomial) == binomial(4*x, 2*x)/(2*x + 1)
assert catalan(Rational(1, 2)).rewrite(gamma) == 8/(3*pi)
assert catalan(Rational(1, 2)).rewrite(factorial).rewrite(gamma) ==\
8 / (3 * pi)
assert catalan(3*x).rewrite(gamma) == 4**(
3*x)*gamma(3*x + Rational(1, 2))/(sqrt(pi)*gamma(3*x + 2))
assert catalan(x).rewrite(hyper) == hyper((-x + 1, -x), (2,), 1)
assert catalan(n).rewrite(factorial) == factorial(2*n) / (factorial(n + 1)
* factorial(n))
assert isinstance(catalan(n).rewrite(Product), catalan)
assert isinstance(catalan(m).rewrite(Product), Product)
assert diff(catalan(x), x) == (polygamma(
0, x + Rational(1, 2)) - polygamma(0, x + 2) + log(4))*catalan(x)
assert catalan(x).evalf() == catalan(x)
c = catalan(S.Half).evalf()
assert str(c) == '0.848826363156775'
c = catalan(I).evalf(3)
assert str((re(c), im(c))) == '(0.398, -0.0209)'
示例3: psi_n
def psi_n(n, x, m, omega):
Returns the wavefunction psi_{n} for the One-dimensional harmonic oscillator.
the "nodal" quantum number. Corresponds to the number of nodes in the
wavefunction. n >= 0
x coordinate
mass of the particle
angular frequency of the oscillator
>>> from sympy.physics.qho_1d import psi_n
>>> from sympy import var
>>> var("x m omega")
(x, m, omega)
>>> psi_n(0, x, m, omega)
# sympify arguments
n, x, m, omega = map(S, [n, x, m, omega])
nu = m * omega / hbar
# normalization coefficient
C = (nu/pi)**(S(1)/4) * sqrt(1/(2**n*factorial(n)))
return C * exp(-nu* x**2 /2) * hermite(n, sqrt(nu)*x)
示例4: rank
def rank(self):
Returns the lexicographic rank of the permutation.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation
>>> p = Permutation([0,1,2,3])
>>> p.rank
>>> p = Permutation([3,2,1,0])
>>> p.rank
rank = 0
rho = self.array_form[:]
n = self.size - 1
psize = int(factorial(n))
for j in xrange(self.size - 1):
rank += rho[j]*psize
for i in xrange(j + 1, self.size):
if rho[i] > rho[j]:
rho[i] -= 1
psize //= n
n -= 1
return rank
示例5: unrank_nonlex
def unrank_nonlex(self, n, r):
This is a linear time unranking algorithm that does not
respect lexicographic order [3].
[3] See below
>>> from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation
>>> Permutation.unrank_nonlex(4, 5)
Permutation([2, 0, 3, 1])
>>> Permutation.unrank_nonlex(4, -1)
Permutation([0, 1, 2, 3])
>>> Permutation.unrank_nonlex(6, 2)
Permutation([1, 5, 3, 4, 0, 2])
def unrank1(n, r, a):
if n > 0:
a[n - 1], a[r % n] = a[r % n], a[n - 1]
unrank1(n - 1, r//n, a)
id_perm = range(n)
n = int(n)
r = int(r % factorial(n))
unrank1(n, r, id_perm)
return Permutation(id_perm)
示例6: _eval_rewrite_as_Sum
def _eval_rewrite_as_Sum(self, ap, bq, z):
from sympy.functions import factorial, RisingFactorial, Piecewise
n = C.Dummy("n", integer=True)
rfap = Tuple(*[RisingFactorial(a, n) for a in ap])
rfbq = Tuple(*[RisingFactorial(b, n) for b in bq])
coeff = Mul(*rfap) / Mul(*rfbq)
return Piecewise((C.Sum(coeff * z ** n / factorial(n), (n, 0, oo)), self.convergence_statement), (self, True))
示例7: R_nl
def R_nl(n, l, nu, r):
Returns the radial wavefunction R_{nl} for a 3d isotropic harmonic
the "nodal" quantum number. Corresponds to the number of nodes in
the wavefunction. n >= 0
the quantum number for orbital angular momentum
mass-scaled frequency: nu = m*omega/(2*hbar) where `m` is the mass
and `omega` the frequency of the oscillator.
(in atomic units nu == omega/2)
Radial coordinate
>>> from sympy.physics.sho import R_nl
>>> from sympy import var
>>> var("r nu l")
(r, nu, l)
>>> R_nl(0, 0, 1, r)
>>> R_nl(1, 0, 1, r)
4*2**(1/4)*sqrt(3)*(-2*r**2 + 3/2)*exp(-r**2)/(3*pi**(1/4))
l, nu and r may be symbolic:
>>> R_nl(0, 0, nu, r)
>>> R_nl(0, l, 1, r)
r**l*sqrt(2**(l + 3/2)*2**(l + 2)/factorial2(2*l + 1))*exp(-r**2)/pi**(1/4)
The normalization of the radial wavefunction is:
>>> from sympy import Integral, oo
>>> Integral(R_nl(0, 0, 1, r)**2 * r**2, (r, 0, oo)).n()
>>> Integral(R_nl(1, 0, 1, r)**2 * r**2, (r, 0, oo)).n()
>>> Integral(R_nl(1, 1, 1, r)**2 * r**2, (r, 0, oo)).n()
n, l, nu, r = map(S, [n, l, nu, r])
# formula uses n >= 1 (instead of nodal n >= 0)
n = n + 1
C = sqrt(
((2 * nu) ** (l + Rational(3, 2)) * 2 ** (n + l + 1) * factorial(n - 1))
/ (sqrt(pi) * (factorial2(2 * n + 2 * l - 1)))
return C * r ** (l) * exp(-nu * r ** 2) * assoc_laguerre(n - 1, l + S(1) / 2, 2 * nu * r ** 2)
示例8: monomial_count
def monomial_count(V, N):
"""Computes the number of monomials of degree N in #V variables.
The number of monomials is given as (#V + N)! / (#V! N!), eg:
>>> from sympy import *
>>> x,y = symbols('xy')
>>> monomial_count(2, 2)
>>> M = monomials([x, y], 2)
>>> print M
[1, x, y, x**2, y**2, x*y]
>>> len(M)
return factorial(V + N) / factorial(V) / factorial(N)
示例9: monomial_count
def monomial_count(V, N):
"""Computes the number of monomials of degree `N` in `#V` variables.
The number of monomials is given as `(#V + N)! / (#V! N!)`, e.g.::
>>> from sympy import monomials, monomial_count
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> monomial_count(2, 2)
>>> M = monomials([x, y], 2)
>>> sorted(M)
[1, x, y, x**2, y**2, x*y]
>>> len(M)
return factorial(V + N) / factorial(V) / factorial(N)
示例10: monomial_count
def monomial_count(V, N):
"""Computes the number of monomials of degree N in #V variables.
The number of monomials is given as (#V + N)! / (#V! N!), e.g.:
>>> from sympy.polys.monomial import monomial_count, monomials
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> monomial_count(2, 2)
>>> M = monomials([x, y], 2)
>>> print M
set([1, x, y, x*y, x**2, y**2])
>>> len(M)
return factorial(V + N) / factorial(V) / factorial(N)
示例11: coherent_state
def coherent_state(n, alpha):
Returns <n|alpha> for the coherent states of 1D harmonic oscillator.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coherent_states
the "nodal" quantum number
the eigen value of annihilation operator
return exp(- Abs(alpha)**2/2)*(alpha**n)/sqrt(factorial(n))
示例12: unrank_lex
def unrank_lex(self, size, rank):
Lexicographic permutation unranking.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics.permutations import Permutation
>>> a = Permutation.unrank_lex(5,10)
>>> a.rank
>>> a
Permutation([0, 2, 4, 1, 3])
perm_array = [0] * size
for i in xrange(size):
d = (rank % int(factorial(i + 1))) / int(factorial(i))
rank = rank - d*int(factorial(i))
perm_array[size - i - 1] = d
for j in xrange(size - i, size):
if perm_array[j] > d-1:
perm_array[j] += 1
return Permutation(perm_array)
示例13: test_Function
def test_Function():
assert mcode(sin(x) ** cos(x)) == "sin(x).^cos(x)"
assert mcode(sign(x)) == "sign(x)"
assert mcode(exp(x)) == "exp(x)"
assert mcode(log(x)) == "log(x)"
assert mcode(factorial(x)) == "factorial(x)"
assert mcode(floor(x)) == "floor(x)"
assert mcode(atan2(y, x)) == "atan2(y, x)"
assert mcode(beta(x, y)) == 'beta(x, y)'
assert mcode(polylog(x, y)) == 'polylog(x, y)'
assert mcode(harmonic(x)) == 'harmonic(x)'
assert mcode(bernoulli(x)) == "bernoulli(x)"
assert mcode(bernoulli(x, y)) == "bernoulli(x, y)"
示例14: euler_maclaurin
def euler_maclaurin(self, n=0):
Return n-th order Euler-Maclaurin approximation of self.
The 0-th order approximation is simply the corresponding
f, i, a, b = self.f, self.i, self.a, self.b
x = Symbol('x', dummy=True)
s = Basic.Integral(f.subs(i, x), (x, a, b)).doit()
if n > 0:
s += (f.subs(i, a) + f.subs(i, b))/2
for k in range(1, n):
g = f.diff(i, 2*k-1)
B = Basic.bernoulli
s += B(2*k)/factorial(2*k)*(g.subs(i,b)-g.subs(i,a))
return s
示例15: test_sympy_parser
def test_sympy_parser():
x = Symbol('x')
inputs = {
'2*x': 2 * x,
'3.00': Float(3),
'22/7': Rational(22, 7),
'2+3j': 2 + 3*I,
'exp(x)': exp(x),
'x!': factorial(x),
'3.[3]': Rational(10, 3),
'10!': 3628800,
'(_kern)': Symbol('_kern'),
'-(2)': -Integer(2),
'[-1, -2, 3]': [Integer(-1), Integer(-2), Integer(3)]
for text, result in inputs.items():
assert parse_expr(text) == result