本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.functions.conjugate函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python conjugate函数的具体用法?Python conjugate怎么用?Python conjugate使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: fid
def fid(target_unitary, error_channel_operators, density_matrix, symbolic=1):
"""Fidelity between a unitary gate and a non-necessarily unitary gate,
for a given initial density matrix. This is later used when calculating
the worst case fidelity.
Notice that the input format of the general channel is a list of Kraus
operators instead of a process matrix. The input format of the target
unitary is just the matrix itself, not its process matrix.
symbolic = 1 is the case when the the input matrices are sympy,
while symbolic = 0 is used when the input matrices are numpy.
V, K, rho = target_unitary, error_channel_operators, density_matrix
if symbolic:
Tra = (((V.H)*K[0])*rho).trace()
fid = Tra*(fun.conjugate(Tra))
for i in range(1,len(K)):
Tra = (((V.H)*K[i])*rho).trace()
fid += Tra*(fun.conjugate(Tra))
return fid.expand()
Tra = np.trace((V.H)*K[0]*rho)
fid = Tra*(Tra.conjugate())
for i in range(1,len(K)):
Tra = np.trace((V.H)*K[i]*rho)
fid += Tra*(Tra.conjugate())
return fid
示例2: test_Trace
def test_Trace():
assert isinstance(Trace(A), Trace)
assert not isinstance(Trace(A), MatrixExpr)
raises(ShapeError, lambda: Trace(C))
assert trace(eye(3)) == 3
assert trace(Matrix(3, 3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) == 15
assert adjoint(Trace(A)) == trace(Adjoint(A))
assert conjugate(Trace(A)) == trace(Adjoint(A))
assert transpose(Trace(A)) == Trace(A)
A / Trace(A) # Make sure this is possible
# Some easy simplifications
assert trace(Identity(5)) == 5
assert trace(ZeroMatrix(5, 5)) == 0
assert trace(OneMatrix(1, 1)) == 1
assert trace(OneMatrix(2, 2)) == 2
assert trace(OneMatrix(n, n)) == n
assert trace(2*A*B) == 2*Trace(A*B)
assert trace(A.T) == trace(A)
i, j = symbols('i j')
F = FunctionMatrix(3, 3, Lambda((i, j), i + j))
assert trace(F) == (0 + 0) + (1 + 1) + (2 + 2)
raises(TypeError, lambda: Trace(S.One))
assert Trace(A).arg is A
assert str(trace(A)) == str(Trace(A).doit())
assert Trace(A).is_commutative is True
示例3: test_adjoint
def test_adjoint():
Sq = MatrixSymbol('Sq', n, n)
assert Adjoint(A).shape == (m, n)
assert Adjoint(A*B).shape == (l, n)
assert adjoint(Adjoint(A)) == A
assert isinstance(Adjoint(Adjoint(A)), Adjoint)
assert conjugate(Adjoint(A)) == Transpose(A)
assert transpose(Adjoint(A)) == Adjoint(Transpose(A))
assert Adjoint(eye(3)).doit() == eye(3)
assert Adjoint(S(5)).doit() == S(5)
assert Adjoint(Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])).doit() == Matrix([[1, 3], [2, 4]])
assert adjoint(Trace(Sq)) == conjugate(Trace(Sq))
assert Trace(adjoint(Sq)) == conjugate(Trace(Sq))
assert Adjoint(Sq)[0, 1] == conjugate(Sq[1, 0])
assert Adjoint(A*B).doit() == Adjoint(B) * Adjoint(A)
示例4: test_Function_change_name
def test_Function_change_name():
assert mcode(abs(x)) == "abs(x)"
assert mcode(ceiling(x)) == "ceil(x)"
assert mcode(arg(x)) == "angle(x)"
assert mcode(im(x)) == "imag(x)"
assert mcode(re(x)) == "real(x)"
assert mcode(conjugate(x)) == "conj(x)"
assert mcode(chebyshevt(y, x)) == "chebyshevT(y, x)"
assert mcode(chebyshevu(y, x)) == "chebyshevU(y, x)"
assert mcode(laguerre(x, y)) == "laguerreL(x, y)"
assert mcode(Chi(x)) == "coshint(x)"
assert mcode(Shi(x)) == "sinhint(x)"
assert mcode(Ci(x)) == "cosint(x)"
assert mcode(Si(x)) == "sinint(x)"
assert mcode(li(x)) == "logint(x)"
assert mcode(loggamma(x)) == "gammaln(x)"
assert mcode(polygamma(x, y)) == "psi(x, y)"
assert mcode(RisingFactorial(x, y)) == "pochhammer(x, y)"
assert mcode(DiracDelta(x)) == "dirac(x)"
assert mcode(DiracDelta(x, 3)) == "dirac(3, x)"
assert mcode(Heaviside(x)) == "heaviside(x)"
assert mcode(Heaviside(x, y)) == "heaviside(x, y)"
示例5: conjugate
def conjugate(self):
return conjugate(self)
示例6: _eval_adjoint
def _eval_adjoint(self):
return conjugate(self.arg)
示例7: test_Function
def test_Function():
assert mcode(f(x, y, z)) == "f[x, y, z]"
assert mcode(sin(x) ** cos(x)) == "Sin[x]^Cos[x]"
assert mcode(conjugate(x)) == "Conjugate[x]"
示例8: _eval_transpose
def _eval_transpose(self):
return conjugate(self.arg)
示例9: _eval_trace
def _eval_trace(self):
from sympy.matrices.expressions.trace import Trace
return conjugate(Trace(self.arg))
示例10: _entry
def _entry(self, i, j):
return conjugate(self.arg._entry(j, i))
示例11: _entry
def _entry(self, i, j, **kwargs):
return conjugate(self.arg._entry(j, i, **kwargs))