本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.core.function.expand_mul函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python expand_mul函数的具体用法?Python expand_mul怎么用?Python expand_mul使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _cholesky
def _cholesky(self, hermitian=True):
"""Helper function of cholesky.
Without the error checks.
To be used privately.
Implements the Cholesky-Banachiewicz algorithm.
Returns L such that L*L.H == self if hermitian flag is True,
or L*L.T == self if hermitian is False.
L = zeros(self.rows, self.rows)
if hermitian:
for i in range(self.rows):
for j in range(i):
L[i, j] = (1 / L[j, j])*expand_mul(self[i, j] -
sum(L[i, k]*L[j, k].conjugate() for k in range(j)))
Lii2 = expand_mul(self[i, i] -
sum(L[i, k]*L[i, k].conjugate() for k in range(i)))
if Lii2.is_positive is False:
raise ValueError("Matrix must be positive-definite")
L[i, i] = sqrt(Lii2)
for i in range(self.rows):
for j in range(i):
L[i, j] = (1 / L[j, j])*(self[i, j] -
sum(L[i, k]*L[j, k] for k in range(j)))
L[i, i] = sqrt(self[i, i] -
sum(L[i, k]**2 for k in range(i)))
return self._new(L)
示例2: _LDLdecomposition
def _LDLdecomposition(self, hermitian=True):
"""Helper function of LDLdecomposition.
Without the error checks.
To be used privately.
Returns L and D such that L*D*L.H == self if hermitian flag is True,
or L*D*L.T == self if hermitian is False.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholesky_decomposition#LDL_decomposition_2
D = zeros(self.rows, self.rows)
L = eye(self.rows)
if hermitian:
for i in range(self.rows):
for j in range(i):
L[i, j] = (1 / D[j, j])*expand_mul(self[i, j] - sum(
L[i, k]*L[j, k].conjugate()*D[k, k] for k in range(j)))
D[i, i] = expand_mul(self[i, i] -
sum(L[i, k]*L[i, k].conjugate()*D[k, k] for k in range(i)))
if D[i, i].is_positive is False:
raise ValueError("Matrix must be positive-definite")
for i in range(self.rows):
for j in range(i):
L[i, j] = (1 / D[j, j])*(self[i, j] - sum(
L[i, k]*L[j, k]*D[k, k] for k in range(j)))
D[i, i] = self[i, i] - sum(L[i, k]**2*D[k, k] for k in range(i))
return self._new(L), self._new(D)
示例3: valid
def valid(x):
# this is used to see if gen=x satisfies the
# relational by substituting it into the
# expanded form and testing against 0, e.g.
# if expr = x*(x + 1) < 2 then e = x*(x + 1) - 2
# and expanded_e = x**2 + x - 2; the test is
# whether a given value of x satisfies
# x**2 + x - 2 < 0
# expanded_e, expr and gen used from enclosing scope
v = expanded_e.subs(gen, expand_mul(x))
r = expr.func(v, 0)
except TypeError:
r = S.false
if r in (S.true, S.false):
return r
if v.is_real is False:
return S.false
v = v.n(2)
if v.is_comparable:
return expr.func(v, 0)
# not comparable or couldn't be evaluated
raise NotImplementedError(
'relationship did not evaluate: %s' % r)
示例4: test_issue_11230
def test_issue_11230():
# a specific test that always failed
a, b, f, k, l, i = symbols('a b f k l i')
p = [a*b*f*k*l, a*i*k**2*l, f*i*k**2*l]
R, C = cse(p)
assert not any(i.is_Mul for a in C for i in a.args)
# random tests for the issue
from random import choice
from sympy.core.function import expand_mul
s = symbols('a:m')
# 35 Mul tests, none of which should ever fail
ex = [Mul(*[choice(s) for i in range(5)]) for i in range(7)]
for p in subsets(ex, 3):
p = list(p)
R, C = cse(p)
assert not any(i.is_Mul for a in C for i in a.args)
for ri in reversed(R):
for i in range(len(C)):
C[i] = C[i].subs(*ri)
assert p == C
# 35 Add tests, none of which should ever fail
ex = [Add(*[choice(s[:7]) for i in range(5)]) for i in range(7)]
for p in subsets(ex, 3):
p = list(p)
was = R, C = cse(p)
assert not any(i.is_Add for a in C for i in a.args)
for ri in reversed(R):
for i in range(len(C)):
C[i] = C[i].subs(*ri)
# use expand_mul to handle cases like this:
# p = [a + 2*b + 2*e, 2*b + c + 2*e, b + 2*c + 2*g]
# x0 = 2*(b + e) is identified giving a rebuilt p that
# is now `[a + 2*(b + e), c + 2*(b + e), b + 2*c + 2*g]`
assert p == [expand_mul(i) for i in C]
示例5: sqrtdenest
def sqrtdenest(expr, max_iter=3):
"""Denests sqrts in an expression that contain other square roots
if possible, otherwise returns the expr unchanged. This is based on the
algorithms of [1].
>>> from sympy.simplify.sqrtdenest import sqrtdenest
>>> from sympy import sqrt
>>> sqrtdenest(sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6)))
sqrt(2) + sqrt(3)
See Also
[1] http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/files/us-fagin/symb85.pdf
[2] D. J. Jeffrey and A. D. Rich, 'Symplifying Square Roots of Square Roots
by Denesting' (available at http://www.cybertester.com/data/denest.pdf)
expr = expand_mul(sympify(expr))
for i in range(max_iter):
z = _sqrtdenest0(expr)
if expr == z:
return expr
expr = z
return expr
示例6: _eval_as_leading_term
def _eval_as_leading_term(self, x):
from sympy import expand_mul, factor_terms
old = self
expr = expand_mul(self)
if not expr.is_Add:
return expr.as_leading_term(x)
infinite = [t for t in expr.args if t.is_infinite]
expr = expr.func(*[t.as_leading_term(x) for t in expr.args]).removeO()
if not expr:
# simple leading term analysis gave us 0 but we have to send
# back a term, so compute the leading term (via series)
return old.compute_leading_term(x)
elif expr is S.NaN:
return old.func._from_args(infinite)
elif not expr.is_Add:
return expr
plain = expr.func(*[s for s, _ in expr.extract_leading_order(x)])
rv = factor_terms(plain, fraction=False)
rv_simplify = rv.simplify()
# if it simplifies to an x-free expression, return that;
# tests don't fail if we don't but it seems nicer to do this
if x not in rv_simplify.free_symbols:
if rv_simplify.is_zero and plain.is_zero is not True:
return (expr - plain)._eval_as_leading_term(x)
return rv_simplify
return rv
示例7: sqrtdenest
def sqrtdenest(expr, max_iter=3):
"""Denests sqrts in an expression that contain other square roots
if possible, otherwise returns the expr unchanged. This is based on the
algorithms of [1].
>>> from sympy.simplify.sqrtdenest import sqrtdenest
>>> from sympy import sqrt
>>> sqrtdenest(sqrt(5 + 2 * sqrt(6)))
sqrt(2) + sqrt(3)
See Also
[1] http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cs/people/fagin/symb85.pdf
expr = expand_mul(sympify(expr))
for i in range(max_iter):
z = _sqrtdenest0(expr)
if expr == z:
return expr
expr = z
return expr
示例8: _bell_poly
def _bell_poly(n, prev):
s = 1
a = 1
for k in xrange(2, n + 1):
a = a * (n - k + 1) // (k - 1)
s += a * prev[k - 1]
return expand_mul(_sym * s)
示例9: _bell_incomplete_poly
def _bell_incomplete_poly(n, k, symbols):
The second kind of Bell polynomials (incomplete Bell polynomials).
Calculated by recurrence formula:
.. math:: B_{n,k}(x_1, x_2, \dotsc, x_{n-k+1}) =
\x_m \binom{n-1}{m-1} B_{n-m,k-1}(x_1, x_2, \dotsc, x_{n-m-k})
B_{0,0} = 1;
B_{n,0} = 0; for n>=1
B_{0,k} = 0; for k>=1
if (n == 0) and (k == 0):
return S.One
elif (n == 0) or (k == 0):
return S.Zero
s = S.Zero
a = S.One
for m in xrange(1, n - k + 2):
s += a * bell._bell_incomplete_poly(
n - m, k - 1, symbols) * symbols[m - 1]
a = a * (n - m) / m
return expand_mul(s)
示例10: _LDLdecomposition
def _LDLdecomposition(self):
"""Helper function of LDLdecomposition.
Without the error checks.
To be used privately.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholesky_decomposition#LDL_decomposition_2
D = zeros(self.rows, self.rows)
L = eye(self.rows)
for i in range(self.rows):
for j in range(i):
L[i, j] = (1 / D[j, j])*expand_mul(self[i, j] - sum(
L[i, k]*L[j, k].conjugate()*D[k, k] for k in range(j)))
D[i, i] = expand_mul(self[i, i] -
sum(L[i, k]*L[i, k].conjugate()*D[k, k] for k in range(i)))
if D[i, i].is_positive is False:
raise ValueError("Matrix must be positive-definite")
return self._new(L), self._new(D)
示例11: _cholesky
def _cholesky(self):
"""Helper function of cholesky.
Without the error checks.
To be used privately.
Implements the Cholesky-Banachiewicz algorithm.
L = zeros(self.rows, self.rows)
for i in range(self.rows):
for j in range(i):
L[i, j] = (1 / L[j, j])*expand_mul(self[i, j] -
sum(L[i, k]*L[j, k].conjugate() for k in range(j)))
Lii2 = expand_mul(self[i, i] -
sum(L[i, k]*L[i, k].conjugate() for k in range(i)))
if Lii2.is_positive is False:
raise ValueError("Matrix must be positive-definite")
L[i, i] = sqrt(Lii2)
return self._new(L)
示例12: convolution_fwht
def convolution_fwht(a, b):
Performs dyadic (*bitwise-XOR*) convolution using Fast Walsh Hadamard
The convolution is automatically padded to the right with zeros, as the
*radix-2 FWHT* requires the number of sample points to be a power of 2.
a, b : iterables
The sequences for which convolution is performed.
>>> from sympy import symbols, S, I
>>> from sympy.discrete.convolutions import convolution_fwht
>>> u, v, x, y = symbols('u v x y')
>>> convolution_fwht([u, v], [x, y])
[u*x + v*y, u*y + v*x]
>>> convolution_fwht([2, 3], [4, 5])
[23, 22]
>>> convolution_fwht([2, 5 + 4*I, 7], [6*I, 7, 3 + 4*I])
[56 + 68*I, -10 + 30*I, 6 + 50*I, 48 + 32*I]
>>> convolution_fwht([S(33)/7, S(55)/6, S(7)/4], [S(2)/3, 5])
[2057/42, 1870/63, 7/6, 35/4]
.. [1] https://www.radioeng.cz/fulltexts/2002/02_03_40_42.pdf
.. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadamard_transform
if not a or not b:
return []
a, b = a[:], b[:]
n = max(len(a), len(b))
if n&(n - 1): # not a power of 2
n = 2**n.bit_length()
# padding with zeros
a += [S.Zero]*(n - len(a))
b += [S.Zero]*(n - len(b))
a, b = fwht(a), fwht(b)
a = [expand_mul(x*y) for x, y in zip(a, b)]
a = ifwht(a)
return a
示例13: _combine_inverse
def _combine_inverse(lhs, rhs):
Returns lhs - rhs, but treats oo like a symbol so oo - oo
returns 0, instead of a nan.
from sympy.core.function import expand_mul
from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy
inf = (S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity)
if lhs.has(*inf) or rhs.has(*inf):
oo = Dummy('oo')
reps = {
S.Infinity: oo,
S.NegativeInfinity: -oo}
ireps = dict([(v, k) for k, v in reps.items()])
eq = expand_mul(lhs.xreplace(reps) - rhs.xreplace(reps))
if eq.has(oo):
eq = eq.replace(
lambda x: x.is_Pow and x.base == oo,
lambda x: x.base)
return eq.xreplace(ireps)
return expand_mul(lhs - rhs)
示例14: eval
def eval(cls, p, q):
from sympy.simplify.simplify import nsimplify
if q.is_Number:
float = not q.is_Rational
pnew = expand_mul(p)
if pnew.is_Number:
float = float or not pnew.is_Rational
if not float:
return pnew % q
return Float(nsimplify(pnew) % nsimplify(q))
elif pnew.is_Add and pnew.args[0].is_Number:
r, p = pnew.as_two_terms()
p += Mod(r, q)
return Mod(p, q, evaluate=False)
示例15: convolution_fft
def convolution_fft(a, b, dps=None):
Performs linear convolution using Fast Fourier Transform.
a, b : iterables
The sequences for which convolution is performed.
dps : Integer
Specifies the number of decimal digits for precision.
>>> from sympy import S, I
>>> from sympy.discrete.convolutions import convolution_fft
>>> convolution_fft([2, 3], [4, 5])
[8, 22, 15]
>>> convolution_fft([2, 5], [6, 7, 3])
[12, 44, 41, 15]
>>> convolution_fft([1 + 2*I, 4 + 3*I], [S(5)/4, 6])
[5/4 + 5*I/2, 11 + 63*I/4, 24 + 18*I]
.. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolution_theorem
.. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Fourier_transform_(general%29
a, b = a[:], b[:]
n = m = len(a) + len(b) - 1 # convolution size
if n > 0 and n&(n - 1): # not a power of 2
n = 2**n.bit_length()
# padding with zeros
a += [S.Zero]*(n - len(a))
b += [S.Zero]*(n - len(b))
a, b = fft(a, dps), fft(b, dps)
a = [expand_mul(x*y) for x, y in zip(a, b)]
a = ifft(a, dps)[:m]
return a