本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.core.compatibility.xrange函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python xrange函数的具体用法?Python xrange怎么用?Python xrange使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: dup_mul
def dup_mul(f, g, K):
Multiply dense polynomials in ``K[x]``.
>>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
>>> R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
>>> R.dup_mul(x - 2, x + 2)
x**2 - 4
if f == g:
return dup_sqr(f, K)
if not (f and g):
return []
df = dup_degree(f)
dg = dup_degree(g)
h = []
for i in xrange(0, df + dg + 1):
coeff = K.zero
for j in xrange(max(0, i - dg), min(df, i) + 1):
coeff += f[j]*g[i - j]
return dup_strip(h)
示例2: LU
def LU(matlist, K, reverse=0):
It computes the LU decomposition of a matrix and returns L and U
>>> from sympy.matrices.densesolve import LU
>>> from sympy import QQ
>>> a = [
... [QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(3)],
... [QQ(2), QQ(-4), QQ(6)],
... [QQ(3), QQ(-9), QQ(-3)]]
>>> LU(a, QQ)
([[1, 0, 0], [2, 1, 0], [3, 15/8, 1]], [[1, 2, 3], [0, -8, 0], [0, 0, -12]])
See Also
nrow = len(matlist)
new_matlist1, new_matlist2 = eye(nrow, K), copy.deepcopy(matlist)
for i in xrange(nrow):
for j in xrange(i + 1, nrow):
if new_matlist2[j][i] != 0:
new_matlist1[j][i] = new_matlist2[j][i] / new_matlist2[i][i]
rowadd(new_matlist2, j, i, -new_matlist2[j][i] / new_matlist2[i][i], K)
return new_matlist1, new_matlist2
示例3: _eval_expand_func
def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
n, z = self.args
if n.is_Integer and n.is_nonnegative:
if z.is_Add:
coeff = z.args[0]
if coeff.is_Integer:
e = -(n + 1)
if coeff > 0:
tail = Add(*[C.Pow(z - i, e) for i in xrange(1, int(coeff) + 1)])
tail = -Add(*[C.Pow(z + i, e) for i in xrange(0, int(-coeff))])
return polygamma(n, z - coeff) + (-1) ** n * C.factorial(n) * tail
elif z.is_Mul:
coeff, z = z.as_two_terms()
if coeff.is_Integer and coeff.is_positive:
tail = [polygamma(n, z + C.Rational(i, coeff)) for i in xrange(0, int(coeff))]
if n == 0:
return Add(*tail) / coeff + log(coeff)
return Add(*tail) / coeff ** (n + 1)
z *= coeff
return polygamma(n, z)
示例4: _identity_matrix
def _identity_matrix(n, domain):
M = [[domain.zero]*n for _ in xrange(n)]
for i in xrange(n):
M[i][i] = domain.one
return M
示例5: RGS_generalized
def RGS_generalized(m):
Computes the m + 1 generalized unrestricted growth strings
and returns them as rows in matrix.
>>> from sympy.combinatorics.partitions import RGS_generalized
>>> RGS_generalized(6)
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0],
[ 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 0, 0],
[ 5, 15, 37, 77, 0, 0, 0],
[ 15, 52, 151, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[ 52, 203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[203, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
d = zeros(m + 1)
for i in xrange(0, m + 1):
d[0, i] = 1
for i in xrange(1, m + 1):
for j in xrange(m):
if j <= m - i:
d[i, j] = j * d[i - 1, j] + d[i - 1, j + 1]
d[i, j] = 0
return d
示例6: roots_cyclotomic
def roots_cyclotomic(f, factor=False):
"""Compute roots of cyclotomic polynomials. """
L, U = _inv_totient_estimate(f.degree())
for n in xrange(L, U + 1):
g = cyclotomic_poly(n, f.gen, polys=True)
if f == g:
else: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError("failed to find index of a cyclotomic polynomial")
roots = []
if not factor:
# get the indices in the right order so the computed
# roots will be sorted
h = n//2
ks = [i for i in xrange(1, n + 1) if igcd(i, n) == 1]
ks.sort(key=lambda x: (x, -1) if x <= h else (abs(x - n), 1))
d = 2*I*pi/n
for k in reversed(ks):
g = Poly(f, extension=root(-1, n))
for h, _ in ordered(g.factor_list()[1]):
return roots
示例7: eval_levicivita
def eval_levicivita(*args):
"""Evaluate Levi-Civita symbol."""
from sympy import factorial
n = len(args)
return prod(
prod(args[j] - args[i] for j in xrange(i + 1, n))
/ factorial(i) for i in xrange(n))
示例8: roots_cyclotomic
def roots_cyclotomic(f, factor=False):
"""Compute roots of cyclotomic polynomials. """
L, U = _inv_totient_estimate(f.degree())
for n in xrange(L, U + 1):
g = cyclotomic_poly(n, f.gen, polys=True)
if f == g:
else: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError("failed to find index of a cyclotomic polynomial")
roots = []
if not factor:
for k in xrange(1, n + 1):
if igcd(k, n) == 1:
g = Poly(f, extension=(-1)**Rational(1, n))
for h, _ in g.factor_list()[1]:
return sorted(roots, key=default_sort_key)
示例9: _match_common_args
def _match_common_args(Func, funcs):
if order != 'none':
funcs = list(ordered(funcs))
funcs = sorted(funcs, key=lambda x: len(x.args))
func_args = [set(e.args) for e in funcs]
for i in xrange(len(func_args)):
for j in xrange(i + 1, len(func_args)):
com_args = func_args[i].intersection(func_args[j])
if len(com_args) > 1:
com_func = Func(*com_args)
# for all sets, replace the common symbols by the function
# over them, to allow recursive matches
diff_i = func_args[i].difference(com_args)
func_args[i] = diff_i | set([com_func])
if diff_i:
opt_subs[funcs[i]] = Func(Func(*diff_i), com_func,
diff_j = func_args[j].difference(com_args)
func_args[j] = diff_j | set([com_func])
opt_subs[funcs[j]] = Func(Func(*diff_j), com_func,
for k in xrange(j + 1, len(func_args)):
if not com_args.difference(func_args[k]):
diff_k = func_args[k].difference(com_args)
func_args[k] = diff_k | set([com_func])
opt_subs[funcs[k]] = Func(Func(*diff_k), com_func,
示例10: decrement_part
def decrement_part(self, part):
"""Decrements part (a subrange of pstack), if possible, returning
True iff the part was successfully decremented.
If you think of the v values in the part as a multi-digit
integer (least significant digit on the right) this is
basically decrementing that integer, but with the extra
constraint that the leftmost digit cannot be decremented to 0.
The part, represented as a list of PartComponent objects,
which is to be decremented.
plen = len(part)
for j in xrange(plen - 1, -1, -1):
if (j == 0 and part[j].v > 1) or (j > 0 and part[j].v > 0):
# found val to decrement
part[j].v -= 1
# Reset trailing parts back to maximum
for k in xrange(j + 1, plen):
part[k].v = part[k].u
return True
return False
示例11: _initialize_enumeration
def _initialize_enumeration(self, multiplicities):
"""Allocates and initializes the partition stack.
This is called from the enumeration/counting routines, so
there is no need to call it separately."""
num_components = len(multiplicities)
# cardinality is the total number of elements, whether or not distinct
cardinality = sum(multiplicities)
# pstack is the partition stack, which is segmented by
# f into parts.
self.pstack = [PartComponent() for i in
xrange(num_components * cardinality + 1)]
self.f = [0] * (cardinality + 1)
# Initial state - entire multiset in one part.
for j in xrange(num_components):
ps = self.pstack[j]
ps.c = j
ps.u = multiplicities[j]
ps.v = multiplicities[j]
self.f[0] = 0
self.f[1] = num_components
self.lpart = 0
示例12: interpolating_poly
def interpolating_poly(n, x, X='x', Y='y'):
"""Construct Lagrange interpolating polynomial for ``n`` data points. """
if isinstance(X, str):
X = symbols("%s:%s" % (X, n))
if isinstance(Y, str):
Y = symbols("%s:%s" % (Y, n))
coeffs = []
for i in xrange(0, n):
numer = []
denom = []
for j in xrange(0, n):
if i == j:
numer.append(x - X[j])
denom.append(X[i] - X[j])
numer = Mul(*numer)
denom = Mul(*denom)
return Add(*[ coeff*y for coeff, y in zip(coeffs, Y) ])
示例13: dmp_fateman_poly_F_1
def dmp_fateman_poly_F_1(n, K):
"""Fateman's GCD benchmark: trivial GCD """
u = [K(1), K(0)]
for i in xrange(0, n):
u = [dmp_one(i, K), u]
v = [K(1), K(0), K(0)]
for i in xrange(0, n):
v = [dmp_one(i, K), dmp_zero(i), v]
m = n - 1
U = dmp_add_term(u, dmp_ground(K(1), m), 0, n, K)
V = dmp_add_term(u, dmp_ground(K(2), m), 0, n, K)
f = [[-K(3), K(0)], [], [K(1), K(0), -K(1)]]
W = dmp_add_term(v, dmp_ground(K(1), m), 0, n, K)
Y = dmp_raise(f, m, 1, K)
F = dmp_mul(U, V, n, K)
G = dmp_mul(W, Y, n, K)
H = dmp_one(n, K)
return F, G, H
示例14: _eval_expand_func
def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
from sympy import exp, I, floor, Add, Poly, Dummy, exp_polar, unpolarify
z, s, a = self.args
if z == 1:
return zeta(s, a)
if s.is_Integer and s <= 0:
t = Dummy('t')
p = Poly((t + a)**(-s), t)
start = 1/(1 - t)
res = S(0)
for c in reversed(p.all_coeffs()):
res += c*start
start = t*start.diff(t)
return res.subs(t, z)
if a.is_Rational:
# See section 18 of
# Kelly B. Roach. Hypergeometric Function Representations.
# In: Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Symbolic and
# Algebraic Computation, pages 205-211, New York, 1997. ACM.
# TODO should something be polarified here?
add = S(0)
mul = S(1)
# First reduce a to the interaval (0, 1]
if a > 1:
n = floor(a)
if n == a:
n -= 1
a -= n
mul = z**(-n)
add = Add(*[-z**(k - n)/(a + k)**s for k in xrange(n)])
elif a <= 0:
n = floor(-a) + 1
a += n
mul = z**n
add = Add(*[z**(n - 1 - k)/(a - k - 1)**s for k in xrange(n)])
m, n = S([a.p, a.q])
zet = exp_polar(2*pi*I/n)
root = z**(1/n)
return add + mul*n**(s - 1)*Add(
*[polylog(s, zet**k*root)._eval_expand_func(**hints)
/ (unpolarify(zet)**k*root)**m for k in xrange(n)])
# TODO use minpoly instead of ad-hoc methods when issue 2789 is fixed
if z.func is exp and (z.args[0]/(pi*I)).is_Rational or z in [-1, I, -I]:
# TODO reference?
if z == -1:
p, q = S([1, 2])
elif z == I:
p, q = S([1, 4])
elif z == -I:
p, q = S([-1, 4])
arg = z.args[0]/(2*pi*I)
p, q = S([arg.p, arg.q])
return Add(*[exp(2*pi*I*k*p/q)/q**s*zeta(s, (k + a)/q)
for k in xrange(q)])
return lerchphi(z, s, a)
示例15: dup_from_dict
def dup_from_dict(f, K):
Create a ``K[x]`` polynomial from a ``dict``.
>>> from sympy.polys.domains import ZZ
>>> from sympy.polys.densebasic import dup_from_dict
>>> dup_from_dict({(0,): ZZ(7), (2,): ZZ(5), (4,): ZZ(1)}, ZZ)
[1, 0, 5, 0, 7]
>>> dup_from_dict({}, ZZ)
if not f:
return []
n, h = max(f.keys()), []
if type(n) is int:
for k in xrange(n, -1, -1):
h.append(f.get(k, K.zero))
(n,) = n
for k in xrange(n, -1, -1):
h.append(f.get((k,), K.zero))
return dup_strip(h)