本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.Eq类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Eq类的具体用法?Python Eq怎么用?Python Eq使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: probability
def probability(self, condition, **kwargs):
cond_inv = False
if isinstance(condition, Ne):
condition = Eq(condition.args[0], condition.args[1])
cond_inv = True
expr = condition.lhs - condition.rhs
rvs = random_symbols(expr)
z = Dummy('z', real=True, Finite=True)
dens = self.compute_density(expr)
if any([pspace(rv).is_Continuous for rv in rvs]):
from sympy.stats.crv import (ContinuousDistributionHandmade,
if expr in self.values:
# Marginalize all other random symbols out of the density
randomsymbols = tuple(set(self.values) - frozenset([expr]))
symbols = tuple(rs.symbol for rs in randomsymbols)
pdf = self.domain.integrate(self.pdf, symbols, **kwargs)
return Lambda(expr.symbol, pdf)
dens = ContinuousDistributionHandmade(dens)
space = SingleContinuousPSpace(z, dens)
result = space.probability(condition.__class__(space.value, 0))
from sympy.stats.drv import (DiscreteDistributionHandmade,
dens = DiscreteDistributionHandmade(dens)
space = SingleDiscretePSpace(z, dens)
result = space.probability(condition.__class__(space.value, 0))
return result if not cond_inv else S.One - result
示例2: probability
def probability(self, condition, **kwargs):
z = Dummy('z', real=True, finite=True)
cond_inv = False
if isinstance(condition, Ne):
condition = Eq(condition.args[0], condition.args[1])
cond_inv = True
# Univariate case can be handled by where
domain = self.where(condition)
rv = [rv for rv in self.values if rv.symbol == domain.symbol][0]
# Integrate out all other random variables
pdf = self.compute_density(rv, **kwargs)
# return S.Zero if `domain` is empty set
if domain.set is S.EmptySet or isinstance(domain.set, FiniteSet):
return S.Zero if not cond_inv else S.One
if isinstance(domain.set, Union):
return sum(
Integral(pdf(z), (z, subset), **kwargs) for subset in
domain.set.args if isinstance(subset, Interval))
# Integrate out the last variable over the special domain
return Integral(pdf(z), (z, domain.set), **kwargs)
# Other cases can be turned into univariate case
# by computing a density handled by density computation
except NotImplementedError:
from sympy.stats.rv import density
expr = condition.lhs - condition.rhs
dens = density(expr, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(dens, ContinuousDistribution):
dens = ContinuousDistributionHandmade(dens)
# Turn problem into univariate case
space = SingleContinuousPSpace(z, dens)
result = space.probability(condition.__class__(space.value, 0))
return result if not cond_inv else S.One - result
示例3: solver
def solver():
vals = {i: base_eq(i) for i in range(1, 12)}
coefficients = a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k = symbols(','.join('abcdefghijk'))
(x, n), lhs = symbols('x n'), a
answer = 1
for i, element in enumerate(coefficients[1:]):
lhs = lhs * n + element
equation = Eq(x, lhs)
results = solve([equation.subs(dict(n=t, x=vals[t])) for
t in range(1, i+3)])
results[n] = i + 3
if element != k:
answer += equation.subs(results).args[1]
return answer
示例4: solve_it
def solve_it(eqn, knowns, x):
LHS, RHS = eqn['sympy'].split('=')
e = Eq(sympify(LHS), sympify(RHS))
voi = Symbol(x['symbol']) # upgrade sympy to 0.7.6 if this throws a unicode error
vals = dict()
for k in knowns:
vals[Symbol(k['symbol'])] = k['value']
for c in eqn['constants']:
vals[Symbol(c['symbol'])] = c['value']
answers = solve(e.subs(vals),voi)
answer = answers[0]
return answer.evalf()
示例5: probability
def probability(self, condition):
complement = isinstance(condition, Ne)
if complement:
condition = Eq(condition.args[0], condition.args[1])
_domain = self.where(condition).set
if condition == False or _domain is S.EmptySet:
return S.Zero
if condition == True or _domain == self.domain.set:
return S.One
prob = self.eval_prob(_domain)
except NotImplementedError:
from sympy.stats.rv import density
expr = condition.lhs - condition.rhs
dens = density(expr)
if not isinstance(dens, DiscreteDistribution):
dens = DiscreteDistributionHandmade(dens)
z = Dummy('z', real = True)
space = SingleDiscretePSpace(z, dens)
prob = space.probability(condition.__class__(space.value, 0))
if (prob == None):
prob = Probability(condition)
return prob if not complement else S.One - prob
示例6: test_equality_subs1
def test_equality_subs1():
f = Function("f")
x = abc.x
eq = Eq(f(x)**2, x)
res = Eq(Integer(16), x)
assert eq.subs(f(x), 4) == res
示例7: test_equality_subs2
def test_equality_subs2():
f = Function('f')
eq = Eq(f(x)**2, 16)
assert bool(eq.subs(f(x), 3)) is False
assert bool(eq.subs(f(x), 4)) is True
示例8: set_free_surface
def set_free_surface(self, d, b, side, algo='robertsson'):
set free surface boundary condition to boundary d, at index b
:param indices: list of indices, e.g. [t,x,y,z] for 3D
:param d: direction of the boundary surface normal
:param b: location of the boundary (index)
:param algo: which algorithm to use to compute ghost cells
algo == 'robertsson' [1]: setting all velocities at ghost cells to zero
algo == 'levander' [2]: only valid for 4th spatial order. using 2nd order FD approximation for velocities
side: lower boundary (0) or upper boundary (1)
e.g. set_free_surface([t,x,y,z],1,2,0)
set y-z plane at x=2 to be lower free surface
ghost cells are calculated using reflection of stress fields
store the code to populate ghost cells to self.bc
[1] Robertsson, Johan OA. "A numerical free-surface condition for elastic/viscoelastic finite-difference modeling in the presence of topography." Geophysics 61.6 (1996): 1921-1934.
[2] Levander, Alan R. "Fourth-order finite-difference P-SV seismograms." Geophysics 53.11 (1988): 1425-1436.
idx = list(self.indices)
if d not in self.direction:
if (not algo == 'levander') or (not self.direction[0] == self.direction[1]):
# shear stress, e.g. Tyz no need to recalculate at x boundary (only depends on dV/dz and dW/dy)
self.bc[d][side] = []
# normal stress, need to recalcuate Tyy, Tzz at x boundary
expr = self.dt
derivatives = get_all_objects(expr, DDerivative)
for deriv in derivatives:
if deriv.var == idx[d]:
# replacing dx at x boundary with dy, dz terms
expr2 = self.sfields[d].dt
deriv_0 = deriv
deriv_sub = solve(expr2, deriv)[0]
expr = expr.subs(deriv_0, deriv_sub)
derivatives = get_all_objects(expr, DDerivative)
# substitution dictionary
dict1 = {}
for deriv in derivatives:
dict1[deriv] = deriv.fd[4]
expr = expr.subs(dict1)
eq = Eq(self.d[0][1].fd[2], expr)
eq = eq.subs(idx[d], b)
t = idx[0]
idx[0] = t+hf
idx[d] = b
# eq = eq.subs(t, t+hf)
# idx[0] = t+1
# idx[d] = b
# solve for Txx(t+1/2)
lhs = self[idx]
rhs = solve(eq, lhs)[0]
rhs = self.align(rhs)
# change t+1/2 to t+1
lhs = lhs.subs(t, t+hf)
rhs = rhs.subs(t, t+hf)
eq2 = Eq(lhs, rhs)
self.bc[d][side] = [eq2]
# use anti-symmetry to ensure stress at boundary=0
# this applies for all algorithms
idx = list(self.indices) # ghost cell
idx2 = list(self.indices) # cell inside domain
if not self.staggered[d]:
# if not staggered, assign T[d]=0, assign T[d-1]=-T[d+1]
idx[d] = b
idx2[d] = b
eq1 = Eq(self[idx])
# if staggered, assign T[d-1/2]=T[d+1/2], assign T[d-3/2]=T[d+3/2]
idx[d] = b - (1-side)
idx2[d] = idx[d] + (-1)**side
eq1 = Eq(self[idx], -self[idx2])
eq1 = eq1.subs(idx[0], idx[0]+1)
self.bc[d][side] = [eq1]
for depth in range(self.order[d]/2-1):
# populate ghost cells
idx[d] -= (-1)**side
idx2[d] += (-1)**side
eq = Eq(self[idx], -self[idx2])
# change t to t+1
eq = eq.subs(idx[0], idx[0]+1)
示例9: symbols
from sympy import latex
from sympy import solve
from sympy import symbols
from sympy import Eq
from sympy import Rational
a, d, t, v, v0 = symbols('a d t v v0')
kin1 = Eq(d, v0 * t + Rational(1,2) * a * t**2)
kin2 = Eq(v, v0 + a * t)
print ""
print "The basic equations for one-dimensional motion are:"
print ""
print " {}".format(latex(kin1))
print " {}".format(latex(kin2))
print ""
print "How long does it take an object released from rest to fall five meters?"
print ""
values = dict()
values[d] = -5
values[v0] = 0
values[a] = -9.81
print "The parameters for this problem are:"
print ""
for param, value in values.iteritems():
示例10: globals
from sympy import symbols, Eq, Derivative, Integral, log, solve, exp, ccode
globals().update(symbs) # see common.py: x, Y, Z, k_f, ...
eqs = []
# rate of x
rate_expr = k_f * (Y - x) * (Z - x)
rate_eq = Eq(Derivative(x, t), rate_expr)
integrand = k_f / rate_expr
inte_eq_lhs = Integral(integrand.subs({x: chi}), (chi, 0, x))
inte_eq_rhs = Integral(k_f, (tau, 0, t))
inte_eq = Eq(inte_eq_lhs, inte_eq_rhs)
expl_in_x_eq = inte_eq.doit(manual=True).simplify()
expl_in_t_eq = Eq(x, solve(expl_in_x_eq, x)[0])
alt_expl_in_t = Y * (1 - exp(k_f * t * (Z - Y))) / (Y / Z - exp(k_f * t * (Z - Y)))
assert (alt_expl_in_t - expl_in_t_eq.rhs).simplify() == 0
alt_expl_in_t_eq = Eq(x, alt_expl_in_t)
def main():
# GENERATES WITHOUT ARGUMENTS: irrev_binary_1.tex irrev_binary_2.tex irrev_binary_rate.tex irrev_binary_k_b.c irrev_binary_K_eq.c
示例11: solve_constants
def solve_constants(eq, ics, d_ics):
udiff = Eq(d_ics[0][1], eq.rhs.diff(t))
system = [eq.subs(ics), udiff.subs(t, 0)]
consts = solve(system, [C1, C2])
return eq.subs(consts)
示例12: symbols
from sympy import latex
from sympy import solve
from sympy import symbols
from sympy import Eq
from sympy import Rational
P, V, n, R, T = symbols('P V n R T')
igl = Eq(P * V, n * R * T)
values = {
R : 8.3144621,
T : 273,
P : 101300,
n : 1
answers = solve(igl.subs(values),V)
answer = answers[0]
print ""
print "The ideal gas law is ",latex(igl)
print ""
print "Where the gas constant R is {} in SI units".format(values[R])
print "Standard temperature is {} Kelvin, or 0 degrees Celsius".format(values[T])
print "Standard pressure is {} pascals, or 1 atm".format(values[P])
print ""
print "So, at standard temperature and pressure, one mole of an ideal gas"
示例13: test_Equality_rewrite_as_Add
def test_Equality_rewrite_as_Add():
eq = Eq(x + y, y - x)
assert eq.rewrite(Add) == 2*x
assert eq.rewrite(Add, evaluate=None).args == (x, x, y, -y)
assert eq.rewrite(Add, evaluate=False).args == (x, y, x, -y)
示例14: test_equality_subs2
def test_equality_subs2():
f = Function("f")
x = abc.x
eq = Eq(f(x)**2, 16)
assert bool(eq.subs(f(x), 3)) == False
assert bool(eq.subs(f(x), 4)) == True
示例15: globals
globals().update(get_symbs()) # see common.py: x, Y, Z, k_f, ...
subs = {}
eqs = []
# rate of x
rate_expr = k_f*Y*(Z-x) - k_b*x
rate_eq = Eq(Derivative(x,t), rate_expr)
integrand = 1/rate_expr
inte_eq_lhs = Integral(integrand.subs({x: chi}), (chi,0,x))
inte_eq_rhs = Integral(1, (tau,0,t))
inte_eq = Eq(inte_eq_lhs, inte_eq_rhs)
expl_in_x_eq = inte_eq.doit().simplify()
expl_in_t_eq = Eq(x, solve(expl_in_x_eq, x)[0])
alt_expl_in_t = Z*k_f*Y/(k_f*Y+k_b)*(1-exp(-t*(k_f*Y+k_b)))
assert (expl_in_t_eq.rhs - alt_expl_in_t).simplify() == 0
alt_expl_in_t_eq = Eq(x, alt_expl_in_t)