本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.symarray函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python symarray函数的具体用法?Python symarray怎么用?Python symarray使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: get_poly
def get_poly(order, dim, is_simplex=False):
Construct a polynomial of given `order` in space dimension `dim`,
and integrate it symbolically over a rectangular or simplex domain
for coordinates in [0, 1].
xs = sm.symarray('x', dim)
xs = sm.symarray(dim, 'x')
opd = max(1, int((order + 1) / dim))
poly = 1.0
oo = 0
for x in xs:
if (oo + opd) > order:
opd = order - oo
poly *= (x**opd + 1)
oo += opd
limits = [[xs[ii], 0, 1] for ii in range(dim)]
if is_simplex:
for ii in range(1, dim):
for ip in range(0, ii):
limits[ii][2] -= xs[ip]
integral = sm.integrate(poly, *reversed(limits))
return xs, poly, limits, integral
示例2: main
def main(y0='1,0', mu=1.0, tend=10., nt=50, savefig='None', plot=False,
savetxt='None', integrator='scipy', dpi=100, kwargs='',
assert nt > 1
y = sp.symarray('y', 2)
p = sp.Symbol('p', real=True)
f = [y[1], -y[0] + p*y[1]*(1 - y[0]**2)]
odesys = SymbolicSys(zip(y, f), params=[p], names=True)
tout = np.linspace(0, tend, nt)
y0 = list(map(float, y0.split(',')))
kwargs = dict(eval(kwargs) if kwargs else {})
xout, yout, info = odesys.integrate(
tout, y0, [mu], integrator=integrator, **kwargs)
if verbose:
if savetxt != 'None':
np.savetxt(stack_1d_on_left(xout, yout), savetxt)
if plot:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if savefig != 'None':
plt.savefig(savefig, dpi=dpi)
示例3: main
def main(init_conc='1e-7,1e-7,1e-7,1,55.5',
lnKa=-21.28, lnKw=-36.25,
savetxt='None', verbose=False,
rref=False, charge=False, solver='scipy'):
# H+, OH- NH4+, NH3, H2O
iHp, iOHm, iNH4p, iNH3, iH2O = init_conc = map(float, init_conc.split(','))
lHp, lOHm, lNH4p, lNH3, lH2O = x = sp.symarray('x', 5)
Hp, OHm, NH4p, NH3, H2O = map(sp.exp, x)
# lHp + lOHm - lH2O - lnKw,
# lHp + lNH3 - lNH4p - lnKa,
coeffs = [[1, 1, 0, 0, -1], [1, 0, -1, 1, 0]]
vals = [lnKw, lnKa]
lp = linear_exprs(coeffs, x, vals, rref=rref)
f = lp + [
Hp + OHm + 4*NH4p + 3*NH3 + 2*H2O - (
iHp + iOHm + 4*iNH4p + 3*iNH3 + 2*iH2O), # H
NH4p + NH3 - (iNH4p + iNH3), # N
OHm + H2O - (iOHm + iH2O)
if charge:
f += [Hp - OHm + NH4p - (iHp - iOHm + iNH4p)]
neqsys = SymbolicSys(x, f)
x, sol = neqsys.solve([0]*5, solver=solver)
if verbose:
print(np.exp(x), sol)
assert sol.success
示例4: initialize
def initialize(self, args):
self.E = args[0]
self.A = args[1]
self.I = args[2]
self.r = args[3]
self.rho = args[4]
self.l = args[5]
self.g = args[6]
q = sym.Matrix(sym.symarray('q',6))
E, A, I, r, rho, l, g = sym.symbols('E A I r rho l g')
theta = sym.Matrix(['theta_1','theta_2'])
omega = sym.Matrix(['omega_1','omega_2'])
# Load symbolic needed matricies and vectors
M_sym = pickle.load( open( "gebf-mass-matrix.dump", "rb" ) )
beta_sym = pickle.load( open( "gebf-force-vector.dump", "rb" ) )
Gamma1_sym = pickle.load( open( "gebf-1c-matrix.dump", "rb" ) )
Gamma2_sym = pickle.load( open( "gebf-2c-matrix.dump", "rb" ) )
# Create numeric function of needed matrix and vector quantities
# this is MUCH MUCH faster than .subs()
# .subs() is unusably slow !!
self.M = lambdify((E, A, I, r, rho, l, g, q, theta, omega), M_sym, "numpy")
self.beta = lambdify((E, A, I, r, rho, l, g, q, theta, omega), beta_sym, "numpy")
self.Gamma1 = lambdify((E, A, I, r, rho, l, g, q, theta, omega), Gamma1_sym, "numpy")
self.Gamma2 = lambdify((E, A, I, r, rho, l, g, q, theta, omega), Gamma2_sym, "numpy")
示例5: construct_matrix_and_entries
def construct_matrix_and_entries(prefix_name,shape):
A_entries = matrix(sympy.symarray(prefix_name,shape))
A = sympy.Matrix.zeros(shape[0],shape[1])
for r in range(A.rows):
for c in range(A.cols):
A[r,c] = A_entries[r,c]
return A, A_entries
示例6: intProps
def intProps(self,args):
u = args[0]
# symbolic system parameters
E, A, I, r, rho, l, = sym.symbols('E A, I r rho l')
# Load symbolic mass matrix and substitute material properties
self.M = pickle.load( open( "gebf-mass-matrix.dump", "rb" ) ).subs([ \
(E, self.E), (A, self.A), (I, self.I), (r, self.r), (rho, self.rho), (l, self.l)])
# load the body and applied force vector and substitute material properties
self.beta = pickle.load( open( "gebf-beta.dump", "rb" ) ).subs([ \
(E, self.E), (A, self.A), (I, self.I), (r, self.r), (rho, self.rho), (l, self.l)])
# Substitute State Variables
# re-make symbols for proper substitution and create the paird list
q = sym.Matrix(sym.symarray('q',2*3))
qe = [self.theta1] + u[:2] + [self.theta2] + u[2:]
q_sub = [(q, qi) for q, qi in zip(q, qe)]
# Substitute state variables
self.beta = self.beta.subs(q_sub).evalf()
self.M = self.M.subs(q_sub).evalf()
# Form the binary-DCA algebraic quantities
# Partition mass matrix
self.M11 = np.array(self.M[0:3,0:3])
self.M12 = np.array(self.M[0:3,3:6])
self.M21 = np.array(self.M[3:6,0:3])
self.M22 = np.array(self.M[3:6,3:6])
# For now use these definitions to cast Fic (constraint forces between GEBF elements)
# into generalized constraint forces
self.gamma11 = np.eye(3)
self.gamma12 = np.zeros((3,3))
self.gamma22 = np.eye(3)
self.gamma21 = np.zeros((3,3))
# partition beta into lambda13 and lambda23
self.gamma13 = np.array(self.beta[0:3])
self.gamma23 = np.array(self.beta[3:6])
# Commonly inverted quantities
self.iM11 = inv(self.M11)
self.iM22 = inv(self.M22)
self.Gamma1 = inv(self.M11 - self.M12*self.iM22*self.M21)
self.Gamma2 = inv(self.M22 - self.M21*self.iM11*self.M12)
# Compute all terms of the two handle equations
self.z11 = self.Gamma1.dot(self.gamma11 - self.M12.dot(self.iM22.dot(self.gamma21)))
self.z12 = self.Gamma1.dot(self.gamma12 - self.M12.dot(self.iM22.dot(self.gamma22)))
self.z13 = self.Gamma1.dot(self.gamma13 - self.M12.dot(self.iM22.dot(self.gamma23)))
self.z21 = self.Gamma2.dot(self.gamma21 - self.M21.dot(self.iM11.dot(self.gamma11)))
self.z22 = self.Gamma2.dot(self.gamma22 - self.M21.dot(self.iM11.dot(self.gamma12)))
self.z23 = self.Gamma2.dot(self.gamma23 - self.M21.dot(self.iM11.dot(self.gamma13)))
示例7: __init__
def __init__(self, modulus, inertia, radius, density, length, state):
Initializes all of the inertial propertias of the element and assigns
values to physical and material properties
# symbolic system parameters
E, I, r, rho, l, = sym.symbols('E I r rho l')
# Load symbolic mass matrix and substitute material properties
M = pickle.load( open( "gebf-mass-matrix.dump", "rb" ) ).subs([ \
(E, modulus), (I, inertia), (r, radius), (rho, density), (l, length)])
# load the body and applied force vector and substitute material properties
self.beta = pickle.load( open( "gebf-beta.dump", "rb" ) ).subs([ \
(E, modulus), (I, inertia), (r, radius), (rho, density), (l, length)])
# Substitute State Variables
# re-make symbols for proper substitution and create the paird list
q = sym.Matrix(sym.symarray('q',2*8))
q_sub = [(q, qi) for q, qi in zip(q, state)]
# Substitute state variables
beta = self.beta.subs(q_sub)
M = M.subs(q_sub)
# Form the binary-DCA algebraic quantities
# Partition mass matrix
M11 = np.array(M[0:4,0:4])
M12 = np.array(M[0:4,4:8])
M21 = np.array(M[4:8,0:4])
M22 = np.array(M[4:8,4:8])
# For now use these definitions to cast Fic (constraint forces between GEBF elements)
# into generalized constraint forces
self.gamma11 = np.eye(4)
self.gamma12 = np.zeros((4,4))
self.gamma22 = np.eye(4)
self.gamma21 = np.zeros((4,4))
# partition beta into lambda13 and lambda23
self.gamma13 = np.array(beta[0:4])
self.gamma23 = np.array(beta[4:8])
# Commonly inverted quantities
iM11 = inv(self.M11)
iM22 = inv(self.M22)
Gamma1 = inv(self.M11 - self.M12*iM22*self.M21)
Gamma2 = inv(self.M22 - self.M21*iM11*self.M12)
# Compute all terms of the two handle equations
self.z11 = Gamma1.dot(self.gamma11 - self.M12.dot(iM22.dot(self.gamma21)))
self.z12 = Gamma1.dot(self.gamma12 - self.M12.dot(iM22.dot(self.gamma22)))
self.z13 = Gamma1.dot(self.gamma13 - self.M12.dot(iM22.dot(self.gamma23)))
self.z21 = Gamma2.dot(self.gamma21 - self.M21.dot(iM11.dot(self.gamma11)))
self.z22 = Gamma2.dot(self.gamma22 - self.M21.dot(iM11.dot(self.gamma12)))
self.z23 = Gamma2.dot(self.gamma23 - self.M21.dot(iM11.dot(self.gamma13)))
示例8: test_SymbolicSys_bateman
def test_SymbolicSys_bateman(band):
tend, k, y0 = 2, [4, 3], (5, 4, 2)
y = sp.symarray('y', len(k)+1)
dydt = decay_dydt_factory(k)
f = dydt(0, y)
odesys = SymbolicSys(zip(y, f), band=band)
xout, yout, info = odesys.integrate(tend, y0, integrator='scipy')
ref = np.array(bateman_full(y0, k+[0], xout-xout[0], exp=np.exp)).T
assert np.allclose(yout, ref)
示例9: test_symarray
def test_symarray():
"""Test creation of numpy arrays of sympy symbols."""
import numpy as np
import numpy.testing as npt
syms = symbols('_0 _1 _2')
s1 = symarray(3)
s2 = symarray(3)
npt.assert_array_equal (s1, np.array(syms, dtype=object))
assert s1[0] is s2[0]
a = symarray(3, 'a')
b = symarray(3, 'b')
assert not(a[0] is b[0])
asyms = symbols('a_0 a_1 a_2')
npt.assert_array_equal (a, np.array(asyms, dtype=object))
# Multidimensional checks
a2d = symarray((2,3), 'a')
assert a2d.shape == (2,3)
a00, a12 = symbols('a_0_0, a_1_2')
assert a2d[0,0] is a00
assert a2d[1,2] is a12
a3d = symarray((2,3,2), 'a')
assert a3d.shape == (2,3,2)
a000, a120, a121 = symbols('a_0_0_0, a_1_2_0 a_1_2_1')
assert a3d[0,0,0] is a000
assert a3d[1,2,0] is a120
assert a3d[1,2,1] is a121
示例10: test_linear_exprs
def test_linear_exprs():
a, b, c = x = sp.symarray('x', 3)
coeffs = [[1, 3, -2],
[3, 5, 6],
[2, 4, 3]]
vals = [5, 7, 8]
exprs = linear_exprs(coeffs, x, vals)
known = [1*a + 3*b - 2*c - 5,
3*a + 5*b + 6*c - 7,
2*a + 4*b + 3*c - 8]
assert all([(rt - kn).simplify() == 0 for rt, kn in zip(exprs, known)])
rexprs = linear_exprs(coeffs, x, vals, rref=True)
rknown = [a + 15, b - 8, c - 2]
assert all([(rt - kn).simplify() == 0 for rt, kn in zip(rexprs, rknown)])
示例11: __init__
def __init__(self,name,func,argnames=None):
name (str): the symbolic module name of the function.
func (sympy.Function): the Sympy function
argnames (list of strs, optional): provided if you don't
want to use 'x','y', 'z' for the argument names.
assert isinstance(func,sympy.FunctionClass)
if hasattr(func,'nargs'):
if len(func.nargs) > 1:
print("SympyFunctionAdaptor: can't yet handle multi-argument functions")
nargs = None
for i in func.nargs:
nargs = i
nargs = 1
if argnames is None:
if nargs == 1:
argnames = ['x']
elif nargs <= 3:
argnames = [['x','y','z'][i] for i in len(nargs)]
argnames = ['arg'+str(i+1) for i in len(nargs)]
self.deriv = [None]*len(argnames)
self.jacobian = [None]*len(argnames)
self.sympy_jacobian = [None]*len(argnames)
self.sympy_jacobian_funcs = [None]*len(argnames)
xs = sympy.symarray('x',nargs)
for i,arg in enumerate(argnames):
self.sympy_jacobian[i] = func(*xs).diff(xs[i])
for i in range(len(argnames)):
def cache_jacobian(*args):
if self.sympy_jacobian_funcs[i] is None:
#print "Creating jacobian function",name + "_jac_" + argnames[i]
self.sympy_jacobian_funcs[i] = SympyFunction(name + "_jac_" + argnames[i], self.sympy_jacobian[i],argnames)
return OperatorExpression(self.sympy_jacobian_funcs[i],args)
self.jacobian[i] = cache_jacobian
示例12: generate_jac_lambda
def generate_jac_lambda(self):
translates the symbolic Jacobian to a function using SymPy’s `lambdify <http://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/utilities/lambdify.html>`_ tool. If the symbolic Jacobian has not been generated, it is generated by calling `generate_jac_sym`.
if self.helpers:
warn("Lambdification handles helpers by pluggin them in. This may be very ineficient")
jac_matrix = sympy.Matrix([ [entry for entry in line] for line in self.jac_sym ])
t,y = provide_basic_symbols()
Y = sympy.symarray("Y", self.n)
substitutions = self.helpers[::-1] + [(y(i),Y[i]) for i in range(self.n)]
jac_subsed = jac_matrix.subs(substitutions)
JAC = sympy.lambdify([t]+[Yentry for Yentry in Y], jac_subsed)
self.jac = lambda t,ypsilon: array(JAC(t,*ypsilon))
示例13: differentials
def differentials(f,x,y):
Returns a basis of the holomorphic differentials defined on the
Riemann surface `X: f(x,y) = 0`.
- f: a Sympy object describing a complex plane algebraic curve.
- x,y: the independent and dependent variables, respectively.
d = f.as_poly().total_degree()
n = sympy.degree(f,y)
# coeffiecients and general adjoint polynomial
c_arr = sympy.symarray('c',(d-3,d-3)).tolist()
c = dict( (cij,(c_arr.index(ci),ci.index(cij)))
for ci in c_arr for cij in ci )
P = sum( c_arr[i][j]*x**i*y**j
for i in range(d-3) for j in range(d-3) if i+j <= d-3)
S = singularities(f,x,y)
differentials = set([])
for (alpha, beta, gamma), (m,delta,r) in S:
g,u,v,u0,v0 = _transform(f,x,y,(alpha,beta,gamma))
# if delta > m*(m-1)/2:
if True:
# Use integral basis method.
b = integral_basis(g,u,v)
for bi in b:
monoms = _adjoint_monomials(f,x,y,bi,P,c)
differentials.add(monom for monom in monoms)
# Use Puiseux series method
b = integral_basis(g,u,v)
return [differential/sympy.diff(f,y) for differential in differentials]
示例14: generate_f_lambda
def generate_f_lambda(self, simplify=True):
translates the symbolic derivative to a function using SymPy’s `lambdify <http://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/utilities/lambdify.html>`_ tool.
simplify : boolean
Whether the derivative should be `simplified <http://docs.sympy.org/dev/modules/simplify/simplify.html>`_ (with `ratio=1.0`) before translating to C code. The main reason why you could want to disable this is if your derivative is already optimised and so large that simplifying takes a considerable amount of time.
if self.helpers:
warn("Lambdification does not handle helpers in an efficient manner.")
t,y = provide_basic_symbols()
Y = sympy.symarray("Y", self.n)
substitutions = self.helpers[::-1] + [(y(i),Y[i]) for i in range(self.n)]
f_sym_wc = (entry.subs(substitutions) for entry in f_sym)
if simplify:
f_sym_wc = (entry.simplify(ratio=1.0) for entry in f_sym)
F = sympy.lambdify([t]+[Yentry for Yentry in Y], list(f_sym_wc))
self.f = lambda t,ypsilon: array(F(t,*ypsilon)).flatten()
示例15: example
from time import clock
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import symengine as se
# Real-life example (ion speciation problem in water chemistry)
x = sp.symarray('x', 14)
p = sp.symarray('p', 14)
args = np.concatenate((x, p))
exp = sp.exp
exprs = [x[0] + x[1] - x[4] + 36.252574322669, x[0] - x[2] + x[3] + 21.3219379611249, x[3] + x[5] - x[6] + 9.9011158998744, 2*x[3] + x[5] - x[7] + 18.190422234653, 3*x[3] + x[5] - x[8] + 24.8679190043357, 4*x[3] + x[5] - x[9] + 29.9336062089226, -x[10] + 5*x[3] + x[5] + 28.5520551531262, 2*x[0] + x[11] - 2*x[4] - 2*x[5] + 32.4401680272417, 3*x[1] - x[12] + x[5] + 34.9992934135095, 4*x[1] - x[13] + x[5] + 37.0716199972041, p[0] - p[1] + 2*p[10] + 2*p[11] - p[12] - 2*p[13] + p[2] + 2*p[5] + 2*p[6] + 2*p[7] + 2*p[8] + 2*p[9] - exp(x[0]) + exp(x[1]) - 2*exp(x[10]) - 2*exp(x[11]) + exp(x[12]) + 2*exp(x[13]) - exp(x[2]) - 2*exp(x[5]) - 2*exp(x[6]) - 2*exp(x[7]) - 2*exp(x[8]) - 2*exp(x[9]), -p[0] - p[1] - 15*p[10] - 2*p[11] - 3*p[12] - 4*p[13] - 4*p[2] - 3*p[3] - 2*p[4] - 3*p[6] - 6*p[7] - 9*p[8] - 12*p[9] + exp(x[0]) + exp(x[1]) + 15*exp(x[10]) + 2*exp(x[11]) + 3*exp(x[12]) + 4*exp(x[13]) + 4*exp(x[2]) + 3*exp(x[3]) + 2*exp(x[4]) + 3*exp(x[6]) + 6*exp(x[7]) + 9*exp(x[8]) + 12*exp(x[9]), -5*p[10] - p[2] - p[3] - p[6] - 2*p[7] - 3*p[8] - 4*p[9] + 5*exp(x[10]) + exp(x[2]) + exp(x[3]) + exp(x[6]) + 2*exp(x[7]) + 3*exp(x[8]) + 4*exp(x[9]), -p[1] - 2*p[11] - 3*p[12] - 4*p[13] - p[4] + exp(x[1]) + 2*exp(x[11]) + 3*exp(x[12]) + 4*exp(x[13]) + exp(x[4]), -p[10] - 2*p[11] - p[12] - p[13] - p[5] - p[6] - p[7] - p[8] - p[9] + exp(x[10]) + 2*exp(x[11]) + exp(x[12]) + exp(x[13]) + exp(x[5]) + exp(x[6]) + exp(x[7]) + exp(x[8]) + exp(x[9])]
lmb_symengine = se.Lambdify(args, exprs)
lmb_sympy = sp.lambdify(args, exprs)
inp = np.ones(28)
tim_symengine = clock()
res_symengine = np.empty(len(exprs))
for i in range(500):
res_symengine = lmb_symengine(inp)
#lmb_symengine.unsafe_real_real(inp, res_symengine)
tim_symengine = clock() - tim_symengine
tim_sympy = clock()
for i in range(500):
res_sympy = lmb_sympy(*inp)
tim_sympy = clock() - tim_sympy
print('symengine speed-up factor (higher is better) vs sympy: %12.5g' %