本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.solve函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python solve函数的具体用法?Python solve怎么用?Python solve使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: SequentialSolving
def SequentialSolving(eqns):
sorteq = SortEquations(eqns)
seqsol = {}
unkn = sorted(sorteq[0].atoms(sy.Symbol))
num_unkn = len(unkn)
while num_unkn == 1 and not sorteq == []:
val_unkn = sy.solve(sorteq[0], unkn[0], simplify = False)
seqsol[unkn[0]] = sy.Rational(str(round(val_unkn[0], 4)))
unkn = sorted(sorteq[0].atoms(sy.Symbol))
num_unkn = len(unkn)
while num_unkn == 1:
val_unkn = sy.solve(sorteq[0], unkn[0])
seqsol[unkn[0]] = val_unkn[0]
i = 0
for eq in sorteq:
if unkn[0] in sorteq[i]:
val_unkn[0] = round(val_unkn[0], 5)
repl = eq.subs(unkn[0], sy.Rational(str(val_unkn[0])))
if not isinstance(repl, sy.Float):
sorteq[i] = repl
sorteq[i] = repl
sorteq = RemoveZeros(sorteq)
if sorteq == []:
num_unkn = 0
sorteq = SortEquations(sorteq)
unkn = sorted(sorteq[0].atoms(sy.Symbol))
num_unkn = len(unkn)
return seqsol
示例2: benefit_from_demand
def benefit_from_demand(x, p, demand):
"""Converts the demand curve to the benefit. It assumes that the
demand is a x=d(p) function, where the x= is implicit.
>>> sp.var('x p')
(x, p)
>>> sp.simplify(benefit_from_demand(x, p, 10/p -1) -
... 10*sp.log(x+1))
>>> sp.simplify(benefit_from_demand(x, p, sp.Eq(x, 10/p -1)) -
... 10*sp.log(x+1))
>>> sp.simplify(benefit_from_demand(x, p, 100-p) -
... (-x**2/2 + 100*x))
>>> benefit_from_demand(x, p, sp.Piecewise((0, p < 0),
... (-p + 100, p <= 100),
... (0, True)))
-x**2/2 + 100*x
if isinstance(demand, sp.relational.Relational):
return sp.integrate(sp.solve(demand, p)[0], (x, 0, x))
substracting = sp.solve(demand-x, p)
if substracting:
toint = substracting[0]
substracting = sp.solve(demand, p)
if substracting:
toint = substracting[0] - x
return None
return sp.integrate(toint, (x, 0, x))
示例3: getfunc
def getfunc(p1, p2, p3, p4):
""" Get a point-returning function for a cubic
curve over four points, with domain [0 - 3].
# knowns
points = p1, p2, p3, p4
# unknowns
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = [Symbol(n) for n in 'abcdefgh']
# coefficients
xco = solve([(a * i**3 + b * i**2 + c * i + d - p.x) for (i, p) in enumerate(points)], [a, b, c, d])
yco = solve([(e * i**3 + f * i**2 + g * i + h - p.y) for (i, p) in enumerate(points)], [e, f, g, h])
# shorter variable names
a, b, c, d = [xco[n] for n in (a, b, c, d)]
e, f, g, h = [yco[n] for n in (e, f, g, h)]
def func(t, d1=False):
""" Return a position for given t or velocity (1st derivative) if arg. is True.
if d1:
# first derivative
return Point(3 * a * t**2 + 2 * b * t + c,
3 * e * t**2 + 2 * f * t + g)
# actual function
return Point(a * t**3 + b * t**2 + c * t + d,
e * t**3 + f * t**2 + g * t + h)
return func
示例4: print_assignment
def print_assignment(eq, s, s0=0, pochoir=False):
s1 = print_myccode(s, None, pochoir)
s2 = print_myccode(simplify(solve(eq,s)[0]), None, pochoir)
s2 = print_myccode(simplify(solve(eq,s)[0] - s0) + s0, None, pochoir)
return s1 + '=' + s2
示例5: __init__
def __init__(self):
h, g, h0, g0, a, d = sympy.symbols('h g h0 g0 a d')
#g1 = sympy.Max(-d, g0 + h0 - 1/(4*a))
g1 = g0 + h0 - 1/(4*a)
h1 = h0 - 1/(2*a)
parabola = d - a*h*h # =g on boundary
slope = g1 + h - h1 # =g on line with slope=1 through z1
h2 = sympy.solve(parabola-slope,h)[0] # First solution is above z1
g2 = h2 - h1 + g1 # Line has slope of 1
g3 = g1
h3 = sympy.solve((parabola-g).subs(g, g1),h)[1] # Second is on right
r_a = sympy.Rational(1,24) # a=1/24 always
self.h = tuple(x.subs(a,r_a) for x in (h0, h1, h2, h3))
self.g = tuple(x.subs(a,r_a) for x in (g0, g1, g2, g3))
def integrate(f):
ia = sympy.integrate(
sympy.integrate(f,(g, g1, g1+h-h1)),
(h, h1, h2)) # Integral of f over right triangle
ib = sympy.integrate(
sympy.integrate(f,(g, g1, parabola)),
(h, h2, h3)) # Integral of f over region against parabola
return (ia+ib).subs(a, r_a)
i0 = integrate(1) # Area = integral of pie slice
E = lambda f:(integrate(f)/i0) # Expected value wrt Lebesgue measure
sigma = lambda f,g:E(f*g) - E(f)*E(g)
self.d = d
self.Eh = collect(E(h),sympy.sqrt(d-g0-h0+6))
self.Eg = E(g)
self.Sigmahh = sigma(h,h)
self.Sigmahg = sigma(h,g)
self.Sigmagg = sigma(g,g)
示例6: solve_eq
def solve_eq(rho_m, u_m, u_s):
u_max, u_star, rho_max, rho_star, A, B = sympy.symbols("u_max u_star rho_max rho_star A B")
eq1 = sympy.Eq(0, u_max * rho_max * (1 - A * rho_max - B * rho_max ** 2))
eq2 = sympy.Eq(0, u_max * (1 - 2 * A * rho_star - 3 * B * rho_star ** 2))
eq3 = sympy.Eq(u_star, u_max * (1 - A * rho_star - B * rho_star ** 2))
eq4 = sympy.Eq(eq2.lhs - 3 * eq3.lhs, eq2.rhs - 3 * eq3.rhs)
rho_sol = sympy.solve(eq4, rho_star)[0]
B_sol = sympy.solve(eq1, B)[0]
quadA = eq2.subs([(rho_star, rho_sol), (B, B_sol)])
A_sol = sympy.solve(quadA, A)[0]
aval = A_sol.evalf(subs={u_star: u_s, u_max: u_m, rho_max: rho_m})
bval = B_sol.evalf(subs={rho_max: rho_m, A: aval})
rho_sol = sympy.solve(eq2, rho_star)[0]
rho_val = rho_sol.evalf(subs={u_max: u_m, A: aval, B: bval})
return aval, bval, rho_val
示例7: PlotFor2Param
def PlotFor2Param(k1, k2, x, y, yVal, eq1, eq2, eqDet, eqTr, valK1m, valK3m, valK2 = 0.95, valK3 = 0.0032):
eqk1_1Det = solve(eqDet.subs(x, eq2), k1)
eqForK1Det = eq1 - eqk1_1Det[0]
eqK2Det = solve(eqForK1Det.subs(km1, valK1m).subs(km3, valK3m).subs(k3, valK3), k2)
funcK2Det = lambdify(y, eqK2Det[0])
funcK1Det = lambdify(y, eqk1_1Det[0].subs(x, eq2).subs(k2, eqK2Det[0]).subs(km1, valK1m).subs(km3, valK3m).subs(k3, valK3))
k1DetAll = funcK1Det(yVal)
k2DetAll = funcK2Det(yVal)
k1DetPos = [k1DetAll[i] for i in range(len(k1DetAll)) if k1DetAll[i] > 0 and k2DetAll[i] > 0]
k2DetPos = [k2DetAll[i] for i in range(len(k2DetAll)) if k1DetAll[i] > 0 and k2DetAll[i] > 0]
hopf, = plt.plot(k1DetPos, k2DetPos, linestyle = '--', color = 'r', label = 'hopf line')
eqk1_1Tr = solve(eqTr.subs(x, eq2), k1)
eqForK1Tr = eq1 - eqk1_1Tr[0]
eqK2Tr = solve(eqForK1Tr.subs(km1, valK1m).subs(km3, valK3m).subs(k3, valK3), k2)
funcK2Tr = lambdify(y, eqK2Tr[0])
funcK1Tr = lambdify(y, eq1.subs(x, eq2).subs(k2, eqK2Tr[0]).subs(km1, valK1m).subs(km3, valK3m).subs(k3, valK3))
k1AllTr = funcK1Tr(yVal)
k2AllTr = funcK2Tr(yVal)
k1PosTr = [k1AllTr[i] for i in range(len(k1AllTr)) if k1AllTr[i] > 0 and k2AllTr[i] > 0]
k2PosTr = [k2AllTr[i] for i in range(len(k2AllTr)) if k1AllTr[i] > 0 and k2AllTr[i] > 0]
sadle, = plt.plot(k1PosTr, k2PosTr, color = 'g', label = 'sadle-nodle line')
plt.xlim([0, 2])
plt.legend(handles=[hopf, sadle])
示例8: test_issue_1572_1364_1368
def test_issue_1572_1364_1368():
assert solve((sqrt(x**2 - 1) - 2)) in ([sqrt(5), -sqrt(5)],
[-sqrt(5), sqrt(5)])
assert set(solve((2**exp(y**2/x) + 2)/(x**2 + 15), y)) == set([
-sqrt(x)*sqrt(-log(log(2)) + log(log(2) + I*pi)),
sqrt(x)*sqrt(-log(log(2)) + log(log(2) + I*pi))])
C1, C2 = symbols('C1 C2')
f = Function('f')
assert solve(C1 + C2/x**2 - exp(-f(x)), f(x)) == [log(x**2/(C1*x**2 + C2))]
a = Symbol('a')
E = S.Exp1
assert solve(1 - log(a + 4*x**2), x) in (
[-sqrt(-a + E)/2, sqrt(-a + E)/2],
[sqrt(-a + E)/2, -sqrt(-a + E)/2]
assert solve(log(a**(-3) - x**2)/a, x) in (
[-sqrt(-1 + a**(-3)), sqrt(-1 + a**(-3))],
[sqrt(-1 + a**(-3)), -sqrt(-1 + a**(-3))],)
assert solve(1 - log(a + 4*x**2), x) in (
[-sqrt(-a + E)/2, sqrt(-a + E)/2],
[sqrt(-a + E)/2, -sqrt(-a + E)/2],)
assert set(solve((
a**2 + 1) * (sin(a*x) + cos(a*x)), x)) == set([-pi/(4*a), 3*pi/(4*a)])
assert solve(3 - (sinh(a*x) + cosh(a*x)), x) == [2*atanh(S.Half)/a]
assert set(solve(3 - (sinh(a*x) + cosh(a*x)**2), x)) == \
2*atanh(-1 + sqrt(2))/a,
2*atanh(S(1)/2 + sqrt(5)/2)/a,
2*atanh(-sqrt(2) - 1)/a,
2*atanh(-sqrt(5)/2 + S(1)/2)/a
assert solve(atan(x) - 1) == [tan(1)]
示例9: generate_x
def generate_x(self, N=1000):
this sampling method works wit all margins,
but only frank and independent copulas can be used
and it is limited to 2 dimensions
# compute marginal prob of u1
P_U1 = sy.simplify(sy.diff(self.C,self.U[0]))
# invert marginal prob of u1
y = sy.symbols('y')
tmp = sy.solve(sy.Eq(P_U1,y),self.U[1])
inv_P_U1 = sy.lambdify((self.U[0],y,self.D),tmp,'numpy')
# invert margins
inv_F = {}
for m in [0,1]:
u = sy.symbols('u')
tmp = sy.solve(sy.Eq(self.F[m],u),self.X[m])[0]
inv_F[m] = sy.lambdify((u,self.P[m]),tmp,'numpy')
X = np.zeros((N,2))
for i in range(N):
u0, y = np.random.uniform(size=2)
u1 = inv_P_U1(u0,y,self.C_para)
X[i,0] = inv_F[0](u0,self.F_para[0])
X[i,1] = inv_F[1](u1,self.F_para[1])
return X
示例10: test_minsolve_linear_system
def test_minsolve_linear_system():
def count(dic):
return len([x for x in dic.itervalues() if x == 0])
assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a + t], minimal=True, quick=True)) == 3
assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a + t], minimal=True, quick=False)) == 3
assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a], minimal=True, quick=True)) == 1
assert count(solve([x + y + z, y + z + a], minimal=True, quick=False)) == 2
示例11: test_issue_2813
def test_issue_2813():
assert solve(x ** 2 - x - 0.1, rational=True) == [S(1) / 2 + sqrt(35) / 10, -sqrt(35) / 10 + S(1) / 2]
# [-0.0916079783099616, 1.09160797830996]
ans = solve(x ** 2 - x - 0.1, rational=False)
assert len(ans) == 2 and all(a.is_Number for a in ans)
ans = solve(x ** 2 - x - 0.1)
assert len(ans) == 2 and all(a.is_Number for a in ans)
示例12: test_CRootOf___eval_Eq__
def test_CRootOf___eval_Eq__():
f = Function('f')
eq = x**3 + x + 3
r = rootof(eq, 2)
r1 = rootof(eq, 1)
assert Eq(r, r1) is S.false
assert Eq(r, r) is S.true
assert Eq(r, x) is S.false
assert Eq(r, 0) is S.false
assert Eq(r, S.Infinity) is S.false
assert Eq(r, I) is S.false
assert Eq(r, f(0)) is S.false
assert Eq(r, f(0)) is S.false
sol = solve(eq)
for s in sol:
if s.is_real:
assert Eq(r, s) is S.false
r = rootof(eq, 0)
for s in sol:
if s.is_real:
assert Eq(r, s) is S.true
eq = x**3 + x + 1
sol = solve(eq)
assert [Eq(rootof(eq, i), j) for i in range(3) for j in sol] == [
False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, False]
assert Eq(rootof(eq, 0), 1 + S.ImaginaryUnit) == False
示例13: test_solve_inequalities
def test_solve_inequalities():
system = [Lt(x ** 2 - 2, 0), Gt(x ** 2 - 1, 0)]
assert solve(system) == And(
Or(And(Lt(-sqrt(2), re(x)), Lt(re(x), -1)), And(Lt(1, re(x)), Lt(re(x), sqrt(2)))), Eq(im(x), 0)
assert solve(system, assume=Q.real(x)) == Or(And(Lt(-sqrt(2), x), Lt(x, -1)), And(Lt(1, x), Lt(x, sqrt(2))))
示例14: test_RootOf___eval_Eq__
def test_RootOf___eval_Eq__():
f = Function('f')
r = RootOf(x**3 + x + 3, 2)
r1 = RootOf(x**3 + x + 3, 1)
assert Eq(r, r1) is S.false
assert Eq(r, r) is S.true
assert Eq(r, x) is S.false
assert Eq(r, 0) is S.false
assert Eq(r, S.Infinity) is S.false
assert Eq(r, I) is S.false
assert Eq(r, f(0)) is S.false
assert Eq(r, f(0)) is S.false
sol = solve(r.expr)
for s in sol:
if s.is_real:
assert Eq(r, s) is S.false
r = RootOf(r.expr, 0)
for s in sol:
if s.is_real:
assert Eq(r, s) is S.true
eq = (x**3 + x + 1)
assert [Eq(RootOf(eq, i), j) for i in range(3) for j in solve(eq)] == [
False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, False
assert Eq(RootOf(eq, 0), 1 + S.ImaginaryUnit) == False
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self, width, height, x_radius=None,
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.x_radius = x_radius
self.curve = curve
self.x, self.y, dx, dy = sympy.symbols("x y dx dy", real=True)
a, b = sympy.symbols("a b", positive=True, real=True)
self.ellipse = ((self.x - dx) / a) ** 2 + ((self.y - dy) / b) ** 2 - 1
self.ellipse = self.ellipse.subs([(dx, self.width),
(dy, b)])
if curve == Transition.CIRCULAR:
self.ellipse = self.ellipse.subs([(a, b)])
ellipse = self.ellipse.subs([(self.x, 0),
(self.y, self.height)])
if curve == Transition.CIRCULAR:
self.x_radius = self.y_radius = max(sympy.solve(ellipse, b))
self.angle = math.asin(self.width / self.x_radius)
self.arc_length = self.x_radius * self.angle
elif curve == Transition.ELLIPTICAL:
self.y_radius = max(sympy.solve(ellipse, b))
# TODO: Fix me
self.angle = 0
self.arc_length = 0
self.ellipse = self.ellipse.subs([(a, self.x_radius),
(b, self.y_radius)])