本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.dsolve函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python dsolve函数的具体用法?Python dsolve怎么用?Python dsolve使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: main
def main():
print 'Initial metric:'
print '-'*40
print 'Christoffel symbols:'
for i in [0,1,2,3]:
for k in [0,1,2,3]:
for l in [0,1,2,3]:
if Gamma.udd(i,k,l) != 0 :
print'Ricci tensor:'
for i in [0,1,2,3]:
for j in [0,1,2,3]:
if Rmn.dd(i,j) !=0:
print '-'*40
#Solving EFE for A and B
s = ( Rmn.dd(1,1)/ A(r) ) + ( Rmn.dd(0,0)/ B(r) )
pprint (s)
t = dsolve(s, A(r))
metric = gdd.subs(A(r), t)
print "metric:"
r22 = Rmn.dd(3,3).subs( A(r), 1/B(r))
h = dsolve( r22, B(r) )
示例2: test_ode10
def test_ode10():
f = Function("f")
#type:2nd order, constant coefficients (two real different roots)
eq = Eq(f(x).diff(x,x) - 3*diff(f(x),x) + 2*f(x), 0)
assert dsolve(eq, f(x)) in [
Symbol("C1")*exp(2*x) + Symbol("C2")*exp(x),
Symbol("C1")*exp(x) + Symbol("C2")*exp(2*x),
checksol(eq, f(x), dsolve(eq, f(x)))
示例3: edo_main
def edo_main():
# const = [0]*6 #a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 ; nessa ordem
print "Valores", const
##Criando uma variavel para guardar valores digitados anteriormente,este só vai calcular as coisas novamente se
# e somente se parâmetros de entrada diferentes forem colocados
constAnterior = const
# a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, xT = input_coefs()
###Dif equation solver
##Sets if it is of homogenous or inhomogenous type and type of resolution method
if Respostas[7] == 0:
solvedEq = dsolve(sympify(Respostas[8]), y(t), hint="nth_linear_constant_coeff_homogeneous")
# elif (a3 != 0) or (a4 != 0) or (a5 != 0):
# solvedEq = dsolve(sympify(eq),y(t),hint='nth_linear_constant_coeff_variation_of_parameters')
solvedEq = dsolve(sympify(Respostas[8]), y(t), hint="nth_linear_constant_coeff_undetermined_coefficients")
##Transformação do tipo sympy_unity para o sympy_mul (mais operações permitidas)
sepEq = solvedEq._args[1]
sepEq = sepEq.evalf(prec)
if const[5] != 0:
RespPart = sepEq.subs([(C1, 0), (C2, 0), (C3, 0), (C4, 0), (C5, 0)])
elif const[4] != 0:
RespPart = sepEq.subs([(C1, 0), (C2, 0), (C3, 0), (C4, 0)])
elif const[3] != 0:
RespPart = sepEq.subs([(C1, 0), (C2, 0), (C3, 0)])
elif const[2] != 0:
RespPart = sepEq.subs([(C1, 0), (C2, 0)])
elif const[1] != 0:
RespPart = sepEq.subs(C1, 0)
##Resposta transitória alocada em RespTran, natural em RespNat
Respostas[3] = RespPart.evalf(prec)
formaNatural = sepEq.subs(RespPart, 0)
Respostas[1] = formaNatural # Adicionando Forma natural de resposta na lista de respostas
## fN é a mesma coisa, mas usado por um bug bizarro do Sympy que exige uma variável sem alocações prévias quando diferenciando
##isso é válido no método conds_iniciais_aplicadas
fN = formaNatural
rP = RespPart.evalf(prec)
conds_iniciais_aplicadas(fN, rP)
respForc = Respostas[4] + Respostas[3] # Yf = Yt + Yp
Respostas[5] = respForc.evalf(prec) # Adiciona Resposta Forcada a lista de respostas
respComp = Respostas[2] # Resposta completa p/ eqs. homogeneas
if Respostas[7] != 0: # Eqs. nao homogeneas
respComp = Respostas[2] + Respostas[5] # Respsota completa p/ eqs. nao-homogeneas
Respostas[6] = respComp.evalf(prec) # Adiciona Resposta Completa a lista de respostas
print "Respostas em ODE_main", Respostas
示例4: main
def main():
x = Symbol("x")
f = Function("f")
eq = Eq(f(x).diff(x), f(x))
print "Solution for ", eq, " : ", dsolve(eq, f(x))
eq = Eq(f(x).diff(x, 2), -f(x))
print "Solution for ", eq, " : ", dsolve(eq, f(x))
eq = Eq(x ** 2 * f(x).diff(x), -3 * x * f(x) + sin(x) / x)
print "Solution for ", eq, " : ", dsolve(eq, f(x))
示例5: symbolic_solve
def symbolic_solve():
Solves the problem symbolically using sympy
f = Function('f')
sol = dsolve(2 * Derivative(f(x), x, x) - 1, f(x))
print sol
示例6: separable_equation
def separable_equation(g, h, hf = None):
dy/dx = g(x)*h(y)
dy/h(y) = g(x)*dx
dy, dx = symbols('dy, dx')
print '\nODE to solve:'
pprint(Eq(dy/dx, g*h))
pprint(Eq(dy/h, g*dx))
print '\nintegrate both sides:'
LHS, RHS = symbols('LHS, RHS')
pprint(Eq(LHS, Integral(1/h,y)))
H = integrate(1/h,y)
pprint(Eq(LHS, H))
G = integrate(g, x)
pprint(Eq(RHS, G))
C = symbols('C')
print '\nsolving LHS = RHS + C...'
eq = Eq(H,G+C)
pprint(solve(eq, y))
if hf:
print '\nsolving ODE directly ...'
pprint(dsolve(f(x).diff(x)-g*hf, f(x)))
示例7: __call__
def __call__(self, equations, variables=None):
if variables is None:
variables = {}
if equations.is_stochastic:
raise ValueError('Cannot solve stochastic equations with this state updater')
diff_eqs = equations.substituted_expressions
t = Symbol('t', real=True, positive=True)
dt = Symbol('dt', real=True, positive=True)
t0 = Symbol('t0', real=True, positive=True)
f0 = Symbol('f0', real=True)
# TODO: Shortcut for simple linear equations? Is all this effort really
# worth it?
code = []
for name, expression in diff_eqs:
rhs = expression.sympy_expr
non_constant = _non_constant_symbols(rhs.atoms(),
variables) - set([name])
if len(non_constant):
raise ValueError(('Equation for %s referred to non-constant '
'variables %s') % (name, str(non_constant)))
# We have to be careful and use the real=True assumption as well,
# otherwise sympy doesn't consider the symbol a match to the content
# of the equation
var = Symbol(name, real=True)
f = sp.Function(name)
rhs = rhs.subs(var, f(t))
derivative = sp.Derivative(f(t), t)
diff_eq = sp.Eq(derivative, rhs)
general_solution = sp.dsolve(diff_eq, f(t))
# Check whether this is an explicit solution
if not getattr(general_solution, 'lhs', None) == f(t):
raise ValueError('Cannot explicitly solve: ' + str(diff_eq))
# Solve for C1 (assuming "var" as the initial value and "t0" as time)
if Symbol('C1') in general_solution:
if Symbol('C2') in general_solution:
raise ValueError('Too many constants in solution: %s' % str(general_solution))
constant_solution = sp.solve(general_solution, Symbol('C1'))
if len(constant_solution) != 1:
raise ValueError(("Couldn't solve for the constant "
"C1 in : %s ") % str(general_solution))
constant = constant_solution[0].subs(t, t0).subs(f(t0), var)
solution = general_solution.rhs.subs('C1', constant)
solution = general_solution.rhs.subs(t, t0).subs(f(t0), var)
# Evaluate the expression for one timestep
solution = solution.subs(t, t + dt).subs(t0, t)
# only try symplifying it -- it sometimes raises an error
solution = solution.simplify()
except ValueError:
code.append(name + ' = ' + sympy_to_str(solution))
return '\n'.join(code)
示例8: non_homo_linear
def non_homo_linear(rhs, *cds):
char_func, eq, rs = homo_linear(*cds)
print('\nnon-homogeneous ODE:')
pprint(Eq(eq, rhs))
eq -= rhs
print('\nsolving non-homogeneous linear equation...\nresult:')
rs = dsolve(eq)
return char_func, eq, rs
示例9: test_make_ode_01
def test_make_ode_01():
ode, params = _make_ode_01()
t, y, y0, k = params
result = dsolve(ode, y[1](t))
eq_assumption = sympy.Q.is_true(Eq(k[1], k[0]))
refined = result.refine(~eq_assumption)
ignore = k + y0 + (t,)
int_const = [fs for fs in refined.free_symbols if fs not in ignore][0]
ref = int_const*exp(-k[1]*t) - exp(-k[0]*t)*k[0]*y0[0]/(k[0] - k[1])
assert (refined.rhs - ref).simplify() == 0
示例10: solve_model
def solve_model(self, ics, d_ics):
model_soln = [dsolve(eq) for eq in self.model]
def solve_constants(eq, ics, d_ics):
udiff = Eq(d_ics[0][1], eq.rhs.diff(t))
system = [eq.subs(ics), udiff.subs(t, 0)]
consts = solve(system, [C1, C2])
return eq.subs(consts)
model_soln_f = [solve_constants(eq[1], ics[eq[0]], d_ics[eq[0]])
for eq in enumerate(model_soln[:len(ics)])]
self.model_response = model_soln_f
self.x = lambdify(t, model_soln_f[0].rhs, 'numpy')
self.y = lambdify(t, model_soln_f[1].rhs, 'numpy')
示例11: codegen
def codegen(expr, lang, indent=' ', ics=None):
if lang == 'C':
code = ccode
elif lang == 'Fortran':
code = fcode
raise ValueError("Lang must be 'C' or 'Fortran'")
sol = dsolve(expr, ics=ics)
except ValueError:
# Not an ODE
return code(expr)
return ccode(sol.rhs, assign_to=sol.lhs.func.__name__)
示例12: solveSystem
def solveSystem(L,coordinates,initialConditions):
This is currently not in use; I'm not sure it ever will be used.
L is a sympy expression for the Lagrangian.
coordinates is a list of tuples, like so:
initialConditions are a list of the above form.
(eulerLagrange,coordinates_t,t)=calcEL(L, coordinates)
for (i,(EL_i,coordinates_t_i)) in\
freeVars=filter(lambda x:x!=t,eqn.atoms())
for freeVar in freeVars]
示例13: homo_linear
def homo_linear(*cds):
char_func = 0
eq = 0
for cd in cds:
c, d = cd
except TypeError:
c, d = 1, cd
char_func += c * y**d
eq += c * f(x).diff(x, d)
print('\nhomogeneous ODE:')
pprint(Eq(eq, 0))
print('\nhomogeneous characteristic function:')
print('\nsolving characteristic function...\nresult:')
print('\nsolving homogeneous linear equation...\nresult:')
rs = dsolve(eq)
return char_func, eq, rs
示例14: main
def main():
print("Initial metric:")
print("Christoffel symbols:")
pprint_Gamma_udd(0, 1, 0)
pprint_Gamma_udd(0, 0, 1)
pprint_Gamma_udd(1, 0, 0)
pprint_Gamma_udd(1, 1, 1)
pprint_Gamma_udd(1, 2, 2)
pprint_Gamma_udd(1, 3, 3)
pprint_Gamma_udd(2, 2, 1)
pprint_Gamma_udd(2, 1, 2)
pprint_Gamma_udd(2, 3, 3)
pprint_Gamma_udd(3, 2, 3)
pprint_Gamma_udd(3, 3, 2)
pprint_Gamma_udd(3, 1, 3)
pprint_Gamma_udd(3, 3, 1)
print("Ricci tensor:")
pprint_Rmn_dd(0, 0)
e = Rmn.dd(1, 1)
pprint_Rmn_dd(1, 1)
pprint_Rmn_dd(2, 2)
pprint_Rmn_dd(3, 3)
# print()
# print "scalar curvature:"
# print curvature(Rmn)
print("Solve Einstein's equations:")
e = e.subs(nu(r), -lam(r)).doit()
l = dsolve(e, lam(r))
lamsol = solve(l, lam(r))[0]
metric = gdd.subs(lam(r), lamsol).subs(nu(r), -lamsol) # .combine()
示例15: process
def process(self):
Procesamos la ecuacion y obtenemos los resultados
# Guardamos expresion
expr = ""
# Obtenemos los symbolos
x = sp.Symbol("x")
y = sp.Function("y")
# Obtenemos la expresion
ec = sp.sympify(self.ec)
# Valor inicial (PVI)
pvi = { y(self.x): self.y }
# preparamos la EDO
edo = sp.Eq(y(x).diff(x), ec)
expr += "EDO:\n\t"+str(edo)
# Despejamos Y
res = sp.dsolve(y(x).diff(x) - ec)
# Obtenemos y(x) = f(x)
expr += "\nEDO resuelta:\n\t"+str(res)
# reemplazamos PVI
c_eq = sp.Eq(res.lhs.subs(x, 0).subs(pvi), res.rhs.subs(x, 0))
expr += "\nRemplazamos PVI:\n\t"+str(c_eq)
# Obtenemos el valor de la constante
c = sp.solve(c_eq)
expr += "\nValor de C1:\n\t"+str(c[0])
# almacenamos los valores de interes
self.c = c[0] # valor de C1
self.res = res # ecuacion resuelta
# retornamos el resultado
return expr