本文整理汇总了Python中sympy.denom函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python denom函数的具体用法?Python denom怎么用?Python denom使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: tustin
def tustin(tf, sRate):
s = getMapping(tf)['s']
T = 1/sRate
poles = sympy.roots(sympy.denom(tf), s, multiple=True)
centroid = np.mean(np.abs(poles))
invz = sympy.Symbol('invz', real=True)
# normalized center frequency derived from poles of filter SISO transfer function
w0 = 2*np.pi*centroid/(sRate*2*np.pi)
# modified bilinear transform w/ frequency warping
bt = w0/sympy.tan(w0*T/2) * ((1-invz)/(1+invz))
dt = sympy.simplify(tf.subs({s: bt}))
b = sympy.Poly(sympy.numer(dt)).all_coeffs()[::-1]
a = sympy.Poly(sympy.denom(dt)).all_coeffs()[::-1]
normalize = lambda x: float(x/a[0])
return (map(normalize, b), map(normalize, a))
示例2: poles
def poles(G):
Return the poles of a multivariable transfer function system. Applies
Theorem 4.4 (p135).
G : numpy matrix (n x n)
The transfer function G(s) of the system.
zero : array
List of zeros.
>>> def G(s):
... return 1 / (s + 2) * numpy.matrix([[s - 1, 4],
... [4.5, 2 * (s - 1)]])
>>> poles(G)
Not applicable for a non-squared plant, yet.
s = sympy.Symbol('s')
G = sympy.Matrix(G(s)) # convert to sympy matrix object
det = sympy.simplify(G.det())
pole = sympy.solve(sympy.denom(det))
return pole
示例3: find_simple_recurrence_vector
def find_simple_recurrence_vector(l):
This function is used internally by other functions from the
sympy.concrete.guess module. While most users may want to rather use the
function find_simple_recurrence when looking for recurrence relations
among rational numbers, the current function may still be useful when
some post-processing has to be done.
The function returns a vector of length n when a recurrence relation of
order n is detected in the sequence of rational numbers v.
If the returned vector has a length 1, then the returned value is always
the list [0], which means that no relation has been found.
While the functions is intended to be used with rational numbers, it should
work for other kinds of real numbers except for some cases involving
quadratic numbers; for that reason it should be used with some caution when
the argument is not a list of rational numbers.
>>> from sympy.concrete.guess import find_simple_recurrence_vector
>>> from sympy import fibonacci
>>> find_simple_recurrence_vector([fibonacci(k) for k in range(12)])
[1, -1, -1]
See also
See the function sympy.concrete.guess.find_simple_recurrence which is more
q1 = [0]
q2 = [Integer(1)]
b, z = 0, len(l) >> 1
while len(q2) <= z:
while l[b]==0:
b += 1
if b == len(l):
c = 1
for x in q2:
c = lcm(c, denom(x))
if q2[0]*c < 0: c = -c
for k in range(len(q2)):
q2[k] = int(q2[k]*c)
return q2
a = Integer(1)/l[b]
m = [a]
for k in range(b+1, len(l)):
m.append(-sum(l[j+1]*m[b-j-1] for j in range(b, k))*a)
l, m = m, [0] * max(len(q2), b+len(q1))
for k in range(len(q2)):
m[k] = a*q2[k]
for k in range(b, b+len(q1)):
m[k] += q1[k-b]
while m[-1]==0: m.pop() # because trailing zeros can occur
q1, q2, b = q2, m, 1
return [0]
示例4: e2nd
def e2nd(expression):
""" basic helper function that accepts a sympy expression, expands it,
attempts to simplify it, and returns a numerator and denomenator pair for the instantiation of a scipy
LTI system object. """
expression = expression.expand()
expression = expression.cancel()
n = sympy.Poly(sympy.numer(expression), s).all_coeffs()
d = sympy.Poly(sympy.denom(expression), s).all_coeffs()
n = map(float, n)
d = map(float, d)
return (n, d)
示例5: __new__
def __new__(cls, b, e, evaluate=True):
from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import exp_polar
from sympy.functions import log
# don't optimize "if e==0; return 1" here; it's better to handle that
# in the calling routine so this doesn't get called
b = _sympify(b)
e = _sympify(e)
if evaluate:
if e is S.Zero:
return S.One
elif e is S.One:
return b
elif S.NaN in (b, e):
if b is S.One: # already handled e == 0 above
return S.One
return S.NaN
if e.func == log:
if len(e.args) == 2:
lbase = e.args[1]
lbase = S.Exp1
if lbase == b:
return e.args[0]
if e is Mul and e.args[1].func == log:
if len(e.args[1].args) == 2:
lbase = e.args[1].args[1]
lbase = S.Exp1
if lbase == b:
return e.args[1].args[0] ** e.args[0]
# recognize base as E
if not e.is_Atom and b is not S.Exp1 and b.func is not exp_polar:
from sympy import numer, denom, log, sign, im, factor_terms
c, ex = factor_terms(e, sign=False).as_coeff_Mul()
den = denom(ex)
if den.func is log and den.args[0] == b:
return S.Exp1**(c*numer(ex))
elif den.is_Add:
s = sign(im(b))
if s.is_Number and s and den == \
log(-factor_terms(b, sign=False)) + s*S.ImaginaryUnit*S.Pi:
return S.Exp1**(c*numer(ex))
obj = b._eval_power(e)
if obj is not None:
return obj
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, b, e)
obj.is_commutative = (b.is_commutative and e.is_commutative)
return obj
示例6: Pow
def Pow(expr, assumptions):
Imaginary**integer/odd -> Imaginary
Imaginary**integer/even -> Real if integer % 2 == 0
b**Imaginary -> !Imaginary if exponent is an integer multiple of I*pi/log(b)
Imaginary**Real -> ?
Negative**even root -> Imaginary
Negative**odd root -> Real
Negative**Real -> Imaginary
Real**Integer -> Real
Real**Positive -> Real
if expr.is_number:
return AskImaginaryHandler._number(expr, assumptions)
if expr.base.func == C.exp:
if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base.args[0]), assumptions):
if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
return False
i = expr.base.args[0]/I/pi
if ask(Q.integer(2*i), assumptions):
return ask(Q.imaginary(((-1)**i)**expr.exp), assumptions)
if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.base), assumptions):
if ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
odd = ask(Q.odd(expr.exp), assumptions)
if odd is not None:
return odd
if ask(Q.imaginary(expr.exp), assumptions):
imlog = ask(Q.imaginary(C.log(expr.base)), assumptions)
if imlog is not None:
return False # I**i -> real; (2*I)**i -> complex ==> not imaginary
if ask(Q.real(expr.base), assumptions):
if ask(Q.real(expr.exp), assumptions):
if ask(Q.rational(expr.exp) & Q.even(denom(expr.exp)), assumptions):
return ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions)
elif ask(Q.integer(expr.exp), assumptions):
return False
elif ask(Q.positive(expr.base), assumptions):
return False
elif ask(Q.negative(expr.base), assumptions):
return True
示例7: mutate_rat
def mutate_rat(value, *, keep_sign=True, mutate_up=None):
'''Mutate rational number'''
r = random.random()
numer, denom = sp.numer(value), sp.denom(value)
# swap numerator and denominator
if r < 0.20:
numer, denom = (mutate_int(denom, mutate_up=mutate_up, keep_sign=keep_sign),
mutate_int(numer, mutate_up=mutate_up))
# mutate numerator
elif r < 0.65:
numer = mutate_int(numer, mutate_up=mutate_up, keep_sign=keep_sign)
# mutate denominator
denom = mutate_int(denom, mutate_up=mutate_up, keep_sign=keep_sign)
return sp.Rational(numer, denom or 1)
示例8: __new__
def __new__(cls, b, e, evaluate=None):
if evaluate is None:
evaluate = global_evaluate[0]
from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import exp_polar
b = _sympify(b)
e = _sympify(e)
if evaluate:
if e is S.Zero:
return S.One
elif e is S.One:
return b
elif e.is_integer and _coeff_isneg(b):
if e.is_even:
b = -b
elif e.is_odd:
return -Pow(-b, e)
if b is S.One:
if e in (S.NaN, S.Infinity, -S.Infinity):
return S.NaN
return S.One
elif S.NaN in (b, e): # XXX S.NaN**x -> S.NaN under assumption that x != 0
return S.NaN
# recognize base as E
if not e.is_Atom and b is not S.Exp1 and b.func is not exp_polar:
from sympy import numer, denom, log, sign, im, factor_terms
c, ex = factor_terms(e, sign=False).as_coeff_Mul()
den = denom(ex)
if den.func is log and den.args[0] == b:
return S.Exp1**(c*numer(ex))
elif den.is_Add:
s = sign(im(b))
if s.is_Number and s and den == \
log(-factor_terms(b, sign=False)) + s*S.ImaginaryUnit*S.Pi:
return S.Exp1**(c*numer(ex))
obj = b._eval_power(e)
if obj is not None:
return obj
obj = Expr.__new__(cls, b, e)
obj.is_commutative = (b.is_commutative and e.is_commutative)
return obj
示例9: symmetryDetection
def symmetryDetection(allVariables, diffEquations, observables, obsFunctions, initFunctions,
predictions, predFunctions, ansatz = 'uni', pMax = 2, inputs = [],
fixed = [], parallel = 1, allTrafos = False, timeTrans = False,
pretty = True, suffix=''):
n = len(allVariables)
m = len(diffEquations)
h = len(observables)
############################# prepare equations ####################################
sys.stdout.write('Preparing equations...')
# make infinitesimal ansatz
infis, diffInfis, rs = makeAnsatz(ansatz, allVariables, m, len(inputs), pMax, fixed)
# get infinitesimals of time transformation
if timeTrans:
diffInfiT = rs[-1]
allVariables += [T]
diffInfiT = None
# and convert to polynomial
infis, diffInfis = transformInfisToPoly(infis, diffInfis, allVariables, rs, parallel, ansatz)
diffInfiT = Apoly(diffInfiT, allVariables, rs)
### extract numerator and denominator of equations
#differential equations
numerators = [0]*m
denominators = [0]*m
for k in range(m):
rational = spy.together(diffEquations[k])
numerators[k] = Apoly(spy.numer(rational), allVariables, None)
denominators[k] = Apoly(spy.denom(rational), allVariables, None)
#observation functions
obsNumerators = [0]*h
obsDenominatros = [0]*h
for k in range(h):
rational = spy.together(obsFunctions[k])
obsNumerators[k] = Apoly(spy.numer(rational), allVariables, None)
obsDenominatros[k] = Apoly(spy.denom(rational), allVariables, None)
#initial functions
if len(initFunctions) != 0:
initNumerators = [0]*m
initDenominatros = [0]*m
for k in range(m):
rational = spy.together(initFunctions[k])
initNumerators[k] = Apoly(spy.numer(rational), allVariables, None)
initDenominatros[k] = Apoly(spy.denom(rational), allVariables, None)
initNumerators = []
initDenominatros = []
### calculate numerator of derivatives of equations
#differential equatioins
derivativesNum = [0]*m
for i in range(m):
derivativesNum[i] = [0]*n
for k in range(m):
for l in range(n):
derivativesNum[k][l] = Apoly(None, allVariables, None)
#observation functions
obsDerivativesNum = [0]*h
for i in range(h):
obsDerivativesNum[i] = [0]*n
for k in range(h):
for l in range(n):
obsDerivativesNum[k][l] = Apoly(None, allVariables, None)
#initial functions
if len(initFunctions) != 0:
initDerivativesNum = [0]*len(initFunctions)
for i in range(m):
initDerivativesNum[i] = [0]*n
for k in range(m):
for l in range(n):
initDerivativesNum[k][l] = Apoly(None, allVariables, None)
initDerivativesNum = []
sys.stdout.write('\rPreparing equations...done\n')
############################ build linear system ###################################
示例10: print
m2_2 = G[:,[0,2]]
m2 = m2_1.row_join(m2_2)
m2_3 = G[:,[0,1]]
m2 = m2.row_join(m2_3)
# combine order one and two minors
print('---All poles---')
m1count = np.shape(m1)[0]
#find out how many roots there are in total between all 1st order minors
n1Roots = 0
for m in range(m1count):
n1Roots = n1Roots + sp.degree(sp.denom(m1[m]),s)
#find out how many roots there are in total between all 2nd order minors
n2Roots = 0
r,c = np.shape(m2)
for i in range(r):
for j in range(c):
n2Roots = n2Roots + sp.degree(sp.denom(m2[i,j]),s)
# calculate and find common roots
roots_denom = [None]*(n1Roots + n2Roots)
n = 0
for m in range(m1count):
denom_roots = sp.solve(sp.denom(m1[m]))
for i in range(len(denom_roots)):
示例11: test_issue_5933
def test_issue_5933():
from sympy import Polygon, RegularPolygon, denom
x = Polygon(*RegularPolygon((0, 0), 1, 5).vertices).centroid.x
assert abs(denom(x).n()) > 1e-12
assert abs(denom(radsimp(x))) > 1e-12 # in case simplify didn't handle it
示例12: gen_lobatto
def gen_lobatto(max_order):
assert max_order > 2
x = sm.symbols('x')
lobs = [0, 1]
lobs[0] = (1 - x) / 2
lobs[1] = (1 + x) / 2
dlobs = [lob.diff('x') for lob in lobs]
legs = [sm.legendre(0, 'y')]
clegs = [sm.ccode(legs[0])]
dlegs = [sm.legendre(0, 'y').diff('y')]
cdlegs = [sm.ccode(dlegs[0])]
clobs = [sm.ccode(lob) for lob in lobs]
cdlobs = [sm.ccode(dlob) for dlob in dlobs]
denoms = [] # for lobs.
for ii in range(2, max_order + 1):
coef = sm.sympify('sqrt(2 * (2 * %s - 1)) / 2' % ii)
leg = sm.legendre(ii - 1, 'y')
pleg = leg.as_poly()
coefs = pleg.all_coeffs()
denom = max(sm.denom(val) for val in coefs)
cleg = sm.ccode(sm.horner(leg*denom)/denom)
dleg = leg.diff('y')
cdleg = sm.ccode(sm.horner(dleg*denom)/denom)
lob = sm.simplify(coef * sm.integrate(leg, ('y', -1, x)))
lobnc = sm.simplify(sm.integrate(leg, ('y', -1, x)))
plobnc = lobnc.as_poly()
coefs = plobnc.all_coeffs()
denom = sm.denom(coef) * max(sm.denom(val) for val in coefs)
clob = sm.ccode(sm.horner(lob*denom)/denom)
dlob = lob.diff('x')
cdlob = sm.ccode(sm.horner(dlob*denom)/denom)
coef = sm.sympify('sqrt(2 * (2 * %s - 1)) / 2' % (max_order + 1))
leg = sm.legendre(max_order, 'y')
pleg = leg.as_poly()
coefs = pleg.all_coeffs()
denom = max(sm.denom(val) for val in coefs)
cleg = sm.ccode(sm.horner(leg*denom)/denom)
dleg = leg.diff('y')
cdleg = sm.ccode(sm.horner(dleg*denom)/denom)
kerns = []
ckerns = []
dkerns = []
cdkerns = []
for ii, lob in enumerate(lobs[2:]):
kern = sm.simplify(lob / (lobs[0] * lobs[1]))
dkern = kern.diff('x')
denom = denoms[ii] / 4
ckern = sm.ccode(sm.horner(kern*denom)/denom)
cdkern = sm.ccode(sm.horner(dkern*denom)/denom)
return (legs, clegs, dlegs, cdlegs,
lobs, clobs, dlobs, cdlobs,
kerns, ckerns, dkerns, cdkerns,
示例13: simplify
def simplify(self):
self._tuple = tuple(sympy.factor(ex) for ex in self._tuple)
m = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * sympy.denom(y), self._tuple, 1)
self._tuple = tuple(ex * m for ex in self._tuple)
d = functools.reduce(sympy.gcd, self._tuple)
self._tuple = tuple(sympy.factor(ex / d) for ex in self._tuple)
示例14: map
tf = ahkabHelpers.reduceTF(tf, mycircuit)
sRate = 44.1e3
fs = lambda x: sympy.N(abs(tf.subs({s:sympy.I*x})))
ws = np.logspace(1, np.log10(sRate), 5e2)
mags = map(fs,ws)
print tf
(b, a) = ahkabHelpers.tustin(tf, sRate)
print b,a
pylab.semilogx(ws, map(fs, ws), 'v', label="from transfer function")
pylab.semilogx(r['ac']['w'][::10], np.abs(r['ac']['VU1o'][::10]), '-', label='from AC simulation')
pylab.vlines(np.abs(sympy.roots(sympy.denom(tf), s, multiple=True)), 0, 1, 'r')
# build white noise input vector, normalized to \pm 1.0
x = list(2*np.random.random(sRate)-1.0)
# allocate output vector for y[n-2] indexing to work
y = [0.0]*len(x)
# Direct Form I
for n in range(len(x)):
y[n] = b[0]*x[n] + b[1]*x[n-1] + b[2]*x[n-2] - a[1]*y[n-1] - a[2]*y[n-2]
# frequencies to radians
freqs = (np.fft.fftfreq(len(y), 1/sRate))[0:len(y)/2] * (2*np.pi)
mags = (np.abs(np.fft.fft(np.array(y))))[0:len(y)/2]
# normalize magnitude to 1.0
示例15: ac_analysis
def ac_analysis(param_d, param_l, instance, file_sufix):
""" Performs ac analysis
param_d: substitutions for symbols, or named parameters for plot
param_l: expresions to plot
format is:
.ac expresion0 [expresion1 expresion2 ...] sweep = parameter_to_sweep [symmbol_or_option0 = value0
symmbol_or_option1 = value1 ...]
expresions are on positiona parameters list can hold expresions containing parameters or functions of nodal
voltages [v(node)] and element and port currents [i(element) isub(port)]
named parameters (param_d) can contain options for analysis or substitutions for symbols, substituions will be
done as they are without any parsing, be aware of symbol and option names clashes.
Config options:
fstart: first value of frequency for AC analysis [float]
fstop: last value of frequency for AC analysis [float]
fscale: scale for frequency points [linear | log]
npoints: numbers of points for ac analysis [integer]
yscale: scale for y-axis to being displayed on [linear or log]
hold: hold plot for next analysis and don't save it to file [yes | no]
show_poles: show poles of function on plot [yes | no]
show_zeroes: show zeros of function on plot [yes | no]
title: display title above ac plot [string]
show_legend: show legend on plot [yes | no]
xkcd: style plot to be xkcd like scetch
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Just getting rid of those fake casting from complex warnings
s, w = sympy.symbols(('s', 'w'))
config = {'fstart': 1,
'fstop': 1e6,
'fscale': 'log',
'npoints': 100,
'yscale': 'log',
'type': 'amp',
'hold': 'no',
'show_poles': 'yes',
'show_zeros': 'yes',
'title': None,
'show_legend': 'no',
'xkcd': 'no'}
for config_name in config.keys():
if config_name in param_d:
config.update({config_name: param_d[config_name]})
subst = []
for symbol, value in param_d.iteritems():
tokens = scs_parser.parse_param_expresion(value)
value = float(sympy.sympify(scs_parser.params2values(tokens, instance.paramsd),sympy.abc._clash))
except ValueError:
raise scs_errors.ScsAnalysisError("Passed subsitution for %s is not a number")
subst.append((symbol, value))
if config['fscale'] == 'log':
fs = np.logspace(np.log10(float(config['fstart'])), np.log10(float(config['fstop'])), int(config['npoints']))
elif config['fscale'] == 'linear':
fs = np.linspace(float(config['fstart']), float(config['fstop']), int(config['npoints']))
raise scs_errors.ScsAnalysisError(("Option %s for fscale invalid!" % config['yscale']))
if config['yscale'] != 'log' and config['yscale'] != 'linear':
raise scs_errors.ScsAnalysisError(("Option %s for yscale invalid!" % config['fscale']))
filename = "%s.results" % file_sufix
with open(filename, 'a') as fil:
if config['xkcd'] == 'yes':
for expresion in param_l:
fil.write("%s: %s \n---------------------\n" % ('AC analysis of', expresion))
tokens = scs_parser.parse_analysis_expresion(expresion)
value0 = sympy.factor(sympy.sympify(scs_parser.results2values(tokens, instance),sympy.abc._clash), s).simplify()
fil.write("%s = %s \n\n" % (expresion, str(value0)))
denominator = sympy.denom(value0)
numerator = sympy.numer(value0)
poles = sympy.solve(denominator, s)
zeros = sympy.solve(numerator, s)
poles_r = sympy.roots(denominator, s)
zeros_r = sympy.roots(numerator, s)
gdc = str(value0.subs(s, 0).simplify())
fil.write('G_DC = %s\n\n' % gdc)
p = 0
titled = 1
for pole, degree in poles_r.iteritems():
if pole == 0:
titled *= s ** degree
titled *= (s / sympy.symbols("\\omega_p%d" % p) + 1)
p += 1
z = 0