本文整理汇总了Python中supybot.ircutils.underline函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python underline函数的具体用法?Python underline怎么用?Python underline使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _printWikiPage
def _printWikiPage(self, values):
action = values.get('action')
if action is not None:
if action == 'created':
action = 'created by %s' % underline(values['author'])
elif action == 'changed':
action = 'changed by %s' % underline(values['author'])
action = ' (%s)' % action
yield format('%s%s %u',
action or '',
示例2: _finalgame
def _finalgame(self, gamedate, gameid):
"""Grabs the boxscore json and prints a final statline."""
url = b64decode('aHR0cDovL2RhdGEubmJhLmNvbS9qc29uL2Ntcy9ub3NlYXNvbi9nYW1lLw==') + '%s/%s/boxscore.json' % (str(gamedate), str(gameid))
html = self._httpget(url)
if not html:
self.log.error("ERROR: Could not _finalgame.")
return None
# process json. throw this thing in a try/except block.
jsonf = json.loads(html.decode('utf-8'))
game = jsonf['sports_content']['game']
if len(game) == 0:
self.log.error("_finalgame :: I found no games in the json data.")
return None
# output dict. we preset DD/TD for later.
gamestats = {'Double-double':[], 'Triple-double':[]}
# iterate over the home/visitor.
for var in ['visitor', 'home']:
team = game[var]['abbreviation']
fgp = game[var]['stats']['field_goals_percentage']
tpp = game[var]['stats']['three_pointers_percentage']
ftp = game[var]['stats']['free_throws_percentage']
to = game[var]['stats']['turnovers']
rb = (int(game[var]['stats']['rebounds_offensive'])+int(game[var]['stats']['rebounds_defensive'])) # total rb.
ptsl = sorted(game[var]['players']['player'], key=lambda t: int(t['points']), reverse=True)[0] # sort by points
astl = sorted(game[var]['players']['player'], key=lambda t: int(t['assists']), reverse=True)[0] # sort by assists. below we sort by adding rebounds.
rbll = sorted(game[var]['players']['player'], key=lambda x: (int(x['rebounds_offensive']) + int(x['rebounds_defensive'])), reverse=True)[0]
# inject into our gamestats dict with the text.
gamestats[team] = "{0}: {1} {2}: {3} {4}: {5} {6}: {7} {8}: {9} {10} :: {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19}".format(\
ircutils.bold("FG%"), fgp,
ircutils.bold("FT%"), ftp,
ircutils.bold("3PT%"), tpp,
ircutils.bold("TO"), to,
ircutils.bold("RB"), rb,
ircutils.bold("PTS"), ptsl['last_name'].encode('utf-8'), ptsl['points'],
ircutils.bold("AST"), astl['last_name'].encode('utf-8'), astl['assists'],
ircutils.bold("RB"), rbll['last_name'].encode('utf-8'), (int(rbll['rebounds_offensive'])+int(rbll['rebounds_defensive'])))
# look for DD/TD
for x in game[var]['players']['player']: # iterate over.
tmp = {} # we make a dict with the key as the stat for later.
tmp['rb'] = int(x['rebounds_offensive']) + int(x['rebounds_defensive'])
tmp['blocks'] = int(x['blocks'])
tmp['a'] = int(x['assists'])
tmp['p'] = int(x['points'])
tmp['s'] = int(x['steals'])
# we only inject into matching the category and stat if 10 or over.
matching = [str(z.upper()) + ": " + str(p) for (z, p) in tmp.items() if p >= 10]
if len(matching) == 2: # dd. inject into gamestats in the right category.
gamestats['Double-double'].append("{0}({1}) :: {2}".format(x['last_name'].encode('utf-8'), team, " | ".join(matching)))
if len(matching) > 2: # likewise with td.
gamestats['Triple-double'].append("{0}({1}) :: {2}".format(x['last_name'].encode('utf-8'), team, " | ".join(matching)))
# return the dict.
return gamestats
except Exception, e:
self.log.error("_finalgame: ERROR on {0} :: {1}".format(url, e))
return None
示例3: present_listing_first
def present_listing_first(res, original_link=False, color_score=False):
d = res.get("data", {}).get("children", [{}])[0].get("data",{})
if d:
if not original_link:
d["url"] = "http://www.reddit.com/r/%(subreddit)s/comments/%(id)s/" % d
if color_score:
score_part = "(%s|%s)[%s]" % (ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor("%(ups)s", "orange")),
ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor("%(downs)s", "12")),
ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor("%(num_comments)s", "dark grey")))
score_part = "(%(score)s)"
title_part = "%(title)s"
url_part = ircutils.underline("%(url)s")
nsfw_part = "NSFW"*d['over_18'] or ''
nsfw_part =ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(nsfw_part, 'red'))
template = "%s %s %s %s" % (nsfw_part, score_part, title_part, url_part)
template = (template % d)
template = template.replace('\n', ' ')
template = template.replace('&','&')
if d["created_utc"] < time.time() - 2678400:
return False
return template
except IndexError:
return None
示例4: testStripFormatting
def testStripFormatting(self):
self.assertEqual(ircutils.stripFormatting(ircutils.bold("foo")), "foo")
self.assertEqual(ircutils.stripFormatting(ircutils.italic("foo")), "foo")
self.assertEqual(ircutils.stripFormatting(ircutils.reverse("foo")), "foo")
self.assertEqual(ircutils.stripFormatting(ircutils.underline("foo")), "foo")
self.assertEqual(ircutils.stripFormatting("\x02bold\x0302,04foo\x03" "bar\x0f"), "boldfoobar")
s = ircutils.mircColor("[", "blue") + ircutils.bold("09:21")
self.assertEqual(ircutils.stripFormatting(s), "[09:21")
示例5: cfbschedule
def cfbschedule(self, irc, msg, args, optteam):
Display the schedule/results for team.
lookupteam = self._lookupTeam(optteam)
if lookupteam == "0":
irc.reply("I could not find a schedule for: %s" % optteam)
url = 'http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/teams/schedule/%s/' % lookupteam
req = urllib2.Request(url)
html = (urllib2.urlopen(req)).read()
irc.reply("Failed to open: %s" % url)
html = html.replace('&','&').replace(';','')
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
if soup.find('table', attrs={'class':'data stacked'}).find('tr', attrs={'class':'title'}).find('td'):
title = soup.find('table', attrs={'class':'data stacked'}).find('tr', attrs={'class':'title'}).find('td')
irc.reply("Something broke with schedules. Did formatting change?")
div = soup.find('div', attrs={'id':'layoutTeamsPage'}) # must use this div first since there is an identical table.
table = div.find('table', attrs={'class':'data', 'width':'100%'})
rows = table.findAll('tr', attrs={'class':re.compile('^row[1|2]')})
append_list = []
for row in rows:
date = row.find('td')
team = date.findNext('td').find('a')
time = team.findNext('td')
if team.text.startswith('@'): # underline home
team = team.text
team = ircutils.underline(team.text)
if time.find('span'): # span has score time. empty otherwise.
time = time.find('span').string
append_list.append(date.text + " - " + ircutils.bold(team) + " (" + time + ")")
time = time.string
append_list.append(date.text + " - " + ircutils.bold(team))
descstring = string.join([item for item in append_list], " | ")
output = "{0} for {1} :: {2}".format(title.text, ircutils.bold(optteam.title()), descstring)
示例6: _printTicket
def _printTicket(self, values):
action = values.get('action')
if action is not None:
if action == 'created':
action = 'created by %s' % underline(values['reporter'])
elif action == 'changed':
action = 'changed by %s' % underline(values['author'])
comment = values['comment']
if comment:
comment = ', ' + comment
action = ' (%s%s)' % (action, comment)
yield format('%s #%s: %s%s',
action or ''
yield '<%s>' % values['url']
示例7: _printChangeset
def _printChangeset(self, values):
yield format('%s [%s] by %s in %s (%n): %s',
(values['file_count'], 'file'),
ellipsisify(values['message'].strip(), 130)
yield '<%s>' % values['url']
示例8: _outputTweet
def _outputTweet(self, irc, msg, nick, name, text, time, tweetid):
ret = ircutils.underline(ircutils.bold("@" + nick))
hideName = self.registryValue('hideRealName', msg.args[0])
if not hideName:
ret += " ({0})".format(name)
ret += ": {0} ({1})".format(text, ircutils.bold(time))
if self.registryValue('addShortUrl', msg.args[0]):
url = self._createShortUrl(nick, tweetid)
if (url):
ret += " {0}".format(url)
示例9: port
def port(self, irc, msg, args, port):
"""<port number>
Looks up <port number> in Wikipedia's list of ports at
if port > 65535:
irc.error('Port numbers cannot be greater than 65535.', Raise=True)
if BeautifulSoup is None:
irc.error("Beautiful Soup 4 is required for this plugin: get it"
" at http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/"
"doc/#installing-beautiful-soup", Raise=True)
url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers"
fd = utils.web.getUrlFd(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(fd)
if port >= 49152:
results = ['The range 49152–65535 (2^15+2^14 to 2^16−1)—above the '
'registered ports—contains dynamic or private ports that '
'cannot be registered with IANA. This range is used for '
'custom or temporary purposes and for automatic '
'allocation of ephemeral ports.']
results = []
for tr in soup.find_all('tr'):
tds = tr.find_all('td')
if not tds:
portnum = tds[0].text
if '–' in portnum:
startport, endport = map(int, portnum.split('–'))
p = range(startport, endport+1)
p = [int(portnum)]
except ValueError:
if port in p:
text = tds[3].text
# Remove inline citations (text[1][2][3]), citation needed tags, etc.
text = re.sub('\[.*?]', '', text)
# List the port notes (tags such as "Official", "TCP", "UDP", etc.)
# This is every <td> tag except the 4th one, which is the description parsed
# above.
notes = [t.text.strip() for t in tds[:3]+tds[4:]]
notes = '; '.join(filter(None, notes))
# Remove \n, etc. in fields to prevent output corruption.
s = utils.str.normalizeWhitespace('%s [%s]' % (ircutils.bold(text), notes))
if results:
irc.reply(format('%s: %L', ircutils.bold(ircutils.underline(port)), results))
irc.error(_('No results found.'))
示例10: testStripFormatting
def testStripFormatting(self):
self.assertEqual(ircutils.stripFormatting(ircutils.bold('foo')), 'foo')
s = ircutils.mircColor('[', 'blue') + ircutils.bold('09:21')
self.assertEqual(ircutils.stripFormatting(s), '[09:21')
示例11: wootshirt
def wootshirt(self, irc, msg, args):
""" Display daily woot.com deal."""
url = "http://shirt.woot.com/salerss.aspx"
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(urllib2.urlopen(url))
product = dom.getElementsByTagName("woot:product")[0].childNodes[0].data
price = dom.getElementsByTagName("woot:price")[0].childNodes[0].data
purchaseurl = dom.getElementsByTagName("woot:purchaseurl")[0].childNodes[0].data
soldout = dom.getElementsByTagName("woot:soldout")[0].childNodes[0].data # false
shipping = dom.getElementsByTagName("woot:shipping")[0].childNodes[0].data
if soldout == 'false':
output = ircutils.mircColor("IN STOCK ", "green")
output = ircutils.mircColor("SOLDOUT ", "red")
output += ircutils.underline(ircutils.bold("ITEM:")) + " " + product + " "
output += ircutils.underline(ircutils.bold("PRICE:")) + " " + price + " (Shipping:" + shipping + ") "
output += ircutils.underline(ircutils.bold("URL:")) + " " + self._shortenUrl(purchaseurl) + " "
irc.reply(output, prefixNick=True)
示例12: tennis
def tennis(self, irc, msg, args, optmatch):
Display current Tennis scores. Defaults to Men's Singles.
if optmatch:
if optmatch == "womens":
matchType = "2"
elif optmatch == "mensdoubles":
matchType = "3"
elif optmatch == "womensdoubles":
matchType = "4"
matchType = "1"
matchType = "1"
url = 'general/tennis/dailyresults?matchType=%s' % matchType
html = self._fetch(url)
if html == 'None':
irc.reply("Cannot fetch Tennis scores.")
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
tournament = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'sec row', 'style': 'white-space: nowrap;'})
tournRound = soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'ind sub bold'})[1] # there are two here, only display the 2nd, which is status.
divs = soup.findAll('div', attrs={'class':re.compile('^ind$|^ind alt$')})
append_list = []
for div in divs:
if "a href" not in div.renderContents(): # only way to get around this as the divs are not in a container.
status = div.find('b') # find bold, which is status.
if status:
status.extract() # extract so we may bold.
div = div.renderContents().strip().replace('<br />',' ').replace(' ',' ')
div = div.replace('v.',ircutils.mircColor('v.','green')).replace('d.',ircutils.mircColor('d.','red')) # colors.
append_list.append(str(ircutils.underline(status.getText()) + " " + div.strip()))
if len(append_list) > 0: # Sanity check.
if tournament and tournRound:
irc.reply(ircutils.mircColor(tournament.getText(), 'red') + " - " + ircutils.bold(tournRound.getText()))
irc.reply(" | ".join(item for item in append_list))
irc.reply("I did not find any active tennis matches.")
示例13: present_listing_first
def present_listing_first(res, original_link=False, color_score=False):
d = res.get("data", {}).get("children", [{}])[0].get("data",{})
if d:
if not original_link:
d["url"] = "http://www.reddit.com/r/%(subreddit)s/comments/%(id)s/" % d
if color_score:
score_part = "(%s/%s)[%s]" % (ircutils.mircColor("%(ups)s", "orange"),
ircutils.mircColor("%(downs)s", "light blue"),
ircutils.mircColor("%(num_comments)s", "dark grey"))
score_part = "(%(score)s)"
title_part = ircutils.bold("%(title)s")
url_part = ircutils.underline("%(url)s")
template = "%s \"%s\" %s" % (score_part, title_part, url_part)
return (template % d)
示例14: _formatLine
def _formatLine(self, line, channel, type):
"""Implements the 'format' configuration options."""
format = self.registryValue('format.%s' % type, channel)
already_colored = False
for item in format:
if item == 'bold':
line = ircutils.bold(line)
elif item == 'reverse':
line = ircutils.reverse(line)
elif item == 'underlined':
line = ircutils.underline(line)
elif already_colored:
line = ircutils.mircColor(line, bg=item)
elif item != '':
line = ircutils.mircColor(line, fg=item)
return line
示例15: cfbweeklyleaders
def cfbweeklyleaders(self, irc, msg, args):
Display CFB weekly leaders.
url = 'http://espn.go.com/college-football/weekly'
req = urllib2.Request(url)
html = (urllib2.urlopen(req)).read()
irc.reply("Failed to open: %s" % url)
html = html.replace('tr class="evenrow', 'tr class="oddrow')
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
title = soup.find('h1', attrs={'class':'h2'})
tables = soup.findAll('table', attrs={'class':'tablehead'})
new_data = collections.defaultdict(list)
for table in tables:
rows = table.findAll('tr', attrs={'class':re.compile('^oddrow.*')})[0:3] # top 3 only. List can be long.
for j,row in enumerate(rows):
stat = row.findPrevious('tr', attrs={'class':'stathead'})
colhead = row.findPrevious('tr', attrs={'class':'colhead'}).findAll('td')
statnames = row.findAll('td')
del statnames[3], colhead[3] # game is always 4th. delete this.
for i,statname in enumerate(statnames):
appendString = str(ircutils.bold(colhead[i].text)) + ": " + str(statname.text) # prep string to add into the list.
if i == len(statnames)-1 and not j == len(rows)-1: # last in each.
new_data[str(stat.getText())].append(appendString + " |")
if title:
irc.reply(ircutils.mircColor(title.getText(), 'blue'))
for i,j in new_data.iteritems():
output = "{0} :: {1}".format(ircutils.underline(i), string.join([item for item in j], " "))