本文整理汇总了Python中stix.data_marking.Marking.add_marking方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Marking.add_marking方法的具体用法?Python Marking.add_marking怎么用?Python Marking.add_marking使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类stix.data_marking.Marking
示例1: setTLP
# 需要导入模块: from stix.data_marking import Marking [as 别名]
# 或者: from stix.data_marking.Marking import add_marking [as 别名]
def setTLP(target, distribution):
marking_specification = MarkingSpecification()
marking_specification.controlled_structure = "../../../descendant-or-self::node()"
tlp = TLPMarkingStructure()
colour = TLP_mapping.get(distribution, None)
if colour is None:
return target
tlp.color = colour
handling = Marking()
target.handling = handling
示例2: marking
# 需要导入模块: from stix.data_marking import Marking [as 别名]
# 或者: from stix.data_marking.Marking import add_marking [as 别名]
def marking():
"""Define the TLP marking and the inheritence."""
marking_specification = MarkingSpecification()
marking_specification.controlled_structure = "../../../../descendant"\
"-or-self::node() | ../../../../descendant-or-self::node()/@*"
simple = SimpleMarkingStructure()
simple.statement = HNDL_ST
tlp = TLPMarkingStructure()
tlp.color = "WHITE"
handling = Marking()
return handling
示例3: _marking
# 需要导入模块: from stix.data_marking import Marking [as 别名]
# 或者: from stix.data_marking.Marking import add_marking [as 别名]
def _marking():
"""Define the TLP marking and the inheritance."""
marking_specification = MarkingSpecification()
tlp = TLPMarkingStructure()
tlp.color = SETTINGS['stix']['tlp']
marking_specification.controlled_structure = SETTINGS[
simple = SimpleMarkingStructure()
simple.statement = SETTINGS['stix']['statement']
handling = Marking()
return handling
示例4: stix
# 需要导入模块: from stix.data_marking import Marking [as 别名]
# 或者: from stix.data_marking.Marking import add_marking [as 别名]
def stix(json):
Created a stix file based on a json file that is being handed over
# Create a new STIXPackage
stix_package = STIXPackage()
# Create a new STIXHeader
stix_header = STIXHeader()
# Add Information Source. This is where we will add the tool information.
stix_header.information_source = InformationSource()
# Create a ToolInformation object. Use the initialization parameters
# to set the tool and vendor names.
# Note: This is an instance of cybox.common.ToolInformation and NOT
# stix.common.ToolInformation.
tool = ToolInformation(
tool_vendor="The Viper group http://viper.li - developed by Alexander Jaeger https://github.com/deralexxx/viper2stix"
#Adding your identity to the header
identity = Identity()
identity.name = Config.get('stix', 'producer_name')
# Set the Information Source "tools" section to a
# cybox.common.ToolInformationList which contains our tool that we
# created above.
stix_header.information_source.tools = ToolInformationList(tool)
stix_header.title = Config.get('stix', 'title')
# Set the produced time to now
stix_header.information_source.time = Time()
stix_header.information_source.time.produced_time = datetime.now()
marking_specification = MarkingSpecification()
marking_specification.controlled_structure = "../../../descendant-or-self::node()"
tlp = TLPMarkingStructure()
tlp.color = Config.get('stix', 'TLP')
handling = Marking()
# Set the header description
stix_header.description = Config.get('stix', 'description')
# Set the STIXPackage header
stix_package.stix_header = stix_header
stix_package.stix_header.handling = handling
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=5)
#for key, value in json['default'].iteritems():
# print key, value
for item in json['default']:
#logger.debug("item %s", item)
indicator = Indicator()
indicator.title = "File Hash"
indicator.description = (
"An indicator containing a File observable with an associated hash"
# Create a CyboX File Object
f = File()
sha_value = item['sha256']
if sha_value is not None:
sha256 = Hash()
sha256.simple_hash_value = sha_value
h = Hash(sha256, Hash.TYPE_SHA256)
sha1_value = item['sha1']
if sha_value is not None:
sha1 = Hash()
sha1.simple_hash_value = sha1_value
h = Hash(sha1, Hash.TYPE_SHA1)
sha512_value = item['sha512']
if sha_value is not None:
sha512 = Hash()
sha512.simple_hash_value = sha512_value
h = Hash(sha512, Hash.TYPE_SHA512)
#adding the md5 hash to the title as well
stix_header.title+=' '+item['md5']
示例5: index2stix
# 需要导入模块: from stix.data_marking import Marking [as 别名]
# 或者: from stix.data_marking.Marking import add_marking [as 别名]
def index2stix(local_index, orig_stix):
# Build package metadata
new_stix = STIXPackage()
new_stix.stix_header = STIXHeader()
new_stix.stix_header.title = "TG3390 - Enrichment"
new_stix.stix_header.description = "Enrichment stix file to the Dell SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit(TM) (CTU) researchers investigated activities associated with Threat Group-3390[1] (TG-3390) - http://www.secureworks.com/cyber-threat-intelligence/threats/threat-group-3390-targets-organizations-for-cyberespionage/"
marking_specification = MarkingSpecification()
marking_specification.controlled_structure = "../../../../descendant-or-self::node()"
tlp = TLPMarkingStructure()
tlp.color = "WHITE"
handling = Marking()
new_stix.stix_header.handling = handling
enrich_IPs = Indicator(title="Suspected TG3390 IP Addresses obtained through automated enrichment")
enrich_IPs.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist")
enrich_IPs.confidence = "Low"
related_IPs = Indicator(title="Related indicator wrapper for source of enrichment")
related_IPs.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist")
related_IPs.confidence = "Medium"
enrich_Domains = Indicator(title="Suspected TG3390 Domains obtained through automated enrichment")
enrich_Domains.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist")
enrich_Domains.confidence = "Low"
related_Domains = Indicator(title="Related indicator wrapper for source of enrichment")
related_Domains.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist")
related_Domains.confidence = "Medium"
# START with the ones that already have ids:
#if verbose:
new_ref_created = True
while new_ref_created:
new_ref_created = False
for ind_type in local_index:
for obs in local_index[ind_type]:
id_tobe_referenced = local_index[ind_type][obs][0]
#print id_tobe_referenced[:10]
if id_tobe_referenced[:10] != '{{no_ref}}':
ref_obs = Observable()
ref_obs.id_ = id_tobe_referenced.replace("{{no_ref}}","")
ref_obs.description = 'Source of enrichment for: '
create_ref_obs = False
for entry in local_index[ind_type][obs]:
if type(entry) is list:
if len(entry)>0:
for item in entry:
ref, child_ind_type = get_ref_from_obs(item, local_index)
#print item
if ref == '{{no_ref}}' or ref == '':
create_ref_obs = True
new_ref_created = True
#print 'Create new, complete, observable for ' + item
#print child_ind_type
#Create the new observable for item and add as object to appropriate Indicator
if child_ind_type == 'DomainName':
append_ind = enrich_Domains
related_ind = related_Domains
new_obj = DomainName()
new_obj.value = item
elif child_ind_type == 'Address':
append_ind = enrich_IPs
related_ind = related_IPs
new_obj = Address()
new_obj.category = "ipv4-addr"
new_obj.address_value = item
print 'Unsupported indicator type: ' + child_ind_type
new_obs = Observable(new_obj)
new_obs_ref = new_obs.id_
ref = new_obs_ref
#local_index[item][0] = ref
set_obs_ref(item, new_obs_ref, local_index)
#print 'Adding ref to: ' + ref_obs.id_ + ' of ' + ref
ref_obs.description = str(ref_obs.description) + ref.replace("{{no_ref}}","") + ', '
if create_ref_obs:
#Add the new ref obs to Related Indicators
#print related_ind.to_xml()
create_ref_obs = False
related_ind1 = RelatedIndicator(related_IPs, relationship='Source of enrichment for IPs')
related_ind2 = RelatedIndicator(related_Domains, relationship='Source of enrichment for Domains')
示例6: csv2stix
# 需要导入模块: from stix.data_marking import Marking [as 别名]
# 或者: from stix.data_marking.Marking import add_marking [as 别名]
def csv2stix(outFormat,inFile):
# Build package metadata
stix_package = STIXPackage()
stix_package.stix_header = STIXHeader()
stix_package.stix_header.title = "TG3390"
stix_package.stix_header.description = "Dell SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit(TM) (CTU) researchers investigated activities associated with Threat Group-3390[1] (TG-3390) - http://www.secureworks.com/cyber-threat-intelligence/threats/threat-group-3390-targets-organizations-for-cyberespionage/"
marking_specification = MarkingSpecification()
marking_specification.controlled_structure = "../../../../descendant-or-self::node()"
tlp = TLPMarkingStructure()
tlp.color = "WHITE"
handling = Marking()
stix_package.stix_header.handling = handling
# Build package structure
ta_tg3390 = ThreatActor(title="TG3390")
ta_tg3390.identity = Identity(name="TG3390")
attack_pattern = AttackPattern()
attack_pattern.description = ("Infrastructure Building")
ttp_infrastructure = TTP(title="Infrastructure Building")
ttp_infrastructure.behavior = Behavior()
ttp_infrastructure.add_intended_effect("Unauthorized Access")
infra_domainInd = Indicator(title="Domains associated with TG3390 Infrastructure")
infra_domainInd.add_indicator_type("Domain Watchlist")
infra_domainInd.confidence = "High"
infra_IPInd = Indicator(title="[H] IP Addresses associated with TG3390 Infrastructure")
infra_IPInd.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist")
infra_IPInd.confidence = "High"
infra_IPInd_M = Indicator(title="[M] IP Addresses associated with TG3390 Infrastructure")
infra_IPInd_M.add_indicator_type("IP Watchlist")
infra_IPInd_M.confidence = "Medium"
httpBrowserObj = MalwareInstance()
httpBrowserObj.add_name("HTTP Browser")
ttp_httpB = TTP(title="HTTP Browser")
ttp_httpB.behavior = Behavior()
ttp_httpB.add_intended_effect("Theft - Intellectual Property")
httpB_hashInd = Indicator(title="File hashes for HTTP Browser")
httpB_hashInd.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist")
httpB_hashInd.confidence = "High"
httpBrowserDropperObj = MalwareInstance()
httpBrowserDropperObj.add_name("HTTP Browser Dropper")
ttp_httpBDpr = TTP(title="HTTP Browser Dropper")
ttp_httpBDpr.behavior = Behavior()
ttp_httpBDpr.add_intended_effect("Theft - Intellectual Property")
httpBDpr_hashInd = Indicator(title="File hashes for HTTP Browser Dropper")
httpBDpr_hashInd.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist")
httpBDpr_hashInd.confidence = "High"
plugXObj = MalwareInstance()
plugXObj.add_name("PlugX Dropper")
ttp_plugX = TTP(title="PlugX Dropper")
ttp_plugX.behavior = Behavior()
ttp_plugX.add_intended_effect("Theft - Intellectual Property")
plugX_hashInd = Indicator(title="File hashes for PlugX Dropper")
plugX_hashInd.add_indicator_type("File Hash Watchlist")
plugX_hashInd.confidence = "High"
# Process content in to structure
ip_rules = []
ip_rules_M = []
domain_rules = []
with open(inFile, 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
obs = row[0]
obsType = row[1]
description = row[2]
confidence = row[3]
#print obs,obsType,description,confidence
示例7: main
# 需要导入模块: from stix.data_marking import Marking [as 别名]
# 或者: from stix.data_marking.Marking import add_marking [as 别名]
def main():
# get args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser ( description = "Parse a given CSV from Shadowserver and output STIX XML to stdout"
, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter )
parser.add_argument("--infile","-f", help="input CSV with bot data", default = "bots.csv")
args = parser.parse_args()
# setup stix document
stix_package = STIXPackage()
stix_header = STIXHeader()
stix_header.title = "Bot Server IP addresses"
stix_header.description = "IP addresses connecting to bot control servers at a given port"
stix_header.add_package_intent ("Indicators - Watchlist")
# add marking
mark = Marking()
markspec = MarkingSpecification()
markstruct = SimpleMarkingStructure()
markstruct.statement = "Usage of this information, including integration into security mechanisms implies agreement with the Shadowserver Terms of Service available at https://www.shadowserver.org/wiki/pmwiki.php/Shadowserver/TermsOfService"
stix_header.handling = mark
# include author info
stix_header.information_source = InformationSource()
stix_header.information_source.time = Time()
stix_header.information_source.time.produced_time =datetime.now(tzutc())
stix_header.information_source.tools = ToolInformationList()
stix_header.information_source.identity = Identity()
stix_header.information_source.identity.name = "MITRE STIX Team"
stix_header.information_source.add_role(VocabString("Format Transformer"))
src = InformationSource()
src.description = "https://www.shadowserver.org/wiki/pmwiki.php/Services/Botnet-CCIP"
srcident = Identity()
srcident.name = "shadowserver.org"
src.identity = srcident
src.add_role(VocabString("Originating Publisher"))
stix_package.stix_header = stix_header
# add TTP for overall indicators
bot_ttp = TTP()
bot_ttp.title = 'Botnet C2'
bot_ttp.resources = Resource()
bot_ttp.resources.infrastructure = Infrastructure()
bot_ttp.resources.infrastructure.title = 'Botnet C2'
# read input data
fd = open (args.infile, "rb")
infile = csv.DictReader(fd)
for row in infile:
# split indicators out, may be 1..n with positional storage, same port and channel, inconsistent delims
domain = row['Domain'].split()
country = row['Country'].split()
region = row['Region'].split('|')
state = row['State'].split('|')
asn = row['ASN'].split()
asname = row['AS Name'].split()
asdesc = row['AS Description'].split('|')
index = 0
for ip in row['IP Address'].split():
indicator = Indicator()
indicator.title = "IP indicator for " + row['Channel']
indicator.description = "Bot connecting to control server"
# point to overall TTP
# add our IP and port
sock = SocketAddress()
sock.ip_address = ip
# add sighting
sight = Sighting()
sight.timestamp = ""
obs = Observable(item=sock.ip_address)
obsref = Observable(idref=obs.id_)
# add pattern for indicator
sock_pattern = SocketAddress()
sock_pattern.ip_address = ip
port = Port()
port.port_value = row['Port']