本文整理汇总了Python中stingray.utils.simon函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python simon函数的具体用法?Python simon怎么用?Python simon使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: read
def read(self, filename, format_='pickle'):
Imports LightCurve object.
filename: str
Name of the LightCurve object to be read.
format\_: str
Available options are 'pickle', 'hdf5', 'ascii'
If format\_ is 'ascii': astropy.table is returned.
If format\_ is 'hdf5': dictionary with key-value pairs is returned.
If format\_ is 'pickle': class object is set.
if format_ == 'ascii' or format_ == 'hdf5':
return io.read(filename, format_)
elif format_ == 'pickle':
self = io.read(filename, format_)
utils.simon("Format not understood.")
示例2: _construct_energy_covar
def _construct_energy_covar(self, energy_events, energy_covar,
"""Form the actual output covaraince dictionary and array."""
self._init_energy_covar(energy_events, energy_covar)
if not self.avg_covar:
xs_var = dict()
for energy in energy_covar.keys():
lc, lc_ref = self._create_lc_and_lc_ref(energy, energy_events)
covar = self._compute_covariance(lc, lc_ref)
energy_covar[energy] = covar
if not self.avg_covar:
self.covar_error[energy] = self._calculate_covariance_error(
lc, lc_ref)
# Excess variance in ref band
xs_var[energy] = self._calculate_excess_variance(lc_ref)
for key, value in energy_covar.items():
if not xs_var[key] > 0:
utils.simon("The excess variance in the reference band is "
"negative. This implies that the reference "
"band was badly chosen. Beware that the "
"covariance spectra will have NaNs!")
if not self.avg_covar:
self.unnorm_covar = np.vstack(energy_covar.items())
energy_covar[key] = value / (xs_var[key])**0.5
self.covar = np.vstack(energy_covar.items())
self.covar_error = np.vstack(self.covar_error.items())
示例3: write
def write(self, filename, format_='pickle', **kwargs):
Exports LightCurve object.
filename: str
Name of the LightCurve object to be created.
format\_: str
Available options are 'pickle', 'hdf5', 'ascii'
if format_ == 'ascii':
io.write(np.array([self.time, self.counts]).T,
filename, format_, fmt=["%s", "%s"])
elif format_ == 'pickle':
io.write(self, filename, format_)
elif format_ == 'hdf5':
io.write(self, filename, format_)
utils.simon("Format not understood.")
示例4: _spectrum_function
def _spectrum_function(self):
rms_spec = np.zeros(len(self.energy_intervals))
rms_spec_err = np.zeros_like(rms_spec)
for i, eint in enumerate(self.energy_intervals):
base_lc, ref_lc = self._construct_lightcurves(eint,
xspect = AveragedCrossspectrum(base_lc, ref_lc,
except AssertionError as e:
# Avoid "Mean count rate is <= 0. Something went wrong" assertion.
simon("AssertionError: " + str(e))
good = (xspect.freq >= self.freq_interval[0]) & \
(xspect.freq < self.freq_interval[1])
rms_spec[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(xspect.power[good]*xspect.df))
# Root squared sum of errors of the spectrum
root_sq_err_sum = np.sqrt(np.sum((xspect.power_err[good]*xspect.df)**2))
# But the rms is the squared root. So,
# Error propagation
rms_spec_err[i] = 1 / (2 * rms_spec[i]) * root_sq_err_sum
return rms_spec, rms_spec_err
示例5: read
def read(filename, format_='pickle', **kwargs):
Return a pickled class instance.
filename: str
name of the file to be retrieved.
format_: str
pickle, hdf5, ascii ...
if format_ == 'pickle':
return _retrieve_pickle_object(filename)
elif format_ == 'hdf5':
return _retrieve_hdf5_object(filename)
utils.simon('h5py not installed, cannot read an hdf5 object.')
elif format_ == 'ascii':
return _retrieve_ascii_object(filename, **kwargs)
utils.simon('Format not understood.')
示例6: read
def read(self, filename, format_='pickle'):
Read a :class:`Lightcurve` object from file. Currently supported formats are
* pickle (not recommended for long-term storage)
* HDF5
filename: str
Path and file name for the file to be read.
format\_: str
Available options are 'pickle', 'hdf5', 'ascii'
lc : ``astropy.table`` or ``dict`` or :class:`Lightcurve` object
* If ``format\_`` is ``ascii``: ``astropy.table`` is returned.
* If ``format\_`` is ``hdf5``: dictionary with key-value pairs is returned.
* If ``format\_`` is ``pickle``: :class:`Lightcurve` object is returned.
if format_ == 'ascii' or format_ == 'hdf5':
return io.read(filename, format_)
elif format_ == 'pickle':
self = io.read(filename, format_)
utils.simon("Format not understood.")
示例7: write
def write(self, filename, format_='pickle', **kwargs):
Write a :class:`Lightcurve` object to file. Currently supported formats are
* pickle (not recommended for long-term storage)
* HDF5
filename: str
Path and file name for the output file.
format\_: str
Available options are 'pickle', 'hdf5', 'ascii'
if format_ == 'ascii':
io.write(np.array([self.time, self.counts]).T,
filename, format_, fmt=["%s", "%s"])
elif format_ == 'pickle':
io.write(self, filename, format_)
elif format_ == 'hdf5':
io.write(self, filename, format_)
utils.simon("Format not understood.")
示例8: savefig
def savefig(filename, **kwargs):
Save a figure plotted by Matplotlib.
Note : This function is supposed to be used after the ``plot``
function. Otherwise it will save a blank image with no plot.
filename : str
The name of the image file. Extension must be specified in the
file name. For example filename with `.png` extension will give a
rasterized image while `.pdf` extension will give a vectorized
kwargs : keyword arguments
Keyword arguments to be passed to ``savefig`` function of
``matplotlib.pyplot``. For example use `bbox_inches='tight'` to
remove the undesirable whitepace around the image.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Matplotlib required for savefig()")
if not plt.fignum_exists(1):
utils.simon("use ``plot`` function to plot the image first and "
"then use ``savefig`` to save the figure.")
plt.savefig(filename, **kwargs)
示例9: _save_hdf5_object
def _save_hdf5_object(object, filename):
Save a class object in hdf5 format.
object: class instance
A class object whose attributes would be saved in a dictionary format.
filename: str
The file name to save to
items = vars(object)
attrs = [name for name in items]
with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as hf:
for attr in attrs:
data = items[attr]
# If data is a single number, store as an attribute.
if _isattribute(data):
if isinstance(data, np.longdouble):
data = np.double(data)
utils.simon("Casting data as double instead of longdouble.")
hf.attrs[attr] = data
# If data is a numpy array, create a dataset.
if isinstance(data[0], np.longdouble):
data = np.double(data)
utils.simon("Casting data as double instead of longdouble.")
hf.create_dataset(attr, data=data)
示例10: write
def write(input_, filename, format_='pickle', **kwargs):
Pickle a class instance. For parameters depending on
`format_`, see individual function definitions.
object: a class instance
filename: str
name of the file to be created.
format_: str
pickle, hdf5, ascii ...
if format_ == 'pickle':
_save_pickle_object(input_, filename)
elif format_ == 'hdf5':
_save_hdf5_object(input_, filename)
utils.simon('h5py not installed, using pickle instead to save object.')
_save_pickle_object(input_, filename.split('.')[0]+'.pickle')
elif format_ == 'ascii':
_save_ascii_object(input_, filename, **kwargs)
utils.simon('Format not understood.')
示例11: _construct_covar
def _construct_covar(self):
Helper method to construct the covariance attribute and fill it with values.
self.avg_covar = True
start_time = self.lcs[0].time[0]
covar = np.zeros(len(self.lcs))
covar_err = np.zeros(len(self.lcs))
xs_var = np.zeros(len(self.lcs))
for i in range(len(self.lcs)):
lc = self.lcs[i]
if np.size(self.ref_band_lcs) == 1:
lc_ref = self.ref_band_lcs
lc_ref = self.ref_band_lcs[i]
tstart = start_time
tend = start_time + self.segment_size
cv = 0.0
cv_err = 0.0
xs = 0.0
self.nbins = int((tend - tstart)/self.segment_size)
for k in range(self.nbins):
start_ind = lc.time.searchsorted(tstart)
end_ind = lc.time.searchsorted(tend)
lc_seg = lc.truncate(start=start_ind, stop=end_ind)
lc_ref_seg = lc_ref.truncate(start=start_ind, stop=end_ind)
cv += self._compute_covariance(lc_seg, lc_ref_seg)
cv_err += self._calculate_covariance_error(lc_seg, lc_ref_seg)
xs += self._calculate_excess_variance(lc_ref_seg)
if not xs > 0:
utils.simon("The excess variance in the reference band is "
"negative. This implies that the reference "
"band was badly chosen. Beware that the "
"covariance spectra will have NaNs!")
tstart += self.segment_size
tend += self.segment_size
covar[i] = cv/self.nbins
covar_err[i] = cv_err/self.nbins
xs_var[i] = xs/self.nbins
self.unnorm_covar = covar
energy_covar = covar / xs_var**0.5
self.covar = energy_covar
self.covar_error = covar_err
示例12: _operation_with_other_lc
def _operation_with_other_lc(self, other, operation):
Helper method to codify an operation of one light curve with another (e.g. add, subtract, ...).
Takes into account the GTIs correctly, and returns a new :class:`Lightcurve` object.
other : :class:`Lightcurve` object
A second light curve object
operation : function
An operation between the :class:`Lightcurve` object calling this method, and ``other``,
operating on the ``counts`` attribute in each :class:`Lightcurve` object
lc_new : Lightcurve object
The new light curve calculated in ``operation``
if self.mjdref != other.mjdref:
raise ValueError("MJDref is different in the two light curves")
common_gti = cross_two_gtis(self.gti, other.gti)
mask_self = create_gti_mask(self.time, common_gti, dt=self.dt)
mask_other = create_gti_mask(other.time, common_gti, dt=other.dt)
# ValueError is raised by Numpy while asserting np.equal over arrays
# with different dimensions.
diff = np.abs((self.time[mask_self] - other.time[mask_other]))
assert np.all(diff < self.dt / 100)
except (ValueError, AssertionError):
raise ValueError("GTI-filtered time arrays of both light curves "
"must be of same dimension and equal.")
new_time = self.time[mask_self]
new_counts = operation(self.counts[mask_self],
if self.err_dist.lower() != other.err_dist.lower():
simon("Lightcurves have different statistics!"
"We are setting the errors to zero to avoid complications.")
new_counts_err = np.zeros_like(new_counts)
elif self.err_dist.lower() in valid_statistics:
new_counts_err = \
# More conditions can be implemented for other statistics
raise StingrayError("Statistics not recognized."
" Please use one of these: "
lc_new = Lightcurve(new_time, new_counts,
err=new_counts_err, gti=common_gti,
return lc_new
示例13: classical_pvalue
def classical_pvalue(power, nspec):
Compute the probability of detecting the current power under
the assumption that there is no periodic oscillation in the data.
This computes the single-trial p-value that the power was
observed under the null hypothesis that there is no signal in
the data.
Important: the underlying assumptions that make this calculation valid
(1) the powers in the power spectrum follow a chi-square distribution
(2) the power spectrum is normalized according to Leahy (1984), such
that the powers have a mean of 2 and a variance of 4
(3) there is only white noise in the light curve. That is, there is no
aperiodic variability that would change the overall shape of the power
Also note that the p-value is for a *single trial*, i.e. the power currently
being tested. If more than one power or more than one power spectrum are
being tested, the resulting p-value must be corrected for the number
of trials (Bonferroni correction).
Mathematical formulation in Groth, 1975.
Original implementation in IDL by Anna L. Watts.
power : float
The squared Fourier amplitude of a spectrum to be evaluated
nspec : int
The number of spectra or frequency bins averaged in `power`.
This matters because averaging spectra or frequency bins increases
the signal-to-noise ratio, i.e. makes the statistical distributions
of the noise narrower, such that a smaller power might be very
significant in averaged spectra even though it would not be in a single
power spectrum.
assert np.isfinite(power), "power must be a finite floating point number!"
assert power > 0.0, "power must be a positive real number!"
assert np.isfinite(nspec), "nspec must be a finite integer number"
assert nspec >= 1, "nspec must be larger or equal to 1"
assert np.isclose(nspec % 1, 0), "nspec must be an integer number!"
## If the power is really big, it's safe to say it's significant,
## and the p-value will be nearly zero
if power*nspec > 30000:
simon("Probability of no signal too miniscule to calculate.")
return 0.0
pval = _pavnosigfun(power, nspec)
return pval
示例14: coherence
def coherence(self):
Compute an averaged Coherence function of cross spectrum by computing
coherence function of each segment and averaging them. The return type
is a tuple with first element as the coherence function and the second
element as the corresponding uncertainty[1] associated with it.
Note : The uncertainty in coherence function is strictly valid for
Gaussian statistics only.
tuple : tuple of np.ndarray
Tuple of coherence function and uncertainty.
.. [1] http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/310430/pdf
if self.m < 50:
utils.simon("Number of segments used in averaging is "
"significantly low. The result might not follow the "
"expected statistical distributions.")
# Calculate average coherence
unnorm_power_avg = np.zeros_like(self.cs_all[0].unnorm_power)
for cs in self.cs_all:
unnorm_power_avg += cs.unnorm_power
unnorm_power_avg /= self.m
num = np.abs(unnorm_power_avg)**2
# this computes the averaged power spectrum, but using the
# cross spectrum code to avoid circular imports
aps1 = AveragedCrossspectrum(self.lc1, self.lc1,
aps2 = AveragedCrossspectrum(self.lc2, self.lc2,
unnorm_powers_avg_1 = np.zeros_like(aps1.cs_all[0].unnorm_power)
for ps in aps1.cs_all:
unnorm_powers_avg_1 += ps.unnorm_power
unnorm_powers_avg_1 /= aps1.m
unnorm_powers_avg_2 = np.zeros_like(aps2.cs_all[0].unnorm_power)
for ps in aps2.cs_all:
unnorm_powers_avg_2 += ps.unnorm_power
unnorm_powers_avg_2 /= aps2.m
coh = num / (unnorm_powers_avg_1 * unnorm_powers_avg_2)
# Calculate uncertainty
uncertainty = (2**0.5 * coh * (1 - coh)) / (np.abs(coh) * self.m**0.5)
return (coh, uncertainty)
示例15: coherence
def coherence(self):
Compute an averaged Coherence function of cross spectrum by computing
coherence function of each segment and averaging them. The return type
is a tuple with first element as the coherence function and the second
element as the corresponding uncertainty[1] associated with it.
Note : The uncertainty in coherence function is strictly valid for
Gaussian statistics only.
tuple : tuple of np.ndarray
Tuple of coherence function and uncertainty.
.. [1] http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/310430/pdf
if np.any(self.m < 50):
simon("Number of segments used in averaging is "
"significantly low. The result might not follow the "
"expected statistical distributions.")
# Calculate average coherence
unnorm_power_avg = self.unnorm_power
num = np.absolute(unnorm_power_avg) ** 2
# The normalization was 'none'!
unnorm_powers_avg_1 = self.pds1.power.real
unnorm_powers_avg_2 = self.pds2.power.real
coh = num / (unnorm_powers_avg_1 * unnorm_powers_avg_2)
# Calculate uncertainty
uncertainty = (2 ** 0.5 * coh * (1 - coh)) / (
np.abs(coh) * self.m ** 0.5)
return (coh, uncertainty)