本文整理汇总了Python中spyne.util.xml.get_object_as_xml函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get_object_as_xml函数的具体用法?Python get_object_as_xml怎么用?Python get_object_as_xml使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_serialize
def test_serialize(self):
from spyne.util.xml import get_object_as_xml
from lxml import etree
class C(ComplexModel):
__namespace__ = "tns"
i = Integer
s = Unicode
c = C(i=5, s="x")
ret = get_object_as_xml(c, C)
print etree.tostring(ret)
assert ret.tag == "{tns}C"
ret = get_object_as_xml(c, C, "X")
print etree.tostring(ret)
assert ret.tag == "{tns}X"
ret = get_object_as_xml(c, C, "X", no_namespace=True)
print etree.tostring(ret)
assert ret.tag == "X"
ret = get_object_as_xml(c, C, no_namespace=True)
print etree.tostring(ret)
assert ret.tag == "C"
示例2: test_file
def test_file(self):
v = b"aaaa"
f = BytesIO(v)
elt = get_object_as_xml(File.Value(handle=f), File, "B")
eltstr = etree.tostring(elt)
assert elt.text == b64encode(v).decode("ascii")
示例3: test_sub_attributes
def test_sub_attributes(self):
from lxml import etree
from spyne.util.xml import get_xml_as_object
from spyne.util.xml import get_object_as_xml
m = {
"s0": "aa",
"s2": "cc",
"s3": "dd",
class C(ComplexModel):
__namespace__ = "aa"
a = XmlAttribute(Integer)
b = XmlAttribute(Integer(sub_name="bb"))
c = XmlAttribute(Integer(sub_ns="cc"))
d = XmlAttribute(Integer(sub_ns="dd", sub_name="dd"))
elt = get_object_as_xml(C(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4), C)
print(etree.tostring(elt, pretty_print=True))
assert elt.xpath("//*/@a") == ["1"]
assert elt.xpath("//*/@bb") == ["2"]
assert elt.xpath("//*/@s2:c", namespaces=m) == ["3"]
assert elt.xpath("//*/@s3:dd", namespaces=m) == ["4"]
c = get_xml_as_object(elt, C)
assert c.a == 1
assert c.b == 2
assert c.c == 3
assert c.d == 4
示例4: test_any_xml_bytes
def test_any_xml_bytes(self):
v = b"<roots><bloody/></roots>"
elt = get_object_as_xml(v, AnyXml, 'B', no_namespace=True)
eltstr = etree.tostring(elt)
assert etree.tostring(elt[0]) == v
示例5: test_subs
def test_subs(self):
from lxml import etree
from spyne.util.xml import get_xml_as_object
from spyne.util.xml import get_object_as_xml
m = {
"s0": "aa",
"s2": "cc",
"s3": "dd",
class C(ComplexModel):
__namespace__ = "aa"
a = Integer
b = Integer(sub_name="bb")
c = Integer(sub_ns="cc")
d = Integer(sub_ns="dd", sub_name="dd")
elt = get_object_as_xml(C(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4), C)
print etree.tostring(elt, pretty_print=True)
assert elt.xpath("s0:a/text()", namespaces=m) == ["1"]
assert elt.xpath("s0:bb/text()", namespaces=m) == ["2"]
assert elt.xpath("s2:c/text()", namespaces=m) == ["3"]
assert elt.xpath("s3:dd/text()", namespaces=m) == ["4"]
c = get_xml_as_object(elt, C)
print c
assert c.a == 1
assert c.b == 2
assert c.c == 3
assert c.d == 4
示例6: test_null_mandatory_attribute
def test_null_mandatory_attribute(self):
class Action (ComplexModel):
data = XmlAttribute(M(Unicode))
elt = get_object_as_xml(Action(), Action)
eltstr = etree.tostring(elt)
assert eltstr == b'<Action/>'
示例7: test_deserialize
def test_deserialize(self):
class Punk(ComplexModel):
__namespace__ = 'some_namespace'
a = Unicode
b = Integer
c = Decimal
d = DateTime
class Foo(ComplexModel):
__namespace__ = 'some_other_namespace'
a = Unicode
b = Integer
c = Decimal
d = DateTime
e = XmlAttribute(Integer)
def __eq__(self, other):
# remember that this is a test object
assert (
self.a == other.a and
self.b == other.b and
self.c == other.c and
self.d == other.d and
self.e == other.e
return True
docs = get_schema_documents([Punk, Foo])
assert docs['s0'].tag == '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}schema'
assert docs['tns'].tag == '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}schema'
print("the other namespace %r:" % docs['tns'].attrib['targetNamespace'])
assert docs['tns'].attrib['targetNamespace'] == 'some_namespace'
print(etree.tostring(docs['tns'], pretty_print=True))
print("the other namespace %r:" % docs['s0'].attrib['targetNamespace'])
assert docs['s0'].attrib['targetNamespace'] == 'some_other_namespace'
print(etree.tostring(docs['s0'], pretty_print=True))
foo = Foo(a=u'a', b=1, c=decimal.Decimal('3.4'),
d=datetime(2011,02,20,tzinfo=pytz.utc), e=5)
doc = get_object_as_xml(foo, Foo)
print(etree.tostring(doc, pretty_print=True))
foo_back = get_xml_as_object(doc, Foo)
assert foo_back == foo
# as long as it doesn't fail, it's ok.
get_validation_schema([Punk, Foo])
示例8: test_bare_sub_name_ns
def test_bare_sub_name_ns(self):
class Action (ComplexModel):
class Attributes(ComplexModel.Attributes):
sub_ns = "SOME_NS"
sub_name = "Action"
data = XmlData(Unicode)
must_understand = XmlAttribute(Unicode)
elt = get_object_as_xml(Action("x", must_understand="y"), Action)
eltstr = etree.tostring(elt)
assert eltstr == b'<ns0:Action xmlns:ns0="SOME_NS" must_understand="y">x</ns0:Action>'
示例9: process
def process(value):
if value is not None:
return etree.tostring(get_object_as_xml(value, self.cls,
self.root_tag_name, self.no_namespace), encoding='utf8',
pretty_print=self.pretty_print, xml_declaration=False)
示例10: test_fault_detail_as_dict
def test_fault_detail_as_dict(self):
elt = get_object_as_xml(Fault(detail={"this": "that"}), Fault)
eltstr = etree.tostring(elt)
assert b'<detail><this>that</this></detail>' in eltstr
示例11: complex_add
def complex_add(document, cls, tags):
complex_type = etree.Element("{%s}complexType" % _ns_xsd)
complex_type.set('name', cls.get_type_name())
if cls.Annotations.doc != '' or cls.Annotations.appinfo != None or \
annotation = etree.SubElement(complex_type, "{%s}annotation" % _ns_xsd)
if cls.Annotations.doc != '' or cls.Annotations.__use_parent_doc__:
doc = etree.SubElement(annotation, "{%s}documentation" % _ns_xsd)
if cls.Annotations.__use_parent_doc__:
doc.text = getattr(cls, '__doc__')
doc.text = cls.Annotations.doc
_ai = cls.Annotations.appinfo;
if _ai != None:
appinfo = etree.SubElement(annotation, "{%s}appinfo" % _ns_xsd)
if isinstance(_ai, dict):
dict_to_etree(_ai, appinfo)
elif isinstance(_ai, str) or isinstance(_ai, unicode):
appinfo.text = _ai
elif isinstance(_ai, etree._Element):
from spyne.util.xml import get_object_as_xml
sequence_parent = complex_type
extends = getattr(cls, '__extends__', None)
type_info = cls._type_info
if extends is not None:
if (extends.get_type_name() == cls.get_type_name() and
extends.get_namespace() == cls.get_namespace()):
raise Exception("%r can't extend %r because they are both '{%s}%s'"
% (cls, extends, cls.get_namespace(), cls.get_type_name()))
if extends.Attributes.exc_interface:
# If the parent class is private, it won't be in the schema, so we
# need to act as if its attributes are part of cls as well.
type_info = cls.get_simple_type_info(cls)
complex_content = etree.SubElement(complex_type,
"{%s}complexContent" % _ns_xsd)
extension = etree.SubElement(complex_content,
"{%s}extension" % _ns_xsd)
extension.set('base', extends.get_type_name_ns(document.interface))
sequence_parent = extension
sequence = etree.Element('{%s}sequence' % _ns_xsd)
deferred = deque()
choice_tags = defaultdict(lambda: etree.Element('{%s}choice' % _ns_xsd))
for k, v in type_info.items():
a = v.Attributes
if a.exc_interface:
if issubclass(v, XmlAttribute):
document.add(v, tags)
name = a.sub_name
ns = a.sub_ns
if name is None:
name = k
if ns is not None:
name = "{%s}%s" % (ns, name)
member = etree.Element(a.schema_tag)
if a.schema_tag == '{%s}element' % _ns_xsd:
member.set('name', name)
member.set('type', v.get_type_name_ns(document.interface))
elif a.schema_tag == '{%s}any' % _ns_xsd and \
(issubclass(v, AnyXml)):
if a.namespace is not None:
member.set('namespace', a.namespace)
if a.process_contents is not None:
member.set('processContents', a.process_contents)
raise ValueError("Unhandled schema_tag / type combination. %r %r"
% (v, a.schema_tag))
if a.min_occurs != 1: # 1 is the xml schema default
member.set('minOccurs', str(a.min_occurs))
if a.max_occurs != 1: # 1 is the xml schema default
val = a.max_occurs
if val in (decimal.Decimal('inf'), float('inf')):
val = 'unbounded'
示例12: SomeObject
i = Integer
s = Unicode
d = DateTime
__repr__ = hier_repr
# Instantiate the object
instance = SomeObject(i=5, s="str", d=datetime.now())
# Generate schema documents
schema_elts = get_schema_documents([SomeObject], 'some_ns')
# Serialize the xml schema document for object
schema = etree.tostring(schema_elts['tns'], pretty_print=True)
# Serialize the object to XML
instance_elt = get_object_as_xml(instance, SomeObject)
# Serialize the element tree to string
data = etree.tostring(instance_elt, pretty_print=True)
# parse the schema document
parsed_schema = parse_schema_string(schema)['some_ns']
# Get SomeObject definition from the parsed schema document
NewObject = parsed_schema.types['SomeObject']
示例13: XmlAttribute
__namespace__ = 'some_other_namespace'
a = String
b = Integer
c = Decimal
d = DateTime
e = XmlAttribute(Integer)
docs = get_schema_documents([Punk, Foo])
# the default ns prefix is always tns
print("the default namespace %r:" % docs['tns'].attrib['targetNamespace'])
print(etree.tostring(docs['tns'], pretty_print=True))
# Namespace prefixes are assigned like s0, s1, s2, etc...
print("the other namespace %r:" % docs['s0'].attrib['targetNamespace'])
print(etree.tostring(docs['s0'], pretty_print=True))
foo = Foo(a='a', b=1, c=3.4, d=datetime(2011,02,20),e=5)
doc = get_object_as_xml(foo)
print(etree.tostring(doc, pretty_print=True))
print(get_xml_as_object(Foo, doc))
# See http://lxml.de/validation.html to see what this could be used for.
print(get_validation_schema([Punk, Foo]))
示例14: test_bytearray
def test_bytearray(self):
v = b"aaaa"
elt = get_object_as_xml([v], ByteArray, "B")
eltstr = etree.tostring(elt)
assert elt.text == b64encode(v).decode("ascii")
示例15: print
# the default ns prefix is always tns
print("the default namespace %r:" % docs['tns'].attrib['targetNamespace'])
print(etree.tostring(docs['tns'], pretty_print=True))
# Namespace prefixes are assigned like s0, s1, s2, etc...
print("the other namespace %r:" % docs['s0'].attrib['targetNamespace'])
print(etree.tostring(docs['s0'], pretty_print=True))
print("the other namespace %r:" % docs['s2'].attrib['targetNamespace'])
print(etree.tostring(docs['s2'], pretty_print=True))
# Object serialization and deserialization
foo = Foo(a='a', b=1, c=3.4, d=datetime(2011, 02, 20), e=5, f='f')
doc = get_object_as_xml(foo, Foo)
print(etree.tostring(doc, pretty_print=True))
print(get_xml_as_object(doc, Foo))
# XmlData example.
print("Product output (illustrates XmlData):")
product = Product(id=uuid.uuid4(), edition=ProductEdition(id=uuid.uuid4(),
name='My edition'))
print(etree.tostring(get_object_as_xml(product, Product), pretty_print=True))
# See http://lxml.de/validation.html to see what this could be used for.
print(get_validation_schema([Punk, Foo]))