本文整理汇总了Python中sphinx.util.pycompat.htmlescape函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python htmlescape函数的具体用法?Python htmlescape怎么用?Python htmlescape使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: write_toc
def write_toc(self, node, indentlevel=4):
# XXX this should return a Unicode string, not a bytestring
parts = []
if self.isdocnode(node):
refnode = node.children[0][0]
link = refnode['refuri']
title = htmlescape(refnode.astext()).replace('"', '"')
item = '<section title="%(title)s" ref="%(ref)s">' % \
{'title': title, 'ref': link}
parts.append(' '*4*indentlevel + item)
for subnode in node.children[1]:
parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel+1))
parts.append(' '*4*indentlevel + '</section>')
elif isinstance(node, nodes.list_item):
for subnode in node:
parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel))
elif isinstance(node, nodes.reference):
link = node['refuri']
title = htmlescape(node.astext()).replace('"','"')
item = section_template % {'title': title, 'ref': link}
item = u' ' * 4 * indentlevel + item
parts.append(item.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
elif isinstance(node, nodes.bullet_list):
for subnode in node:
parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel))
elif isinstance(node, addnodes.compact_paragraph):
for subnode in node:
parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel))
return parts
示例2: write_toc
def write_toc(self, node, indentlevel=4):
# XXX this should return a Unicode string, not a bytestring
parts = []
if self.isdocnode(node):
refnode = node.children[0][0]
link = refnode["refuri"]
title = htmlescape(refnode.astext()).replace('"', """)
item = '<section title="%(title)s" ref="%(ref)s">' % {"title": title, "ref": link}
parts.append(" " * 4 * indentlevel + item)
for subnode in node.children[1]:
parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel + 1))
parts.append(" " * 4 * indentlevel + "</section>")
elif isinstance(node, nodes.list_item):
for subnode in node:
parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel))
elif isinstance(node, nodes.reference):
link = node["refuri"]
title = htmlescape(node.astext()).replace('"', """)
item = section_template % {"title": title, "ref": link}
item = u" " * 4 * indentlevel + item
parts.append(item.encode("ascii", "xmlcharrefreplace"))
elif isinstance(node, nodes.bullet_list):
for subnode in node:
parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel))
elif isinstance(node, addnodes.compact_paragraph):
for subnode in node:
parts.extend(self.write_toc(subnode, indentlevel))
return parts
示例3: page_link
def page_link(path, name):
uri = app.builder.get_relative_uri(pagename, path)
return (
'<a href="%s" class="reference internal%s">%s</a>'
) % (
' current' if pagename == path else '',
示例4: _parse_comment_text
def _parse_comment_text(self, text):
settings = {"file_insertion_enabled": False, "raw_enabled": False, "output_encoding": "unicode"}
ret = publish_parts(text, writer_name="html", settings_overrides=settings)["fragment"]
except Exception:
ret = htmlescape(text)
return ret
示例5: write_index
def write_index(title, refs, subitems):
# type: (unicode, List[Tuple[unicode, unicode]], List[Tuple[unicode, List[Tuple[unicode, unicode]]]]) -> None # NOQA
def write_param(name, value):
# type: (unicode, unicode) -> None
item = ' <param name="%s" value="%s">\n' % \
(name, value)
title = htmlescape(title)
f.write('<LI> <OBJECT type="text/sitemap">\n')
write_param('Keyword', title)
if len(refs) == 0:
write_param('See Also', title)
elif len(refs) == 1:
write_param('Local', refs[0][1])
for i, ref in enumerate(refs):
# XXX: better title?
write_param('Name', '[%d] %s' % (i, ref[1]))
write_param('Local', ref[1])
if subitems:
f.write('<UL> ')
for subitem in subitems:
write_index(subitem[0], subitem[1], [])
示例6: hl
def hl(no, line):
line = '<a name="L%s"> </a>' % no + htmlescape(line)
for x in hltext:
if x in line:
line = '<span class="hl">%s</span>' % line
return line
示例7: hl
def hl(self, text, version):
# type: (unicode, unicode) -> unicode
text = htmlescape(text)
for directive in ['versionchanged', 'versionadded', 'deprecated']:
text = text.replace('.. %s:: %s' % (directive, version),
'<b>.. %s:: %s</b>' % (directive, version))
return text
示例8: get_objects
def get_objects(self, fn2index):
rv = {}
otypes = self._objtypes
onames = self._objnames
for domainname, domain in sorted(iteritems(self.env.domains)):
for fullname, dispname, type, docname, anchor, prio in \
# XXX use dispname?
if docname not in fn2index:
if prio < 0:
fullname = htmlescape(fullname)
prefix, name = rpartition(fullname, '.')
pdict = rv.setdefault(prefix, {})
typeindex = otypes[domainname, type]
except KeyError:
typeindex = len(otypes)
otypes[domainname, type] = typeindex
otype = domain.object_types.get(type)
if otype:
# use unicode() to fire translation proxies
onames[typeindex] = (domainname, type,
onames[typeindex] = (domainname, type, type)
if anchor == fullname:
shortanchor = ''
elif anchor == type + '-' + fullname:
shortanchor = '-'
shortanchor = anchor
pdict[name] = (fn2index[docname], typeindex, prio, shortanchor)
return rv
示例9: _parse_comment_text
def _parse_comment_text(self, text):
settings = {'file_insertion_enabled': False,
'raw_enabled': False,
'output_encoding': 'unicode'}
ret = publish_parts(text, writer_name='html',
except Exception:
ret = htmlescape(text)
return ret
示例10: unhighlighted
def unhighlighted(self, source):
if self.dest == 'html':
return '<pre>' + htmlescape(source) + '</pre>\n'
# first, escape highlighting characters like Pygments does
source = source.translate(escape_hl_chars)
# then, escape all characters nonrepresentable in LaTeX
source = source.translate(tex_hl_escape_map_new)
return '\\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\\\\{\\}]\n' + \
source + '\\end{Verbatim}\n'
示例11: new_build_keywords
def new_build_keywords(self, title, refs, subitems):
old_items = old_build_keywords(self, title, refs, subitems)
new_items = []
for item in old_items:
before, rest = item.split("ref=\"", 1)
ref, after = rest.split("\"")
if ("<" in ref and ">" in ref):
new_items.append(before + "ref=\"" + htmlescape(ref) + "\"" + after)
return new_items
示例12: new_build_keywords
def new_build_keywords(self, title, refs, subitems):
old_items = old_build_keywords(self, title, refs, subitems)
new_items = []
for item in old_items:
before, rest = item.split('ref="', 1)
ref, after = rest.split('"')
if "<" in ref and ">" in ref:
new_items.append(before + 'ref="' + htmlescape(ref) + '"' + after)
return new_items
示例13: unhighlighted
def unhighlighted(self, source):
# type: (unicode) -> unicode
warnings.warn('PygmentsBridge.unhighlighted() is now deprecated.',
if self.dest == 'html':
return '<pre>' + htmlescape(source) + '</pre>\n'
# first, escape highlighting characters like Pygments does
source = source.translate(escape_hl_chars)
# then, escape all characters nonrepresentable in LaTeX
source = source.translate(tex_hl_escape_map_new)
return '\\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\\\\{\\}]\n' + \
source + '\\end{Verbatim}\n'
示例14: keyword_item
def keyword_item(self, name, ref):
# type: (unicode, Any) -> unicode
matchobj = _idpattern.match(name) # type: ignore
if matchobj:
groupdict = matchobj.groupdict()
shortname = groupdict['title']
id = groupdict.get('id')
# descr = groupdict.get('descr')
if shortname.endswith('()'):
shortname = shortname[:-2]
id = '%s.%s' % (id, shortname)
id = None
nameattr = htmlescape(name, quote=True)
refattr = htmlescape(ref[1], quote=True)
if id:
item = ' ' * 12 + '<keyword name="%s" id="%s" ref="%s"/>' % (nameattr, id, refattr)
item = ' ' * 12 + '<keyword name="%s" ref="%s"/>' % (nameattr, refattr)
item.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
return item
示例15: write_toc
def write_toc(node, ullevel=0):
if isinstance(node, nodes.list_item):
f.write('<LI> ')
for subnode in node:
write_toc(subnode, ullevel)
elif isinstance(node, nodes.reference):
link = node['refuri']
title = htmlescape(node.astext()).replace('"', '"')
f.write(object_sitemap % (title, link))
elif isinstance(node, nodes.bullet_list):
if ullevel != 0:
for subnode in node:
write_toc(subnode, ullevel+1)
if ullevel != 0:
elif isinstance(node, addnodes.compact_paragraph):
for subnode in node:
write_toc(subnode, ullevel)