本文整理汇总了Python中spartan.array.extent.create函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python create函数的具体用法?Python create怎么用?Python create使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: cholesky
def cholesky(A):
Cholesky matrix decomposition.
A(Expr): matrix to be decomposed
A = expr.force(A)
n = int(math.sqrt(len(A.tiles)))
tile_size = A.shape[0] / n
for k in range(n):
# A[k,k] = DPOTRF(A[k,k])
diag_ex = get_ex(k, k, tile_size, A.shape)
A = expr.region_map(A, diag_ex, _cholesky_dpotrf_mapper)
if k == n - 1: break
# A[l,k] = DTRSM(A[k,k], A[l,k]) l -> [k+1,n)
col_ex = extent.create(((k+1)*tile_size, k*tile_size),(n*tile_size, (k+1)*tile_size), A.shape)
A = expr.region_map(A, col_ex, _cholesky_dtrsm_mapper, fn_kw=dict(diag_ex=diag_ex))
# A[m,m] = DSYRK(A[m,k], A[m,m]) m -> [k+1,n)
# A[l,m] = DGEMM(A[l,k], A[m,k], A[l,m]) m -> [k+1,n) l -> [m+1,n)
col_exs = list([extent.create((m*tile_size, m*tile_size), (n*tile_size, (m+1)*tile_size), A.shape) for m in range(k+1,n)])
A = expr.region_map(A, col_exs, _cholesky_dsyrk_dgemm_mapper, fn_kw=dict(k=k))
# update the right corner to 0
col_exs = list([extent.create((0, m*tile_size),(m*tile_size, (m+1)*tile_size),A.shape) for m in range(1,n)])
A = expr.region_map(A, col_exs, lambda input, array, ex: np.zeros(input.shape, input.dtype))
return A
示例2: _svm_mapper
def _svm_mapper(array, ex, labels, alpha, w, m, scale, lambda_n):
Local linear SVM solver.
array(DistArray): features of the training data.
ex(Extent): Region being processed.
labels(DistArray): labels of the training data.
alpha(DistArray): alpha vector which is the parameter optimized by SVM.
w(DistArray): weight vector of the previous iteration.
m(int): number of samples to train (now we set it to the whole local data set).
scale(int): number of tiles
lambda_n: lambda/size(total train data) which is the parameter of this svm model.
X = array.fetch(ex)
Y = labels.fetch(extent.create((ex.ul[0], 0), (ex.lr[0], 1), labels.shape))
tile_id = ex.ul[0]/(ex.lr[0]-ex.ul[0])
ex_alpha = extent.create((tile_id*m, 0), ((tile_id+1)*m, 1), alpha.shape)
old_alpha = alpha.fetch(ex_alpha)
old_w = np.zeros((X.shape[1],1)) if w is None else w[:]
new_w, new_alpha = _svm_disdca_train(X, Y, old_alpha, old_w, m, scale, lambda_n)
# update the alpha vector
alpha.update(ex_alpha, new_alpha)
# reduce the weight vector
yield extent.create((0,0),(array.shape[1],1),(array.shape[1], 1)), new_w
示例3: _solve_U_or_M_mapper
def _solve_U_or_M_mapper(array, ex, U_or_M, la, alpha, implicit_feedback):
given A and U (or M), solve M (or U) such that A = U M'
using alternating least-squares factorization method
array(DistArray): the user-item (or item-user) rating matrix.
ex(Extent): region being processed.
U_or_M(DistArray): the matrix U (or M).
la(float): the parameter of the als.
alpha(int): confidence parameter used on implicit feedback.
implicit_feedback(bool): whether using implicit_feedback method for als.
rating_matrix = array.fetch(extent.create((ex.ul[0], 0), (ex.lr[0], array.shape[1]), array.shape))
U_or_M = U_or_M[:]
if implicit_feedback:
Y = U_or_M
YT = Y.T
YTY = np.dot(YT, Y)
result = np.zeros((rating_matrix.shape[0], U_or_M.shape[1]))
for i in range(rating_matrix.shape[0]):
if implicit_feedback:
result[i] = _implicit_feedback_als_solver(rating_matrix[i], la, alpha, Y, YT, YTY)
non_zero_idx = rating_matrix[i].nonzero()[0]
rating_vector = rating_matrix[i, non_zero_idx]
feature_vectors = U_or_M[non_zero_idx]
result[i] = _als_solver(feature_vectors, rating_vector, la)
yield extent.create((ex.ul[0], 0), (ex.lr[0], U_or_M.shape[1]), (array.shape[0], U_or_M.shape[1])), result
示例4: kmeans_map2_center_mapper
def kmeans_map2_center_mapper(ex, tile, centers=None, m=None):
X = tile[0]
weights = tile[1] ** m
new_centers = np.dot(X.T, weights).T
target_ex = extent.create((ex[0].ul[0], ),
(ex[0].lr[0], ),
(ex[0].array_shape[0], ))
target_ex = extent.create((0, 0), (centers.shape[0], centers.shape[1]),
(centers.shape[0], centers.shape[1]))
yield target_ex, new_centers
示例5: _init_label_mapper
def _init_label_mapper(array, ex):
data = array.fetch(extent.create((ex.ul[0], 0), (ex.lr[0], array.shape[1]), array.shape))
labels = np.zeros((data.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int64)
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
if data[i,0] > data[i,1]:
labels[i,0] = 1.0
labels[i,0] = -1.0
yield extent.create((ex.ul[0], 0), (ex.lr[0], 1), (array.shape[0], 1)), labels
示例6: _cholesky_dsyrk_dgemm_mapper
def _cholesky_dsyrk_dgemm_mapper(input, array, ex, k):
mk_ex = extent.create((ex.ul[1], k*input.shape[1]), (ex.lr[1], (k+1)*input.shape[1]), array.shape)
A_mk = array.fetch(mk_ex)
if ex.ul[0] == ex.ul[1] and ex.lr[0] == ex.lr[1]:
# diag block
return linalg.blas.dsyrk(-1.0, A_mk, 1.0, input, lower=1)
# other block
lk_ex = extent.create((ex.ul[0], k*input.shape[1]), (ex.lr[0], (k+1)*input.shape[1]), array.shape)
A_lk = array.fetch(lk_ex)
return linalg.blas.dgemm(-1.0, A_lk, A_mk.T, 1.0, input)
示例7: kmeans_outer_dist_mapper
def kmeans_outer_dist_mapper(ex_a, tile_a, ex_b, tile_b):
points = tile_a
centers = tile_b
target_ex = extent.create((ex_a[0].ul[0], ),
(ex_a[0].lr[0], ),
(ex_a[0].array_shape[0], ))
yield target_ex, np.argmin(cdist(points, centers), axis=1)
示例8: _fuzzy_kmeans_mapper
def _fuzzy_kmeans_mapper(array, ex, old_centers, centers, counts, labels, m):
Update the new centers, new counts and labels using fuzzy kmeans method.
array(DistArray): the input data points matrix.
ex(Extent): region being processed.
old_centers(DistArray): the current centers of each cluster.
centers(DistArray): the new centers to be updated.
counts(DistArray): the new counts to be updated.
labels(DistArray): the new labels for each point to be updated.
m(float): the parameter of fuzzy kmeans.
points = array.fetch(ex)
old_centers = old_centers[:]
new_centers = np.zeros_like(old_centers)
new_counts = np.zeros((old_centers.shape[0], 1))
new_labels = np.zeros(points.shape[0], dtype=np.int)
for i in range(points.shape[0]):
point = points[i]
prob = _calc_probability(point, old_centers, m)
new_labels[i] = np.argmax(prob)
for i in prob.nonzero()[0]:
new_counts[i] += prob[i]
new_centers[i] += prob[i] * point
centers.update(extent.from_shape(centers.shape), new_centers)
counts.update(extent.from_shape(counts.shape), new_counts)
labels.update(extent.create((ex.ul[0],), (ex.lr[0],), labels.shape), new_labels)
return []
示例9: _solve_U_or_M_mapper
def _solve_U_or_M_mapper(ex_a, rating_matrix, ex_b, U_or_M, la, alpha, implicit_feedback, shape=None):
given A and U (or M), solve M (or U) such that A = U M'
using alternating least-squares factorization method
rating_matrix: the user-item (or item-user) rating matrix.
U_or_M: the matrix U (or M).
la(float): the parameter of the als.
alpha(int): confidence parameter used on implicit feedback.
implicit_feedback(bool): whether using implicit_feedback method for als.
if implicit_feedback:
Y = U_or_M
YT = Y.T
YTY = np.dot(YT, Y)
result = np.zeros((rating_matrix.shape[0], U_or_M.shape[1]))
if implicit_feedback:
for i in range(rating_matrix.shape[0]):
result[i] = _implicit_feedback_als_solver(rating_matrix[i], la, alpha, Y, YT, YTY)
for i in range(rating_matrix.shape[0]):
non_zero_idx = rating_matrix[i].nonzero()[0]
rating_vector = rating_matrix[i, non_zero_idx]
feature_vectors = U_or_M[non_zero_idx]
result[i] = _als_solver(feature_vectors, rating_vector, la)
target_ex = extent.create((ex_a.ul[0], 0), (ex_a.lr[0], U_or_M.shape[1]), shape)
yield target_ex, result
示例10: _lda_mapper
def _lda_mapper(ex_a, term_docs_matrix, ex_b, local_topic_term_counts, k_topics, alpha, eta, max_iter_per_doc):
Using Collapsed Variational Bayes method (Mahout implementation) to train local LDA model.
array(DistArray): the count of each term in each document.
ex(Extent): Region being processed.
k_topics: the number of topics we need to find.
alpha(float): parameter of LDA model.
eta(float): parameter of LDA model.
max_iter_per_doc(int): the max iterations to train each document.
topic_term_counts(DistArray): the matrix to save p(topic x | term).
# term_docs_matrix = array.fetch(extent.create((0, ex.ul[1]), (array.shape[0], ex.lr[1]), array.shape))
# local_topic_term_counts = topic_term_counts[:]
local_topic_sums = np.linalg.norm(local_topic_term_counts, 1, axis=1)
local_topic_term_counts = _lda_train(
term_docs_matrix, local_topic_term_counts, local_topic_sums, None, k_topics, alpha, eta, max_iter_per_doc
# yield extent.create((0, 0), (k_topics, array.shape[0]), (k_topics, array.shape[0])), local_topic_term_counts
yield (
extent.create((0, 0), (k_topics, ex_a.array_shape[0]), (k_topics, ex_a.array_shape[0])),
示例11: _lda_doc_topic_mapper
def _lda_doc_topic_mapper(
ex_a, term_docs_matrix, ex_b, local_topic_term_counts, k_topics, alpha, eta, max_iter_per_doc
Last iteration that uses Collapsed Variational Bayes method (Mahout implementation) to calculate the final document/topic inference.
array(DistArray): the count of each term in each document.
ex(Extent): Region being processed.
k_topics: the number of topics we need to find.
alpha(float): parameter of LDA model.
eta(float): parameter of LDA model.
max_iter_per_doc(int): the max iterations to train each document.
topic_term_counts(DistArray): the matrix to save p(topic x | term).
# term_docs_matrix = array.fetch(extent.create((0, ex.ul[1]), (array.shape[0], ex.lr[1]), array.shape))
# local_topic_term_counts = topic_term_counts[:]
local_topic_sums = np.linalg.norm(local_topic_term_counts, 1, axis=1)
doc_topics = np.ones((term_docs_matrix.shape[1], k_topics), dtype=np.float64) / k_topics
local_topic_term_counts = _lda_train(
term_docs_matrix, local_topic_term_counts, local_topic_sums, doc_topics, k_topics, alpha, eta, max_iter_per_doc
# yield extent.create((ex.ul[1], 0), (ex.lr[1], k_topics), (array.shape[1], k_topics)), doc_topics
yield (extent.create((ex_a.ul[1], 0), (ex_a.lr[1], k_topics), (ex_a.array_shape[1], k_topics)), doc_topics)
示例12: _cluster_mapper
def _cluster_mapper(array, ex, centers):
label the cluster id for each data point.
array(DistArray): the input data points matrix.
ex(Extent): region being processed.
centers(numpy.array): the center points for each cluster.
points = array.fetch(ex)
labels = np.zeros(points.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)
for i in range(points.shape[0]):
point = points[i]
max = -1
max_id = -1
for j in range(centers.shape[0]):
dist = np.square(centers[j] - point).sum()
pdf = 1.0 / (1 + dist)
if max < pdf:
max = pdf
max_id = j
labels[i] = max_id
yield extent.create((ex.ul[0],), (ex.lr[0],), (array.shape[0],)), labels
示例13: _init_label_mapper
def _init_label_mapper(array, ex):
data = array.fetch(ex)
labels = np.zeros((data.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int64)
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
labels[i] = np.argmax(data[i])
yield extent.create((ex.ul[0], 0), (ex.lr[0], 1), (array.shape[0], 1)), labels
示例14: _sum_instance_by_label_mapper
def _sum_instance_by_label_mapper(array, ex, labels, label_size):
For each label, compute the sum of the feature vectors which belong to that label.
array(DistArray): tf-idf normalized training data.
ex(Extent): Region being processed.
labels(DistArray): labels of the training data.
label_size: the number of different labels.
X = array.fetch(extent.create((ex.ul[0], 0), (ex.lr[0], array.shape[1]), array.shape))
Y = labels.fetch(extent.create((ex.ul[0], 0), (ex.lr[0], 1), labels.shape))
sum_instance_by_label = np.zeros((label_size, X.shape[1]))
for i in xrange(Y.shape[0]):
sum_instance_by_label[Y[i, 0]] += X[i]
yield extent.create((0, 0), (label_size, X.shape[1]), (label_size, X.shape[1])), sum_instance_by_label
示例15: test_unravel
def test_unravel():
for i in range(100):
shp = (20, 77)
ul = (random.randint(0, 19), random.randint(0, 76))
lr = (random.randint(ul[0] + 1, 20), random.randint(ul[1] + 1, 77))
a = extent.create(ul, lr, shp)
ravelled = a.ravelled_pos()
unravelled = extent.unravelled_pos(ravelled, a.array_shape)
Assert.eq(a.ul, unravelled)