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Python SortedSet.remove方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sortedcontainers.SortedSet.remove方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SortedSet.remove方法的具体用法?Python SortedSet.remove怎么用?Python SortedSet.remove使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sortedcontainers.SortedSet的用法示例。


示例1: DictGraph

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]
class DictGraph(Graph):
    """Graph that supports nonconsecutive vertex ids."""

    def __init__(self, nodes: Set[int]=None, r: int=1) -> None:
        """Make a new graph."""
        if nodes is None:
            self.nodes = SortedSet()  # type: Set[int]
            self.nodes = nodes
        self.radius = r
        self.inarcs_by_weight = [defaultdict(SortedSet) for _ in range(self.radius)]

    def __len__(self):
        """len() support."""
        return len(self.nodes)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iteration support."""
        return iter(self.nodes)

    def __contains__(self, v):
        """Support for `if v in graph`."""
        return v in self.nodes

    def add_node(self, u: int):
        """Add a new node."""

    def arcs(self, weight: int=None):
        Return all the arcs in the graph.

        restrict to a given weight when provided
        if weight:
            return [(x, y) for x in self.nodes
                    for y in self.inarcs_by_weight[weight-1][x]]
            return [(x, y, w+1) for w, arc_list in
                    for x in self.nodes
                    for y in arc_list[x]]

    def remove_isolates(self) -> List[int]:
        Remove all isolated vertices and return a list of vertices removed.

        Precondition:  the graph is bidirectional
        isolates = [v for v in self if self.in_degree(v, 1) == 0]
        for v in isolates:
            for N in self.inarcs_by_weight:
                if v in N:
                    del N[v]
        return isolates

示例2: __init__

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]
class FileReference:
    """A class that manages n-triple files.
    This class stores inforamtation about the location of a n-triple file and is
    able to add and delete triples to that file.

    def __init__(self, path, content):
        """Initialize a new FileReference instance.
            filelocation: A string of the filepath.
            filecontentinmem: Boolean to decide if local filesystem should be used to
                or if file content should be kept in memory too . (Defaults false)
            ValueError: If no file at the filelocation, or in the given directory + filelocation.

        if isinstance(content, str):
            new = []
            for line in content.splitlines():
                new.append(' '.join(line.split()))
            content = new

        self._path = path
        self._content = SortedSet(content)
        self._modified = False

    def path(self):
        return self._path

    def content(self):
        return "\n".join(self._content) + "\n"

    def add(self, data):
        """Add a triple to the file content."""

    def extend(self, data):
        """Add triples to the file content."""

    def remove(self, data):
        """Remove trple from the file content."""
        except KeyError:

示例3: revealed2sortedset

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]
    def revealed2sortedset(revealed: List[Union[tuple, slice]]) -> SortedSet:
        """ Converts a list of included pairs to a sorted set of integers in O(n), n = size of @slices.
        Every number from every slice is added to the sorted set, except 0.
        # 10, [] -> 10, []
        # 10, [(0, 10)] -> 10, [10]
        # 10, [(0, 7)] -> 10, [7]
        # 10, [(7, 10)] -> 10, [7, 10]
        # 10, [(3, 7)] -> 10, [3, 7]
        # 10, [(0, 3), (7, 10)] -> 10, [3, 7, 10]
        # 10, [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), (8, 9)] -> 10, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

            #intervals = SortedSet(a for a, _ in revealed).union(b for _, b in revealed)
            intervals = SortedSet()
            for a, b in revealed:
        except TypeError:  # slice
            intervals = SortedSet(sl.start for sl in revealed).union(sl.stop for sl in revealed)
        if 0 in intervals:
        return intervals

示例4: eliminationOrder

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]
def eliminationOrder(gm, orderMethod=None, nExtra=-1, cutoff=inf, priority=None, target=None):
  """Find an elimination order for a graphical model

    gm (GraphModel): A graphical model object
    method (str): Heuristic method; one of {'minfill','wtminfill','minwidth','wtminwidth','random'}
    nExtra (int): Randomly select eliminated variable from among the best plus nExtra; this adds
        randomness to the order selection process.  0 => randomly from best; -1 => no randomness (default)
    cutoff (float): Quit early if ``score`` exceeds a user-supplied cutoff value (returning ``target, cutoff``)
    priority (list, optional): Optional list of variable priorities; lowest priority variables are 
        eliminated first.  Useful for mixed elimination models, such as marginal MAP inference tasks.
    target (list): If the identified order is better than cutoff, write it directly into passed ``target`` list

    list: The identified elimination order
    float: The "score" of this ordering

  Using ``target`` and ``cutoff`` one can easily search for better orderings by repeated calls:
  >>> ord, score = eliminationOrder(model, 'minfill', nExtra=2, cutoff=score, target=ord) 
  orderMethod = 'minfill' if orderMethod is None else orderMethod.lower()
  priority = [1 for x in gm.X] if priority is None else priority

  if   orderMethod == 'minfill':    score = lambda adj,Xj: 0.5*sum([len(adj[Xj]-adj[Xk]) for Xk in adj[Xj]])
  elif orderMethod == 'wtminfill':  score = lambda adj,Xj: sum([(adj[Xj]-adj[Xk]).nrStatesDouble() for Xk in adj[Xj]])
  elif orderMethod == 'minwidth':   score = lambda adj,Xj: len(adj[Xj])
  elif orderMethod == 'wtminwidth': score = lambda adj,Xj: adj[Xj].nrStatesDouble()
  elif orderMethod == 'random':     score = lambda adj,Xj: np.random.rand()
  else: raise ValueError('Unknown ordering method: {}'.format(orderMethod))

  adj = [ gm.markovBlanket(Xi) for Xi in gm.X ]  # build MRF

  # initialize priority queue of scores using e.g. heapq or sort
  reverse  = [ (priority[Xi],score(adj,Xi),Xi) for Xi in gm.X ]
  scores = SortedSet( reverse ); 
  totalSize = 0.0
  #_order = np.zeros((len(gm.X),)) #np.array([0 for Xi in gm.X])
  _order = [0]*len(gm.X)

  for idx in range(gm.nvar):
    pick = 0
    Pi,Si,Xi = scores[pick]
    if nExtra >= 0:
      mx = bisect.bisect_right(scores, (Pi,Si,gm.X[-1]))  # get one past last equal-priority & score vars
      pick = min(mx+nExtra, len(scores))                  # then pick a random "near-best" variable
      pick = np.random.randint(pick)
      Pi,Si,Xi = scores[pick]
    del scores[pick]
    _order[idx] = Xi.label        # write into order[idx] = Xi
    totalSize += adj[Xi].nrStatesDouble()
    if totalSize > cutoff: return target,cutoff  # if worse than cutoff, quit with no changes to "target"
    fix = VarSet()
    for Xj in adj[Xi]:
      adj[Xj] |= adj[Xi]
      adj[Xj] -= [Xi]  # TODO adj[Xj].remove(Xi) slightly faster but still unsupported by cython version
      fix |= adj[Xj]   # shouldn't need to fix as much for min-width?
    for Xj in fix:
      Pj,Sj,Xj = reverse[Xj]
      reverse[Xj] = (Pj,score(adj,Xj),Xj)
      scores.add(reverse[Xj]) # add (Pj,score(adj,Xj),Xj) to heap & update reverse lookup
  if not (target is None): 
    target.extend([None for i in range(len(target),len(_order))])  # make sure order is the right size
    for idx in range(gm.nvar): target[idx]=_order[idx]   # copy result if completed without quitting
  return _order,totalSize

示例5: AbstractReadyDecorator

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]

        def check_tick_against_sync_point(tick):
            if not self._pending_syncpoints:
                return True # no more sync points
            next_sync_point = self._pending_syncpoints[0]
            if tick < next_sync_point:
                # `tick` is not a sync_point and must run
                # before the next sync_point.
                return True
            elif tick == next_sync_point:
                # `tick` is the sync_point
                if self._syncpoint_run_last and self._pending_ticks[0] < next_sync_point:
                    # There are still unfinished tasks that have to run
                    # before it.
                    return False
                    # It is time to run the sync_point.
                    return True
            else: # tick > next_sync_point
                # has to wait til the sync_point completed
                return False
        tick = next(iter(self._queue), None)
        if tick is not None:
            if not check_tick_against_sync_point(tick):
                return None
            props = self.g.get_task_properties(tick)
            if props.get(self._collected_prop, False):
                raise ValueError("Task %s became ready twice." % tick)
            self.g.set_task_property(tick, self._collected_prop, True)
        return tick
    def was_collected(self, tick):
        Returns if the given tick was collected.
        props = self.g.get_task_properties(tick)
        return props.get(self._collected_prop, False)
    def add_task(self, tick, task, properties={}):
        properties = dict(properties)
        properties[self._count_prop] = 0
        properties[self._ready_prop] = 0
        properties[self._collected_prop] = False
        self.g.add_task(tick, task, properties=properties)
        if properties.get("syncpoint", False):
    def remove_task(self, tick):
        if tick in self._queue:
        if tick in self._pending_syncpoints:
        if tick in self._pending_ticks:

示例6: test_remove

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]
def test_remove():
    temp = SortedSet(range(0, 100), load=7)

示例7: Chunk

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]

        return filter(lambda t: self in t.chunks, self.feature.tests)

    def modify(self, random):
        feature_chunks = self.feature.chunks - {self}
        system_chunks = set(self.feature.software_system.chunks.difference(self.feature.chunks))
        self._add_dependencies(random, system_chunks, self.probability_gain_system_dependency)
        self._add_dependencies(random, feature_chunks, self.probability_gain_feature_dependency)

        self.local_content = random.create_local_content()


    def merge(self, source_chunk, random):
        for dependency in source_chunk.dependencies:
            working_copy_dependency = self.feature.software_system.get_chunk(dependency.fully_qualified_name)


    def overwrite_with(self, source_chunk):

        self.local_content = source_chunk.local_content

        for old_bug in source_chunk.bugs:
            new_bug = self.get_bug(old_bug.logical_name)
            if new_bug is None:

        for dependency in source_chunk.dependencies:
            new_dependency = self.feature.software_system.get_chunk(dependency.fully_qualified_name)

    def _add_dependencies(self, random, candidate_chunks, threshold):
        for candidate in SortedSet(candidate_chunks, key=lambda c: c.logical_name):
            if random.dependency_should_be_added(threshold):

    def add_dependency(self, candidate):

    def _insert_bugs(self, random):
        while random.a_bug_should_be_inserted(self):
            self.bug_count += 1

    def add_bug(self, logical_name):
        self.bugs.add(Bug(logical_name, self))

    def get_bug(self, logical_name):
        result = filter(lambda bug: bug.logical_name == logical_name, self.bugs)
        if len(result) is 0:
            return None
            return result[0]

    def refactor(self, random):
        to_remove = set()
        for dependency in self.dependencies:

            if random.dependency_should_be_removed(self, dependency):


    def debug(self, random, bug=None):

        if len(self.bugs) == 0:
            return False

        if bug is None or bug not in self.bugs:
            if random.unknown_bug_should_be_removed(self):
                bug = random.choose_bug(self)
        elif random.known_bug_should_be_removed(self):

    def operate(self, random):
        for bug in self.bugs_in_dependencies.union(self.bugs):

    def __str__(self):
        def string_repr_set(iterable):
            return ",".join(map(lambda e: repr(e), iterable))

        feature_dependencies = string_repr_set(filter(lambda c: c.feature == self.feature, self.dependencies))
        system_dependencies = string_repr_set(filter(lambda c: c.feature != self.feature, self.dependencies))

        bugs = ", ".join(map(lambda bug: str(bug), self.bugs))

        return "c_%s:[%s]:[%s]->(in[%s],ex[%s])" % \
               (str(self.logical_name), self.local_content, bugs, feature_dependencies, system_dependencies)

    def fully_qualified_name(self):
        return "%s.%s" % (str(self.feature.logical_name), str(self.logical_name))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "c%s" % str(self.fully_qualified_name)

示例8: test_remove

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]
def test_remove():
    temp = SortedSet(range(0, 100))

示例9: Selection

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]
class Selection(IMutableGSlice):
    def __init__(
            universe: slice,
            revealed: list = None,
            intervals: Iterator = None,
            _length: Optional[int] = None  # For performance
        #assert isinstance(universe, slice)  # Should universe even be visible/exist?
        #assert universe.start == 0
        #assert isinstance(universe.stop, int)
        #assert universe.stop >= 1  # TODO Do we need this?
        self.universe = universe
        if intervals is None and revealed is None:
            self._intervals = self.revealed2sortedset([slice(0, universe.stop)])
        elif intervals is not None:
            self._intervals = SortedSet(intervals)
            self._intervals = self.revealed2sortedset(revealed)
        self._revealed_count = _length if isinstance(_length, int) else Selection._compute_len(self._intervals)

    def revealed2sortedset(revealed: List[Union[tuple, slice]]) -> SortedSet:
        """ Converts a list of included pairs to a sorted set of integers in O(n), n = size of @slices.
        Every number from every slice is added to the sorted set, except 0.
        # 10, [] -> 10, []
        # 10, [(0, 10)] -> 10, [10]
        # 10, [(0, 7)] -> 10, [7]
        # 10, [(7, 10)] -> 10, [7, 10]
        # 10, [(3, 7)] -> 10, [3, 7]
        # 10, [(0, 3), (7, 10)] -> 10, [3, 7, 10]
        # 10, [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), (8, 9)] -> 10, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

            #intervals = SortedSet(a for a, _ in revealed).union(b for _, b in revealed)
            intervals = SortedSet()
            for a, b in revealed:
        except TypeError:  # slice
            intervals = SortedSet(sl.start for sl in revealed).union(sl.stop for sl in revealed)
        if 0 in intervals:
        return intervals

    def sortedset2slices(sortedset: SortedSet) -> List[slice]:
        """ Converts a sorted set of integers to a list of included slices in O(n), n = size of @sortedset.
        If there is an even number of elements in @sortedset, the first slice is formed by the first and second
        numbers, the second slice is formed by the third and fourth numbers, and so on.
        If there is an odd number of elements in @sortedset, the pair consisting of the number 0 and the first element
        in @sortedset becomes the first slice in the output list. The remaining slices, if any, are formed by the
        second and third numbers, the fourth and fifth numbers, and so on.
        slices = []
        if len(sortedset) % 2 == 0:
            for i in range(0, len(sortedset), 2):
                slices.append(slice(sortedset[i], sortedset[i + 1]))
            slices.append(slice(0, sortedset[0]))
            for i in range(1, len(sortedset), 2):
                slices.append(slice(sortedset[i], sortedset[i + 1]))
        return slices

    def slices(self) -> List[slice]:
        return self.sortedset2slices(self._intervals)

    def pairs(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int]]:
        if len(self._intervals) % 2 == 0:
            return zip(self._intervals[::2], self._intervals[1::2])
        return itertools.chain([(0, self._intervals[0])], zip(self._intervals[1::2], self._intervals[2::2]))

    def gap_pairs(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int]]:
        return self.complement().pairs()

    def intervals(self):
        return self._intervals

    def exclude(self, from_index: Optional[int], to_index: Optional[int]):
        original_length = self._revealed_count
        if isinstance(from_index, int) and -self.universe.stop <= from_index < 0:
            from_index = from_index % self.universe.stop
        if isinstance(to_index, int):
            if to_index > self.universe.stop:
                return self.exclude(from_index, None)
            if -self.universe.stop <= to_index < 0:
                to_index = to_index % self.universe.stop
        assert from_index is None or self.universe.start <= from_index <= self.universe.stop
        assert to_index is None or self.universe.start <= to_index <= self.universe.stop
        if from_index is None:
            from_index = self.universe.start
        if to_index is None:
            to_index = self.universe.stop
        if len(self._intervals) == 0:
            return 0
        if from_index >= to_index:
            return 0

        m = self._intervals.bisect_right(from_index)

示例10: cluster_

# 需要导入模块: from sortedcontainers import SortedSet [as 别名]
# 或者: from sortedcontainers.SortedSet import remove [as 别名]
    def cluster_(self, fX):
        """Compute complete dendrogram

        fX : (n_items, dimension) np.array

        dendrogram : list of (i, j, distance) tuples

        N = len(fX)

        # clusters contain the identifier of each cluster
        clusters = SortedSet(np.arange(N))

        # labels[i] = c means ith item belongs to cluster c
        labels = np.array(np.arange(N))

        squared = squareform(pdist(fX, metric=self.metric))
        distances = ValueSortedDict()
        for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(N), 2):
            distances[i, j] = squared[i, j]

        dendrogram = []

        for _ in range(N-1):

            # find most similar clusters
            (c_i, c_j), d = distances.peekitem(index=0)

            # keep track of this iteration
            dendrogram.append((c_i, c_j, d))

            # index of clusters in 'clusters' and 'fX'
            i = clusters.index(c_i)
            j = clusters.index(c_j)

            # merge items of cluster c_j into cluster c_i
            labels[labels == c_j] = c_i

            # update c_i representative
            fX[i] += fX[j]

            # remove c_j cluster
            fX[j:-1, :] = fX[j+1:, :]
            fX = fX[:-1]

            # remove distances to c_j cluster
            for c in clusters[:j]:
                distances.pop((c, c_j))
            for c in clusters[j+1:]:
                distances.pop((c_j, c))


            if len(clusters) < 2:

            # compute distance to new c_i cluster
            new_d = cdist(fX[i, :].reshape((1, -1)), fX, metric=self.metric).squeeze()
            for c_k, d in zip(clusters, new_d):

                if c_k < c_i:
                    distances[c_k, c_i] = d
                elif c_k > c_i:
                    distances[c_i, c_k] = d

        return dendrogram
