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Python web.get函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sopel.web.get函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get函数的具体用法?Python get怎么用?Python get使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: woeid_search

def woeid_search(query):
    Find the first Where On Earth ID for the given query. Result is the etree
    node for the result, so that location data can still be retrieved. Returns
    None if there is no result, or the woeid field is empty.
    query = 'q=select woeid from geo.places where text="%s"' % query
    body = web.get('http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?' + query,
    parsed = xmltodict.parse(body).get('query')
    results = parsed.get('results')
    if not results:
        return None
    elif type(results) is collections.OrderedDict:
        place = results.get('place')
    elif type(results) is list:
        place = results[0].get('place')
        return None
    if not place:
        return None
    elif type(place) is collections.OrderedDict:
        return place
    elif type(place) is list:
        return place[0]
        return None

示例2: find_title

def find_title(url):
    """Return the title for the given URL."""
        content, headers = web.get(url, return_headers=True, limit_bytes=max_bytes)
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return  # Fail silently when data can't be decoded

    # Some cleanup that I don't really grok, but was in the original, so
    # we'll keep it (with the compiled regexes made global) for now.
    content = title_tag_data.sub(r'<\1title>', content)
    content = quoted_title.sub('', content)

    start = content.find('<title>')
    end = content.find('</title>')
    if start == -1 or end == -1:
    title = web.decode(content[start + 7:end])
    title = title.strip()[:200]

    title = ' '.join(title.split())  # cleanly remove multiple spaces

    # More cryptic regex substitutions. This one looks to be myano's invention.
    title = re_dcc.sub('', title)

    return title or None

示例3: ytsearch

def ytsearch(bot, trigger):
    .youtube <query> - Search YouTube
    if not trigger.group(2):
    uri = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&type=video&q=' + trigger.group(2)
    raw = web.get('{0}&key={1}'.format(uri, bot.config.google.public_key))
    vid = json.loads(raw)['items'][0]['id']['videoId']
    uri = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=' + vid + '&part=contentDetails,snippet,statistics'
    video_info = ytget(bot, trigger, uri)
    if video_info is None:

    title = video_info['snippet']['title']
    uploader = video_info['snippet']['channelTitle']
    duration = video_info['contentDetails']['duration']
    views = video_info['statistics']['viewCount']
    likes = video_info['statistics']['likeCount']
    dislikes = video_info['statistics']['dislikeCount']

    message = '[YT Search] {0} | https://youtu.be/{1} | Duration: {2} | Views: {3} | Uploader: {4} | {5} | {6}'.format(
      bold(title), video_info['id'], duration, views, uploader, color(likes, colors.GREEN), color(dislikes, colors.RED))


示例4: uptime

def uptime(bot, trigger):
    Report the stream uptime.
        query_url = 'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/{0}?api_version=3&client_id={1}'
        answer = web.get(query_url.format(trigger.sender[1:],
        return bot.reply("Couldn't contact the Twitch API servers. :( #BlameTwitch")

        data = json.loads(answer)
        return bot.reply("The Twitch API returned an invalid object. :( #BlameTwitch")

    if data['stream'] != None:
        startTime = data['stream']['created_at']
        return bot.reply("Stream offline. :(")

    f = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'

    tStart = datetime.datetime.strptime(startTime, f)
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    uptime = (now - tStart).seconds

    h, r = divmod(uptime, 3600)
    m, s = divmod(r, 60)

    if h > 0:
        return bot.reply('Stream has been online for %s:%s:%s' % (h,m,s))
        return bot.reply('Stream has been online for %s:%s' % (m,s))

示例5: weather

def weather(bot, trigger):
    """.weather location - Show the weather at the given location."""

    location = trigger.group(2)
    woeid = ""
    if not location:
        woeid = bot.db.get_nick_value(trigger.nick, "woeid")
        if not woeid:
            return bot.msg(
                "I don't know where you live. "
                + "Give me a location, like .weather London, or tell me where you live by saying .setlocation London, for example.",
        location = location.strip()
        woeid = bot.db.get_nick_value(location, "woeid")
        if woeid is None:
            first_result = woeid_search(location)
            if first_result is not None:
                woeid = first_result.get("woeid")

    if not woeid:
        return bot.reply("I don't know where that is.")

    query = "q=select * from weather.forecast where woeid=\"%s\" and u='c'" % woeid
    body = web.get("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?" + query, dont_decode=True)
    parsed = xmltodict.parse(body).get("query")
    results = parsed.get("results")
    location = results.get("channel").get("title")
    cover = get_cover(results)
    temp = get_temp(results)
    humidity = get_humidity(results)
    wind = get_wind(results)
    bot.say("%s: %s, %s, %s, %s" % (location, cover, temp, humidity, wind))

示例6: wikt

def wikt(word):
    bytes = web.get(uri % web.quote(word))
    bytes = r_ul.sub('', bytes)

    mode = None
    etymology = None
    definitions = {}
    for line in bytes.splitlines():
        if 'id="Etymology"' in line:
            mode = 'etymology'
        elif 'id="Noun"' in line:
            mode = 'noun'
        elif 'id="Verb"' in line:
            mode = 'verb'
        elif 'id="Adjective"' in line:
            mode = 'adjective'
        elif 'id="Adverb"' in line:
            mode = 'adverb'
        elif 'id="Interjection"' in line:
            mode = 'interjection'
        elif 'id="Particle"' in line:
            mode = 'particle'
        elif 'id="Preposition"' in line:
            mode = 'preposition'
        elif 'id="' in line:
            mode = None

        elif (mode == 'etmyology') and ('<p>' in line):
            etymology = text(line)
        elif (mode is not None) and ('<li>' in line):
            definitions.setdefault(mode, []).append(text(line))

        if '<hr' in line:
    return etymology, definitions

示例7: movie

def movie(bot, trigger):
    Returns some information about a movie, like Title, Year, Rating, Genre and IMDB Link.
    if not trigger.group(2):
    word = trigger.group(2).rstrip()
    uri = "http://www.omdbapi.com/?t=" + word
    u = web.get(uri, 30)
    data = json.loads(u)  # data is a Dict containing all the information we need
    if data["Response"] == "False":
        if "Error" in data:
            message = "[MOVIE] %s" % data["Error"]
            LOGGER.warning("Got an error from the OMDb api, search phrase was %s; data was %s", word, str(data))
            message = "[MOVIE] Got an error from OMDbapi"
        message = (
            "[MOVIE] Title: "
            + data["Title"]
            + " | Year: "
            + data["Year"]
            + " | Rating: "
            + data["imdbRating"]
            + " | Genre: "
            + data["Genre"]
            + " | IMDB Link: http://imdb.com/title/"
            + data["imdbID"]

示例8: vimeo_by_url

def vimeo_by_url(bot, trigger, found_match=None):
    match = found_match or trigger
    videoID = match.group(2)
    apiURL = "https://vimeo.com/api/v2/video/" + videoID + ".json"
        resp = json.loads(web.get(apiURL))

    output = u"[Vimeo] "
    output += u"Title: %s" % (str(resp[0]['title']))
    if 'user_name' in resp[0]:
        output += u" | Uploader: %s" % (str(resp[0]['user_name']))
    if 'upload_date' in resp[0]:
        output += u" | Uploaded: %s" % (str(resp[0]['upload_date']))
    if 'duration' in resp[0]:
        output += u" | Duration: %s" % (str(resp[0]['duration']))
    if 'stats_number_of_plays' in resp[0]:
        output += u" | Views : %s" % (str(resp[0]['stats_number_of_plays']))
    if 'stats_number_of_comments' in resp[0]:
        output += u" | Comments: %s" % (str(resp[0]['stats_number_of_comments']))
    if 'stats_number_of_likes' in resp[0]:
        output += u" | Likes: %s" % (str(resp[0]['stats_number_of_likes']))


示例9: short_cancelled

def short_cancelled(bot, trigger):
    """Display short list of cancelled courses at MUN"""
    page, headers = web.get(uri, return_headers=True)
    if headers['_http_status'] != 200:
        bot.say('Couldn\'t find cancellation information.')
    parsed = html.fromstring(page)
    middle = parsed.get_element_by_id('middle')
    contents = list(middle)
    reply = ''
    for element in contents:
        if element.tag=='p' and element.text_content() == '________________________________________':
        elif element.tag=='h2':
            printed = True
            text = element.text_content()
            day = parser.parse(text)
            if day.date() == datetime.today().date():
                reply += '| MUN\'s Cancellations for ' + bold(text) + ' (TODAY): '
                reply += '| MUN\'s Cancellations for ' + bold(text) + ': '
        elif element.tag=='p':
            text = element.text_content()
            course = list(element)[0].text_content()
            reply += course + ', '
    bot.say('Use \'.canceldetail\' for more detailed information')

示例10: bing_search

def bing_search(query, lang="en-GB"):
    base = "http://www.bing.com/search?mkt=%s&q=" % lang
    bytes = web.get(base + query)
    m = r_bing.search(bytes)
    #    print m
    if m:
        return m.group(1)

示例11: movie

def movie(bot, trigger):
    Returns some information about a movie, like Title, Year, Rating, Genre and IMDB Link.
    if not trigger.group(2):
    word = trigger.group(2).rstrip()
    uri = "http://www.imdbapi.com/?t=" + word
    u = web.get(uri, 30)
    data = json.loads(u)  # data is a Dict containing all the information we need
    if data['Response'] == 'False':
        if 'Error' in data:
            message = '[MOVIE] %s' % data['Error']
                'Got an error from the imdb api, search phrase was %s; data was %s',
                word, str(data))
            message = '[MOVIE] Got an error from imdbapi'
        message = '[MOVIE] Title: ' + data['Title'] + \
                  ' | Year: ' + data['Year'] + \
                  ' | Rating: ' + data['imdbRating'] + \
                  ' | Genre: ' + data['Genre'] + \
                  ' | IMDB Link: http://imdb.com/title/' + data['imdbID']

示例12: cancelled

def cancelled(bot, trigger):
    """Show current cancelled classes at MUN"""
    page, headers = web.get(uri, return_headers=True)
    if headers['_http_status'] != 200:
        bot.say('Couldn\'t find cancellation information.')
    parsed = html.fromstring(page)
    middle = parsed.get_element_by_id('middle')
    contents = list(middle)
    reply = []
    if trigger.nick != trigger.sender:
        bot.reply('I\'m messaging you with a detailed cancellation list!')
    for element in contents:
        if element.tag=='p' and element.text_content() == '________________________________________':
        elif element.tag=='h2':
            printed = True
            text = element.text_content()
            day = parser.parse(text)
            if day.date() == datetime.today().date():
                reply.append('MUN\'s Cancellations for ' + bold(text) + ' (TODAY):')
                reply.append('MUN\'s Cancellations for ' + bold(text) + ': ')
        elif element.tag=='p':
            text = element.text_content()
            course = list(element)[0].text_content()
            reply.append(bold(course) + text[len(course):])
    for a in reply:
        bot.msg(trigger.nick, a)

示例13: weather

def weather(bot, trigger):
    """.weather location - Show the weather at the given location."""

    location = trigger.group(2)
    woeid = ''
    if not location:
        woeid = bot.db.get_nick_value(trigger.nick, 'woeid')
        if not woeid:
            return bot.msg(trigger.sender, "I don't know where you live. " +
                           'Give me a location, like .weather London, or tell me where you live by saying .setlocation London, for example.')
        location = location.strip()
        woeid = bot.db.get_nick_value(location, 'woeid')
        if woeid is None:
            first_result = woeid_search(location)
            if first_result is not None:
                woeid = first_result.get('woeid')

    if not woeid:
        return bot.reply("I don't know where that is.")

    query = web.urlencode({'w': woeid, 'u': 'c'})
    raw = web.get('http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?' + query,
    parsed = xmltodict.parse(raw).get('rss')
    location = parsed.get('channel').get('title')

    cover = get_cover(parsed)
    temp = get_temp(parsed)
    humidity = get_humidity(parsed)
    wind = get_wind(parsed)
    bot.say(u'%s: %s, %s, %s, %s' % (location, cover, temp, humidity, wind))

示例14: find_title

def find_title(url=None, content=None):
    """Return the title for the given URL.

    Copy of find_title that allows for avoiding duplicate requests."""
    if (not content and not url) or (content and url):
        raise ValueError("url *or* content needs to be provided to find_title")
    if url:
            content, headers = web.get(url, return_headers=True, limit_bytes=max_bytes)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return  # Fail silently when data can't be decoded
    assert content

    # Some cleanup that I don't really grok, but was in the original, so
    # we'll keep it (with the compiled regexes made global) for now.
    content = title_tag_data.sub(r"<\1title>", content)
    content = quoted_title.sub("", content)

    start = content.find("<title>")
    end = content.find("</title>")
    if start == -1 or end == -1:
    title = web.decode(content[start + 7 : end])
    title = title.strip()[:200]

    title = " ".join(title.split())  # cleanly remove multiple spaces

    # More cryptic regex substitutions. This one looks to be myano's invention.
    title = re_dcc.sub("", title)

    return title or None

示例15: etymology

def etymology(word):
    # @@ <nsh> sbp, would it be possible to have a flag for .ety to get 2nd/etc
    # entries? - http://swhack.com/logs/2006-07-19#T15-05-29

    if len(word) > 25:
        raise ValueError("Word too long: %s[...]" % word[:10])
    word = {'axe': 'ax/axe'}.get(word, word)

    bytes = web.get(etyuri % word)
    definitions = r_definition.findall(bytes)

    if not definitions:
        return None

    defn = text(definitions[0])
    m = r_sentence.match(defn)
    if not m:
        return None
    sentence = m.group(0)

    maxlength = 275
    if len(sentence) > maxlength:
        sentence = sentence[:maxlength]
        words = sentence[:-5].split(' ')
        sentence = ' '.join(words) + ' [...]'

    sentence = '"' + sentence.replace('"', "'") + '"'
    return sentence + ' - ' + (etyuri % word)
