本文整理汇总了Python中solid.translate函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python translate函数的具体用法?Python translate怎么用?Python translate使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: standoff
def standoff(thickness):
Stackable, gluable 3D printable standoff connector w/pivot axis.
global standnumber
OT = (0, 0, 0)
OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
OP = (OT, OQ)
peg_height = 5.5
clearance = 3.2
base = solid.cylinder(r=4, h=thickness, segments = 100)
conn = solid.cylinder(r=1.9, h=peg_height, segments = 100)
#wtf??? can't get z axis on Joint to work, no matter what I put it just
#defaults to 0, so I'm going to orient everything at the origin.
anchor = Joint((0,0, -100),Z_JOINT_POSE[1],name="A")
b_placed = solid.translate([0,0,-thickness])(base)
unit = b_placed+ conn - solid.translate([0,0,-(clearance+ thickness)])(conn)
pm = PolyMesh(generator = unit)
stand = Body(
pose = OP,
joints = [anchor],
elts = [Layer(pm, name="lol", color = 'yellow')],
name = 'standoff'+str(standnumber)
standnumber = standnumber + 1
return stand, b_placed
示例2: strunk
def strunk():
c1 = solid.cylinder(r= 15, h = 70)
c2 = solid.translate([9,0,0])(solid.cylinder(r=15, h= 70))
m1 = solid.translate([0,-15,0])(solid.cube([9,30,70]))
total = join_list([c1,c2,m1])
total = solid.translate([0,0,84])(total)
return total
示例3: locked_offset
def locked_offset():
global locked_count
name = "locked_" + str(locked_count)
locked_count +=1
j_name = "locked_joint_" + str(locked_count)
thickness = 6 #span 2 layers
peg_height = 3.2
clearance = 3.2
base = solid.cylinder(r=1.9, h=thickness, segments = 100)
conn1 = solid.cube([4/math.sqrt(2),4/math.sqrt(2),3],center=True)
conn2 = solid.cube([4/math.sqrt(2),4/math.sqrt(2),3],center=True)
#wtf??? can't get z axis on Joint to work, no matter what I put it just
#defaults to 0, so I'm going to orient everything at the origin.
b_placed = solid.translate([0,0,3])(base)
unit = b_placed + solid.translate([0,0,1.5])(conn1) + solid.translate([0,0,10.5])(conn2)
pm = PolyMesh(generator = unit)
j1 = Joint(
((0, 0, 12),NZ_JOINT_POSE[1]), #9
OT = (0, 0, 0)
OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
OP = (OT, OQ)
b = Body(pose=OP, elts=[layers],
joints=[j1], name=name)
return b, name, j_name
示例4: spacerMaker
def spacerMaker(radius, right, out, spacer, name):
s = solid.rotate(a = [-90, 0, 0])\
(solid.cylinder(r=outerD/2, h=spacer, segments = 20))
s1 = solid.rotate(a = [90, 0, 0])\
(solid.cylinder(r=innerD/2, h=3*spacer, segments = 20, center=True))
s = solid.difference()(s, s1)
"""s1 = solid.rotate(a = [90, 0, 0])\
(solid.cylinder(r=innerD/2, h=2*border, segments = 20))
s1 = solid.translate(v = [0, spacer+2*border, 0])(s1)
s = s + s1"""
if not out:
s = solid.translate(v = [0, -spacer, 0])(s)
off = radius - width
off = radius
s = solid.translate(v = [0, off, 0])(s)
if right:
s = solid.rotate(a = [0, 0, -90])(s)
s = PolyMesh(generator=s)
s.save("heliodon/spacer" + name +".stl")
return s
示例5: connector
def connector():
Connector 2.0!!! comes in two better sized segments, now with indent!
global pinnumber
OT = (0, 0, 0)
OQ = (0, 0, 1, 0)
OP = (OT, OQ)
base = solid.cylinder(r=4, h = 4, segments = 100)
conn = solid.cylinder(r = 1.9, h = 8, segments = 100 )
anchor = Joint(
((0, 0, 8),Z_JOINT_POSE[1]),
bottom = base+ solid.translate([0,0,4])(conn)
cap = solid.translate([0,0,4+6.4])(base)
dimple_cap = cap - bottom
p1 = PolyMesh(generator = bottom)
p2 = PolyMesh(generator = dimple_cap)
poly = p1+p2
pin = Body(
pose = OP,
joints = [anchor],
elts = [Layer(poly, name='lol', color = 'blue')],
name = 'coupler'+str(pinnumber)
pinnumber = pinnumber + 1
return pin
示例6: sarms
def sarms():
hand = solid.sphere(r=4)
arm = solid.translate([0,0,4])( solid.cylinder(r=4, h = 68))
shoulder = solid.translate([0,0,72])( solid.sphere(r=4))
a1 = hand+arm+shoulder
a2 = solid.translate([50,0,70])(a1)
a1 = solid.translate([-40,0,70])(a1)
a1 = solid.rotate([0,10,0])(a1)
a2 = solid.rotate([0,-10,0])(a2)
return a1+a2
示例7: ssupport
def ssupport():
arch1 ,thet1, rad1= circle_arch(30.0, 5.0, 3)
arch1 = solid.translate([14,-28/2,0])(solid.rotate([0,0, -thet1/2])(arch1))
arch2 = solid.translate([0,0,1])(arch1)
arch3 = solid.translate([0,0,-1])(arch1)
arch1 = join_list([arch1, arch2, arch3])
pillar1 = solid.rotate([0,90,0])(solid.cylinder(r=2, h=35) )
pillar1 = pillar1 - solid.translate([-1,0,-3])(solid.cube([37,4, 8]))
pillar2 = solid.rotate([180,0,0])(solid.translate([0,28])(pillar1))
return join_list([arch1, pillar1, pillar2])
示例8: create_shaft_connector
def create_shaft_connector():
Oriented relative to the shaft that will be driven at the origin in
the +Z direction.
TODO: Consider refactoring into mechanism with joint at O.
mount_plate = solid.cylinder(r = 10, h= 3)
shaft = solid.translate([-2,-2,0])(solid.cube([4,4,20]))
shifted_shaft = solid.translate([0,0,3])(shaft)
total = mount_plate+shaft
pl = PolyMesh(generator=total)
return pl
示例9: plane_make_part3D
def plane_make_part3D(self, thepart, pconfig):
self.generate_part3D(thepart, pconfig)
# for cutout in thepart.cutouts3D:
# for c in cutout:
# thepart.border3D = thepart.border3D - c
subparts = []
for sp in thepart.parts:
if hasattr(sp, 'subpart') and sp.subpart:
self.make_part3D(sp, pconfig)
if hasattr(sp, 'border3D'):
if len(subparts):
if hasattr(thepart, 'border3D'):
if not hasattr(thepart, 'border3D'):
return False
cutouts = [thepart.border3D]
for cutout in thepart.cutouts3D:
for c in cutout:
thepart.border3D = solid.difference()(*cutouts)
# 3D transformations can only be applied to parts, so we can just go up the tree
p = thepart
print p
while(p and type(p) is not Plane):# and (c==0 or not p.renderable() )):
if hasattr(p, 'transform') and p.transform is not None and p.transform is not False:
print p.transform
if 'matrix3D' in p.transform:
if type(p.transform['matrix3D'][0]) is list or type(p.transform['matrix3D'][0]) is Vec:
thepart.border3D=solid.translate([-p.transform['matrix3D'][0][0], -p.transform['matrix3D'][0][1],-p.transform['matrix3D'][0][2]])(thepart.border3D)
thepart.border3D=solid.translate([p.transform['matrix3D'][0][0], p.transform['matrix3D'][0][1],p.transform['matrix3D'][0][2]])(thepart.border3D)
if 'rotate3D' in p.transform:
if type(p.transform['rotate3D'][0]) is list or type(p.transform['rotate3D'][0]) is Vec:
thepart.border3D=solid.translate([-p.transform['rotate3D'][0][0], -p.transform['rotate3D'][0][1],-p.transform['rotate3D'][0][2]])(thepart.border3D)
thepart.border3D=solid.rotate([p.transform['rotate3D'][1][0], p.transform['rotate3D'][1][1],p.transform['rotate3D'][1][2] ])(thepart.border3D)
thepart.border3D=solid.translate([p.transform['rotate3D'][0][0], p.transform['rotate3D'][0][1],p.transform['rotate3D'][0][2]])(thepart.border3D)
thepart.border3D=solid.rotate([p.transform['rotate3D'][0], p.transform['rotate3D'][1],p.transform['rotate3D'][2] ])(thepart.border3D)
if 'translate3D' in p.transform:
thepart.border3D=solid.translate([p.transform['translate3D'][0], p.transform['translate3D'][1],p.transform['translate3D'][2] ])(thepart.border3D)
示例10: scaffold
def scaffold(length, color=[0, 0, 1, 1]):
h = solid.translate([diameter / 2.0, 0, length / 2.0])(
solid.scale([diameter, diameter, length])(
) + solid.translate([0, 0, length / 2.0])(
solid.scale([center_notch + tool_radius * 2,
center_notch, length])(
# scale & move in Z to ensure overlap
h = solid.translate([0, 0, -(length * .1)/2.0])(solid.scale([1, 1, 1.1])(h))
return solid.color(color)(h)
示例11: rasp_pi
def rasp_pi():
base = solid.color([0,.7,.1])(solid.cube([8.5,5.5,.1]))
metal = t55_to_1([209,209,209])
yellow = t55_to_1([255, 188, 60])
ether = solid.translate([-0.1,3.9,0])(solid.cube([2.1,1.6,1.4]))
ether = solid.color(metal)(ether)
usb = solid.cube([1.7,1.3,1.5])
usb = solid.translate([-.7,1.9,0])(solid.color(metal)(usb))
audio = solid.cube([1.2, 1.5, 1.2])
audio = solid.translate([1.5,-.5,0])(solid.color([0,0,0])(audio))
tv = solid.cube([1,1.9,1.5])
tv = solid.translate([3.4,-.8,0])(solid.color(yellow)(tv))
hdmi = solid.cube([1.5,1.1,.9])
hdmi = solid.translate([3.4,4.6,0])(solid.color(metal)(hdmi))
gpio = solid.cube([3.2,.4,1.2])
gpio = solid.translate([5.3,.1,0])(solid.color([0,0,0])(gpio))
sdcard = solid.cube([1.8,2.9,.4])
sdcard = solid.translate([6.7, 1.6, -.4])(solid.color([0,0,0])(sdcard))
musb = solid.cube([.5,.7,.3])
musb = solid.translate([7.9, 4.5, 0])(solid.color([0,0,0])(musb))
out = [base, ether, usb, audio, tv, hdmi, gpio, sdcard, musb]
return join_list(out)
示例12: genAsOpenscad
def genAsOpenscad(self):
"""Generates zebrafish geometry as solid python object.
Useful if geometry is used to be passed to openscad.
solid.solidpython.openscad_object: Solid python object.
return outerBall-innerBall
示例13: planar_slice_3d
def planar_slice_3d(mesh, slice_args, slice_width=1):
(plane, offset) = slice_args
slice_gen = sl.linear_extrude(slice_width)(plane.get_generator())
slice_gen = sl.translate(offset)(slice_gen)
slice = PolyMesh(generator=slice_gen)
intersection = slice.intersected(mesh)
return intersection
示例14: assemble_chair
def assemble_chair(polygons, tf_xyz_rpy, t=3.0):
""" Create a 3D rendering of a chair from part outlines.
polygons ([PolyLine]): list of PolyLines representing the outlines of the chair parts
tf_xyz_rpy ([[x,y,z][r,p,y]]): List of transformations as x,y,z offsets and roll, pitch,
yaw rotations in degrees
t (int): material thickness
A list of PolyMeshes, with one PolyMesh per input polygon, transformed by corresponding
tf input
polys = []
for (p, r) in zip(polygons, tf_xyz_rpy):
translation, rotation = r
solid_p = p.get_generator()
thick_p = sl.linear_extrude(t)(solid_p)
rotated_p = sl.rotate(rotation)(thick_p)
translated_p = sl.translate(translation)(rotated_p)
poly = PolyMesh(generator=translated_p)
return polys
示例15: viz
def viz(self,position):
Generates a OpenScad model to visualize the sun position
## Generating the hemisphere ##
starting_sphere = solid.sphere(self.r, segments= 64)
box_sub = solid.utils.down(((self.r * 2 + 10)/2))(solid.cube((self.r * 2 + 10), center= True))
hemisphere = starting_sphere - box_sub
hemisphere = PolyMesh(generator= hemisphere).simplified()
#hemisphere = (solid.utils.color([0.75,0.75,0.75,0.1]))(hemisphere.get_generator()) #this sucks...need to do this way in order do render
#hemisphere = PolyMesh(generator= hemisphere)
## Generate the sphere for the sun ##
sun_sphere = solid.sphere(5, segments= 64)
vector = position
sun_sphere = (solid.translate(vector))(sun_sphere)
sun_sphere = PolyMesh(generator= sun_sphere).simplified()
L1 = Layer(hemisphere, name= "hem", color=[200,200,200,1000])
L2 = Layer(sun_sphere, name="sun", color='yellow')
B1 = Block([L1, L2])
return B1.show(is_2d= False)