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Python SNSLog.info方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中snslog.SNSLog.info方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SNSLog.info方法的具体用法?Python SNSLog.info怎么用?Python SNSLog.info使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在snslog.SNSLog的用法示例。


示例1: reply

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def reply(self, statusID, text):
        docstring placeholder

        """reply status

           * parameter status: StatusID object
           * paramter text: string, the reply message
           * return: success or not

        api_params = dict(method = "share.addComment", content = text, \
            share_id = statusID.status_id, user_id = statusID.source_user_id)

            ret = self.renren_request(api_params)
            logger.debug("Reply to status '%s' return: %s", statusID, ret)
            if 'result' in ret and ret['result'] == 1:
                logger.info("Reply '%s' to status '%s' succeed", text, statusID)
                return True
                return False
        except Exception, e:
            logger.warning("Reply failed: %s", e)

示例2: home_timeline

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def home_timeline(self, count=20):
        '''Get home timeline
        get statuses of yours and your friends'
        @param count: number of statuses

        api_params = dict(method = "feed.get", type = 10, page = 1, count = count)
            jsonlist = self.renren_request(api_params)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("catch expection: %s", e)
            jsonlist = []

        statuslist = snstype.MessageList()
        for j in jsonlist:
                        platform = self.jsonconf['platform'],\
                        channel = self.jsonconf['channel_name']\
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warning("catch expection '%s' in parsing '%s'", e, j)

        logger.info("Read %d statuses from '%s'", len(statuslist), self.jsonconf.channel_name)
        return statuslist

示例3: save_config

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def save_config(self,
            fn_channel = DIR_DEFAULT_CONF_CHANNEL,
            fn_pocket = DIR_DEFAULT_CONF_POCKET):
        Save configs: reverse of load_config

        Configs can be modified during execution. snsapi components
        communicate with upper layer using Python objects. Pocket
        will be the unified place to handle file transactions.


        conf_channel = []
        for c in self.itervalues():

        conf_pocket = self.jsonconf

            json.dump(conf_channel, open(fn_channel, "w"), indent = 2)
            json.dump(conf_pocket, open(fn_pocket, "w"), indent = 2)
            raise snserror.config.save

        logger.info("save configs done")

示例4: reply

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def reply(self, mID, text):
        Reply a renren blog

        :param mID: MessageID object
        :param text: string, the reply message
        :return: success or not

        if mID.user_type == 'user':
            owner_key = 'uid'
            owner_value = mID.source_user_id
        else:  # 'page'
            owner_key = 'page_id'
            owner_value = mID.source_page_id

        api_params = {'method': 'blog.addComment',
                      'content': text,
                      'id': mID.blog_id,
                      owner_key: owner_value}

        logger.debug('request parameters: %s', api_params)

            ret = self.renren_request(api_params)
            if 'result' in ret and ret['result'] == 1:
                logger.info("Reply '%s' to status '%s' succeed", text, mID)
                return True
        except Exception, e:
            logger.warning("Catch Exception %s", e)

示例5: like

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def like(self, message, channel=None):
        like a message


        if isinstance(message, snstype.Message):
            mID = message.ID
        elif isinstance(message, snstype.MessageID):
            mID = message
            logger.warning("unknown type: %s", type(message))
            return {}

        if channel:
            if channel in self:
                # If the platforms are not identical, like method will surly fail
                if self[channel].platform != mID.platform:
                    logger.warning("Inter-platform like method is not supported.")                   
                elif self[channel].is_expired():
                    logger.warning("channel '%s' is expired. Do nothing.", channel)
                    re = self[channel].like(message)
                logger.warning("channel '%s' is not in pocket. Do nothing.", channel)
            for c in self.itervalues():
                if self.__check_method(c, 'like') and not c.is_expired():
                    re = c.like(message)

        logger.info("Like status '%s'. Result: %s",\
                message.digest(), re)
        return re

示例6: get_saved_token

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def get_saved_token(self):
            fname = self.auth_info.save_token_file
            if fname == "(default)" :
                fname = self.jsonconf.channel_name+".token.save"
            if fname != "(null)" :
                with open(fname, "r") as fp:
                    token = utils.JsonObject(json.load(fp))
                    # check expire time
                    if self.is_expired(token):
                        logger.debug("Saved Access token is expired, try to get one through sns.auth() :D")
                        return False
                    #TODO: decrypt token
                    self.token = token
                logger.debug("This channel is configured not to save token to file")
                return False
        except IOError:
            logger.debug("No access token saved, try to get one through sns.auth() :D")
            return False

        logger.info("Read saved token for '%s' successfully", self.jsonconf.channel_name)
        print self.token
        return True

示例7: update

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def update(self, text, title=None):
        Post a blog

        :param text: Blog post body.
        :param title: Blog post title. (optional)
        :return: success or not

        if title is None:
            title = self._cat(20, [(text, 1)])

        api_params = {'method': 'blog.addBlog',
                      'content': text,
                      'title': title}

            ret = self.renren_request(api_params)
            logger.debug("response: %s", ret)
            #    Preserve the id for further use?
            #    Return it as multi-return-value?
            if 'id' in ret:
                logger.info("Update status '%s' on '%s' succeed", text, self.jsonconf.channel_name)
                return True
        except Exception, e:
            logger.warning("Catch Exception %s", e)

示例8: update

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def update(self, text, pic=None):
        '''update a status

           * parameter text: the update message
           * return: success or not
        # NOTE:
        #     * With this pre-shortening, we can post potentially longer messages.
        #     * It consumes one more API quota.
        text = self._replace_with_short_url(text)
        text = self._cat(self.jsonconf['text_length_limit'], [(text, 1)], delim='//')

            if not pic:
                ret = self.weibo_request('statuses/update',
                        {'status': text})
                ret = self.weibo_request(
                    {'status': text},
                    files={'pic': ('pic.jpg', pic)}
            logger.info("Update status '%s' on '%s' succeed", text, self.jsonconf.channel_name)
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("Update status fail. Message: %s", e)
            return False

示例9: load_config

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def load_config(self,
            fn_channel = DIR_DEFAULT_CONF_CHANNEL,
            fn_pocket = DIR_DEFAULT_CONF_POCKET):
        Read configs:
        * channel.conf
        * pocket.conf

        count_add_channel = 0
            with open(path.abspath(fn_channel), "r") as fp:
                allinfo = json.load(fp)
                for site in allinfo:
                    if self.add_channel(utils.JsonDict(site)):
                        count_add_channel += 1
        except IOError:
            #raise snserror.config.nofile(fn_channel)
            logger.warning("'%s' does not exist. Use default", fn_channel)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise snserror.config.load("file: %s; message: %s" % (fn_channel, e))

            with open(path.abspath(fn_pocket), "r") as fp:
                allinfo = json.load(fp)
                self.jsonconf = allinfo
        except IOError:
            #raise snserror.config.nofile(fn_pocket)
            logger.warning("'%s' does not exist. Use default", fn_pocket)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise snserror.config.load("file: %s; message:%s" % (fn_channel, e))

        logger.info("Read configs done. Add %d channels" % count_add_channel)

示例10: update

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def update(self, text, pic=None):
        '''update a status

           * parameter text: the update message
           * return: success or not

        text = self._cat(self.jsonconf['text_length_limit'], [(text, 1)])

        if not pic:
            method = "t/add"
            method = "t/add_pic"

            if pic:
                ret = self.tencent_request(method, "POST", content=text, files={'pic': ('pic.jpg', pic)})
                ret = self.tencent_request(method, "POST", content=text)
            if(ret['msg'] == "ok"):
                logger.info("Update status '%s' on '%s' succeed", text, self.jsonconf.channel_name)
                return True
                return ret
        except Exception, e:
            logger.warning("Catch Exception: %s", e)
            return False

示例11: unlike

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def unlike(self, message, channel=None):
        unlike a message

        if channel:
            if channel in self:
                # If the platforms are not identical, unlike method will surly fail
                if self[channel].platform != mID.platform:
                    logger.warning("Inter-platform unlike method is not supported.")                   
                elif self[channel].is_expired():
                    logger.warning("channel '%s' is expired. Do nothing.", channel)
                    re = self[channel].unlike(message)
                logger.warning("channel '%s' is not in pocket. Do nothing.", channel)
            for c in self.itervalues():
                if self.__check_method(c, 'unlike') and not c.is_expired():
                    re = c.unlike(message)

        logger.info("UnLike status '%s'. Result: %s",\
                message.digest(), re)
        return re

示例12: auth

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def auth(self):
        if self.get_saved_token():

        logger.info("Try to authenticate '%s' using OAuth2", self.jsonconf.channel_name)
        logger.debug("Authorized! access token is " + str(self.token))
        logger.info("Channel '%s' is authorized", self.jsonconf.channel_name)

示例13: oauth2

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def oauth2(self):
        Authorizing using synchronized invocation of OAuth2.

        Users need to collect the code in the browser's address bar to this client.
        callback_url MUST be the same one you set when you apply for an app in openSNS platform.
        logger.info("Try to authenticate '%s' using OAuth2", self.jsonconf.channel_name)

示例14: reply

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def reply(self, statusID, text):
        '''reply to a status

           * parameter text: the comment text
           * return: success or not
        ret = self.tencent_request("t/reply", "POST", content=text, reid=statusID.reid)
        if(ret['msg'] == "ok"):
            return True
        logger.info("Reply '%s' to status '%s' fail: %s", text, self.jsonconf.channel_name, ret)
        return ret

示例15: reply

# 需要导入模块: from snslog import SNSLog [as 别名]
# 或者: from snslog.SNSLog import info [as 别名]
    def reply(self, statusID, text):
        """reply to a status

           * parameter text: the comment text
           * return: success or not
            ret = self.weibo_request("comments/create", "POST", {"id": statusID.id, "comment": text})
            return True
        except Exception as e:
            logger.info("Reply '%s' to status '%s' fail: %s", text, self.jsonconf.channel_name, e)
            return False
