本文整理汇总了Python中smc_firewall.cmd函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cmd函数的具体用法?Python cmd怎么用?Python cmd使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: create_data_snapshot
def create_data_snapshot(self, node, prefix, zone='us-central1-c', devel=False):
Snapshot the data disk on the given machine. Typically used for
backing up very important data.
zone = self.expand_zone(zone)
instance_name = self.instance_name(node, prefix, zone, devel=devel)
info = json.loads(cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'describe',
instance_name, '--zone', zone, '--format=json'], verbose=0))
errors = []
for disk in info['disks']:
if disk.get('boot', False):
src = disk['deviceName']
if 'swap' in src: continue
target = 'data-%s-%s'%(src, time.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT))
log("%s --> %s", src, target)
cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'disks', 'snapshot',
'--project', self.project,
'--snapshot-names', target,
'--zone', zone], system=True)
except Exception, mesg:
log("WARNING: issue making snapshot %s -- %s", target, mesg)
示例2: create_data_snapshot
def create_data_snapshot(self, node, prefix, zone='us-central1-c', devel=False):
Snapshot the data disk on the given machine. Typically used for
backing up very important data.
zone = self.expand_zone(zone)
instance_name = self.instance_name(node, prefix, zone, devel=devel)
info = json.loads(cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'describe',
instance_name, '--zone', zone, '--format=json'], verbose=0))
errors = []
for disk in info['disks']:
# ignore boot disks (would be True)
if disk.get('boot', False):
# ignore read-only disks (like for globally mounted data volumes)
# they would be snapshotted manually
if disk.get('mode', 'READ_WRITE') == 'READ_ONLY':
src = disk['source'].split('/')[-1]
if 'swap' in src: continue
if 'tmp' in src: continue
target = 'data-%s-%s'%(src, time.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT))
log("%s --> %s", src, target)
cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'disks', 'snapshot',
'--project', self.project,
'--snapshot-names', target,
'--zone', zone], system=True)
except Exception, mesg:
log("WARNING: issue making snapshot %s -- %s", target, mesg)
示例3: start_cassandra
def start_cassandra():
services = admin.Services('conf/deploy_devel/', password='')
cmd("ln -sf %s/data/cassandra-0/logs/system.log %s/logs/cassandra.log"%(SALVUS_ROOT, os.environ['HOME']))
log("cassandra started")
log("waiting 30 seconds...")
import time; time.sleep(30)
示例4: setup_quota
def setup_quota():
log("quota packages")
cmd("sudo apt-get install -y libatlas3gf-base liblapack-dev quota quotatool linux-image-extra-virtual cgroup-lite cgmanager-utils cgroup-bin libpam-cgroup cgmanager cgmanager-utils cgroup-bin smem", system=True)
log("quota stuff")
cmd("echo 'LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs / ext4 defaults,usrquota 0 0' | sudo tee /etc/fstab")
cmd("sudo mount -o remount /")
log("initializing quota, which will take a while")
cmd("sudo quotacheck -fucm /")
cmd("sudo quotaon /")
示例5: delete_devel_instances
def delete_devel_instances(self):
for x in cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'list'], verbose=0).splitlines()[1:]:
v = x.split()
name = v[0]
if '-devel-' in name:
zone = v[1]
status = v[-1]
log("deleting devel instance: %s"%name)
cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'delete', '--zone', zone, name], system=True)
示例6: start_devel_instances
def start_devel_instances(self):
for x in cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'list']).splitlines()[1:]:
v = x.split()
name = v[0]
if '-devel-' in name:
zone = v[1]
status = v[-1]
if status == "TERMINATED":
log("starting %s"%name)
cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'start', '--zone', zone, name])
示例7: create_boot_snapshot
def create_boot_snapshot(self, node, prefix, zone='us-central1-c', devel=False):
Snapshot the boot disk on the give machine. Typically used for
replicating configuration.
zone = self.expand_zone(zone)
instance_name = self.instance_name(node, prefix, zone, devel=devel)
snapshot_name = "%s%s-%s"%(prefix, node, time.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT))
cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'disks', 'snapshot', '--project', self.project,
'--snapshot-names', snapshot_name,
'--zone', zone], system=True)
示例8: create_dev
def create_dev(self, node, zone='us-central1-c', machine_type='n1-standard-1', size=30, preemptible=True, address=''):
zone = self.expand_zone(zone)
name = self.instance_name(node=node, prefix='dev', zone=zone)
log("creating %sGB hard disk root filesystem image based on last smc snapshot", size)
cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', '--project', self.project, 'disks', 'create', name,
'--zone', zone, '--source-snapshot', self.newest_snapshot('smc'),
'--size', size, '--type', 'pd-standard'])
except Exception, mesg:
if 'already exists' not in str(mesg):
示例9: autostart
def autostart(self, instance):
Ensure that each instance in the input is running.
for x in cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'list'], verbose=0).splitlines()[1:]:
v = x.split()
if len(v) > 2 and v[-1] != 'RUNNING':
name = v[0]; zone = v[1]
for x in instance:
if name.startswith(x):
log("Starting %s... at %s", name, time.asctime())
cmd(' '.join(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'start', '--zone', zone, name]) + '&', system=True)
示例10: _create_storage_server
def _create_storage_server(self, node, zone, machine_type,
disk_size, network, devel):
zone = self.expand_zone(zone)
name = self.instance_name(node=node, prefix='storage', zone=zone, devel=devel)
disk_name = "%s-projects"%name
log("creating hard disk root filesystem image")
cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', '--project', self.project, 'disks', 'create', name,
'--zone', zone, '--source-snapshot', self.newest_snapshot('storage'),
'--type', 'pd-standard'])
except Exception, mesg:
if 'already exists' not in str(mesg):
示例11: devel_etc_hosts
def devel_etc_hosts(self):
hosts = []
for x in cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'list'], verbose=0).splitlines()[1:]:
v = x.split()
name = v[0]
if '-devel-' in name:
i = name.find('-devel')
hosts.append("%s %s %s"%(v[4], v[0], v[0][:i+6]))
if hosts:
print "\n".join(hosts)
x = open("/etc/hosts").readlines()
y = [a.strip() for a in x if '-devel-' not in a]
cmd("sudo cp -v /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.0 && sudo cp -v /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts", system=True)
示例12: _create_smc_server
def _create_smc_server(self, node, zone='us-central1-c', machine_type='n1-highmem-2',
disk_size=100, network='default', devel=False):
zone = self.expand_zone(zone)
name = self.instance_name(node=node, prefix='smc', zone=zone, devel=devel)
disk_name = "%s-cassandra"%name
log("creating hard disk root filesystem image")
cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', '--project', self.project, 'disks', 'create', name,
'--zone', zone, '--source-snapshot', self.newest_snapshot('smc'),
'--type', 'pd-standard'])
except Exception, mesg:
if 'already exists' not in str(mesg):
示例13: set_metadata
def set_metadata(self, prefix=''):
if not prefix:
for p in ['smc', 'compute', 'admin', 'storage']:
names = []
for x in cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'list']).splitlines()[1:]:
v = x.split()
if v[-1] != 'RUNNING':
name = v[0]
if name.startswith(prefix) and 'devel' not in name: #TODO
names = ' '.join(names)
cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'project-info', 'add-metadata', '--metadata', '%s-servers=%s'%(prefix, names)])
示例14: dev_instances
def dev_instances(self):
a = []
for x in cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'list']).splitlines()[1:]:
name = x.split()[0]
if name.startswith('dev'):
return a
示例15: compute_nodes
def compute_nodes(self, zone='us-central1-c'):
# names of the compute nodes in the given zone, with the zone postfix and compue prefix removed.
n = len("compute")
def f(name):
return name[n:name.rfind('-')]
info = json.loads(cmd(['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'list', '-r', '^compute.*', '--format=json'], verbose=0))
return [f(x['name']) for x in info if x['zone'] == zone and f(x['name'])]