本文整理汇总了Python中skylines.model.session.DBSession类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python DBSession类的具体用法?Python DBSession怎么用?Python DBSession使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: guess_model
def guess_model(self):
from skylines.model import Flight, AircraftModel
# first try to find the reg number in the database
if self.registration is not None:
glider_reg = self.registration
result = DBSession.query(Flight) \
.filter(func.upper(Flight.registration) == func.upper(glider_reg)) \
.order_by(desc(Flight.id)) \
if result and result.model_id:
return result.model_id
# try to find another flight with the same logger and use it's aircraft type
if (self.logger_id is not None
and self.logger_manufacturer_id is not None):
logger_id = self.logger_id
logger_manufacturer_id = self.logger_manufacturer_id
result = DBSession.query(Flight).outerjoin(IGCFile) \
.filter(func.upper(IGCFile.logger_manufacturer_id) == func.upper(logger_manufacturer_id)) \
.filter(func.upper(IGCFile.logger_id) == func.upper(logger_id)) \
.filter(Flight.model_id == None) \
if self.logger_manufacturer_id.startswith('X'):
result = result.filter(Flight.pilot == self.owner)
result = result.first()
if result and result.model_id:
return result.model_id
if self.model is not None:
glider_type = self.model.lower()
# otherwise, try to guess the glider model by the glider type igc header
text_fragments = ['%{}%'.format(v) for v in re.sub(r'[^a-z]', ' ', glider_type).split()]
digit_fragments = ['%{}%'.format(v) for v in re.sub(r'[^0-9]', ' ', glider_type).split()]
if not text_fragments and not digit_fragments:
return None
glider_type_clean = re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9]', '', glider_type)
result = DBSession \
.query(AircraftModel) \
func.regexp_replace(func.lower(AircraftModel.name), '[^a-z]', ' ').like(func.any(text_fragments)),
func.regexp_replace(func.lower(AircraftModel.name), '[^0-9]', ' ').like(func.all(digit_fragments)))) \
.order_by(func.levenshtein(func.regexp_replace(func.lower(AircraftModel.name), '[^a-z0-9]', ''), glider_type_clean))
if result.first():
return result.first().id
# nothing found
return None
示例2: create_follower_notification
def create_follower_notification(followed, follower):
Create notification for the followed pilot about his new follower
item = Notification(type=Notification.NT_FOLLOWER,
示例3: get_info
def get_info(cls, location):
'''Returns a query object of mountain waves around the location'''
return DBSession.query(cls) \
cast(WKTElement(location.to_wkt(), srid=4326), Geography),
cast(cls.location, Geography),
示例4: get_clustered_locations
def get_clustered_locations(location_column,
threshold_radius=1000, filter=None):
SELECT ST_Centroid(
takeoff_location_wkt::geography, 1000
).geom) FROM flights WHERE pilot_id=31;
# Cast the takeoff_location_wkt column to Geography
geography = cast(location_column, Geography)
# Add a metric buffer zone around the locations
buffer = cast(geography.ST_Buffer(threshold_radius), Geometry)
# Join the locations into one MultiPolygon
union = buffer.ST_Union()
# Split the MultiPolygon into separate polygons
dump = union.ST_Dump().geom
# Calculate center points of each polygon
locations = func.ST_Centroid(dump)
query = DBSession.query(locations.label('location'))
if filter is not None:
query = query.filter(filter)
return [Location.from_wkb(row.location) for row in query]
示例5: get_optimised_contest_trace
def get_optimised_contest_trace(self, contest_type, trace_type):
from skylines.model.trace import Trace
query = DBSession.query(Trace) \
.filter(Trace.contest_type == contest_type) \
.filter(Trace.trace_type == trace_type) \
.filter(Trace.flight == self).first()
return query
示例6: mark_all_read
def mark_all_read(cls, user, filter_func=None):
query = DBSession.query(cls) \
.filter(cls.recipient == user)
if filter_func is not None:
query = filter_func(query)
示例7: by_location
def by_location(cls, location):
location = func.ST_MakePoint(location.longitude, location.latitude)
filter = functions.gcontains(cls.the_geom, location)
zone = DBSession.query(cls.tzid).filter(filter).scalar()
if zone is None:
return None
return timezone(unicode(zone))
示例8: by_location
def by_location(cls, location, distance_threshold = 0.025):
airport = DBSession.query(cls, functions.distance(cls.location_wkt, location.to_wkt()).label('distance'))\
.order_by(functions.distance(cls.location_wkt, location.to_wkt())).first()
if airport is not None and (distance_threshold is None or
airport.distance < distance_threshold):
return airport.Airport
return None
示例9: create_flight_notifications
def create_flight_notifications(flight):
Create notifications for the followers of the owner and pilots of the flight
# Create list of flight-related users
senders = [flight.pilot_id, flight.co_pilot_id, flight.igc_file.owner_id]
senders = OrderedDict([(s, None) for s in senders if s is not None])
# Request followers/recipients of the flight-related users from the DB
followers = DBSession.query(Follower.source_id, Follower.destination_id) \
.filter(Follower.destination_id.in_(senders.keys())) \
# Determine the recipients and their most important sender
recipients = dict()
# For each flight-related user in decreasing importance ..
for sender in senders.keys():
# For each of his followers
for follower in followers:
if follower.destination_id != sender:
# Don't send notifications to the senders if they follow each other
if follower.source_id in senders:
# If the recipient/follower is not registered
# yet by a more important sender
if follower.source_id not in recipients:
# Register the recipient with the sender's id
recipients[follower.source_id] = sender
# Create notifications for the recipients
for recipient, sender in recipients.iteritems():
item = Notification(type=Notification.NT_FLIGHT,
示例10: by_location
def by_location(cls, location, distance_threshold=0.025):
location = WKTElement(location.to_wkt(), srid=4326)
distance = func.ST_Distance(cls.location_wkt, location)
airport = DBSession.query(cls, distance.label('distance')) \
if airport is not None and (distance_threshold is None or
airport.distance < distance_threshold):
return airport.Airport
return None
示例11: create_flight_comment_notifications
def create_flight_comment_notifications(comment):
Create notifications for the owner and pilots of the flight
# Create list of potential recipients (using Set to avoid duplicates)
recipients = Set([comment.flight.igc_file.owner,
# Create notifications for the recipients in the Set
for recipient in recipients:
# There is no need to notify the user that caused the notification
if recipient is None or recipient == comment.user:
item = Notification(type=Notification.NT_FLIGHT_COMMENT,
示例12: get_requested_record_list
def get_requested_record_list(model, ids, **kw):
"""Similar to get_requested_record(), but expects a
comma-separated list of ids, and returns a list of (unique)
ids = _parse_id_list(ids)
q = DBSession.query(model).filter(model.id.in_(ids))
q = _patch_query(q, **kw)
records = {record.id: record for record in q}
if len(records) != len(ids):
raise HTTPNotFound(
detail=_('Sorry, {num_missing} of the requested records ({ids}) do not exist in our database.')
.format(num_missing=(len(ids) - len(records)), ids=ids))
return [records[id] for id in ids]
示例13: setUp
def setUp(self):
"""Prepare model test fixture."""
new_attrs = {}
self.obj = self.klass(**new_attrs)
return self.obj
示例14: get_requested_record
def get_requested_record(model, id, **kw):
"""Look up a record with the id (string) specified by a remote
client. Aborts the current request if the id is malformed or if
the record does not exist."""
id = int(id)
except ValueError:
raise HTTPNotFound(detail=_('Sorry, the record id ({id}) that you '
'requested is not a valid id.').format(id=id))
q = DBSession.query(model)
q = _patch_query(q, **kw)
record = q.get(id)
if record is None:
raise HTTPNotFound(detail=_('Sorry, there is no such record ({id}) in '
'our database.').format(id=id))
return record
示例15: document
def document(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Render the error document"""
# Merge the user into the current DBSession
# to prevent DetachedInstanceError
if request.identity is not None:
request.identity['user'] = DBSession.merge(request.identity['user'])
resp = request.environ.get('pylons.original_response')
if resp is None:
raise HTTPNotFound
match = re.search(re_message, resp.body)
if match is not None:
default_message = '<p>{}</p>'.format(match.group(1).strip())
default_message = ("<p>We're sorry but we weren't able to process "
" this request.</p>")
values = dict(prefix=request.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', ''),
code=request.params.get('code', resp.status_int),
message=request.params.get('message', default_message))
return values