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Python string_utils.indent函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中skrutil.string_utils.indent函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python indent函数的具体用法?Python indent怎么用?Python indent使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __native_constructor_with_variable

 def __native_constructor_with_variable(self):
     space_str = ''
     native_constructor = indent(4) + 'private native long nativeCreate{0}('.format(self.__class_name)
     for space_index in range(0, len(indent(4) + 'private native long nativeCreate{0}('.format(self.__class_name))):
         space_str += ' '
     for index in range(0, len(self.__java_var_list)):
         java_var = self.__java_var_list[index]
         java_var_type = java_var.var_type
         if index == 0:
             if java_var_type == VarType.cpp_enum:
                 native_constructor += 'int {0},\n'.format(java_var.name_str)
             elif java_var_type == VarType.cpp_string_array:
                 native_constructor += 'String[] {0},\n'.format(java_var.name_str)
                 native_constructor += '{0} {1},\n'.format(java_var.var_type.to_java_getter_setter_string(), java_var.name_str)
             if java_var_type == VarType.cpp_enum:
                 native_constructor += space_str + 'int {0},\n'.format(java_var.name_str)
             elif java_var_type == VarType.cpp_string_array:
                 native_constructor += space_str + 'String[] {0},\n'.format(java_var.name_str)
                 native_constructor += space_str + '{0} {1},\n'.format(java_var.var_type.to_java_getter_setter_string(), java_var.name_str)
     native_constructor = native_constructor[:-2]
     native_constructor += ');' + _JAVA_BR
     return native_constructor

示例2: __constructor_with_variable

 def __constructor_with_variable(self):
     constructor = indent(4) + 'public {0}('.format(self.__class_name)
     space = len(indent(4) + 'public {0}('.format(self.__class_name))
     space_str = ''
     for space_index in range(0, space):
         space_str += ' '
     for index in range(0, len(self.__java_var_list)):
         java_var = self.__java_var_list[index]
         java_var_type = java_var.var_type
         if index == 0:
             if java_var_type == VarType.cpp_enum:
                 constructor += '{0} {1},\n'.format(java_var.java_enum, java_var.name_str)
             elif java_var_type == VarType.cpp_string_array:
                 constructor += 'String[] {0},\n'.format(java_var.name_str)
                 constructor += '{0} {1},\n'.format(java_var.var_type.to_java_getter_setter_string(), java_var.name_str)
             if java_var_type == VarType.cpp_enum:
                 constructor += space_str + '{0} {1},\n'.format(java_var.java_enum, java_var.name_str)
             elif java_var_type == VarType.cpp_string_array:
                 constructor += space_str + 'String[] {0},\n'.format(java_var.name_str)
                 constructor += space_str + '{0} {1},\n'.format(java_var.var_type.to_java_getter_setter_string(), java_var.name_str)
     constructor = constructor[:-2]
     constructor += '){\n'
     constructor += indent(2) + 'mNativeHandler = nativeCreate{0}('.format(self.__class_name)
     for java_var in self.__java_var_list:
         if java_var.var_type == VarType.cpp_enum:
             constructor += java_var.name_str + '.getValue(), '
             constructor += java_var.name_str + ', '
     constructor = constructor[:-2]
     constructor += ');\n'
     constructor += indent(4) + '}' + _JAVA_BR
     return constructor

示例3: __http_function

 def __http_function(self, api):
     http_function = indent(4) + 'public void ' + string_utils.first_char_to_lower(api.function_name)
     input_variable = self.__input_variable_declarations(api.input_var_list)
     http_function += '({0}{1}response){{\n'\
         .format(input_variable, self.__variable_type_from_var_list(api.output_var_list))
     http_function += indent(8) + 'm{0}Response'.format(api.function_name) + ' = response;\n'
     for variable in api.input_var_list:
         if variable.var_type == VarType.cpp_enum:
             http_function += indent(8) + 'int {0} = {1}.getValue();\n'\
                 .format(variable.name_str + "_int", variable.name_str)
         if variable.var_type == VarType.cpp_object:
             http_function += indent(8) + 'long {0} = {1}.getNativeHandler();\n'\
                 .format(variable.name_str + '_handler', variable.name_str)
         if variable.var_type == VarType.cpp_object_array:
             http_function += indent(8) + 'long[] {0} = new long[{1}.size()];\n'\
                 .format(variable.name_str + '_handler', variable.name_str)
             http_function += indent(8) + 'for (int i = 0; i < {0}.size(); i++){{\n'.format(variable.name_str)
             http_function += indent(12) + '{0}[i] = {1}.get(i).getNativeHandler();\n'\
                 .format(variable.name_str + '_handler', variable.name_str)
             http_function += indent(8) + '}'
     input_variable_call = self.__input_variable_call(api.input_var_list)
     http_function += indent(8) + 'native{0}(mNativeHandler{1});\n'\
         .format(api.function_name, input_variable_call)
     http_function += indent(4) + "}"
     return http_function

示例4: generate_fetch_native

    def generate_fetch_native(self):
        """Gets fetch method JNI part implementation code. Paris with <generate_fetch>.

            Implementation of JNI part of fetch methods.
        fetch_function = ''
        for fetch_command in self.__fetch_commands:
            by_list = []
            if fetch_command.where != '':
                by_list = re.split(',', fetch_command.where)

            if fetch_command.alias != '':
                fetch_fun_name_native = fetch_command.alias
            elif not fetch_command.is_plural:
                fetch_fun_name_native = 'Fetch{0}FromCache'.format(self.__object_name)
                fetch_fun_name_native = 'Fetch{0}FromCache'.format(self.__plural_object_name)

            if not fetch_command.is_plural:
                if len(by_list) == 0:
                    skr_log_warning('Singular often comes with at least one by parameter')
                fetch_function += indent(4) + 'private native long native' + fetch_fun_name_native
                fetch_function += self.__convert_bys_to_string(by_list, True, False) + ';' + _JAVA_BR
                fetch_function += indent(4) + 'private native long[] native' + fetch_fun_name_native
                fetch_function += self.__convert_bys_to_string(by_list, True, False) + ';' + _JAVA_BR
        return fetch_function

示例5: __manager_http_implementation

    def __manager_http_implementation(self, api_description):
        capture_parameters = ''
        input_parameters = ''
        for input_var in api_description.input_var_list:
            input_parameters += input_var.name + ', '

            if input_var.capture:
                capture_parameters += input_var.name + ', '

        output_callback_parameters = ''
        output_parameters = '(bool success, const std::string &error'
        if len(api_description.output_var_list) > 0:
            for output_var in api_description.output_var_list:
                output_parameters += ', '
                output_parameters += output_var.to_set_description_string()

                output_callback_parameters += ', '
                output_callback_parameters += output_var.to_move_string()
        output_parameters += ')'

        impl = string_utils.indent(2) + 'WebApi::Api()->{0}({1}[{3}this, callback]{2} {{\n'.format(api_description.name, input_parameters, output_parameters, capture_parameters)
        impl += string_utils.indent(4) + 'if (success) {\n'

        for output_var in api_description.output_var_list:
            impl += self.__cpp_cache_by_cache_description_name(output_var.cache_desc, output_var.name)

        for extra in api_description.extra_list:
            impl += self.__cpp_cache_by_cache_description_name(extra)

        impl += string_utils.indent(4) + '}\n'
        impl += string_utils.indent(4) + 'callback(success, error{0});\n'.format(output_callback_parameters)
        impl += string_utils.indent(2) + '});'

        return impl

示例6: getter

    def getter(self):
        """Getter method using JNI.

        New development should use <getter_v2>.

            Java getter method using JNI. For example:

            public int getPosition() {
                return nativeGetPosition(mNativeHandler);
        function_str = ''
        if self.__var_type == VarType.cpp_bool:
            function_str += indent(1) + 'public {0} is{1}() {{\n'\
                .format(self.__var_type.to_java_getter_setter_string(), self.__title_style_name)
            function_str += indent(2) + 'return nativeIs{0}(mNativeHandler);\n'.format(self.__title_style_name)
            function_str += indent(1) + '}'
        elif self.__var_type == VarType.cpp_string_array:
            function_str += self.__to_get_list_of_string_implementation()
        elif self.__var_type == VarType.cpp_enum:
            function_str += indent(1) + 'public {0} get{1}() {{\n'.format(self.__java_enum, self.__title_style_name)
            function_str += indent(2) + 'return {0}.get{0}ByValue(nativeGet{1}(mNativeHandler));\n'\
                .format(self.__java_enum, self.__title_style_name)
            function_str += indent(1) + '}'
            function_str += indent(1) + 'public {0} get{1}() {{\n'.\
                format(self.__var_type.to_java_getter_setter_string(), self.__title_style_name)
            function_str += indent(2) + 'return nativeGet{0}(mNativeHandler);\n'.format(self.__title_style_name)
            function_str += indent(1) + '}'
        return function_str

示例7: generate_constructor_implementation

 def generate_constructor_implementation(self):
     impl = '- (instancetype)init {\n'
     impl += string_utils.indent(2)
     impl += 'if (self = [super init]) {\n'
     impl += string_utils.indent(4)
     impl += '_coreManagerHandler = lesschat::{0}Manager::DefaultManager();\n'.format(self.object_name)
     impl += string_utils.indent(2)
     impl += '}\n'
     impl += string_utils.indent(2)
     impl += 'return self;\n'
     impl += '}'
     return impl

示例8: generate_java

    def generate_java(self):
        """Gets Java with JNI implementation. The class inherits from |CoreObject| which means invoker should release
         the object himself/herself by calling |CoreObject.dispose()|.

         New development should use <generate_java_v2> instead.

            A string which is the class implementation.
        file_name = self.__class_name + '.java'
        file_path = 'build/com/lesschat/core/' + self.__group_name + '/' + file_name
        output_java = open(file_path, 'w')

        java_package = 'package com.lesschat.core.' + self.__group_name + ';'

        output_java.write(java_package + _JAVA_BR)

        java_import = 'import android.os.Parcel;\n'
        java_import += 'import android.os.Parcelable;' + _JAVA_BR
        java_import += 'import com.lesschat.core.jni.CoreObject;' + _JAVA_BR
        java_import += 'import java.util.ArrayList;\n'
        java_import += 'import java.util.Arrays;\n'
        if self.__class_name != 'List':
            java_import += 'import java.util.List;'

        java_class_start = 'public class ' + self.__class_name + ' extends CoreObject implements Parcelable {'
        java_class_end = '}'

        output_java.write(java_import + _JAVA_BR)
        output_java.write(java_class_start + _JAVA_BR)

        output_java.write(indent(4) + '@Override\n')
        output_java.write(indent(4) + 'public void dispose() {\n')
        output_java.write(indent(2) + 'nativeRelease{0}(mNativeHandler);\n'.format(self.__class_name))
        output_java.write(indent(4) + '}' + _JAVA_BR)

        for java_enum in self.__java_enum_list:
            output_java.write(java_enum.generate_java_enum(_JAVA_SPACE) + '\n')

        for java_var in self.__java_var_list:
            output_java.write(java_var.getter() + _JAVA_BR)

        output_java.write(indent(4) + 'private native void nativeRelease{0}(long handler);'.format(self.__class_name) + _JAVA_BR)

        for java_var in self.__java_var_list:
            output_java.write(java_var.native_getter() + _JAVA_BR)


示例9: __http_function_response_v2

 def __http_function_response_v2(self, api):
     http_function_response = indent(4) + 'public void on{0}(boolean success, String error{1}){{\n' \
         .format(api.function_name, self.__output_variable_declaration_v2(api.output_var_list))
     http_function_response += indent(8) + 'if (m{0}Response == null){{\n'.format(api.function_name)
     http_function_response += indent(12) + 'return;\n'
     http_function_response += indent(8) + '}\n'
     http_function_response += indent(8) + 'if (success){\n'
     http_function_response += indent(12) + 'm{0}Response.onSuccess({1});\n' \
         .format(api.function_name, self.__output_variable_call(api.output_var_list))
     http_function_response += indent(8) + '} else {\n'
     http_function_response += indent(12) + 'm{0}Response.onFailure(error);\n'.format(api.function_name)
     http_function_response += indent(8) + '}\n'
     http_function_response += indent(4) + '}'
     return http_function_response

示例10: objc_form_cpp_parameter

 def objc_form_cpp_parameter(self, indent):
     objc_code = ''
     if self.var_type == VarType.cpp_object_array:
         objc_code += string_utils.indent(indent)
         objc_code += 'NSMutableArray *{0} = [NSMutableArray array];\n'.format(self.__objc_name())
         objc_code += string_utils.indent(indent)
         objc_code += 'for (auto it = core{0}.begin(); it != core{0}.end(); ++it) {{\n'.format(self.to_title_style_name())
         objc_code += string_utils.indent(2 + indent)
         objc_code += '[{0} addObject:[LCC{1} {2}WithCore{1}:**it]];\n'.format(self.__objc_name(), self.var_type.object_class_name, string_utils.first_char_to_lower(self.var_type.object_class_name))
         objc_code += string_utils.indent(indent)
         objc_code += '}'
     elif self.var_type == VarType.cpp_object:
         objc_code += string_utils.indent(indent)
         objc_code += 'LCC{0} *{1} = [LCC{0} {1}WithCore{0}:*core{0}];'.format(self.var_type.object_class_name, self.__objc_name())
     return objc_code

示例11: __constructors

    def __constructors(self):
        """Java class constructor with native handler as parameter.

            A string which is the implementation of the constructor. For example:

            public Task(long nativeHandler) {
                mNativeHandler = nativeHandler;
        constructor = indent(4) + 'public {0}() {{ \n        mNativeHandler = nativeCreate{0}(); \n    }}'\
            .format(self.__class_name) + _JAVA_BR
        constructor += indent(4) + 'public {0}(long nativeHandler) {{\n'.format(self.__class_name)
        constructor += indent(2) + 'mNativeHandler = nativeHandler;\n'
        constructor += indent(4) + '}\n\n'
        return constructor

示例12: generate_web_api_implementations

    def generate_web_api_implementations(self, config):
        """Generates Objective-C++ web api implementations.

            config: A <Config> object represents user-defined info.

            A string which is Objective-C++ web api implementations.
        impl = ''
        for api in self.apis:
            impl += self.__web_api_declaration(api, config)
            impl += ' {\n'
            impl += string_utils.indent(2)
            impl += '_coreManagerHandler->\n'
            impl += string_utils.indent(2)
            impl += api.alias + '('
            for input_var in api.input_var_list:
                impl += input_var.cast_to_cpp_parameter()
                impl += ', '
            impl += '[successBlock, failureBlock](bool success, const std::string& errorUTF8String'
            for output_var in api.output_var_list:
                impl += ', {0}'.format(output_var.objc_wrapper_from_cpp_parameter(config))
            impl += ') {\n'
            impl += string_utils.indent(4)
            impl += 'if (success) {\n'
            for output_var in api.output_var_list:
                impl += output_var.objc_form_cpp_parameter(6, config)
                impl += _OBJC_BR

            impl += string_utils.indent(6)
            impl += 'successBlock('

            for i, output_var in enumerate(api.output_var_list):
                if i != 0:
                    impl += ', '
                impl += string_utils.to_objc_property_name(output_var.name)

            impl += ');\n'
            impl += string_utils.indent(4)
            impl += '} else {\n'
            impl += string_utils.indent(6)
            impl += 'NSString *error = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:errorUTF8String.c_str()];\n'
            impl += string_utils.indent(6)
            impl += 'failureBlock({0}(error));\n'.format(config.objc_error_method)
            impl += string_utils.indent(4)
            impl += '}\n'
            impl += string_utils.indent(2)
            impl += '});\n}'
            impl += _OBJC_BR
        return impl

示例13: __to_get_list_of_string_implementation

 def __to_get_list_of_string_implementation(self):
     function = indent(1) + 'public List<String> get{0}() {{\n'.format(self.__title_style_name)
     function += indent(2) + 'String[] strs = nativeGet{0}(mNativeHandler);\n'.format(self.__title_style_name)
     function += indent(2) + 'if (strs == null) {\n'
     function += indent(3) + 'return new ArrayList<String>();\n'
     function += indent(2) + '}\n'
     function += indent(2) + 'List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(strs));\n'
     function += indent(2) + 'return list;\n'
     function += indent(1) + "}"
     return function

示例14: native_getter

    def native_getter(self):
        """Gets Java native getter.

            Java native getter. For example:

            private native String nativeGetTaskId(long handler);
        if self.__var_type == VarType.cpp_bool:
            return indent(1) + 'private native {0} nativeIs{1}(long handler);'.format(
                self.__var_type.to_java_getter_setter_string(), self.__title_style_name)
        elif self.__var_type == VarType.cpp_string_array:
            return indent(1) + 'private native String[] nativeGet{0}(long handler);'.format(self.__title_style_name)
        elif self.__var_type == VarType.cpp_enum:
            return indent(1) + 'private native int nativeGet{0}(long handler);'.format(self.__title_style_name)
            return indent(1) + 'private native {0} nativeGet{1}(long handler);'.format(

示例15: __constructors_v2

    def __constructors_v2(self):
        """Java class constructor with all fields as parameters.

            A string which is the implementation of the constructor. For example:

            /*package*/ File(String fileId,
                             @File.Type int type,
                             @File.Visibility int visibility,
                             @File.Belong int belong,
                             @File.FolderPermissionSetting int folderPermissionSetting,
                             String createdBy,
                             long createdAt,
                             String updatedBy,
                             long updatedAt) {
                             mFileId = fileId;
                             ... Remainder omitted...
        package_class = indent(4) + '/*package*/ {0}'.format(self.__class_name)
        num_line_indent = len(package_class) + 1

        if len(self.__java_var_list) > 1:
            first_var = self.__java_var_list[0].input_parameter_name()
            constructor = '{0}({1},\n'.format(package_class, first_var)
            for var in self.__java_var_list:
                if first_var == var.input_parameter_name():
                constructor += indent(num_line_indent) + '{0},'.format(var.input_parameter_name()) + '\n'
            constructor = constructor[:-2]  # remove break line and last comma
        elif len(self.__java_var_list) == 1:
            first_var = self.__java_var_list[0].input_parameter_name()
            constructor = '{0}({1})'.format(package_class, first_var)
            constructor = '{0}()'.format(package_class)

        constructor += ') {\n'

        for var in self.__java_var_list:
            constructor += indent(8) + var.assignment() + '\n'
        constructor += indent(4) + '}'

        return constructor
