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Python extmath._incremental_mean_and_var函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sklearn.utils.extmath._incremental_mean_and_var函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python _incremental_mean_and_var函数的具体用法?Python _incremental_mean_and_var怎么用?Python _incremental_mean_and_var使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_incremental_variance_ddof

def test_incremental_variance_ddof():
    # Test that degrees of freedom parameter for calculations are correct.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(1999)
    X = rng.randn(50, 10)
    n_samples, n_features = X.shape
    for batch_size in [11, 20, 37]:
        steps = np.arange(0, X.shape[0], batch_size)
        if steps[-1] != X.shape[0]:
            steps = np.hstack([steps, n_samples])

        for i, j in zip(steps[:-1], steps[1:]):
            batch = X[i:j, :]
            if i == 0:
                incremental_means = batch.mean(axis=0)
                incremental_variances = batch.var(axis=0)
                # Assign this twice so that the test logic is consistent
                incremental_count = batch.shape[0]
                sample_count = batch.shape[0]
                result = _incremental_mean_and_var(
                    batch, incremental_means, incremental_variances,
                (incremental_means, incremental_variances,
                 incremental_count) = result
                sample_count += batch.shape[0]

            calculated_means = np.mean(X[:j], axis=0)
            calculated_variances = np.var(X[:j], axis=0)
            assert_almost_equal(incremental_means, calculated_means, 6)
                                calculated_variances, 6)
            assert_equal(incremental_count, sample_count)

示例2: test_incremental_mean_and_variance_ignore_nan

def test_incremental_mean_and_variance_ignore_nan():
    old_means = np.array([535., 535., 535., 535.])
    old_variances = np.array([4225., 4225., 4225., 4225.])
    old_sample_count = np.array([2, 2, 2, 2], dtype=np.int32)

    X = np.array([[170, 170, 170, 170],
                  [430, 430, 430, 430],
                  [300, 300, 300, 300]])

    X_nan = np.array([[170, np.nan, 170, 170],
                      [np.nan, 170, 430, 430],
                      [430, 430, np.nan, 300],
                      [300, 300, 300, np.nan]])

    X_means, X_variances, X_count = _incremental_mean_and_var(
        X, old_means, old_variances, old_sample_count)
    X_nan_means, X_nan_variances, X_nan_count = _incremental_mean_and_var(
        X_nan, old_means, old_variances, old_sample_count)

    assert_allclose(X_nan_means, X_means)
    assert_allclose(X_nan_variances, X_variances)
    assert_allclose(X_nan_count, X_count)

示例3: test_incremental_variance_update_formulas

def test_incremental_variance_update_formulas():
    # Test Youngs and Cramer incremental variance formulas.
    # Doggie data from http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/standard-deviation.html
    A = np.array([[600, 470, 170, 430, 300],
                  [600, 470, 170, 430, 300],
                  [600, 470, 170, 430, 300],
                  [600, 470, 170, 430, 300]]).T
    idx = 2
    X1 = A[:idx, :]
    X2 = A[idx:, :]

    old_means = X1.mean(axis=0)
    old_variances = X1.var(axis=0)
    old_sample_count = X1.shape[0]
    final_means, final_variances, final_count = \
        _incremental_mean_and_var(X2, old_means, old_variances,
    assert_almost_equal(final_means, A.mean(axis=0), 6)
    assert_almost_equal(final_variances, A.var(axis=0), 6)
    assert_almost_equal(final_count, A.shape[0])

示例4: test_incremental_variance_numerical_stability

def test_incremental_variance_numerical_stability():
    # Test Youngs and Cramer incremental variance formulas.

    def np_var(A):
        return A.var(axis=0)

    # Naive one pass variance computation - not numerically stable
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance
    def one_pass_var(X):
        n = X.shape[0]
        exp_x2 = (X ** 2).sum(axis=0) / n
        expx_2 = (X.sum(axis=0) / n) ** 2
        return exp_x2 - expx_2

    # Two-pass algorithm, stable.
    # We use it as a benchmark. It is not an online algorithm
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Two-pass_algorithm
    def two_pass_var(X):
        mean = X.mean(axis=0)
        Y = X.copy()
        return np.mean((Y - mean)**2, axis=0)

    # Naive online implementation
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Online_algorithm
    # This works only for chunks for size 1
    def naive_mean_variance_update(x, last_mean, last_variance,
        updated_sample_count = (last_sample_count + 1)
        samples_ratio = last_sample_count / float(updated_sample_count)
        updated_mean = x / updated_sample_count + last_mean * samples_ratio
        updated_variance = last_variance * samples_ratio + \
            (x - last_mean) * (x - updated_mean) / updated_sample_count
        return updated_mean, updated_variance, updated_sample_count

    # We want to show a case when one_pass_var has error > 1e-3 while
    # _batch_mean_variance_update has less.
    tol = 200
    n_features = 2
    n_samples = 10000
    x1 = np.array(1e8, dtype=np.float64)
    x2 = np.log(1e-5, dtype=np.float64)
    A0 = x1 * np.ones((n_samples // 2, n_features), dtype=np.float64)
    A1 = x2 * np.ones((n_samples // 2, n_features), dtype=np.float64)
    A = np.vstack((A0, A1))

    # Older versions of numpy have different precision
    # In some old version, np.var is not stable
    if np.abs(np_var(A) - two_pass_var(A)).max() < 1e-6:
        stable_var = np_var
        stable_var = two_pass_var

    # Naive one pass var: >tol (=1063)
    assert_greater(np.abs(stable_var(A) - one_pass_var(A)).max(), tol)

    # Starting point for online algorithms: after A0

    # Naive implementation: >tol (436)
    mean, var, n = A0[0, :], np.zeros(n_features), n_samples // 2
    for i in range(A1.shape[0]):
        mean, var, n = \
            naive_mean_variance_update(A1[i, :], mean, var, n)
    assert_equal(n, A.shape[0])
    # the mean is also slightly unstable
    assert_greater(np.abs(A.mean(axis=0) - mean).max(), 1e-6)
    assert_greater(np.abs(stable_var(A) - var).max(), tol)

    # Robust implementation: <tol (177)
    mean, var, n = A0[0, :], np.zeros(n_features), n_samples // 2
    for i in range(A1.shape[0]):
        mean, var, n = \
            _incremental_mean_and_var(A1[i, :].reshape((1, A1.shape[1])),
                                      mean, var, n)
    assert_equal(n, A.shape[0])
    assert_array_almost_equal(A.mean(axis=0), mean)
    assert_greater(tol, np.abs(stable_var(A) - var).max())

示例5: partial_fit

  def partial_fit(self, X, y=None, check_input=True):
    """Incremental fit with X. All of X is processed as a single batch.

    X: array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and
        n_features is the number of features.

    self: object
        Returns the instance itself.
    # ====== check the samples and cahces ====== #
    if isinstance(X, Data):
      X = X[:]
    if check_input:
      X = check_array(X, copy=self.copy, dtype=[np.float64, np.float32])
    n_samples, n_features = X.shape
    # check number of components
    if self.n_components is None:
      self.n_components_ = n_features
    elif not 1 <= self.n_components <= n_features:
      raise ValueError("n_components=%r invalid for n_features=%d, need "
                       "more rows than columns for IncrementalPCA "
                       "processing" % (self.n_components, n_features))
      self.n_components_ = self.n_components
    # check the cache
    if n_samples < n_features or self._nb_cached_samples > 0:
      self._nb_cached_samples += n_samples
      # not enough samples yet
      if self._nb_cached_samples < n_features:
      else: # group mini batch into big batch
        X = np.concatenate(self._cache_batches, axis=0)
        self._cache_batches = []
        self._nb_cached_samples = 0
    n_samples = X.shape[0]
    # ====== fit the model ====== #
    if (self.components_ is not None) and (self.components_.shape[0] !=
      raise ValueError("Number of input features has changed from %i "
                       "to %i between calls to partial_fit! Try "
                       "setting n_components to a fixed value." %
                       (self.components_.shape[0], self.n_components_))
    # Update stats - they are 0 if this is the fisrt step
    col_mean, col_var, n_total_samples = \
        _incremental_mean_and_var(X, last_mean=self.mean_,
    total_var = np.sum(col_var * n_total_samples)
    if total_var == 0: # if variance == 0, make no sense to continue
      return self
    # Whitening
    if self.n_samples_seen_ == 0:
      # If it is the first step, simply whiten X
      X -= col_mean
      col_batch_mean = np.mean(X, axis=0)
      X -= col_batch_mean
      # Build matrix of combined previous basis and new data
      mean_correction = \
          np.sqrt((self.n_samples_seen_ * n_samples) /
                  n_total_samples) * (self.mean_ - col_batch_mean)
      X = np.vstack((self.singular_values_.reshape((-1, 1)) *
                    self.components_, X, mean_correction))

    U, S, V = linalg.svd(X, full_matrices=False)
    U, V = svd_flip(U, V, u_based_decision=False)
    explained_variance = S ** 2 / n_total_samples
    explained_variance_ratio = S ** 2 / total_var

    self.n_samples_seen_ = n_total_samples
    self.components_ = V[:self.n_components_]
    self.singular_values_ = S[:self.n_components_]
    self.mean_ = col_mean
    self.var_ = col_var
    self.explained_variance_ = explained_variance[:self.n_components_]
    self.explained_variance_ratio_ = \
    if self.n_components_ < n_features:
      self.noise_variance_ = \
      self.noise_variance_ = 0.
    return self
