本文整理汇总了Python中skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python rescale_intensity函数的具体用法?Python rescale_intensity怎么用?Python rescale_intensity使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: autolevels
def autolevels(image,minPercent=2,maxPercent=98,funcName='mean',perChannel=False):
Rescale intensity of an image. For RGB images, the new limits are calculated
per channel and then mean or median of these limits are applied to the whole
image (if perChannel option is False).
# dictionary of functions
funcs = {'mean':np.mean,'median':np.median,'min':np.min,'max':np.max}
# calculate percentiles (returns 3 values for RGB pictures or vectors, 1 for grayscale images)
if image.shape[1] == 3:
pMin,pMax = np.percentile(image,(minPercent, maxPercent),axis=0)
pMin,pMax = np.percentile(image,(minPercent, maxPercent),axis=(0,1))
# Apply normalisation
if not perChannel: # finds new min and max using selected function applied to all channels
newMin = funcs[funcName](pMin)
newMax = funcs[funcName](pMax)
auto = exposure.rescale_intensity(image,in_range=(newMin,newMax))
else: # applies a rescale on each channel separately
r_channel = exposure.rescale_intensity(image[:,:,0], in_range=(pMin[0],pMax[0]))
g_channel = exposure.rescale_intensity(image[:,:,1], in_range=(pMin[1],pMax[1]))
b_channel = exposure.rescale_intensity(image[:,:,2], in_range=(pMin[2],pMax[2]))
auto = np.stack((r_channel,g_channel,b_channel),axis=2)
return auto
示例2: mod_zedge
def mod_zedge(composite, mod_id, algorithm, **kwargs):
zedge_channel, zedge_channel_created = composite.channels.get_or_create(name="-zedge")
for t in range(composite.series.ts):
print("step02 | processing mod_zedge t{}/{}...".format(t + 1, composite.series.ts), end="\r")
zdiff_mask = composite.masks.get(channel__name__contains=kwargs["channel_unique_override"], t=t).load()
zbf = exposure.rescale_intensity(composite.gons.get(channel__name="-zbf", t=t).load() * 1.0)
zedge = zbf.copy()
binary_mask = zdiff_mask > 0
outside_edge = distance_transform_edt(dilate(edge_image(binary_mask), iterations=4))
outside_edge = 1.0 - exposure.rescale_intensity(outside_edge * 1.0)
zedge *= outside_edge * outside_edge
zedge_gon, zedge_gon_created = composite.gons.get_or_create(
experiment=composite.experiment, series=composite.series, channel=zedge_channel, t=t
zedge_gon.set_origin(0, 0, 0, t)
zedge_gon.set_extent(composite.series.rs, composite.series.cs, 1)
zedge_gon.array = zedge.copy()
zedge_gon.save_array(composite.series.experiment.composite_path, composite.templates.get(name="source"))
示例3: edge
def edge():
image = io.imread(path + "bibme0.png")
print type(image)
print image.shape
# edge_roberts = roberts(image)
# edge_sobel = sobel(image)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
ax_each = fig.add_subplot(121, adjustable='box-forced')
ax_hsv = fig.add_subplot(122, sharex=ax_each, sharey=ax_each,
# We use 1 - sobel_each(image)
# but this will not work if image is not normalized
ax_each.imshow(rescale_intensity(1 - sobel_gray(image)), cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax_each.set_xticks([]), ax_each.set_yticks([])
ax_each.set_title("Sobel filter computed\n on individual RGB channels")
# We use 1 - sobel_hsv(image) but this will not work if image is not normalized
ax_hsv.imshow(rescale_intensity(1 - sobel_gray(image)), cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax_hsv.set_xticks([]), ax_hsv.set_yticks([])
ax_hsv.set_title("Sobel filter computed\n on (V)alue converted image (HSV)")
fig.savefig(out_path + 'sobel_gray.png')
示例4: _write_image
def _write_image(self, img_data, filename, img_format=None, dtype=None):
Output image data to a file, in a given image format.
Assumes that the output directory exists (must be checked before).
@param img_data :: image data in the usual numpy representation
@param filename :: file name, including directory and extension
@param img_format :: image file format
@param dtype :: can be used to force a pixel type, otherwise the type
of the input data is used
Returns:: name of the file saved
if not img_format:
img_format = self.default_out_format
filename = filename + '.' + img_format
if dtype and img_data.dtype != dtype:
img_data = np.array(img_data, dtype=dtype)
if img_format == 'tiff' and _USING_PLUGIN_TIFFFILE:
img_data = exposure.rescale_intensity(img_data, out_range='uint16')
skio.imsave(filename, img_data, plugin='tifffile')
img_data = exposure.rescale_intensity(img_data, out_range='uint16')
skio.imsave(filename, img_data)
return filename
示例5: rgb2he2
def rgb2he2(img):
# This implementation follows http://web.hku.hk/~ccsigma/color-deconv/color-deconv.html
assert (img.ndim == 3)
assert (img.shape[2] == 3)
height, width, _ = img.shape
img = -np.log((img + 1.0) / img.max())
# the following lines are replaced with the final result,
# to speed up computations
# he = np.array([0.550, 0.758, 0.351]); he /= norm(he)
# eo = np.array([0.398, 0.634, 0.600]); eo /= norm(eo)
# bg = np.array([0.754, 0.077, 0.652]); bg /= norm(bg)
# M = np.hstack((he.reshape(3,1), eo.reshape(3,1), bg.reshape(3,1)))
# D = alg.inv(M)
D = np.array([[ 1.92129515, 1.00941672, -2.34107612],
[-2.34500192, 0.47155124, 2.65616872],
[ 1.21495282, -0.99544467, 0.2459345 ]])
rgb = img.swapaxes(2, 0).reshape((3, height*width))
heb = np.dot(D, rgb)
res_img = heb.reshape((3, width, height)).swapaxes(0, 2)
return rescale_intensity(res_img[:,:,0], out_range=(0,1)), \
rescale_intensity(res_img[:,:,1], out_range=(0,1)), \
rescale_intensity(res_img[:,:,2], out_range=(0,1))
示例6: handle
def handle(self, *args, **options):
# vars
experiment_name = options['expt']
series_name = options['series']
t = options['t']
if experiment_name!='' and series_name!='':
experiment = Experiment.objects.get(name=experiment_name)
series = experiment.series.get(name=series_name)
# select composite
composite = series.composites.get()
zmean = exposure.rescale_intensity(composite.gons.get(channel__name='-zmean', t=t).load() * 1.0)
zmod = exposure.rescale_intensity(composite.gons.get(channel__name='-zmod', t=t).load() * 1.0)
zdiff = np.zeros(zmean.shape)
for unique in np.unique(zmod):
print(unique, len(np.unique(zmod)))
zdiff[zmod==unique] = np.mean(zmean[zmod==unique]) / np.sum(zmean)
plt.imshow(zdiff, cmap='Greys_r')
# imsave('zdiff.tiff', zdiff)
print('Please enter an experiment')
示例7: juntarcanais
def juntarcanais(c1, c2):
h = exposure.rescale_intensity(c1, out_range=(0, 1))
d = exposure.rescale_intensity(c2, out_range=(0, 1))
zdh = np.dstack((np.zeros_like(h), d, h))
return zdh
示例8: handle
def handle(self, *args, **options):
# vars
experiment_name = options['expt']
series_name = options['series']
t = options['t']
R = 1
delta_z = -8
# sigma = 5
if experiment_name!='' and series_name!='':
experiment = Experiment.objects.get(name=experiment_name)
series = experiment.series.get(name=series_name)
# select composite
composite = series.composites.get()
# load gfp
gfp_gon = composite.gons.get(t=t, channel__name='0')
gfp_start = exposure.rescale_intensity(gfp_gon.load() * 1.0)
print('loaded gfp...')
# load bf
bf_gon = composite.gons.get(t=t, channel__name='1')
bf = exposure.rescale_intensity(bf_gon.load() * 1.0)
print('loaded bf...')
for sigma in [0, 5, 10, 20]:
gfp = gf(gfp_start, sigma=sigma) # <<< SMOOTHING
for level in range(gfp.shape[2]):
print('level {} {}...'.format(R, level))
gfp[:,:,level] = convolve(gfp[:,:,level], np.ones((R,R)))
# initialise images
Z = np.zeros(composite.series.shape(d=2), dtype=int)
Zmean = np.zeros(composite.series.shape(d=2))
Zbf = np.zeros(composite.series.shape(d=2))
Z = np.argmax(gfp, axis=2) + delta_z
# outliers
Z[Z<0] = 0
Z[Z>composite.series.zs-1] = composite.series.zs-1
for level in range(bf.shape[2]):
print('level {}...'.format(level))
bf_level = bf[:,:,level]
Zbf[Z==level] = bf_level[Z==level]
Zmean = 1 - np.mean(gfp, axis=2) / np.max(gfp, axis=2)
imsave('zbf_R-{}_sigma-{}_delta_z{}.png'.format(R, sigma, delta_z), Zbf)
# plt.imshow(Zbf, cmap='Greys_r')
# plt.show()
print('Please enter an experiment')
示例9: equalize_adapthist
def equalize_adapthist(image, ntiles_x=8, ntiles_y=8, clip_limit=0.01,
"""Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization.
image : array-like
Input image.
ntiles_x : int, optional
Number of tile regions in the X direction. Ranges between 2 and 16.
ntiles_y : int, optional
Number of tile regions in the Y direction. Ranges between 2 and 16.
clip_limit : float: optional
Clipping limit, normalized between 0 and 1 (higher values give more
nbins : int, optional
Number of gray bins for histogram ("dynamic range").
out : ndarray
Equalized image.
* The algorithm relies on an image whose rows and columns are even
multiples of the number of tiles, so the extra rows and columns are left
at their original values, thus preserving the input image shape.
* For color images, the following steps are performed:
- The image is converted to LAB color space
- The CLAHE algorithm is run on the L channel
- The image is converted back to RGB space and returned
* For RGBA images, the original alpha channel is removed.
.. [1] http://tog.acm.org/resources/GraphicsGems/gems.html#gemsvi
.. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CLAHE#CLAHE
args = [None, ntiles_x, ntiles_y, clip_limit * nbins, nbins]
if image.ndim > 2:
lab_img = color.rgb2lab(skimage.img_as_float(image))
l_chan = lab_img[:, :, 0]
l_chan /= np.max(np.abs(l_chan))
l_chan = skimage.img_as_uint(l_chan)
args[0] = rescale_intensity(l_chan, out_range=(0, NR_OF_GREY - 1))
new_l = _clahe(*args).astype(float)
new_l = rescale_intensity(new_l, out_range=(0, 100))
lab_img[:new_l.shape[0], :new_l.shape[1], 0] = new_l
image = color.lab2rgb(lab_img)
image = rescale_intensity(image, out_range=(0, 1))
image = skimage.img_as_uint(image)
args[0] = rescale_intensity(image, out_range=(0, NR_OF_GREY - 1))
out = _clahe(*args)
image[:out.shape[0], :out.shape[1]] = out
image = rescale_intensity(image)
return image
示例10: _color_correction
def _color_correction(self, band, band_id, low, coverage):
self.output("Color correcting band %s" % band_id, normal=True, color='green', indent=1)
p_low, cloud_cut_low = self._percent_cut(band, low, 100 - (coverage * 3 / 4))
temp = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(band), dtype=numpy.uint16)
cloud_divide = 65000 - coverage * 100
mask = numpy.logical_and(band < cloud_cut_low, band > 0)
temp[mask] = rescale_intensity(band[mask], in_range=(p_low, cloud_cut_low), out_range=(256, cloud_divide))
temp[band >= cloud_cut_low] = rescale_intensity(band[band >= cloud_cut_low], out_range=(cloud_divide, 65535))
return temp
示例11: equalize_adapthist
def equalize_adapthist(image, ntiles_x=8, ntiles_y=8, clip_limit=0.01,
args = [None, ntiles_x, ntiles_y, clip_limit * nbins, nbins]
image = skimage.img_as_uint(image)
args[0] = rescale_intensity(image, out_range=(0, NR_OF_GREY - 1))
out = _clahe(*args)
image[:out.shape[0], :out.shape[1]] = out
image = rescale_intensity(image)
return image
示例12: equalize_adapthist
def equalize_adapthist(image, ntiles_x=8, ntiles_y=8, clip_limit=0.01,
"""Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE).
An algorithm for local contrast enhancement, that uses histograms computed
over different tile regions of the image. Local details can therefore be
enhanced even in regions that are darker or lighter than most of the image.
image : array-like
Input image.
ntiles_x : int, optional
Number of tile regions in the X direction. Ranges between 1 and 16.
ntiles_y : int, optional
Number of tile regions in the Y direction. Ranges between 1 and 16.
clip_limit : float: optional
Clipping limit, normalized between 0 and 1 (higher values give more
nbins : int, optional
Number of gray bins for histogram ("dynamic range").
out : ndarray
Equalized image.
See Also
equalize_hist, rescale_intensity
* For color images, the following steps are performed:
- The image is converted to HSV color space
- The CLAHE algorithm is run on the V (Value) channel
- The image is converted back to RGB space and returned
* For RGBA images, the original alpha channel is removed.
* The CLAHE algorithm relies on image blocks of equal size. This may
result in extra border pixels that would not be handled. In that case,
we pad the image with a repeat of the border pixels, apply the
algorithm, and then trim the image to original size.
.. [1] http://tog.acm.org/resources/GraphicsGems/gems.html#gemsvi
.. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CLAHE#CLAHE
image = skimage.img_as_uint(image)
image = rescale_intensity(image, out_range=(0, NR_OF_GREY - 1))
out = _clahe(image, ntiles_x, ntiles_y, clip_limit * nbins, nbins)
image[:out.shape[0], :out.shape[1]] = out
image = skimage.img_as_float(image)
return rescale_intensity(image)
示例13: _get_scalebar
def _get_scalebar(self):
"""Get the length in pixels of the image scale bar"""
box=(0,419,519,520) #row where scalebar exists
im=self.crop_image(box=box, copy=True)
im=exposure.rescale_intensity(im,in_range=(0.49,0.5)) #saturate black and white pixels
im=exposure.rescale_intensity(im) #make sure they're black and white
im=np.diff(im[0]) #1d numpy array, differences
np.where(im<-0.9)[0][0]] #first occurance of both cases
assert len(lim)==2, 'Couldn\'t find scalebar'
return lim[1]-lim[0]
示例14: watershed
def watershed(image):
""" the watershed algorithm """
if len(image.shape) != 2:
raise TypeError("The input image must be gray-scale ")
h, w = image.shape
image = cv2.equalizeHist(image)
image = denoise_bilateral(image, sigma_range=0.1, sigma_spatial=10)
image = rescale_intensity(image)
image = img_as_ubyte(image)
image = rescale_intensity(image)
# com.debug_im(image)
_, thres = cv2.threshold(image, 80, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
distance = ndi.distance_transform_edt(thres)
local_maxi = peak_local_max(distance, indices=False,
# com.debug_im(thres)
# implt = plt.imshow(-distance, cmap=plt.cm.jet, interpolation='nearest')
# plt.show()
markers = ndi.label(local_maxi, np.ones((3, 3)))[0]
labels = ws(-distance, markers, mask=thres)
labels = np.uint8(labels)
# result = np.round(255.0 / np.amax(labels) * labels).astype(np.uint8)
# com.debug_im(result)
segments = []
for idx in range(1, np.amax(labels) + 1):
indices = np.where(labels == idx)
left = np.amin(indices[1])
right = np.amax(indices[1])
top = np.amin(indices[0])
down = np.amax(indices[0])
# region = labels[top:down, left:right]
# m = (region > 0) & (region != idx)
# region[m] = 0
# region[region >= 1] = 1
region = image[top:down, left:right]
cont = Contour(mask=region)
cont.lt = [left, top]
cont.rb = [right, down]
return segments
示例15: proc_mbi
def proc_mbi(imgarray):
# Normalize image:
img = img_as_float(imgarray,force_copy=True)
# Image equalization (Contrast stretching):
p2,p98 = np.percentile(img, (2,98))
img = exposure.rescale_intensity(img, in_range=(p2, p98), out_range=(0, 1))
# Gamma correction:
#img = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, 0.5)
# Or Sigmoid correction:
img = exposure.adjust_sigmoid(img)
print "Init Morph Proc..."
sizes = range(2,40,5)
angles = [0,18,36,54,72,90,108,126,144,162]
szimg = img.shape
all_thr = np.zeros((len(sizes),szimg[0], szimg[1])).astype('float64')
all_dmp = np.zeros((len(sizes) - 1,szimg[0], szimg[1])).astype('float64')
idx = 0
for sz in sizes:
print sz
builds_by_size = np.zeros(szimg).astype('float64')
for ang in angles:
print ang
stel = ia870.iaseline(sz, ang)
oprec = opening_by_reconstruction(img, stel)
thr = np.absolute(img-oprec)
builds_by_size += thr
all_thr[idx,:,:] = (builds_by_size / len(angles))
if idx>0:
all_dmp[idx-1,:,:] = all_thr[idx,:,:] - all_thr[idx-1,:,:]
idx += 1
mbi = np.mean(all_dmp, axis=0)
return mbi