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Python color.rgb2grey函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中skimage.color.rgb2grey函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python rgb2grey函数的具体用法?Python rgb2grey怎么用?Python rgb2grey使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: focus_score

 def focus_score(self): 
     f_score = (color.rgb2grey(self.img) - erosion(color.rgb2grey(self.img), square(4)))
     non_zero_pixel_area = self.get_nonzero_pixel_area(f_score)
     #print("focus score: " + str(np.sum(f_score) / non_zero_pixel_area))
     return np.sum(f_score) / non_zero_pixel_area 

示例2: compare_images

def compare_images(imageA, imageB, title, show_plot=True):
    computes the mean squared error and structural similarity

    # index values for mean squared error
    if VERBOSE: print("comparing mean squared error...")
    m = mse(imageA, imageB)

    # convert the images to grayscale
    if VERBOSE: print("converting to greyscale...")
    imageA_grey = rgb2grey(imageA)
    imageB_grey = rgb2grey(imageB)

    # uses image copies to avoid runtime warning for ssim computation
    img1_grey = np.copy(imageA_grey)
    img2_grey = np.copy(imageB_grey)

    # index values for structural similarity
    if VERBOSE: print("comparing structural similarity...")
    s = ssim(img1_grey, img2_grey)

    if show_plot:
        if VERBOSE: print("plotting images...")
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            print("Error importing pyplot from matplotlib, please install matplotlib package first...")
            raise Exception("Importing matplotlib failed")

        # setup the figure
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2)
        fig.suptitle("%s\nMSE: %.5f, SSIM: %.5f" % (title, m, s))

        ax[0][0].text(-10, -10, 'MSE: %.5f' %(m))

        # show first image
        ax[0][0].imshow(imageA, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

        # show the second image
        ax[0][1].imshow(imageB, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

        ax[1][0].text(-10, -10, 'SSIM: %.5f' %(s))

        # show first grey image
        ax[1][0].imshow(img1_grey, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

        # show the second grey image
        ax[1][1].imshow(img2_grey, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

        # show the images

    return m, s

示例3: read_image

def read_image(filename):
    """Read an image from the disk and output data arrays."""
    image_array_rgb = misc.imread(filename, mode='RGB')
    #  image_array_grey = misc.imread(filename, flatten=True, mode='F')
    image_array_grey = color.rgb2grey(image_array_rgb)*255
    image_array_luv = color.rgb2luv(image_array_rgb)
    return image_array_rgb, image_array_grey, image_array_luv

示例4: featurize

def featurize(img_name):
    """Load an image and convert it into a dictionary of features"""
    img = plt.imread(os.path.join('stimuli', img_name + '.png'))
    height, width, _ = img.shape
    features = defaultdict(int)
    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            features['red'] += img[y][x][0]
            features['green'] += img[y][x][1]
            features['blue'] += img[y][x][2]
            features['alpha'] += img[y][x][3]

    grey = color.rgb2grey(img)
    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            for key, value in per_pixel(grey, y, x):
                features[key] += value

    # Normalize over image size
    for key, value in features.items():
        features[key] = float(value) / height / width

    features['blob'] = feature.blob_dog(grey).shape[0]
    features['corners'] = feature.corner_peaks(
    return features

示例5: feature_extraction

def feature_extraction(raw_data):
    image = color.rgb2grey(raw_data)

    fd, hog_image = hog(image, orientations=8, pixels_per_cell=(16, 16),
                        cells_per_block=(1, 1), visualise=True)

    return hog_image

示例6: modify

def modify(img):
    """Randomly modify an image
    This is a preprocessing step for training an OCR classifier. It takes
    in an image and casts it to greyscale, reshapes it, and adds some
    (1) rotations, (2) translations and (3) noise.
    If more efficiency is needed, we could factor out some of the initial
    nonrandom transforms.
    block_size = np.random.uniform(20, 40)
    rotation = 5*np.random.randn()
    #print 'BLOCK SIZE', block_size
    #print 'ROTATION  ', rotation
    img = color.rgb2grey(img)
    img = transform.resize(img, output_shape=(50,30))
    img = filter.threshold_adaptive(img, block_size=block_size)
    # rotate the image
    img = np.logical_not(transform.rotate(np.logical_not(img), rotation))
    # translate the image
    img = shift(img)
    # add some noise to the image
    img = noise(img)
    img = transform.resize(img, output_shape=(25,15))
    return filter.threshold_adaptive(img, block_size=25)

示例7: dhash

def dhash(picture):
    "Compute dhash as uint64."
    img = rgb2grey(resize(picture, (9, 8)))
    h = np.zeros([8], dtype=np.uint8)
    for a in range(8):
        h[a] = TWOS[img[a] > img[a + 1]].sum()
    return (BIGS * h).sum()

示例8: register_feature_calculators

def register_feature_calculators():
    return [
        lambda img: GaborFilter.compute_feats(rgb2grey(img), GaborFilter.generate_kernels(2)),
        # lambda img: GLCM.compute_feats(rgb2grey(img), [1, 5, 10, 20], [0, np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2, np.pi * 3 / 4]),
        lambda img: ColorAnalyzer.compute_feats(img, 150, 255, ColorAnalyzer.ColorChannel.Green),
        lambda img: ColorAnalyzer.compute_feats(img, 50, 150, ColorAnalyzer.ColorChannel.Hue),

示例9: _compute_auto_correlation

def _compute_auto_correlation(image, sigma):
    """Compute auto-correlation matrix using sum of squared differences.

    image : ndarray
        Input image.
    sigma : float
        Standard deviation used for the Gaussian kernel, which is used as
        weighting function for the auto-correlation matrix.

    Axx : ndarray
        Element of the auto-correlation matrix for each pixel in input image.
    Axy : ndarray
        Element of the auto-correlation matrix for each pixel in input image.
    Ayy : ndarray
        Element of the auto-correlation matrix for each pixel in input image.


    if image.ndim == 3:
        image = img_as_float(rgb2grey(image))

    imx, imy = _compute_derivatives(image)

    # structure tensore
    Axx = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx * imx, sigma, mode='constant', cval=0)
    Axy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imx * imy, sigma, mode='constant', cval=0)
    Ayy = ndimage.gaussian_filter(imy * imy, sigma, mode='constant', cval=0)

    return Axx, Axy, Ayy

示例10: processOneImage

def processOneImage(inputPath, outputPath):
    image = io.imread(inputPath)
    greyImage = rgb2grey(image)
    threshold = threshold_otsu(greyImage)
    imgout = closing(greyImage > threshold, square(1))
    imgout = crop(imgout)
    imgout = transform.resize(imgout, (max(imgout.shape), max(imgout.shape)))
    io.imsave(outputPath, imgout)

示例11: analyze_image

def analyze_image(args):
    """Analyze all wells from all trays in one image."""
    filename, config = args
    rows = config["rows"]
    columns = config["columns"]
    well_names = config["well_names"]

    name = splitext(basename(filename))[0]
    if config["parse_dates"]:
            index = convert_to_datetime(fix_date(name))
        except ValueError as err:
            return {"error": str(err), "filename": filename}
        index = name

        image = rgb2grey(imread(filename))
    except OSError as err:
        return {"error": str(err), "filename": filename}

    plate_images = cut_image(image)

    data = dict()

    for i, plate_name in zip(config["plate_indexes"], config["plate_names"]):
        plate = data[plate_name] = dict()
        plate[config["index_name"]] = index
        plate_image = plate_images[i]
        if i // 3 == 0:
            calibration_plate = config["left_image"]
            positions = config["left_positions"]
            calibration_plate = config["right_image"]
            positions = config["right_positions"]

            edge_image = canny(plate_image, CANNY_SIGMA)
            offset = align_plates(edge_image, calibration_plate)

            # Add the offset to get the well centers in the analyzed plate.
            well_centers = generate_well_centers(
                np.array(positions) + offset, config["plate_size"], rows,
            assert len(well_centers) == rows * columns
            # Add a minimal value to avoid zero division.
            plate_image /= (1 - plate_image + float_info.epsilon)

            well_intensities = [find_well_intensity(plate_image, center)
                                for center in well_centers]

            for well, intensity in zip(well_names, well_intensities):
                plate[well] = intensity
        except (AttributeError, IndexError) as err:
            return {"error": str(err), "filename": filename}

    return data

示例12: image

def image():
    """Load a single image from p1 brain directory.
    output: a single image as a numpy array"""

    inputDir = '{}'.format(all.__path__[0])
    img = load_image('p1-D3-01b.jpg',inputDir)
    img = color.rgb2grey(img)
    return img 

示例13: apply_watermark

def apply_watermark(filename):
    img = io.imread(filename) # Image in gray scale
    img = color.rgb2grey(img)
    if img.dtype.name != 'uint8':
        img = img * 255
        img = img.astype(numpy.uint8)
    image = img.copy()
    blocks = []
    width, height = image.shape
    hor_block = width / 4
    ver_block = height / 4
    block_counter = 0
    for x in range(0, hor_block):
        for y in range(0, ver_block):
            x_coor = x * 4
            y_coor = y * 4
            block = image[x_coor: x_coor + 4, y_coor: y_coor + 4]
            block_counter += 1
    n = block_counter
    k = Functions.get_biggest_prime(n)

    for index in range(0, n):
        block_B = blocks[index]
        block_A = (blocks[Functions.mapping(index + 1, k, n) - 1]).copy()
        for x in range(0, 4):
            for y in range(0, 4):
                block_B[x, y] = Functions.removeLSB(block_B[x, y])
        avg_B = Functions.average(block_B)
        for i in range(0, 2):
            for j in range(0, 2):
                i_coor = i * 2
                j_coor = j * 2
                blockBS = block_B[i_coor: i_coor+2, j_coor: j_coor+2]
                average = Functions.average(blockBS)
                v = 0
                if average >= avg_B:
                    v = 1
                p = 1
                if Functions.ones_in_sixMSB(average) % 2 == 0:
                    p = 0
                subblock_a = block_A[i_coor: i_coor+2, j_coor: j_coor+2].copy()
                avg_as = Functions.average(subblock_a)
                r = Functions.split_binary_sixMSB(avg_as)
                if v == 1:
                    v = 2
                if p == 1:
                    p = 2
                if r[2] == 1:
                    r[2] = 2
                if r[4] == 1:
                    r[4] = 2
                blockBS[0][0] = (blockBS[0][0] + v + r[0])
                blockBS[0][1] = (blockBS[0][1] + p + r[1])
                blockBS[1][0] = (blockBS[1][0] + r[2] + r[3])
                blockBS[1][1] = (blockBS[1][1] + r[4] + r[5])
    return image

示例14: normalize

def normalize(image, subtractMin):
    @params { array-like } image Skimage type acceptable
    @return { np.ndarray }
    if subtractMin:
        return color.rgb2grey(image)
        return np.divide(a, np.max(a))

示例15: stainspace_to_2d_array

def stainspace_to_2d_array(ihc_xyz, channel):
    #rescale = rescale_intensity(ihc_xyz[:, :, channel], out_range=(0,1))
    #stain_array = np.dstack((np.zeros_like(rescale), rescale, rescale))

    #try to not reverse engineer rescale right now
    stain_array = ihc_xyz[:, :, channel]
    gray_array = rgb2grey(stain_array)
    return gray_array
