本文整理汇总了Python中skimage.color.label2rgb函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python label2rgb函数的具体用法?Python label2rgb怎么用?Python label2rgb使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: plot_cup
def plot_cup(img, bbox):
img = FC.resize_image(img)
lab_img = FC.apply_color_model(img)
labels1, labels2 = FC.segment_image(img, lab_img)
cup_labels = FC.select_cup_segment(labels2, bbox)
# out3 = skic.label2rgb(cup_labels, img, kind='avg')
out3 = cup_labels
neg_segments = FC.select_negative_segments(cup_labels, labels2)
out4 = skic.label2rgb(neg_segments, img, kind='avg')
plt.imshow(skic.label2rgb(labels1, img, kind='avg'))
plt.title("Plain SLIC result")
plt.imshow(skic.label2rgb(labels2, img, kind='avg'))
plt.title("Merged segments")
if np.max(out3.ravel()) == 1:
plt.title("cup only")
plt.title("rejected cup")
plt.title("Negative segments")
示例2: logo_iterate
def logo_iterate(labels, image, fns=d + 'logo-%03i.png'):
height, width = labels.shape
background = (labels == 0)
foreground = ~background
counter = it.count()
# part one: just foreground/background
colorcombos = it.permutations(colors, 2)
lab2 = np.zeros(labels.shape, np.uint8)
lab2[foreground] = 1
for cs in colorcombos:
img = color.label2rgb(lab2, image, colors=cs)
io.imsave(fns % next(counter), img)
# part two: background split
splits = np.arange(500, 1600, 100).astype(int)
colorcombos = it.permutations(colors, 3)
for s, cs in it.product(splits, colorcombos):
im, lab = _split_img_horizontal(image, lab2, background, s)
img = color.label2rgb(lab, im, colors=cs)
io.imsave(fns % next(counter), img)
# part three: foreground split
colorcombos = it.permutations(colors, 3)
for cs in colorcombos:
img = color.label2rgb(labels, image, colors=cs)
io.imsave(fns % next(counter), img)
# part four: both split
colorcombos = it.permutations(colors, 4)
for s, cs in it.product(splits, colorcombos):
im, lab = _split_img_horizontal(image, labels, background, s)
img = color.label2rgb(lab, im, colors=cs)
io.imsave(fns % next(counter), img)
示例3: normcut_segmentations
def normcut_segmentations(img):
#labels1 = segmentation.slic(img, compactness=3, n_segments=50)
labels1 = segmentation.slic(img,compactness=3,n_segments=20)
out1 = color.label2rgb(labels1, img)#, kind='avg')
#return labels1
g = graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels1, mode='similarity')
labels2 = graph.cut_normalized(labels1, g)
out2 = color.label2rgb(labels2, img,image_alpha=0.2)#, kind='avg')
return (labels1,labels2)
示例4: number_nucleus
def number_nucleus(image):
elevation_map = sobel(image)
markers = np.zeros_like(image)
markers[image < 250] = 1
markers[image > 2000] = 2
segmentation = watershed(elevation_map, markers)
label_img = label(segmentation)
prop = regionprops(label_img)
width, height = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize']
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'
image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_img, image=image)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, nrows=1, figsize=(15, 8))
ax2.imshow(image, cmap=plt.cm.gray, interpolation='nearest')
# create list of region with are < 1000
image_labeled = [region for region in prop if region.area > 5000]
return len(image_labeled)
示例5: show_all
def show_all(fname,images,titles,numsegs=1):
num_images = len(images)
num_titles = len(titles)
titles += ['']*(num_images-num_titles)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=num_images, figsize=(9, 2.5))
im = images[0]
for i in range(numsegs):
print titles[i]
for i in range(numsegs,num_images) :
j=i #numsegs+i
segimg = label2rgb(images[j], image=im, image_alpha=0.5)
axes[j].imshow(segimg, interpolation='nearest')
print titles[j]
for ax in axes:
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01, top=1, bottom=0, left=0, right=1)
print fname+"_seg.jpg"
return True
示例6: build_region
def build_region(self):
start_time = time.time();
labels = segmentation.slic(self.q_frame,self.num_superpixels, self.compactness,convert2lab=True,multichannel=True)
_num_superpixels = np.max(labels) + 1;
self.s_frame = color.label2rgb(labels,self.q_frame, kind='avg')
self.freq = np.array([np.sum(labels==label) for label in range(_num_superpixels)])
self.mean = np.array([region['centroid'] for region in regionprops(labels+1)],dtype=np.int16);
self.color_data = np.array([np.sum(self.q_frame[np.where(labels==label)],0) for label in range(_num_superpixels)])
_inv_freq = 1/(self.freq+0.0000001); self.color_data = self.color_data*_inv_freq[:,None]
gray_frame = cv2.cvtColor(self.q_frame,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
def texture_prop(label,patch_size = 5):
_mean_min = self.mean[label]-patch_size;
_mean_max = self.mean[label]+patch_size;
glcm = greycomatrix(gray_frame[_mean_min[0]:_mean_max[0],_mean_min[1]:_mean_max[1]],
[3], [0], 256, symmetric=True, normed=True)
_dis = greycoprops(glcm, 'dissimilarity')[0, 0];
_cor = greycoprops(glcm, 'correlation')[0, 0];
return (_dis,_cor);
self.texture_data = np.array([texture_prop(label) for label in range(_num_superpixels)])
self.data = np.hstack((self.color_data,self.texture_data))
print "Build region (preprocess) : ",time.time()-start_time
return (labels,_num_superpixels);
示例7: _apply
def _apply(self, img_msg, label_msg):
bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge()
img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(img_msg)
label_img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(label_msg)
# publish only valid label region
applied = img.copy()
applied[label_img == 0] = 0
applied_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(applied, encoding=img_msg.encoding)
applied_msg.header = img_msg.header
# publish visualized label
if img_msg.encoding in {'16UC1', '32SC1'}:
# do dynamic scaling to make it look nicely
min_value, max_value = img.min(), img.max()
img = (img - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * 255
img = gray2rgb(img)
label_viz_img = label2rgb(label_img, img, bg_label=0)
label_viz_img = mark_boundaries(label_viz_img, label_img, (1, 0, 0))
label_viz_img = (label_viz_img * 255).astype(np.uint8)
label_viz_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(label_viz_img, encoding='rgb8')
label_viz_msg.header = img_msg.header
# publish mask
if self._publish_mask:
bg_mask = (label_img == 0)
fg_mask = ~bg_mask
bg_mask = (bg_mask * 255).astype(np.uint8)
fg_mask = (fg_mask * 255).astype(np.uint8)
fg_mask_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(fg_mask, encoding='mono8')
fg_mask_msg.header = img_msg.header
bg_mask_msg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(bg_mask, encoding='mono8')
bg_mask_msg.header = img_msg.header
示例8: getRegions
def getRegions():
"""Geocode address and retreive image centered
around lat/long"""
address = request.args.get('address')
results = Geocoder.geocode(address)
lat, lng = results[0].coordinates
zip_code = results[0].postal_code
map_url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center={0},{1}&size=640x640&zoom=19&sensor=false&maptype=roadmap&&style=visibility:simplified|gamma:0.1'
request_url = map_url.format(lat, lng)
req = urllib.urlopen(request_url)
img = io.imread(req.geturl(),flatten=True)
labels, numobjects = ndimage.label(img)
image = filter.canny(img, sigma=3)
thresh = threshold_otsu(image)
bw = closing(image > thresh, square(3))
# remove artifacts connected to image border
cleared = bw.copy()
# label image regions
label_image = label(cleared)
borders = np.logical_xor(bw, cleared)
label_image[borders] = -1
image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6))
示例9: __build_region__
def __build_region__(self,q_frame):
start_time = time.time();
regions = segmentation.slic(q_frame,self.props.num_superpixels, self.props.compactness,
num_regions = len(np.unique(regions));
s_frame = color.label2rgb(regions,q_frame, kind='avg')
mean = np.array([region['centroid'] for region in regionprops(regions+1)])
freq = np.array([np.sum(regions==region) for region in range(num_regions)])
region_props = (mean,freq);
if self.props.useColor:
color_data = self.__extract_color__(q_frame,regions,region_props);
if self.props.useTexture:
texture_data = self.__extract_texture__(q_frame,regions,region_props);
if self.props.useTexture and self.props.useColor:
data = np.hstack((color_data,texture_data))
elif self.props.useTexture:
data = texture_data
else :
data = color_data
if self.props.doProfile:
print "Build region (preprocess) : ",time.time()-start_time
return (num_regions,regions,region_props,data);
示例10: detectOpticDisc
def detectOpticDisc(image):
labels = segmentation.slic(image, n_segments = 70)
out = color.label2rgb(labels, image, kind='avg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(out, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
minimum = np.max(gray)
image[gray==minimum] = 255
return image
示例11: roofRegion
def roofRegion(edge):
"""Estimate region based on edges of roofRegion
# apply threshold
thresh = threshold_otsu(image)
bw = closing(image > thresh, square(3))
# remove artifacts connected to image border
cleared = bw.copy()
# label image regions
label_image = label(cleared)
borders = np.logical_xor(bw, cleared)
label_image[borders] = -1
image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(6, 6))
for region in regionprops(label_image):
# skip small images
if region.area < 100:
# draw rectangle around segmented coins
minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox
rect = mpatches.Rectangle((minc, minr), maxc - minc, maxr - minr,
fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=2)
示例12: SuperPixel
def SuperPixel(self, Image):
segments = slic(Image, n_segments=20, sigma=5)
# show the output of SLIC
segments = segments + 1
# So that no labelled region is 0 and ignored by regionprops
label_rgb = color.label2rgb(segments, Image, kind='avg')
return label_rgb
示例13: detectOpticDisc
def detectOpticDisc(image):
kernel = octagon(10, 10)
thresh = threshold_otsu(image[:,:,1])
binary = image > thresh
print binary.dtype
luminance = convertToHLS(image)[:,:,2]
t = threshold_otsu(luminance)
t = erosion(luminance, kernel)
labels = segmentation.slic(image[:,:,1], n_segments = 3)
out = color.label2rgb(labels, image[:,:,1], kind='avg')
x, y = computeCentroid(t)
print x, y
rows, cols, _ = image.shape
p1 = closing(image[:,:,1],kernel)
p2 = opening(p1, kernel)
p3 = reconstruction(p2, p1, 'dilation')
p3 = p3.astype(np.uint8)
#g = dilation(p3, kernel)-erosion(p3, kernel)
#g = rank.gradient(p3, disk(5))
g = cv2.morphologyEx(p3, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernel)
#markers = rank.gradient(p3, disk(5)) < 10
markers = drawCircle(rows, cols, x, y, 85)
#markers = ndimage.label(markers)[0]
g = g.astype(np.uint8)
#g = cv2.cvtColor(g, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
w = watershed(g, markers)
print np.max(w), np.min(w)
w = w.astype(np.uint8)
return w
示例14: view_dataset
def view_dataset(self):
for datum in self.val:
rgb, label = self.load_datum(datum, train=False)
label_viz = label2rgb(label, rgb, bg_label=-1)
label_viz[label == 0] = 0
示例15: get_cells
def get_cells(image):
Get cellls from the polygon.
# apply threshold
thresh = threshold_otsu(image)
binary = image > thresh
# Remove connected to image border
cleared = bw.copy()
# label image regions
label_image = skimage.measure.label(cleared)
borders = np.logical_xor(bw, cleared)
label_image[borders] = -1
image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image)
#extract the regions and get a polygon per region
for i,region in enumerate(regionprops(label_image)):
# skip small images
if region.area < 100:
for i in range(len(region.coords)):
return polygons