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Python gcodec.getTextLines函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities.gcodec.getTextLines函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python getTextLines函数的具体用法?Python getTextLines怎么用?Python getTextLines使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getReplacedSVGTemplateLines

	def getReplacedSVGTemplateLines( self, fileName, rotatedBoundaryLayers ):
		"Get the lines of text from the svg_template.tmpl file."
#( layers.length + 1 ) * (margin + sliceDimY * unitScale + txtHeight) + margin + txtHeight + margin + 110
		svgTemplateText = gcodec.getFileTextInFileDirectory( __file__, 'svg_template.tmpl' )
		originalTextLines = gcodec.getTextLines( svgTemplateText )
		self.margin = getParameterFromJavascript( originalTextLines, 'margin', self.margin )
		self.textHeight = getParameterFromJavascript( originalTextLines, 'textHeight', self.textHeight )
		javascriptControlsWidth = getParameterFromJavascript( originalTextLines, 'javascripControlBoxX', 510.0 )
		noJavascriptControlsHeight = getParameterFromJavascript( originalTextLines, 'noJavascriptControlBoxY', 110.0 )
		controlTop = len( rotatedBoundaryLayers ) * ( self.margin + self.extent.y * self.unitScale + self.textHeight ) + 2.0 * self.margin + self.textHeight
#	width = margin + (sliceDimX * unitScale) + margin;
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedInQuotes( 'height', self.getRounded( controlTop + noJavascriptControlsHeight + self.margin ), svgTemplateText )
		width = 2.0 * self.margin + max( self.extent.y * self.unitScale, javascriptControlsWidth )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedInQuotes( 'width', self.getRounded( width ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'layerThickness', self.getRounded( self.layerThickness ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'maxX', self.getRounded( self.cornerMaximum.x ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'minX', self.getRounded( self.cornerMinimum.x ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'dimX', self.getRounded( self.extent.x ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'maxY', self.getRounded( self.cornerMaximum.y ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'minY', self.getRounded( self.cornerMinimum.y ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'dimY', self.getRounded( self.extent.y ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'maxZ', self.getRounded( self.cornerMaximum.z ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'minZ', self.getRounded( self.cornerMinimum.z ), svgTemplateText )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'dimZ', self.getRounded( self.extent.z ), svgTemplateText )
		summarizedFilename = gcodec.getSummarizedFilename( fileName ) + ' SVG Slice File'
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedWordAndInQuotes( 'Title', summarizedFilename, svgTemplateText )
		noJavascriptControlsTagString = '<g id="noJavascriptControls" fill="#000" transform="translate(%s, %s)">' % ( self.getRounded( self.margin ), self.getRounded( controlTop ) )
		svgTemplateText = getReplacedTagString( noJavascriptControlsTagString, 'noJavascriptControls', svgTemplateText )
#	<g id="noJavascriptControls" fill="#000" transform="translate(20, 1400)">
		return gcodec.getTextLines( svgTemplateText )

示例2: getCraftedGcode

 def getCraftedGcode(self, gcodeText, coolRepository):
     "Parse gcode text and store the cool gcode."
     self.coolRepository = coolRepository
     self.coolEndText = preferences.getFileInAlterationsOrGivenDirectory(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Cool_End.gcode")
     self.coolEndLines = gcodec.getTextLines(self.coolEndText)
     self.coolStartText = preferences.getFileInAlterationsOrGivenDirectory(
         os.path.dirname(__file__), "Cool_Start.gcode"
     self.coolStartLines = gcodec.getTextLines(self.coolStartText)
     self.cornerMaximum = complex(-999999999.0, -999999999.0)
     self.cornerMinimum = complex(999999999.0, 999999999.0)
     self.halfCorner = complex(coolRepository.minimumOrbitalRadius.value, coolRepository.minimumOrbitalRadius.value)
     self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines(gcodeText)
     self.minimumArea = 4.0 * coolRepository.minimumOrbitalRadius.value * coolRepository.minimumOrbitalRadius.value
     for lineIndex in xrange(self.lineIndex, len(self.lines)):
         line = self.lines[lineIndex]
     margin = 0.2 * self.perimeterWidth
     halfCornerMargin = self.halfCorner + complex(margin, margin)
     self.cornerMaximum -= halfCornerMargin
     self.cornerMinimum += halfCornerMargin
     for self.lineIndex in xrange(self.lineIndex, len(self.lines)):
         line = self.lines[self.lineIndex]
     if coolRepository.turnFanOffAtEnding.value:
     return self.distanceFeedRate.output.getvalue()

示例3: getCraftedGcode

	def getCraftedGcode( self, gcodeText, homePreferences ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the home gcode."
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		self.homePreferences = homePreferences
		self.parseInitialization( homePreferences )
		self.homingText = preferences.getFileInAlterationsOrGivenDirectory( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), homePreferences.nameOfHomingFile.value )
		self.homingLines = gcodec.getTextLines( self.homingText )
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( self.lineIndex, len( self.lines ) ):
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			self.parseLine( line )
		return self.distanceFeedRate.output.getvalue()

示例4: parseGcode

	def parseGcode( self, combPreferences, gcodeText ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the comb gcode."
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		self.parseInitialization( combPreferences )
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( self.lineIndex, len( self.lines ) ):
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			self.parseAddJitter( line )
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( self.output.getvalue() )
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( len( self.lines ) ):
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			self.parseLine( combPreferences, line )
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( len( self.lines ) ):
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			self.parseAddTravel( line )

示例5: getCraftedGcode

	def getCraftedGcode( self, gcodeStepRepository, gcodeText ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the gcode."
		self.gcodeStepRepository = gcodeStepRepository
		lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		for line in lines:
			self.parseLine( line )
		return self.output.getvalue()

示例6: parseGcode

	def parseGcode( self, gcodeText, skeinviewPreferences ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the vector output."
		self.arrowType = None
		if skeinviewPreferences.drawArrows.value:
			self.arrowType = 'last'
		self.cornerHigh = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0 )
		self.cornerLow = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, 999999999.0 )
		self.goAroundExtruderOffTravel = skeinviewPreferences.goAroundExtruderOffTravel.value
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		self.isThereALayerStartWord = gcodec.isThereAFirstWord( '(<layer>', self.lines, 1 )
		for line in self.lines:
			self.parseCorner( line )
		self.scale = skeinviewPreferences.pixelsWidthExtrusion.value / abs( self.extrusionWidth )
		self.scaleCornerHigh = self.scale * self.cornerHigh.dropAxis( 2 )
		self.scaleCornerLow = self.scale * self.cornerLow.dropAxis( 2 )
		print( "The lower left corner of the skeinview window is at %s, %s" % ( self.cornerLow.x, self.cornerLow.y ) )
		print( "The upper right corner of the skeinview window is at %s, %s" % ( self.cornerHigh.x, self.cornerHigh.y ) )
		self.cornerImaginaryTotal = self.cornerHigh.y + self.cornerLow.y
		margin = complex( 5.0, 5.0 )
		self.marginCornerLow = self.scaleCornerLow - margin
		self.scaleSize = margin + self.scaleCornerHigh - self.marginCornerLow
		self.colorNames = [ 'brown', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple' ]
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( len( self.lines ) ):
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			self.parseLine( line )

示例7: getCraftedGcode

	def getCraftedGcode( self, gcodeText, binary16ByteRepository ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the gcode."
		self.binary16ByteRepository = binary16ByteRepository
		lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		for line in lines:
			self.parseLine( line )
		return self.output.getvalue()

示例8: parseGcode

	def parseGcode( self, fileName, gcodeText, beholdPreferences ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the vector output."
		self.beholdPreferences = beholdPreferences
		self.fileName = fileName
		self.gcodeText = gcodeText
		self.cornerHigh = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0 )
		self.cornerLow = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, 999999999.0 )
		self.goAroundExtruderOffTravel = beholdPreferences.goAroundExtruderOffTravel.value
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		self.isThereALayerStartWord = gcodec.isThereAFirstWord( '(<layer>', self.lines, 1 )
		for line in self.lines:
			self.parseCorner( line )
		if len( self.layerTops ) > 0:
			self.layerTops[ - 1 ] += 912345678.9
		if len( self.layerTops ) > 1:
			self.oneMinusBrightnessOverTopLayerIndex = ( 1.0 - beholdPreferences.bottomLayerBrightness.value ) / float( len( self.layerTops ) - 1 )
		self.firstTopLayer = len( self.layerTops ) - self.beholdPreferences.numberOfFillTopLayers.value
		self.centerComplex = 0.5 * ( self.cornerHigh.dropAxis( 2 ) + self.cornerLow.dropAxis( 2 ) )
		self.centerBottom = Vector3( self.centerComplex.real, self.centerComplex.imag, self.cornerLow.z )
		self.scale = beholdPreferences.pixelsPerMillimeter.value
		self.scaleCenterBottom = self.scale * self.centerBottom
		self.scaleCornerHigh = self.scale * self.cornerHigh.dropAxis( 2 )
		self.scaleCornerLow = self.scale * self.cornerLow.dropAxis( 2 )
		print( "The lower left corner of the behold window is at %s, %s" % ( self.cornerLow.x, self.cornerLow.y ) )
		print( "The upper right corner of the behold window is at %s, %s" % ( self.cornerHigh.x, self.cornerHigh.y ) )
		self.cornerImaginaryTotal = self.cornerHigh.y + self.cornerLow.y
		margin = complex( 5.0, 5.0 )
		self.marginCornerLow = self.scaleCornerLow - margin
		self.screenSize = margin + 2.0 * ( self.scaleCornerHigh - self.marginCornerLow )
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( len( self.lines ) ):
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			self.parseLine( line )
		self.skeinPanes.sort( compareLayerSequence )

示例9: parseGcode

	def parseGcode( self, gcodeText, twitterbotPreferences ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the twitterbot gcode."
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		self.twitterUsername = twitterbotPreferences.twitterUsername.value
		self.twitterPassword = twitterbotPreferences.twitterPassword.value
		self.layersBetweenTweets = twitterbotPreferences.layersBetweenTweets.value
		self.startMessage = twitterbotPreferences.startMessage.value
		self.progressMessage = twitterbotPreferences.progressMessage.value
		self.finishMessage = twitterbotPreferences.finishMessage.value
		self.quips = twitterbotPreferences.quips.value
		self.quipsList = self.quips.split( '|' )
		#print( 'quipsList: ' + str ( self.quipsList ) )
		self.prevQuip = ''
		self.percentageOfQuips = int( twitterbotPreferences.percentageOfQuips.value )
		if self.percentageOfQuips <= 0 or self.percentageOfQuips > 10:
			self.percentageOfQuips = 3
		if int( self.layersBetweenTweets ) < 1:
			self.layersBetweenTweets = 10
		self.twitterHashtags = twitterbotPreferences.twitterHashtags.value
		self.parseInitialization( twitterbotPreferences )
		#print( "===> self.lineIndex: " + str( self.lineIndex ) )	
		self.totalGcodeLines = len( self.lines )
		self.linesBetweenQuips = int( round( self.totalGcodeLines / self.percentageOfQuips, 0 ) )
		#print( 'self.linesBetweenQuips: ' + str( self.linesBetweenQuips ) )
		#print( 'self.totalGcodeLines: ' + str( self.totalGcodeLines ) )
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( self.lineIndex, len( self.lines ) ):
			# quip messages
			# print( '===> self.lineIndex: ' + str( self.lineIndex ) )
			if self.lineIndex % self.linesBetweenQuips == 0 and self.lineIndex > 0 and self.isPrintFinished == False:
				self.addLine( self.createQuipMessage( self.lineIndex ) )
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			# print( '===> Parsing line ' + str( self.lineIndex ) + ': ' + line )
			self.parseLine( line )

示例10: getNavigationHypertext

def getNavigationHypertext( fileText, transferredFileNameIndex, transferredFileNames ):
	"Get the hypertext help with navigation lines."
	helpTextEnd = fileText.find( '</p>' )
	helpTextStart = fileText.find( '<p>' )
	helpText = fileText[ helpTextStart : helpTextEnd ]
	lines = gcodec.getTextLines( helpText )
	headings = []
	headingLineTable = {}
	for line in lines:
		addToHeadings( headingLineTable, headings, line )
	headingsToBeenAdded = True
	output = cStringIO.StringIO()
	for line in lines:
		if line[ : 2 ] == '==':
			if headingsToBeenAdded:
				output.write( '<br />\n' )
				for heading in headings:
					heading.addToOutput( output )
				output.write( '<br />\n' )
				headingsToBeenAdded = False
			if line in headingLineTable:
				line = headingLineTable[ line ]
		output.write( line + '\n' )
	helpText = output.getvalue()
	previousFileName = 'contents.html'
	previousIndex = transferredFileNameIndex - 1
	if previousIndex >= 0:
		previousFileName = transferredFileNames[ previousIndex ]
	previousLinkText = '<a href="%s">Previous</a>' % previousFileName
	navigationLine = getNavigationLine( '<a href="contents.html">Contents</a>', previousLinkText, getNextLinkText( transferredFileNames, transferredFileNameIndex + 1 ) )
	helpText = navigationLine + helpText + '<br />\n<br />\n' + navigationLine + '<hr>\n'
	return fileText[ : helpTextStart ] + helpText + fileText[ helpTextEnd : ]

示例11: parseGcode

	def parseGcode( self, fileName, gcodeText, repository ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the vector output."
		self.fileName = fileName
		self.gcodeText = gcodeText
		self.repository = repository
		self.cornerHigh = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0 )
		self.cornerLow = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, 999999999.0 )
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		self.isThereALayerStartWord = gcodec.isThereAFirstWord( '(<layer>', self.lines, 1 )
		for line in self.lines[ self.lineIndex : ]:
			self.parseCorner( line )
		self.cornerHighComplex = self.cornerHigh.dropAxis( 2 )
		self.cornerLowComplex = self.cornerLow.dropAxis( 2 )
		self.scale = repository.scale.value
		self.scaleCornerHigh = self.scale * self.cornerHighComplex
		self.scaleCornerLow = self.scale * self.cornerLowComplex
		self.cornerImaginaryTotal = self.cornerHigh.y + self.cornerLow.y
		self.margin = complex( 10.0, 10.0 )
		self.marginCornerHigh = self.scaleCornerHigh + self.margin
		self.marginCornerLow = self.scaleCornerLow - self.margin
		self.screenSize = self.marginCornerHigh - self.marginCornerLow
		self.colorNames = [ 'brown', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple' ]
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( self.lineIndex, len( self.lines ) ):
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			self.parseLine( line )

示例12: getCraftedGcode

	def getCraftedGcode( self, gcodeText, raftRepository ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the raft gcode."
		self.raftRepository = raftRepository
		self.supportEndText = preferences.getFileInAlterationsOrGivenDirectory( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), 'Support_End.gcode' )
		self.supportEndLines = gcodec.getTextLines( self.supportEndText )
		self.supportStartText = preferences.getFileInAlterationsOrGivenDirectory( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), 'Support_Start.gcode' )
		self.supportStartLines = gcodec.getTextLines( self.supportStartText )
		self.minimumSupportRatio = math.tan( math.radians( raftRepository.supportMinimumAngle.value ) )
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		if raftRepository.addRaftElevateNozzleOrbitSetAltitude.value:
		self.addTemperature( raftRepository.temperatureShapeFirstLayerOutline.value )
		for line in self.lines[ self.lineIndex : ]:
			self.parseLine( line )
		return self.distanceFeedRate.output.getvalue()

示例13: parseGcode

	def parseGcode( self, fileName, gcodeText, skeinviewPreferences ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the vector output."
		self.fileName = fileName
		self.gcodeText = gcodeText
		self.cornerHigh = Vector3( - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0, - 999999999.0 )
		self.cornerLow = Vector3( 999999999.0, 999999999.0, 999999999.0 )
		self.goAroundExtruderOffTravel = skeinviewPreferences.goAroundExtruderOffTravel.value
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		self.isThereALayerStartWord = gcodec.isThereAFirstWord( '(<layer>', self.lines, 1 )
		for line in self.lines:
			self.parseCorner( line )
		self.cornerHighComplex = self.cornerHigh.dropAxis( 2 )
		self.cornerLowComplex = self.cornerLow.dropAxis( 2 )
		self.scale = skeinviewPreferences.pixelsPerMillimeter.value
		self.scaleCornerHigh = self.scale * self.cornerHighComplex
		self.scaleCornerLow = self.scale * self.cornerLowComplex
		self.cornerImaginaryTotal = self.cornerHigh.y + self.cornerLow.y
		self.margin = complex( 10.0, 10.0 )
		self.marginCornerHigh = self.scaleCornerHigh + self.margin
		self.marginCornerLow = self.scaleCornerLow - self.margin
		self.screenSize = self.marginCornerHigh - self.marginCornerLow
		self.colorNames = [ 'brown', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple' ]
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( len( self.lines ) ):
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			self.parseLine( line )

示例14: parseGcode

	def parseGcode( self, gcodeText, loopTailorPreferences ):
		"Parse gcode text and store the clip gcode."
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( gcodeText )
		self.parseInitialization( loopTailorPreferences )
		for self.lineIndex in xrange( self.lineIndex, len( self.lines ) ):
			line = self.lines[ self.lineIndex ]
			self.parseLine( line )

示例15: __init__

	def __init__( self, xmlText ):
		"Add empty lists."
		self.isInComment = False
		self.parents = []
		self.rootElement = None
		self.lines = gcodec.getTextLines( xmlText )
		for line in self.lines:
			self.parseLine( line )
