本文整理汇总了Python中six.moves.cStringIO.read方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cStringIO.read方法的具体用法?Python cStringIO.read怎么用?Python cStringIO.read使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类six.moves.cStringIO
示例1: test_destination_directory_levels_deep
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def test_destination_directory_levels_deep(self):
from pecan.scaffolds import copy_dir
f = StringIO()
'pecan', os.path.join('tests', 'scaffold_fixtures', 'simple')
os.path.join(self.scaffold_destination, 'some', 'app'),
assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(
self.scaffold_destination, 'some', 'app', 'foo')
assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(
self.scaffold_destination, 'some', 'app', 'bar', 'spam.txt')
with open(os.path.join(
self.scaffold_destination, 'some', 'app', 'foo'
), 'r') as f:
assert f.read().strip() == 'YAR'
with open(os.path.join(
self.scaffold_destination, 'some', 'app', 'bar', 'spam.txt'
), 'r') as f:
assert f.read().strip() == 'Pecan'
示例2: get_migration_status
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def get_migration_status(**options):
# type: (**Any) -> str
verbosity = options.get('verbosity', 1)
for app_config in apps.get_app_configs():
if module_has_submodule(app_config.module, "management"):
import_module('.management', app_config.name)
app_labels = [options['app_label']] if options.get('app_label') else None
db = options.get('database', DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)
out = StringIO()
no_color=options.get('no_color', False),
settings=options.get('settings', os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE']),
traceback=options.get('traceback', True),
output = out.read()
return re.sub('\x1b\[(1|0)m', '', output)
示例3: picture_view
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def picture_view(request, user_id, year=None):
"""Displays a view of a user's picture.
The ID of the user whose picture is being fetched.
The user's picture from this year is fetched. If not
specified, use the preferred picture.
user = User.get_user(id=user_id)
except User.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
default_image_path = os.path.join(settings.PROJECT_ROOT, "static/img/default_profile_pic.png")
if user is None:
raise Http404
if year is None:
preferred = user.preferred_photo
if preferred is not None:
if preferred.endswith("Photo"):
preferred = preferred[:-len("Photo")]
if preferred == "AUTO":
data = user.default_photo()
if data is None:
image_buffer = io.open(default_image_path, mode="rb")
image_buffer = StringIO(data)
# Exclude 'graduate' from names array
elif preferred in Grade.names:
data = user.photo_binary(preferred)
if data:
image_buffer = StringIO(data)
image_buffer = io.open(default_image_path, mode="rb")
image_buffer = io.open(default_image_path, mode="rb")
data = user.photo_binary(year)
if data:
image_buffer = StringIO(data)
image_buffer = io.open(default_image_path, mode="rb")
response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/jpeg")
response["Content-Disposition"] = "filename={}_{}.jpg".format(user_id, year or preferred)
img = image_buffer.read()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
img = io.open(default_image_path, mode="rb").read()
return response
示例4: colorize
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def colorize(source):
write colorized version to "[filename].py.html"
html = StringIO()
Parser(source, html).format(None, None)
return html.read()
示例5: _crypt_py2
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def _crypt_py2(cls, op, key, iv, data):
cipher = EVP.Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc', key=key, iv=iv, op=op, padding=False)
inf = StringIO(data)
outf = StringIO()
while True:
buf = inf.read()
if not buf:
return outf.getvalue()
示例6: read
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def read(self, html=None, code='@'):
'''Get the content of the clipboard.
html: BOOL. Whether to get the raw HTML code of the fomatted text on clipboard.
code: coding of the text on clipboard.'''
if (not html) and (not code):
return super().read()
stream = StringIO()
clipb.clipboard_to_stream(stream, mode=None, code=code, null=None, html=html)
return stream.read()
示例7: local_changes
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def local_changes(self, path=None):
# -z is stable like --porcelain; see the git status documentation for details
cmd = ["status", "-z", "--ignore-submodules=all"]
if path is not None:
cmd.extend(["--", path])
rv = {}
data = self.git(*cmd)
if data == "":
return rv
assert data[-1] == "\0"
f = StringIO(data)
while f.tell() < len(data):
# First two bytes are the status in the stage (index) and working tree, respectively
staged = f.read(1)
worktree = f.read(1)
assert f.read(1) == " "
if staged == "R":
# When a file is renamed, there are two files, the source and the destination
files = 2
files = 1
filenames = []
for i in range(files):
char = f.read(1)
while char != "\0":
filenames[-1] += char
char = f.read(1)
if not is_blacklisted(rel_path_to_url(filenames[0], self.url_base)):
rv.update(self.local_status(staged, worktree, filenames))
return rv
示例8: test_copy_no_column_limit
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def test_copy_no_column_limit(self):
cols = [ "c%050d" % i for i in range(200) ]
curs = self.conn.cursor()
curs.execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE manycols (%s)' % ',\n'.join(
[ "%s int" % c for c in cols]))
curs.execute("INSERT INTO manycols DEFAULT VALUES")
f = StringIO()
curs.copy_to(f, "manycols", columns = cols)
self.assertEqual(f.read().split(), ['\\N'] * len(cols))
curs.copy_from(f, "manycols", columns = cols)
curs.execute("select count(*) from manycols;")
self.assertEqual(curs.fetchone()[0], 2)
示例9: render
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def render(self, ctx, req):
if not xlwt:
return '' # pragma: no cover
wb = xlwt.Workbook()
ws = wb.add_sheet(ctx.__unicode__())
for i, col in enumerate(self.header(ctx, req)):
ws.write(0, i, col)
for j, item in enumerate(ctx.get_query(limit=1000)):
for i, col in enumerate(self.row(ctx, req, item)):
ws.write(j + 1, i, col)
out = StringIO()
return out.read()
示例10: do_http
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
def do_http(method, url, body=""):
if isinstance(body, str):
body = StringIO(body)
elif isinstance(body, unicode):
raise TypeError("do_http body must be a bytestring, not unicode")
# We must give a Content-Length header to twisted.web, otherwise it
# seems to get a zero-length file. I suspect that "chunked-encoding"
# may fix this.
assert body.tell
assert body.seek
assert body.read
scheme, host, port, path = parse_url(url)
if scheme == "http":
c = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, port)
elif scheme == "https":
c = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, port)
raise ValueError("unknown scheme '%s', need http or https" % scheme)
c.putrequest(method, path)
c.putheader("Hostname", host)
c.putheader("User-Agent", allmydata.__full_version__ + " (tahoe-client)")
c.putheader("Accept", "text/plain, application/octet-stream")
c.putheader("Connection", "close")
old = body.tell()
body.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
length = body.tell()
c.putheader("Content-Length", str(length))
except socket_error as err:
return BadResponse(url, err)
while True:
data = body.read(8192)
if not data:
return c.getresponse()
示例11: FileCache
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
class FileCache( Iterator ):
Wrapper for a file that cache blocks of data in memory.
**NOTE:** this is currently an incomplete file-like object, it only
supports seek, tell, and readline (plus iteration). Reading bytes is
currently not implemented.
def __init__( self, file, size, cache_size=DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE,
block_size=DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE ):
Create a new `FileCache` wrapping the file-like object `file` that
has total size `size` and caching blocks of size `block_size`.
self.file = file
self.size = size
self.cache_size = cache_size
self.block_size = block_size
# Setup the cache
self.nblocks = ( self.size // self.block_size ) + 1
self.cache = LRUCache( self.cache_size )
# Position in file
self.dirty = True
self.at_eof = False
self.file_pos = 0
self.current_block_index = -1
self.current_block = None
def fix_dirty( self ):
chunk, offset = self.get_block_and_offset( self.file_pos )
if self.current_block_index != chunk:
self.current_block = StringIO( self.load_block( chunk ) )
self.current_block.read( offset )
self.current_block_index = chunk
self.current_block.seek( offset )
self.dirty = False
def get_block_and_offset( self, index ):
return int( index // self.block_size ), int( index % self.block_size )
def load_block( self, index ):
if index in self.cache:
return self.cache[index]
real_offset = index * self.block_size
self.file.seek( real_offset )
block = self.file.read( self.block_size )
self.cache[index] = block
return block
def seek( self, offset, whence=0 ):
Move the file pointer to a particular offset.
# Determine absolute target position
if whence == 0:
target_pos = offset
elif whence == 1:
target_pos = self.file_pos + offset
elif whence == 2:
target_pos = self.size - offset
raise Exception( "Invalid `whence` argument: %r", whence )
# Check if this is a noop
if target_pos == self.file_pos:
# Verify it is valid
assert 0 <= target_pos < self.size, "Attempt to seek outside file"
# Move the position
self.file_pos = target_pos
# Mark as dirty, the next time a read is done we need to actually
# move the position in the bzip2 file
self.dirty = True
def readline( self ):
if self.dirty:
if self.at_eof:
return ""
rval = []
while 1:
line = self.current_block.readline()
rval.append( line )
if len( line ) > 0 and line[-1] == '\n':
elif self.current_block_index == self.nblocks - 1:
self.at_eof = True
self.current_block_index += 1
self.current_block = StringIO( self.load_block( self.current_block_index ) )
return "".join( rval )
def __next__( self ):
line = self.readline()
if line == "":
raise StopIteration
def __iter__( self ):
return self
def close( self ):
示例12: SeekableLzopFile
# 需要导入模块: from six.moves import cStringIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from six.moves.cStringIO import read [as 别名]
class SeekableLzopFile( Iterator ):
Filelike object supporting read-only semi-random access to bz2 compressed
files for which an offset table (bz2t) has been generated by `bzip-table`.
def __init__( self, filename, table_filename, block_cache_size=0, **kwargs ):
self.filename = filename
self.table_filename = table_filename
self.file = open( self.filename, "r" )
self.dirty = True
self.at_eof = False
self.file_pos = 0
self.current_block_index = -1
self.current_block = None
if block_cache_size > 0:
self.cache = lrucache.LRUCache( block_cache_size )
self.cache = None
def init_table( self ):
self.block_size = None
self.block_info = []
# Position of corresponding block in compressed file (in bytes)
for line in open( self.table_filename ):
fields = line.split()
if fields[0] == "s":
self.block_size = int( fields[1] )
if fields[0] == "o":
offset = int( fields[1] )
compressed_size = int( fields[2] )
size = int( fields[3] )
self.block_info.append( ( offset, compressed_size, size ) )
self.nblocks = len( self.block_info )
def close( self ):
def load_block( self, index ):
if self.cache is not None and index in self.cache:
return self.cache[index]
offset, csize, size = self.block_info[ index ]
# Get the block of compressed data
self.file.seek( offset )
data = self.file.read( csize )
# Need to prepend a header for python-lzo module (silly)
data = ''.join( ( '\xf0', struct.pack( "!I", size ), data ) )
value = lzo.decompress( data )
if self.cache is not None:
self.cache[index] = value
return value
def fix_dirty( self ):
chunk, offset = self.get_block_and_offset( self.file_pos )
if self.current_block_index != chunk:
self.current_block = StringIO( self.load_block( chunk ) )
self.current_block.read( offset )
self.current_block_index = chunk
self.current_block.seek( offset )
self.dirty = False
def get_block_and_offset( self, index ):
return int( index // self.block_size ), int( index % self.block_size )
def seek( self, offset, whence=0 ):
Move the file pointer to a particular offset.
# Determine absolute target position
if whence == 0:
target_pos = offset
elif whence == 1:
target_pos = self.file_pos + offset
elif whence == 2:
raise Exception( "seek from end not supported" )
## target_pos = self.size - offset
raise Exception( "Invalid `whence` argument: %r", whence )
# Check if this is a noop
if target_pos == self.file_pos:
# Verify it is valid
## assert 0 <= target_pos < self.size, "Attempt to seek outside file"
# Move the position
self.file_pos = target_pos
# Mark as dirty, the next time a read is done we need to actually
# move the position in the bzip2 file
self.dirty = True
def tell( self ):
return self.file_pos
def readline( self ):
if self.dirty:
if self.at_eof:
return ""