本文整理汇总了Python中six.unicode函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python unicode函数的具体用法?Python unicode怎么用?Python unicode使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _from_word2vec_text
def _from_word2vec_text(fname):
with _open(fname, 'rb') as fin:
words = []
header = unicode(fin.readline())
vocab_size, layer1_size = list(map(int, header.split())) # throws for invalid file format
vectors = []
for line_no, line in enumerate(fin):
parts = unicode(line, encoding="utf-8").strip().split()
except TypeError as e:
parts = line.strip().split()
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("We ignored line number {} because of erros in parsing"
"\n{}".format(line_no, e))
# We differ from Gensim implementation.
# Our assumption that a difference of one happens because of having a
# space in the word.
if len(parts) == layer1_size + 1:
word, weights = parts[0], list(map(float32, parts[1:]))
elif len(parts) == layer1_size + 2:
word, weights = parts[:2], list(map(float32, parts[2:]))
word = u" ".join(word)
logger.warning("We ignored line number {} because of unrecognized "
"number of columns {}".format(line_no, parts[:-layer1_size]))
index = line_no
vectors = np.asarray(vectors, dtype=np.float32)
return words, vectors
示例2: unknown_starttag
def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
# called for each start tag
# attrs is a list of (attr, value) tuples
# e.g. for <pre class='screen'>, tag='pre', attrs=[('class', 'screen')]
uattrs = []
strattrs = ''
if attrs:
for key, value in attrs:
value = value.replace('>', '>').replace('<', '<').replace('"', '"')
value = self.bare_ampersand.sub("&", value)
# thanks to Kevin Marks for this breathtaking hack to deal with (valid) high-bit attribute values in UTF-8 feeds
if isinstance(value, unicode):
value = unicode(value, self.encoding)
value = unicode(value, 'iso-8859-1')
uattrs.append((unicode(key, self.encoding), value))
strattrs = u''.join([u' %s="%s"' % (key, val) for key, val in uattrs])
if self.encoding:
strattrs = strattrs.encode(self.encoding)
if tag in self.elements_no_end_tag:
self.pieces.append('<%(tag)s%(strattrs)s />' % locals())
self.pieces.append('<%(tag)s%(strattrs)s>' % locals())
示例3: stream_from_fh
def stream_from_fh(fh, clean=False):
for l in fh:
l = l.decode('utf-8')
yield Word.from_string(unicode(l), clean=clean)
except ValueError as v:
示例4: _get_message
def _get_message(self, run_errors, teardown_errors):
run_msg = unicode(run_errors or '')
td_msg = unicode(teardown_errors or '')
if not td_msg:
return run_msg
if not run_msg:
return 'Keyword teardown failed:\n%s' % td_msg
return '%s\n\nAlso keyword teardown failed:\n%s' % (run_msg, td_msg)
示例5: _parse_arguments
def _parse_arguments(self, cli_args):
options, arguments = self.parse_arguments(cli_args)
except Information as msg:
except DataError as err:
self._report_error(unicode(err), help=True, exit=True)
self._logger.info('Arguments: %s' % ','.join(arguments))
return options, arguments
示例6: dictionary_should_contain_item
def dictionary_should_contain_item(self, dictionary, key, value, msg=None):
"""An item of `key`/`value` must be found in a `dictionary`.
Value is converted to unicode for comparison.
See `Lists Should Be Equal` for an explanation of `msg`.
The given dictionary is never altered by this keyword.
self.dictionary_should_contain_key(dictionary, key, msg)
actual, expected = unicode(dictionary[key]), unicode(value)
default = "Value of dictionary key '%s' does not match: %s != %s" % (key, actual, expected)
_verify_condition(actual == expected, default, msg)
示例7: copy
def copy(cls, url_obj):
if not isinstance(url_obj, Url):
raise TypeError('url_obj should be an Url object')
u = Url(unicode(url_obj.entity_name))
entity_id = url_obj.entity_id
u.entity_id = unicode(entity_id) if entity_id is not None else None
u.path = list(url_obj.path)
u.prefix = unicode(url_obj.prefix)
u._query = dict(url_obj._query)
return u
示例8: test_run_revsort
def test_run_revsort(self):
outDir = self._createTempDir()
outDir, {
# Having unicode string literals isn't necessary for the assertion but makes for a
# less noisy diff in case the assertion fails.
u'output': {
u'path': unicode(os.path.join(outDir, 'output.txt')),
u'basename': unicode("output.txt"),
u'size': 1111,
u'class': u'File',
u'checksum': u'sha1$b9214658cc453331b62c2282b772a5c063dbd284'}})
示例9: _populate_children
def _populate_children(self, datadir, children, include_suites, warn_on_skipped):
for child in children:
datadir.add_child(child, include_suites)
except DataError as err:
self._log_failed_parsing("Parsing data source '%s' failed: %s"
% (child, unicode(err)), warn_on_skipped)
示例10: add
def add(message, history_dir):
message = unicode(message)
hashed = _make_hash_name(message)
filepath = history_dir / hashed
with filepath.open('w') as history_entry:
history_entry.write(message + '\n')
示例11: test_import_non_existing_module
def test_import_non_existing_module(self):
msg = ("Importing test library '%s' failed: ImportError: No module named "
+ ("'%s'" if PY3 else "%s"))
for name in 'nonexisting', 'nonexi.sting':
error = assert_raises(DataError, TestLibrary, name)
msg % (name, name.split('.')[0]))
示例12: _parse
def _parse(self, path):
return TestData(source=abspath(path),
except DataError as err:
raise DataError("Parsing '%s' failed: %s" % (path, unicode(err)))
示例13: annotate_links
def annotate_links(answer_text):
Parse and annotate links from answer text and return the annotated answer
and an enumerated list of links as footnotes.
SITE = Site.objects.get(is_default_site=True)
except Site.DoesNotExist:
raise RuntimeError('no default wagtail site configured')
footnotes = []
soup = bs(answer_text, 'lxml')
links = soup.findAll('a')
index = 1
for link in links:
if not link.get('href'):
(index, urljoin(SITE.root_url, link.get('href'))))
parent = link.parent
link_location = parent.index(link)
super_tag = soup.new_tag('sup')
super_tag.string = str(index)
parent.insert(link_location + 1, super_tag)
index += 1
return (unicode(soup), footnotes)
示例14: start_keyword
def start_keyword(self, kw):
attrs = {'name': kw.name, 'type': kw.type}
if kw.timeout:
attrs['timeout'] = unicode(kw.timeout)
self._writer.start('kw', attrs)
self._writer.element('doc', kw.doc)
self._write_list('arguments', 'arg', (unic(a) for a in kw.args))
示例15: _build_series
def _build_series(series, dim_names, comment, delta_name, delta_unit):
from glue.ligolw import array as ligolw_array
Attributes = ligolw.sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl
elem = ligolw.LIGO_LW(
Attributes({u"Name": unicode(series.__class__.__name__)}))
if comment is not None:
elem.appendChild(ligolw.Comment()).pcdata = comment
elem.appendChild(ligolw.Time.from_gps(series.epoch, u"epoch"))
elem.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue(u"f0", series.f0,
delta = getattr(series, delta_name)
if numpy.iscomplexobj(series.data.data):
data = numpy.row_stack((numpy.arange(len(series.data.data)) * delta,
series.data.data.real, series.data.data.imag))
data = numpy.row_stack((numpy.arange(len(series.data.data)) * delta,
a = ligolw_array.Array.build(series.name, data, dim_names=dim_names)
a.Unit = str(series.sampleUnits)
dim0 = a.getElementsByTagName(ligolw.Dim.tagName)[0]
dim0.Unit = delta_unit
dim0.Start = series.f0
dim0.Scale = delta
return elem