本文整理汇总了Python中shotgun_api3.Shotgun.create方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Shotgun.create方法的具体用法?Python Shotgun.create怎么用?Python Shotgun.create使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类shotgun_api3.Shotgun
示例1: getProjects
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
def getProjects():
site = 'https://chimneypot.shotgunstudio.com'
scriptName = 'AssetBrowser'
scriptKey = 'c35ab5f5322d4b1e8b6488bb315c03e5f38881ea'
repo = '/mnt/karramba/'
rootList = ['film', 'out', 'ref', 'src', 'temp']
filmList = ['assets', 'sequences']
assetList = ['light', 'material', 'mattepaint', 'model', 'rig', 'shader', 'textures']
shotList = ['anim', 'comp', 'data', 'fx', 'light', 'out', 'src', 'tmp']
sqList = ['anim', 'comp', 'data', 'fx', 'light', 'out', 'shots']
dataList = ['cache', 'geo', 'render', 'shadowmap', 'sim', 'track', 'photonmap']
outList = ['dailies', 'hires']
prName = raw_input('Print project name:')
prPath = repo + prName
if not os.path.exists(prPath):
for i in rootList:
os.makedirs(prPath + os.sep + i)
for i in filmList:
os.makedirs(prPath + os.sep + 'film' + os.sep + i)
for i in assetList:
os.makedirs(prPath + os.sep + 'film' + os.sep + 'assets' + os.sep + i)
for i in outList:
os.makedirs(prPath + os.sep + 'out' + os.sep + i)
sg = Shotgun(site, scriptName, scriptKey)
sg.create('Project', {'name':prName})
示例2: createProject
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
def createProject():
site = 'https://chimneypot.shotgunstudio.com'
scriptName = 'createProject'
scriptKey = '90699580e396b61d3acfb71e0595adde7458dfd4'
repo = '/mnt/karramba/'
rootList = ['film', 'out', 'ref', 'src', 'temp']
filmList = ['assets', 'sequences']
assetList = ['light', 'material', 'mattepaint', 'model', 'rig', 'shader', 'textures']
shotList = ['anim', 'comp', 'data', 'fx', 'light', 'out', 'src', 'tmp']
sqList = ['anim', 'comp', 'data', 'fx', 'light', 'out', 'shots']
dataList = ['cache', 'geo', 'render', 'shadowmap', 'sim', 'track', 'photonmap']
outList = ['dailies', 'hires']
prName = raw_input('Print project name:')
prPath = repo + prName
if not os.path.exists(prPath):
for i in rootList:
os.makedirs(prPath + os.sep + i)
for i in filmList:
os.makedirs(prPath + os.sep + 'film' + os.sep + i)
for i in assetList:
os.makedirs(prPath + os.sep + 'film' + os.sep + 'assets' + os.sep + i)
for i in outList:
os.makedirs(prPath + os.sep + 'out' + os.sep + i)
sg = Shotgun(site, scriptName, scriptKey)
sg.create('Project', {'name':prName})
示例3: submitShotgunTicket
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
def submitShotgunTicket(output, jobList):
currentuser = str(User.currentUser().name())
title = "AtS - %s"%currentuser
desc = []
for job in jobList:
desc.append(str(job.key())+" - "+str(job.name()))
id = sg.find("HumanUser",[['login','is',currentuser]],['id'])
userid = id[0]
ticket_data = {
'created_by': {'type':'HumanUser','id':userid['id']},
'title': title,
'description': "\n".join(desc),
'addressings_to':[{'type':'Group', 'id':19}, {'type':'HumanUser','id':userid['id']}],
'project': {'type':'Project', 'id':178},
'sg_service': {'type':'CustomNonProjectEntity01', 'id':27},
sg_ticket = sg.create('Ticket', ticket_data, ['id'])
new_ticket_url = SERVER_PATH + "/detail/Ticket/" + str(sg_ticket['id'])
QDesktopServices.openUrl( QUrl(new_ticket_url) )
示例4: _moveFilesToPublish
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
def _moveFilesToPublish(self):
base_url = "http://bubblebathbay.shotgunstudio.com"
script_name = 'playBlastPublisher'
api_key = '718daf67bfd2c7e974f24e7cbd55b86bb101c4e5618e6d5468bc4145840e4558'
sgsrv = Shotgun(base_url = base_url , script_name = script_name, api_key = api_key, ensure_ascii=True, connect=True)
selectedShots = [item.text(0) for item in self.treeWidgetItems if item.checkState(0)]
if selectedShots:
for each in selectedShots:
episode = each.split('sh')[0]
shotName = '%s_sh%s' % (each.split('sh')[0], each.split('sh')[1].split('Lay')[0])
self.publishPath = self.publishingPath(episode, shotName)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.shFldPath):
for fl in sorted(files):
if fl.endswith('.mov') and fl == '%s.mov' % each:
srcPath = os.path.join(root,fl)
self.playblastName = fl
while os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.publishPath, fl)):
allFiles= os.listdir(self.publishPath)
publishFiles = []
if allFiles:
for allFile in allFiles:
if allFile.endswith('.mov'):
versionNumber = int(sorted(publishFiles)[-1].split('.v')[1].split('.mov')[0])
versionNumber += 1
if versionNumber < 10:
publishFileName = '%sLayout.v%03d.mov' % (shotName.replace('_', ''), versionNumber)
self.publishPath = os.path.join(self.publishPath, publishFileName)
self.playblastName = os.path.basename(self.publishPath)
publishFileName = '%sLayout.v%02d.mov' % (shotName.replace('_', ''), versionNumber)
self.publishPath = os.path.join(self.publishPath, publishFileName)
self.playblastName = os.path.basename(self.publishPath)
shutil.copy2(srcPath, self.publishPath)
publishMovPath = os.path.join(self.publishingPath(episode, shotName), self.playblastName)
getShotTasks = sgsrv.find_one('Shot', filters = [["code", "is", shotName]], fields=['id', 'tasks'])
for key, values in getShotTasks.iteritems():
if key == 'tasks':
for value in values:
if value['name'] == 'Layout':
self.taskId = value['id']
if self.publishPath.endswith('review'):
self.publishPath = os.path.join(self.publishPath,fl)
self.playblastName = fl
data = { 'project': {'type':'Project','id': 66},
'code': self.playblastName,
'description': 'Layout playblast published',
'sg_path_to_movie': publishMovPath,
'sg_status_list': 'rev',
'entity': {'type':'Shot', 'id':getShotTasks['id']},
'sg_task': {'type':'Task', 'id':self.taskId},
'user': {'type':'HumanUser', 'id':92} }
result = sgsrv.create('Version', data)
result2 = sgsrv.upload("Version", result['id'], publishMovPath, "sg_uploaded_movie")
print "Done"
示例5: _pubBttn
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
def _pubBttn(self):
base_url = "http://bubblebathbay.shotgunstudio.com"
script_name = 'playBlastPublisher'
api_key = '718daf67bfd2c7e974f24e7cbd55b86bb101c4e5618e6d5468bc4145840e4558'
sgsrv = Shotgun(base_url = base_url , script_name = script_name, api_key = api_key, ensure_ascii=True, connect=True)
selectedShots = sorted([item.text(0) for item in self.shotTreeWidgetItems if item.checkState(0)])
for shot in selectedShots:
if shot in self.srcPath.keys():
destPath = self._getPublishPath(shot)
srcPath = self.srcPath[str(shot)]
ext = os.path.splitext(srcPath)[-1]
# print os.path.basename(srcPath)
# while os.path.exists(os.path.join(str(destPath), os.path.basename(srcPath))):
# print "In Loop"
# print os.path.basename(srcPath)
# allFiles= os.listdir(destPath)
# publishFiles = []
# if allFiles:
# for allFile in allFiles:
# if allFile.endswith(ext):
# print allFile
# publishFiles.append(allFile)
# versionNumber = int(sorted(publishFiles)[-1].split('.v')[1].split(ext)[0])
# versionNumber += 1
# if versionNumber < 10:
# publishFileName = '%sLayout.v%03d%s' % (shotName.replace('_', ''), versionNumber, ext)
# self.publishPath = os.path.join(self.publishPath, publishFileName)
# self.playblastName = os.path.basename(self.publishPath)
# else:
# publishFileName = '%sLayout.v%02d%s' % (shotName.replace('_', ''), versionNumber, ext)
# self.publishPath = os.path.join(self.publishPath, publishFileName)
# self.playblastName = os.path.basename(self.publishPath)
# shutil.copy2(srcPath, destPath)
shotName = '%s_%s' % (self._getEpisodeName(shot), self._getShotName(shot))
getShotTasks = self.tk.shotgun.find_one('Shot', filters = [["code", "is", shotName]], fields=['id', 'tasks'])
taskName = self.comboBox.currentText()
self.playblastName = os.path.basename(srcPath)
publishMovPath = os.path.join(destPath, self.playblastName).replace('\\', '/')
shutil.copy2(srcPath, destPath)
for task in getShotTasks['tasks']:
if task['name'] == taskName:
taskId = task['id']
data = { 'project': {'type':'Project','id': 66},
'code': self.playblastName,
'description': 'Playblast published',
'sg_path_to_movie': publishMovPath,
'sg_status_list': 'rev',
'entity': {'type':'Shot', 'id':getShotTasks['id']},
'sg_task': {'type':'Task', 'id':taskId},
'user': {'type':'HumanUser', 'id':92} }
result = sgsrv.create('Version', data)
result2 = sgsrv.upload("Version", result['id'], publishMovPath, "sg_uploaded_movie")
print "Published %s" % self.playblastName
示例6: StoryboardFileManagement
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
def _versionUp(self, path):
return int(max(os.listdir(path)).split('.v')[-1].split('.mov')[0]) + 1
def addStoryboardVersionToShotgun(self, path, epName, shotName, verNum, fullVersPublishName):
Function to add the audio asset to shotgun correctly for tasks etc and the pipeline to see it
#self.shotNum = each.text().split('.mov')[0]
#self.addStoryboardVersionToShotgun(str(self.shotReviewDir), str(self.epName), self.shotNum, self.vNum, self.shotReviewFileName)
## Now start processing stuff..
self.epName = epName.lower()
self.shotName = shotName.lower()
self.boardName = fullVersPublishName.lower()
self.taskName = 'StoryBoard'
self.sg_version = verNum
self.pathToMovie = '%s%s' % (path, self.boardName)
## First find it the task exists
self.getShotTasks = self.sgsrv.find_one('Shot', filters = [["code", "is", self.shotName]], fields=['id', 'tasks'])
## Now check and see if the task we need is there...
self.tasks = []
self.taskList = []
if self.getShotTasks:
for eachTaskDict in self.getShotTasks['tasks']:
if self.taskName not in self.tasks:
## Create new task for the shot
self.myNewTask = self.sgsrv.create(
'type': 'Project',
'id': 66
'step': {
'type': 'Step',
'id': 72,
'name': 'StoryBoard'
'content': 'StoryBoard',
'sg_status_list': 'apr',
'template_task': {
'type': 'Task',
'id': 31333
self.taskId = int(self.myNewTask['id'])
## Returns {'project': {'type': 'Project', 'id': 66, 'name': 'bubblebathbay'}, 'step': {'type': 'Step', 'id': 72, 'name': 'StoryBoard'}, 'type': 'Task', 'id': 32335}
## Add this dict to the list of dict for updating the shot task list with.
self.taskList.append({'type': 'Task', 'id': self.myNewTask['id'], 'name': 'StoryBoard'})
## Now update the shots task list.
'project': {
示例7: Shotgun
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
__author__ = 'andrew.willis'
from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun
sg = Shotgun("http://andrewwillish.shotgunstudio.com", "scriptTest", "8b7db88321b7c296541580d1659872d2e63527c040b37b4a2ca0eb47f9da04cb")
proj = sg.find_one("Project",[['name','is','KIKO']])
print sg.create("shot",{'code':'SEQ01','project':proj})
#sg.delete("Shot", 1160)
示例8: studioShotgun
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
class studioShotgun(object):
def __init__(self, path, name, key, project):
self.SERVER_PATH = path
self.SCRIPT_NAME = name
self.SCRIPT_KEY = key
self.project_id = project
self.sg = Shotgun(self.SERVER_PATH, self.SCRIPT_NAME, self.SCRIPT_KEY)
## set Project id by ID
def setProjectId(self, newId):
self.project_id = newId
## set Project id by ID
def setProjectName(self, name):
newId = 0
projects = self.sg.find('Project', [], ['name'])
for project in projects:
if project['name'] == name:
newId = project['id']
self.project_id = newId
## find asset by name
def findAssetByName(self, name):
fields = ['id', 'code', 'sg_asset_type', 'tasks']
filters = [['project', 'is', {'type': 'Project', 'id': self.project_id}], ['code', 'is', name]]
result = self.sg.find('Asset', filters, fields)
return result
## find shot by name
def findShotByName(self, episode, shot):
fields = ['id', 'code', 'sg_asset_type', 'tasks', 'sg_sequence']
filters = [['project', 'is', {'type': 'Project', 'id': self.project_id}], ['code', 'is', shot]]
result = self.sg.find('Shot', filters, fields)
for x in result:
name = x['sg_sequence']['name'].split('_')[0]
if name == episode:
return x
return []
## upload thumbnail to asset
def uploadThumbnail(self, asset, thumbnail):
upload = 0
asset = self.findAssetByName(asset)
if asset:
upload = self.sg.upload_thumbnail("Asset", asset[0]['id'], thumbnail)
return upload
## create new asset
def createAsset(self, asset, assetType, template, assetFile='', description=''):
## find asset
asset = self.findAssetByName(asset)
if not asset:
## create asset + task template
filters = [['code', 'is', template]]
template = self.sg.find_one('TaskTemplate', filters)
data = {'project': {'type': 'Project', 'id': self.project_id},
'code': asset,
'description': description,
'sg_asset_type': assetType,
'sg_url_perforce': assetFile,
'task_template': template}
asset = self.sg.create('Asset', data)
return asset
## update file path in asset
def updateAssetFilePath(self, asset, filename):
asset = self.findAssetByName(asset)
data = {'sg_url_perforce': filename}
asset = self.sg.update("Asset", asset[0]['id'], data)
return asset
## create new version
def createVersion(self, shotId, taskId, userId, filename, comment=''):
curTime = datetime.now().strftime('%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M')
fname = str(filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) + '_' + curTime
data = {'project': {'type': 'Project', 'id': self.project_id},
'code': fname,
'description': comment,
示例9: Shotgun
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun
from pprint import pprint
SERVER_PATH = 'http://****.shotgunstudio.com' #your server path here
SCRIPT_USER = '*********' #your script name
SCRIPT_KEY = '*********' #your key here
URL_OF_CGI = "http://www.YOURURL.***/cgi-bin/set_current_version_posthandler_cgi.py"
title = "Set As Current Version"
entity_type = "Version"
selection_required = True
# initiate a shotgun API instance
#define the action menu item
data = {
"title": title,
"url": URL_OF_CGI,
"list_order": 1,
"entity_type": entity_type,
"selection_required": selection_required,
#Create the menu item
menu_item = sg.create("ActionMenuItem", data)
pprint(menu_item) # keep the output in case you need to delete the menu later!
示例10: connect
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
from tests import connect
from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun
if True:
sg = connect()
sg = Shotgun('', 'name', 'key')
print sg.server_info
proj = sg.create('Project', {'name': 'Mock Project Test'})
seq = sg.create('Sequence', {'code': 'AA', 'project': proj})
shot = sg.create('Shot', {'code': 'AA_001', 'sg_sequence': seq})
print proj
print seq
print shot
# print sg.find('Project', [('id', 'is_not', 0)], ['name'], order=[
# {'field_name': 'id', 'direction': 'asc'},
# ])
print sg._call_rpc('count', None)
print sg.create('Project', {'name': 'Test Project'})
print sg.count()
print sg.find_one('Project', [], order=[
{'field_name': 'id', 'direction': 'asc'},
示例11: gethostname
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
#print "fkey: %s fvalue: %s" % ( key, value )
ret[key.strip()] = value.strip()
return ret
hostname = gethostname().split('.', 1)[0]
asset = sg.find_one("Asset",[['code','is',hostname]],['id'])
if not asset:
print "couldn't find asset"
# if we find a valid asset, sync the facts for it
fact_data = get_fact_data()
for fact_name,fact_value in fact_data.items():
if not fact_name in facts_to_sync: continue
fact_data = {
'code': fact_name,
'sg_asset': {'type':'Asset', 'id':asset['id']},
'description': fact_value,
'project': {'type':'Project', 'id':178},
existing_fact = sg.find_one('CustomEntity01', [['code','is',fact_name],['sg_asset','is',{'type':'Asset','id': asset['id']}]],['id'])
if existing_fact:
print "asset %s has existing fact %s, updating to %s" % ( hostname, fact_name, fact_value )
sg.update('CustomEntity01', existing_fact['id'], fact_data)
print "asset %s creating fact %s : %s" % ( hostname, fact_name, fact_value )
sg.create('CustomEntity01', fact_data, return_fields=['id'])
示例12: str
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
playlist_user = {'type' : 'HumanUser' , 'id' : script_user_id}
versions_list = [ {'type' : 'Version', 'id' : x } for x in version_ids ]
data = {
'project': { 'type' : 'Project' , 'id' : PROJECT_ID } ,
'code' : playlist_name ,
'description' : playlist_description ,
'sg_status' : PLAYLIST_STATUS ,
'versions' : versions_list ,
'sg_type' : PLAYLIST_TYPE ,
'sg_script_user' : playlist_user ,
'sg_date_and_time' : now
#Create the Playlist in Shotgun
playlist = sg.create("Playlist",data)
if not playlist : #error! nothing came back from SG!
success = False
if success: #everything has gone well and the user gets a message
print '</br>'
print "<b>Playlist successfully created</b>"
path_to_playlist = SERVER_PATH + '/detail/Playlist/' + str(playlist['id'])
#print '<a href="%s">Visit Playlist Now</a>' % path_to_playlist
#print '</br>Will redirect automatically in 5 seconds'
print '''<a href="#" onclick="window.opener.location.href='%s'; window.opener='x';window.close();">Visit Playlist Now</a>''' % path_to_playlist
#print'<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="3;url=%s">' % path_to_playlist
print '</br>'
print "</body>"
示例13: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
class genericUtils:
def __init__(self):
self.sg = Shotgun('https://' + URL,name,API)
def getFields (self, entity):
'''get the fields for a type/entity as a list so we can pass it as an arg easily
this is used all the time to make sure we get all the fields that we may ever need for a type/entity
allFields = []
fields = self.sg.schema_field_read(entity)
for field in fields:
return allFields
def project (self, project):
'''Gets the Shotgun project name and ID
retFields = self.getFields('Project')
project = project.replace('_', ' ')
return self.sg.find_one("Project", [["name", "is", project]], retFields )
def sequence (self, project, sequence):
'''Returns the shotgun sequence name and ID
Parameters : (project, sequence)
retFields = self.getFields('Sequence')
return self.sg.find_one("Sequence", [["code", "is", sequence],['project','is',project]], retFields)
def shot (self, project, shot):
'''Returns the shotgun shot name and ID
Parameters : (project, shot)
retFields = self.getFields('Shot')
return self.sg.find_one('Shot',[['code','is',shot],['project','is',project]],retFields)
def createProject (self, project):
'''Creates a project in Shotgun given a project name
Parameters : (project)
filters = [['code','is','a']]
template = self.sg.find_one('Project',[['name','is','a']],['layout_project','id'])
data = {'name':project,
'layout_project': template
return self.sg.create('Project',data)
def createSequence (self, project, sequence):
'''Creates a sequence in shotgun given
Parameters : (project, sequence)
data = {'project': {"type":"Project","id": project['id']},
'code': sequence}
return self.sg.create('Sequence', data)
def createShot (self, project, shot, seq='', taskTemplateName=''):
'''Creates a sequence in shotgun given
Parameters : (project, shot, seq='', taskTemplateName='Basic shot template'
filters = [['code','is',taskTemplateName ]]
template = self.sg.find_one('TaskTemplate',filters)
data = { 'project': {"type":"Project","id": project['id']},
'code': shot,
'task_template' : template,
'description': '',
'self.sg_sequence': seq,
'self.sg_status_list': 'wtg' }
result = self.sg.create('Shot', data)
return result
def notesFind (self, shotID):
'''Find all notes on a shot
Parameters : (shotID)
Output : Note data :
['tasks', 'attachments', 'updated_at', 'replies', 'id', 'subject', 'playlist', '
addressings_to', 'created_by', 'content', 'sg_status_list', 'reply_content',
'updated_by', 'addressings_cc', 'read_by_current_user', 'user', 'note_links',
'created_at', 'sg_note_from', 'project', 'sg_note_type', 'tag_list']
note = self.sg.find('Note',[['note_links','is', shotID]],['subject','content', 'created_at'],[{'field_name':'created_at','direction':'desc'}])
return note
def notesFindLatest (self, shotID):
'''Find the latest note on a shot
Parameters : (shotID)
Call with notesFindLatest(shot)['content'] for the note content only
Output : Note data:
['tasks', 'attachments', 'updated_at', 'replies', 'id', 'subject', 'playlist', '
addressings_to', 'created_by', 'content', 'sg_status_list', 'reply_content',
'updated_by', 'addressings_cc', 'read_by_current_user', 'user', 'note_links',
'created_at', 'sg_note_from', 'project', 'sg_note_type', 'tag_list']
note = self.notesFind(shotID)[0]
return note
def notesCreate(self, project, shotID, subject, content):
'''Create a note for a shot given
Parameters : (project, shotID, subject, content)
Output : noteID
示例14: transform_asset
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
FROM item i
JOIN product p ON i.product_id = p.product_id
WHERE product_n not like 'Unknown %'
row = cur.fetchone()
while row:
if not row['item_sc']:
row = cur.fetchone()
asset_data = transform_asset( row )
existing_asset = sg.find_one('Asset', [['code','is',asset_data['code']]])
if existing_asset:
print "asset %s exists" % ( asset_data['code'] )
sg.update('Asset', existing_asset['id'], asset_data)
print "asset %s creating" % ( asset_data['code'] )
sg.create('Asset', asset_data, return_fields=['id'])
except Exception:
row = cur.fetchone()
# 需要导入模块: from shotgun_api3 import Shotgun [as 别名]
# 或者: from shotgun_api3.Shotgun import create [as 别名]
'project': {'type':'Project','id':146}
asset = sg.find_one("Asset", [["code","is","afficheOeuvre"]], ["code"])
sg_user = sg.find_one('HumanUser', [['login', 'is', "houdon.thibault"]])
data = {
'project': {'type':'Project','id':project_id},
'note_links': [asset],
'user': sg_user,
'subject':"Thibault's Note on afficheOeuvre"
sg.create("Note", data)
#version = sg.create("Version", data)
#sg.upload("Version", version["id"], "Z:/Groupes-cours/NAND999-A15-N01/Nature/assets/mod/.thumb/blocCadre_01_full.jpg", "image", "Test")
# data = {
# 'project': {'type':'Project','id':project_id},
# 'code':'Test',
# 'description':'Finir le modeling du lion',
# 'sg_status_list':'ip',
# 'shots':xxxx_shot
# }